View Full Version : South Quadrant attack. Bilbringi.

May 8th, 2001, 09:18:23 PM
A man stood on the bridge of a modified MC-80 ship. Its length, hitting a maximum of 2,190 meters. It held 10 squadrons of starfighters. As it came into system, it was flanked by a normal MC-80 on its left, and on its right was a MC-90 streaked with red. The warrior, garbed in a blacked hooded cloak. He pulled down the cloak revealing his face. It was a clean, untouched face. That of Ryan Pode. He gazed out at the veiwport, onto three MC-45's, a rare MC-70c, and one MC-91.
"Balmorra station hailing the Mon Calamari Imperilous. State your business, over." The voice was metallic.
"Tell them.. our systems are having fluctual energy overloads due to particle weapon fire." Pode told his communication officer.
"Aye sir.." The soldier said, "Balmorra base, we are experiencing fluctual energy overloads due to particle weapon fire. We are requesting assistiance due to its proximity to our encouter.,over."
"Imperilous transmit security codes now."
"Give them the proper code ensign." Pode once again said.
"Transmitting now." Announced the officer.
"Recieving..." There was a short pause, yet it seemed like an eternity. "Acess granted. Head to bay 9-3-1-2 Delta 2"
"Perfect.." Pode whispered benneth his breath as he watched all ships in the area power down weapons and sheilds.

General Dodonna
May 10th, 2001, 05:12:09 AM
OOC: The Republic controls Bilbringi. Are you attacking the Republic? Please furnish ship construction threads.

May 13th, 2001, 06:15:32 PM
(This is an attack on NR yards. But a deceitful one. Blah Blah Blah, you get the ideas. And threads for which ships..?)

General Dodonna
May 14th, 2001, 01:44:43 AM
OOC: I need to see the threads in which you constructed the starships that you are using to attack Bilbringi. Ships must be constructed according to swfans.net rules in order to be recognized by our groups.

May 14th, 2001, 04:06:14 PM
(Those I can't get becuase I don't have acess to them anymore because of a little internal affair about the group joining TSO or TSE or one of those. But I can try. If it helps they were made at Death Fleet a long time ago, when Scorp was still in charge..)

Jyanis Scorpion
May 14th, 2001, 08:02:42 PM
(Actually it was Jyener who had Death Fleet, not me.)

May 14th, 2001, 08:53:14 PM
(You was incharge)

Admiral Jyener
May 14th, 2001, 09:29:14 PM
(Those were your own personal ships you brought into the fleet.)

Athena Lady Darknss
May 24th, 2001, 02:19:29 PM
ok who the hell wanted me here and why?

Jyanis Scorpion
May 24th, 2001, 02:52:03 PM
I don't really know, but I wasn't in charge.

Force Master Hunter
May 24th, 2001, 07:09:47 PM
At least he isnt pulling thousands of ships from nowhere.