View Full Version : Rapture I

Vega Van Derveld
May 9th, 2001, 12:00:39 PM
Forks in the road. Forks in the path of life. Every journey that one makes has alternative routes which will, eventually, draw to the same conclusion. Or is it so? Does an unseen force command that we reach a certain point at a certain point in time? Or are we the ones that are determined to make our way to the end of the line. 'The end of the line' ... makes it sound like Death.

The idea itself that every tiny choice that you, or anyone else for that matter, make will result in the changing of the state of millions of people is something quite astounding. An example would be the death of one ant. This would affect the colony growth, and would go onto affect the predators in the areas growth. You could wipe out the universe by killing an ant. And that, indeed, was a tempting offer.

But what to do with the power when no one exsists to over-rule it? Is it not true that good cannot exsist without evil, and obviously vica versa. To be true to facts, if the Jedi accomplished their task of defeating the Sith, what would they do? The peace would not need defending and the glory of vanquishing the enemy would soon get to them, cursing their minds with a dilusional thought of power now being theirs.

What do you do when you have no one but kin left to contend with?

When all Jedi, all innocence, all good and truth in the universe are gone.. then what becomes of the quest for power? It is completed. Yet this quest is not one in a holo-movie, one that ends as the credits roll into view leaving its audience with a satisfied feeling. When trials and quests are completed in reality, there must be another quest put into place to fill the void. With no what but Sith for the Sith to contend with, will the bickering turn into full-blown fighting?

If only one could be sure.


A crisp wind swept the heavy droplets of evening rain into the Siths eyes. He squinted as they trickled down his face like tears, rolling down to his chin then dropping to the ground or to impact with his clothes as he moved forward. The matted blondes spikes of hair normally adorning his head now pressed themselves against his temples, glued down by the drizzle. All of his attire was damp, if not soaked by the down-pour and he could feel the cold through to his bones.

He was confused. His primary drive to aid in the expansion and power of the Empire seemed as though it was fading away. He felt no completeness with his brethren as almost all who meant something to him had departed. Not only those who he felt kinship, but also comrades whos power added to the Empires significantly had long gone, taking permanent leave. Things seemed to be slowly grinding to a halt, and as they did, the cogs of Vegas mind worked on a solution. A solution to an unsolvable equation.

People + Power = War
War + People = Death

He ran theories through his mind for what seemed like hours as he walked, thinking them over time and time again. It didn't even cross his mind where he was headed, he just kept walking, eyes looking to the ground.

What am I here for? The Empire.
What do I do for the Empire? You challenge Jedi and injure them seriously, to near death status.
Anything else? The option of anything more than this has never roused itself.
Are you content? My vocation is the aiding of the Empire.

He paused in mid step. He hadn't stop at all until now.


Vega Van Derveld
May 10th, 2001, 03:48:44 PM
He's knees suddenly gave way, landing him down into the trampled mud. He stared up into the night sky with squinting eyes, rain beating down onto his skin hard.

Why? Why couldn't he justify his being? his purpose? What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he be content like the others?

My vocation is the aiding of the Empire.. not the gain of pleasure... not the servitude of peace... not the gain of currency... but aiding the the Empire.

Over and over he thought over it, but he just couldn't work it out by himself. Maybe he wasn't in the right mind frame, or maybe he was just too tired from training. But tonight, of all nights when he needed reassurance ... there was none. He should be able to do it himself, but he couldn't. Was he worthy of his rank? The praise his master gave him? The faith his friends and comrades had in him?


Miryan no Trunks
May 10th, 2001, 04:11:17 PM
*Watching from the shadowed protection of the trees, MnT saw his friend Vega fall to the ground... He had seen him leaving the Empire, seemingly very distraught, and had followed him out here... He didn't know what was going on, or what the night had in store, but if Vega needed his help at something, he would be there... *

*He had kept himself masked via the force, and continued to do so... Vega might need to be alone, he might have thinking to do, so there was no sense in interrupting him by being noticed...*

*He watched his friend sit there, and waited for him to get back up again...*

Vega Van Derveld
May 11th, 2001, 12:31:19 PM
Through his mind ran flash backs of his younger days, of when he fought in cage fights, of when he praticed the art of being a matador, of street fighting. It was all gone now. All in the past.

