View Full Version : Operation Peekaboo

Verahn Minn
May 26th, 2001, 11:20:13 PM
The M-90 Cruisers Hunter I and Hunter II sat side by side in the cold emptiness of space. The rest of the task force surrounded them in a still formation. Imperial II Star Destroyers Relentless and Contest, the Nebulon-G Destroyer Erias, and taking up the rear the most important ship in the operation -- the Interdictor Cruiser Restrain. All from the New Republic's First Fleet. They all patiently awaited in the hyperspace route between Corellia and Xyquine. The Restrain was just finished powering up its gravity well projectors.

Vice Admiral Verahn Minn, commander of the First Fleet, stood with his hands clasped behind his back on the bridge of Hunter I. He was proud of his new position and rank, and wanted to show his gratitude with a clean, successful mission.

What he wasn't proud of obediently hung in the hangar bays of his ship. The droid fighters. Thousands of them. He considered them pesky simple robots. In his mind, experience and instinct bet artificial intelligence in the long run, but they were cost effective and expendable. This took some of the burden off of his job, as long as they did theirs.


It had been several hours. Minn had wanted to be there early in order to get properly organized, and to be there in the case that the schedule of the target had been changed. The Restrain was keeping its gravity cone pointed straight out into space.

Minn walked across the steel catwalk to the main viewport and almost bumped his face peering out into the blackness. He jumped back as multiple roars filled his ears. He knew the target was here before the crewman even shouted.

"TSO weapons convoy has just entered the area! Sensors pick up four bulk freighters and a Gallofree transport, with eight TIE Advanced on the outside!"

The admiral shouted to the crew, "Launch ten fighter squadrons! Launch two bomber squadrons, but hold them back until those TIEs are cleared!"

It didn't take long for the quick and nimble droid ships to fly out of the hangar. By now the weapons convoy had figured out what was happening and was pushing their engines to the limit trying to get out of range. The TIE Advanced stayed close, but could see without looking at their sensor screens the dozens of fighters flying towards them at suicide speeds.

With the awesome reflexes of droids, the New Republic fighters swooped down under the convoy, and back up the middle and above. They swarmed around the TIE Advanced like ants, slicing through their shields and fuselage like a hot knife through butter. The starfighters hit last dropped their countermeasures, scorching and damaging their pursuing foes. One was able to swing around and fire a quad laser burst into the cluttered mix, then shoot off a single missile.

Minn watched the battle closely. The ordeal took out only two droids, and damaged a few more. The bombers were already moving at a slower pace towards the convoy. He half hoped they got out a call for help before their communications were eventually jammed.

Admiral Roebuck
May 27th, 2001, 11:02:20 PM
Several hours later, a trio of probe droids were seen passing along the hyperspace route after being sent on a reconnaisance mission as a result of an ill-scheduled weapons convoy.

One paused, scanning the vicinity and after transmitting data back to Correlia went on it's way, catching up with the others.

Verahn Minn
May 28th, 2001, 02:00:56 PM
The bombers had done their runs and the Gallofree transport was exploding with blinding white flashes. The cause of its dangerous cargo. Another squadron of droid bombers launched to assist.

They sweeped their laser cannons over the freighters, each one dropping its one bomb payload as it passed. The numbers devastated the cargo ships, as one by one their shields collapsed. Their hulls imploded onto the weaponry within and blew right back out. The freighters were dead in space, eating away at themselves with fire. A second wave used laser cannons to cut the charred metal to shreds.

The task force lumbered forward a quarter of a click to retrieve its fighters for rearming and refueling.

Verahn Minn
May 30th, 2001, 06:18:09 PM
A late trace indicates a probe entering and exiting the area. Four droid fighters are sent to investigate the sector.