View Full Version : The Beginning...(Open challenge to any jedi)
Darth Sipharus
May 23rd, 2001, 09:39:39 PM
Setting: Naboo Swamp, near the water...At night, only light is moonlight.
Interferance: NONE...if a person is hurt at the end of the battle, you can get them...Or you may watch from afar.
Injuries-no major internal, no deaths...breaking of bones is fine.
IC~[i] He steps out by a tree, overlooking the water as he does so, he pulls his cloak lightly back, not too much as he looks about, waiting for someone to answer his challenge. Looking up to the moon as it glimmers off of the water he smiles to the glistening, and moves his hand over his saber's hilt. The fine crafted metal that he put together is appealing to him as he is soon to activate it.
As he continues to wait he ponders his master's training... ....and <a href=>Train 2 (>Train) ...Thinking of what she has taught he looks throughout the woods, waiting for someone to step up...
OOC- is no one going to acknowledge my challenge, are the jedi this scarce? Are you simply going to leave this post lingering without stepping up to your honer, jedi?
May 25th, 2001, 07:08:34 PM
Akrabbim steps out of the forest, discovering the source of darkness that he had sensed. He draws his sword, using an illusion to make it appear as a normal lightsaber. It seems to glow white in the darkness.
Who are you, and what are you doing here?
Darth Sipharus
May 26th, 2001, 06:32:46 PM
OOC- should we end it after 12 moves and have it judged, or just end it ourselves?
He looks to the figure as he approaches, he senses something at play from the beginning but he his saber igniting as he takes it from his belt, he looks to this...chllenger, and takes his mark..
"Who am I!? YOU SHALL SOON SEE!!!"
[i]With that he cuts the distance between the two quickly as he stands in front of him, he lashes out with his fist at his face, but hits air, to show him he can do as he pleases, he releases a growl as he steps back...
Moving towards him again, he sidesteps to the left at the close distance and moves his saber with his hand as a guide towards his chest cavity, aiming to take out his heart. ending the battle quickily.
May 26th, 2001, 09:40:35 PM
OOC: Well, I'm all up for a judge, but 12 moves is a bit short for my taste. Willing to go until we're done with a judge throughout? Also, what's your rank? I'm a padawan, but I've been one for some time.
IC: Akrabbim sees the saber coming towards his chest and rolls his body to the right, allowing the the saber to pass closely in front of his chest. In the process of rolling sideways, he moves inwards, and raises his right elbow. His elbow connects solidly with the man's chin, sending him backwards. Akrabbim jumps back, raising his sword in front of him.
Beware the easy target. You may be in for a surprise.
Darth Sipharus
May 27th, 2001, 03:57:22 AM
OOC- I am a disciple, but i have been here for a while, and that is fine, we can make this go for a while, whatever you want.
IC~[i]Stumbling back he snarls at the jedi for getting a move that was cheap in his eyes, quick also, maybe that was why, he caught him off guard..he would not make the same mistake again.
Watching as the Jedi stepped back a few steps he proceeds, his lightsaber of blue hint hums at a high capacity. He goes forward quickly, he moves his saber forward at a stab towards his stomach, a low one at that...
May 27th, 2001, 04:44:05 PM
Akrabbim again sidesteps, this time dropping his sword downwards on the blade of his opponent's saber. He uses the momentum from striking the sword, swinging for the man's head. The back side of his blade hits him in the head, knocking him back and making him see stars for a moment. Akrabbim drops the illusion that was covering his sword, revealing his quantum metal katana.
You should know better than relying on a direct attack. You can't be sure your opponent will stand still.
Darth Sipharus
May 27th, 2001, 05:55:46 PM
[i]He stumbles backwards from the blow of the hilt, dazzed and confused he looks towards Akrabbim. Grinning devishily as he moves forward he takes an offensive position, the blue blade glows, making his eyes turn that tint. Moving in quickily, he brings his blade to contact his sword, by the aid of his hand movements Akrabbim's Sword moves up and to the right due to Sipharus' move. He moves quickily on the second part of his move, he immediatly moves his blade downwards, to his unguarded stomach, letting his Saber glide across his unguarded stomach....
May 27th, 2001, 09:27:14 PM
Akrabbim leaps back from the sword, trying to get away from the glowing blade. He avoids the brunt of the attack, but is still grazed by the blade. As Akrabbim lands, he draws two shuriken from his gi and throws them. He guides them with the Force, aiming them for the backs of his hands, bringing them from two different directions.
