View Full Version : New worlds, new damnation.

Sine Praktaspis
May 20th, 2001, 01:33:28 PM
In great trepidation, the Jedi steps out of his crashed Y-wing. After a run-in with another ship (of which he has no recollection), he crashlanded on this swampy world. All around him is dessolation. Trees covered from top to bottom in mosses, the ground soft and watery, and all around him muck and mud.
"How unsanitary," he thinks to himself.
He then senses something in the Force. Apparently he is not the only one here. Some other life form is not too far removed from where he stands. This disturbance seems to be radiating from straight ahead, into a dark patch of woods. Should he or shouldn't he go in? That is the dilema. On the one hand, this life form might be able to tell him where he is and how to get off. On the other, it might be a wild beast just ready to pounce on any unsuspecting victim. He tries to use the Force to sense who and what it is, but his senses are blocked. Then he hears an eerie female voice calling his name.
"Sine (and the name is pronounced See-nay, in case you were wondering)!" it squeals. "Sine! Come to me, Sine!"
He feels so much fear from this, and he has no clue what spirit's tongue salutes him so grimly. But then he remembers what his master taught him when he was but a young padawan. He told him that fear is only an emotion, and emotions should hold no place in a Jedi's mind when an emergency situation is concerned, for they block the natural flow of the Force. He takes a deep breath and slowly walks towards the dark woods. His lightsaber activated to light the path, he makes his way through them. The dark forest is amazingly very clear of branches, rocks, or anything that may block the path. Could someone have recently been here? Then he hears the voice again.
"Sine! Come to me, Sine!"
He suppresses the sudden feeling of fear that has entered him and just moves on. Deeper and deeper he walks until he sees light not too far off. His saber still alight, he runs towards it. It's getting closer. It's right in front of him. He's free! The young jedi deactivates his saber and replaces it in its holster as he nears an ancient brick structure. It is trapizoidal in shape and, like everything else around here, covered in moss. Old carvings and paintings decorate its surface; a warrior in a chariot conquering his foes, a Jedi knight dying in battle, a king killing a rival king, and many others. The disturbance in the force was more intense here, gripping his stomach and twisting it. A flight of seventeen stairs led up to an entrance guarded by stone lions, and from that entrance issued forth the ghostly woman's voice.
"Sine! I'm in here, Sine! Help me!"
Feeling as though the voice is tugging at his body, he runs up the stairs and into the building.
The main halway is lit with wooden torches.
"Hmmmmmmm," the jedi thinks to himself. "These couldn't have been lit thousands of years ago. Someone is definitely here."
He walks further down, and sees nothing more than more torches for almost fifteen minutes. His feet grow weary from all the walking, but still he presses on. He then comes to a plain wooden door right in front of him, and hears the ghastly voice, but this time it is so loud, it seems that the being is in the hall right with him!
"Sine! Sine!"...

Well, that's my first RPG. Anyone care to continue it?

May 20th, 2001, 02:42:28 PM
A small group of TIE fighters flew through space, one going up ahead of the others.

"Stop this! You didn't even get permission fro--"

I don't need permission!! The voice snapped into the other pilot's mind. Just keep your minds open and follow me...

The fighter up ahead zipped around almost playfully in empty space. The force was strong, and being used to control the other pilots behind.

It had been difficult rounding these men up. They weren't used to obeying this particular "commander". Lord Sumor, Lord Firebird, Master Lynch, Master Rama... maybe. The fear that they might be punished for leaving like this continued to linger. But had they disobeyed one of nearly equal rank to those others.... They remained confused, but attempted to concentrate only on flying.

Their leader was not a trained pilot, using darkside powers experimentally to drive into the back of their minds. They felt tortured; their hands began to shake.

Realizing how taxing it was, NZ eased up on them and soon joined up with the rest of the group.

"I don't mean to question you, mis--"

Don't say it.

"Forgive me, leader. But it's unwise to bring craft of this kind so far."

It's all worked out; we have a haven. If you want to return so badly that's fine. We've done enough for today.

"Thank you...""Wait!!""What is it?"

Hearing the voices communicating back, NZ asked, "What is it?"

"I'm getting a message that there's a Y-wing down there!""Forget about it, it crashed.""The pilot's probably dead...."

"And maybe he's not."

"No, wait, please, let's just go back--"

I'm getting tired of you questioning me. Have some confidence. Or I'll kill you here and now.

"Yes, leader."

That being said, I'm coming back here alone in my scout ship. For now, let's return the TIE fighters.

The group immediately returned back from where they came.

Sine Praktaspis
May 20th, 2001, 04:25:15 PM
Meanwhile, the young Jedi nervously pushed the door open to find out what was inside. He looked to find a room that glowed blue. In the center of the room was a beautiful nude woman floating in a blue light shaft, which apparently gave the room its color. In front of the shaft was a stone tablet, written in an ancient forgotten language. The Jedi used the Force to translate the inscription, which read:
"Here within the confines of this hallowed shrine rests eternally the demon Meisada Pree. Let no man enter herein, lest her curse come upon he who violated her grave."
His worst fears were confirmed as he saw more paintings in the room. These murals showed the same woman luring men into her clutches with her haunting voice and he beautiful form. Once she had them in her grasp, she would drain them of all life and become more powerful. However, an order of Jedi knights finally imprisoned her in the shrine, which they sealed with the power of the Force. Like a holocron, only a force user could open the door. But on one wall was a mural depicting a Jedi (which looked exactly like our young hero) defeating the demon Meisada. A chill went down the Jedi's spine. Could this be a prophecy of what would happen today? He would soon find out, for the demon's eyes opened. They shone green as the swamps outside, their soft gaze bringing him deeper and deeper into a state of peace.
"Thou art a Jedi Knight, correct?" she asked.
"I am," Sine answered.
"Only the Jedi may free me from my prison," she told him. "Hast thou come to free me?"
The young Jedi knew that he shouldn't, but her gaze and her voice and her delicate form just lured him even deeper into a relaxed state...

So what happens to our hero now? Any contributions???

Sine Praktaspis
May 21st, 2001, 11:50:28 AM
He didn't know what to do. He was at her mercy, a prisoner of her beauty. He walked closer and closer, a big smile and sleepy eyes on his face. He reached out to her with his hand, which she took with her own. Then her bright, loving gaze and her beautiful face turned into those of a demon. Her teeth grew into fangs, her green eyes turned red as fire, and her beautiful figure became that of a horrid beast. The Jedi came to his senses and realized what he had just done. This furred demon crept nearer and nearer to him as he drew his lightsaber and activated it. He waved it in front of her to try and buy some time as he tried to figure out how he would defeat her. Then he looked over to the mural, which showed him...

That's all I can come up with right now. Wanna try and finish?

May 28th, 2001, 03:02:39 AM
The scout ship had finally landed on this strange world, and the pilot emerged. She was still in the uniform of a common pilot, without the helmet. Her red hair messily framed her face. She shoved the strands out of her eyes and looked around.

She could sense something.... and much to her disdain she could SMELL something. These swamps. It was hard enough finding a suitable place to land without getting stuck.

She jumped up into a tree and scaled the branches towards what she could feel. As she moved forward, she could see some kind of structure in front of her. She jumped out of the treetops and on to a large stone, looking up.

"And just what the hell is this?"