The past. You grew up on a travelling ship until your teen years where upon you were stranded on Karfeddion where you established yourself as a potent fighter before you were shipped off to The Sith Empire.

The present. You are a Knight of the Sith Empire, under the apprenticeship of a lordess named Dara Shadowtide. Through-out your time at the Empire you have beaten many Jedi and aided the darkside in this way.

The future. You will become more closer to oneness with the darkness? You will become a lord? You will be killed in battle? You will die of a disease?

You do not know.

The once rain-tears where now accompanied by real tears, small wet beads rolling down his cheeks as he looked down into the murky mud, his head bowed.

Vega Van Derveld
May 13th, 2001, 12:31:33 PM
The rain drops became dark. The mud blacker than before. The splashes of the drops of rain were interupted by static and the general atmosphere seemed to shift. The Sith Knights body swayed lightly back and forth for a moment.

His eyes gazed hazily downwards, half-open. A diluded grin came across his face for a moment, then, his eyes eased closed. His body became limp, loosing all balance, it slumped forward into the mud with a hard thud, underlined with the squelsh of the moist ground.

Miryan no Trunks
May 16th, 2001, 09:01:28 PM
*As his friend went limp, MnT quickly leapt off from the tree he was in, his trenchcoat flailing wildly behind him as he arced up, and began descending to the ground.. Landing in the soft mud with a wet sound, MnT quickly dashed forward, covering the extra dozen or so meters rather quickly.. *

*As he reached his friend, he bent down, picking his form up in one arm, quickly brought him over his shoulder, and took off back towards the HQ, keeping his steps as light as possible.. He wasn't sure what was wrong with his friend, but he didn't want to aggravate it moreso..*

xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
May 16th, 2001, 09:48:45 PM
Hey, i´m sory if i´m interrupting anything, but Miryan, i´ve seen a lot of times peeps with those "bio cards" you got.You know how can i get one?


Miryan no Trunks
May 16th, 2001, 10:12:10 PM
OOC: Actually, I made my own =) PaintShop Pro 7, or Photoshop if you're better than me (lol) Then just.... some simple program like mapedit to do the imagemapping =)

xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
May 17th, 2001, 02:48:11 PM
I know @#%$ about graphics...
Thanx anyway:)

May 20th, 2001, 05:03:55 AM
demon watchs silently from the darkness knowing that sir vega dint get better everyone will go to hades in a handbasket

Gitane Blesse
May 20th, 2001, 09:55:31 AM
--Gitane turned the corner of the Sith HQ corridors, her shoulder hitting lightly against something. She turned around sharply, her annoyed expression slipping away as her eyes fell upon her Master...limp in MnT's arms. Her face became pale for a moment, her eyes flodding with concern.--

"What happened..?!"

Miryan no Trunks
May 21st, 2001, 11:04:09 PM
*Hurrying through the hallways, MnT was somewhat shocked when a familiar face turned out from around a corner. Gitane Blesse, Vega's disciple.. As she verbalized her concern, MnT shook his head and replied..*

... I do not know.. I saw him leaving the HQ earlier, looking very distraught about something.. I followed him, to provide a friend, and help, if he needed either.. He was running through the fields when he suddenly dropped to his knees, and then went unconcious... I don't know what happened to him, and there are no physical injuries as far as I can tell......

*He opened his eyes and looked into Gitane's own..*

... But I'm no doctor.. I'm taking him to the med-bay, if you care to accompany..

Gitane Blesse
May 22nd, 2001, 05:35:11 AM
--She nodded silently, taking another glance at Vega. Her teeth bit against her lip as MnT paused for a moment before starting up again toward the Med-Bay. Gitane followed closely behind, her mind whirling with thoughts of what might have happened.--