View Full Version : **The Fire Below** (Challange)

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 22nd, 2001, 01:36:17 AM
**A Non-discript Tie Advance Fighter Screams through the lightly falling snow of a world frozen. Mountains pass in a blur, and the dark overcast bares a feeling of Dread. In the cockpit of the Fighter, A hooded sith frowns and for the tenth time in the last 5 minutes, reachs out through the force to sense the one he was looking to battle. He did not know the face of the Jedi, fore that was only who it could be, and he didnt know the name. But through the force, the Sith knew that he had only to be here. The when still remained a question. Suddenly, the sith finally found the perfect where. He eases the throttle back and extends the landing gear. The Fighter Settles into the snow. Sinking 4 feet before the snow compacts enough to hold the wieght. Reaching through the force again. He senses the other coming. A distrubance pulls his concentration down, into the earth. Feeling the rumble of a soon active Valcano. Dyzm Finally takes off his cloak, takes a look outside, and decides to wait in the Figher**

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 22nd, 2001, 07:30:51 PM
**Waits Some More**

OOC: This Is Just A Simple Fight People, just on a Iced Caped Volcano that will errupt

May 22nd, 2001, 09:48:37 PM
OOC: Though I've no IC reason to be here, I'll jump in :)


Yomin Carr, S.C. of Yuuzhan Vong ground forces, trudged on through the snow. Above was the prey, a Dark Jeedai, a Sith.

The mountain pulsed under his feet. Magma, pressing against the walls of it's cage. Soon, it would break free.

In the Vong's hand was an Amphistaff, rigid in the cold air. An array of living weapons twitched and slithered about on bands of flesh, belts, of sorts.

He was ready. Was the other?

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 22nd, 2001, 11:37:05 PM
OOC: Cant really Sense You through the force, but, i'll write you into it.

IC: **Having Exited His Fighter, Dyzm Stands wraped in a cloak of wampa hide. A Crunch Of Snow Catches His Attention and he turns to see a Vong Warrior. Human Blood drips from his Amphistaff

I see You have Killed the reason for me Coming Here. Was he a good opponent?

[i]**Dyzm's Hand Snakes Down to one of His Lightsabers beneath his Cloak**

May 23rd, 2001, 06:52:27 PM
With a slight twirl of the amphistaff, Carr dug his feet into the rock. He looked a bit up the mountain at the foe, and spoke.

"It would be unfair to you if I made the initial attack."

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 23rd, 2001, 07:06:05 PM
**Nods And Pulls his Lightsaber out the rest of the way, Igniting it with a snap hiss**

I've Never Been the One To Complain first attack rules, also I have never been the one to fight fairly!

**With the touch of the force, the Snow and Ice infront of YominCarr explodes outward, momentarly blinding the Vong. With the Force Acting as A Shield to the Snow, Dyzm runs through the man made snow flurry and Slashes with his Lightsaber**

May 27th, 2001, 03:11:13 PM
Harried footsteps through the crunching snow couldn't decieve his eyes, like the flurry. The Seeth was charging him, probably waving around that light source. Yet he still couldn't see him?

Carr jumped back, just in time to see the glowing shaft wizz by his face. He jumped back again, barely avoiding a thrust. The snow stopped fluttering about, and he could see his enemy in full.

He snapped the amphistaff like a whip at the oncomer. The Seeth batted it away with a mere flick of his weapon.

Sliding his hand from the tail to the midsection of the Amphistaff, he stroked two fingers down it's side. It immediately stiffened into a staff, dull grey, and fierce. Gripping it strongly, he twirled it over the back of his hand and right into his other palm. He took a step forward, testing the ground in front for ice.

The ground was obviously enough to meet his credentials, as he ran full bore at the foe. A simple trust at the enemy, Dyzm, was met with air as he sidestepped. He crashed the hilt of his saber into Yomin's head, and began to bring it around, as if to push the blade through his skull.

Yomin, however, could more quickly roll away than Dyzm could turn the blade and attack. He was on his feet. Rubbing his temple, he spoke, "Who are you, to have harmed me? Surely, no weakling 'force' adept."

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 27th, 2001, 07:32:58 PM
**Dyzm ignored the question and fients to the left and then slashes powerfully to the right. Carr parries the blow and opens up Dyzm's Guard long enough to slice through the heavy material in Dyzm's Pant Leg. Ignoring the pain, Dyzm Backflips away to land a good distance away from the Vong Warrior. Smiling, Dyzm stabs his lightsaber into the snow, melting it. With the touch of the force, muliple hand sized globes of water lift into the air. The Freezing tempetures drain the heat from the water reverting it to solid ice. The Ice globes start circling around in the air, gaining speed. Suddenly, Dyzm flings out his hand and the 7 forzen projectiles fly through the air at the Vong at high speeds**