Darth Sipharus
May 27th, 2001, 11:19:05 PM
[i]He leaps back quickly, the 2 blades contacting each other, making a loud clanking sound as he does. He looks to Akrabbim who's attack failed...miserably, he chuckles lightly as he regains his composure and looks to his opponent. He roars as he pushes his free hand forward, it seems as if he is punching air, but in fact he is using the force, the true side of it, the darkside, Akrabbim is thrown back into a tree by the force blow.
May 28th, 2001, 12:13:20 AM
OOC: Umm, I'm guiding those things with the Force, they'd follow you a little better than that. But I'll play it anyway... no harm, no foul. And just so you know, shuriken are more commonly known as throwing stars. If you click on the weapons text in my sig, you can see a picture of them.
IC: Akrabbim slams into the tree, gasping to regain the wind that had been knocked out of him. He allows his shuriken to drop into the water, remembering where they lie.
Nice trick. But I suggest you look behind you.
Akrabbim projects an image of a tree falling towards the man, so that it will be visible out of the corner of his eye. The tree falls towards him, and it falls so that the only options he has are to move forward or be crushed.
Darth Sipharus
May 28th, 2001, 12:59:37 AM
OOC- You are moving them in the direction of one another, you aimed for my hand, if i had leaped back they would have collided, but we do play it out..
[i]IC~He runs to the left but sees the tree crash down upon him and he falls also...but he is he rolls through an ILLUSION!?He stood up, looking to the jedi, he steps forward, slicing at the air in front of his legs, the saber he has hums lightly as he does...he watches as he fakes that attack and quickly stabs at his chest as the blade comes up in his hands...
May 28th, 2001, 03:00:58 AM
OOC: Ummm... would you mind explaining this attack a little more? I'm a bit confused as to what you're doing. Whose chest are you stabbing at? And what blade comes up in whose hands?
Darth Sipharus
May 28th, 2001, 04:43:37 PM
OOC- the blade is comming up in my hand, as I do not do moves for other people, and I am stabbing at your chest, I just did not use your name, I will do this further on out.I just thought that you could understand when I didnt use your name.We can edit these posts into our fight posts, it would be easier than replying to OOC posts, and the whole thing will be the fight.
May 28th, 2001, 10:30:24 PM
Akrabbim parries with his sword, driving the man's sword to his left. As Akrabbim has the sword momentarily trapped, he calls his shuriken back to him, stabbing Sipharus in the back. He pushes Sipharus off him, making room between the two men.
Darth Sipharus
May 29th, 2001, 02:15:23 PM
[i]He sidesteps to the left by pushing on his sword with his saber, but he is pushed away by Akrabbim. His attempt to avoid the Shuriken fails miserably, as it now has changed its mark, he gets stabbed into the back of his right arm, the small weapon digging deap, he snarls as this is done. He looks to akrabbim as his hand comes back to remove the shuriken, he throws it down as blood is gushed.
He looks to Akrabbim as he again raises his hand, the darkside is used as he throws him back yet again into a tree, he runs forward quickly, coming in front of Akrabbim he puts his saber in front of Akrabbim's stomach, where he would land, so that he lands on it on his way back down, reducing him to 2 halves.
May 29th, 2001, 08:04:56 PM
OOC: Ok, I'm assuming you threw me up in the air somehow, so that's where I'm playing it from.
IC: Akrabbim sees the saber blade below him on his way down. He kicks off the tree, flipping backwards to land behind the Sith. He grabs Sipharus' head with both hands and concentrates, sending an extremely strong blast of Force Confusion into his mind. The Dark Sider is flooded with a myriad of images, ranging from light and colors to images of terrifying creatures. His mind is racked with confusion. He cannot concentrate on anything. All he can think of is chaos.
Darth Sipharus
May 29th, 2001, 08:36:49 PM
OOC- yes, i force threw you.
IC~[i]Stumbling forward he roars in pain, all these images...what were they!? how did they get into his mind, and how did he make them stop!?!?!? AH!!!!!!
He managed for a few seconds to throw the images and thoughts from his mind, he turned quickly and ran into the jedi, his left arm loops behind Akrabbim's elbow, and he pushes it forward, he hears a cracking sound, then he kicks up into the jedi's chest, putting him on the ground...he grins to the fact that his arm, now broken is causing this fool great pain, but then he backpedals screaming
What were these images haunting his mind, thoughts like he has never imagined, he rammed into a tree as he sighs, groaning he looks to Akrabbim on the forest floor.
May 29th, 2001, 09:42:50 PM
OOC: Just so you know, I'm about to use an illusion. I'm placing what I'm actually doing in a locked forum. I'll give you the password after the move is completed. You can check the timestamp to see that I'm not cheating.
IC: Akrabbim grimaces from the pain, and staggers to his feet. He throws all his power into this illusion. He creates a fog that clouds the area. He then masks himself from the Force, making him undetectable to it. Sipharus sees four images of blades in the fog, each one indistinguishable from Akrabbim's blade. He hears the voice of Akrabbim, coming from everywhere and nowhere at once.
Choose well, dark one, or recieve the fate you deserve.
As the blades close in, Sipharus hears a sound behind him, like a piece of metal grating against foliage...
Darth Sipharus
May 29th, 2001, 10:21:35 PM
OOC- alright, just remember, no deaths in this fight no matter what happens, the rules set at the beginnig...
IC~[i]Thinking in his mind he looks to the images of the swords as they close in..."Choose, what is this trickery!?"...After that he thinks fast, he holds his saber as it hums, he quickly drops to the ground, laying flat on his stomach, as he does so his free hand outstretches and he sends a blast with the force to propel himself away from the clouds, and the deadly illusion. He slams into a tree with a groan he quickly gets to his feet , his hand still raised, the force is used, as a large blast is sent through the clouds, clearing the fog that he has created. He sees Akrabbim...
May 29th, 2001, 10:58:24 PM
OOC: Umm... first, you have to tell me which direction you left towards. If you went the wrong way, you got stabbed. If not, you made it. Second, you can't push the fog away, because it's not real fog. It's an illusion. So it's wherever you are.
Darth Sipharus
May 30th, 2001, 03:35:30 PM
OOC-please respond to my email ASAP so we can continue...i sent an email to
May 30th, 2001, 10:53:03 PM
Akrabbim sees the Sith fly out of the illusion. He drops his concentration and calls his sword to his hand. It had been floating behind Sipharus, ready to impale him. Different tactics would now be needed. He drops into a defensive posture, waiting on the Sith's advance.
Darth Sipharus
May 30th, 2001, 10:56:58 PM
[i]He shakes his head quickly and then looks to where he was, he sees the jedi Akrabbim. Sipharus now appears weakened from the excessive force usage, as is Akrabbim from his illusion. Standing up he snarls as he charges forward his blade raising up...
As he nears Akrabbim, he grins with ferocity, he brings his blade downwards towards the neck of this would be fiend....
May 30th, 2001, 11:03:56 PM
Akrabbim shifts slightly, bringing his sword up towards Sipharus' chin, between his body and saber hilt. The hilt slams into his collar bone, breaking it with a satisfying crunch. The blade, as a side-effect, slices deeply into Sipharus' face, leaving a long bloody gash from his forehead to his chin.
Darth Sipharus
May 30th, 2001, 11:09:53 PM
[i]He groans and steps back, seing the blood trickle onto his eyes he becomes enraged quickly as he also feels pain in his chest. He loosk to Akrabbim who avoided his blow quickly, but decisivly...he steps inwards quickly, and his blade extends all the way out, into Akrabbim's high left shoulder, well enough ebove is heart....
May 30th, 2001, 11:12:17 PM
Akrabbim yells, losing his grip on his sword. It slips from his grasp, landing beside him.
Darth Sipharus
May 30th, 2001, 11:16:55 PM
[i]He watches the sword fall, he looks to Akrabbim, now deeply injured. Sipharus moved quickly, wanting the weapon for himself, he moved quickly trying to grab the sword..
May 30th, 2001, 11:22:05 PM
As the man bends down, Akrabbim grabs his throat, using the physical connection to send a large amount of Force Blindness at the man. He squeezes the man's neck at the same time with his weakened arm, adding just slightly to the effect. He pushes hard, sending him back. He then turns and runs, calling his sword to him as he retreats.
Darth Sipharus
May 30th, 2001, 11:27:19 PM
[i]Staggering back he hits the ground, enough to where he can actually see, he opens his eyes. He sees Akrabbim retreating and he roars out, the battle being over, he rolls on the ground, confused and hurt...He had to get back to The Sith Empire, he stands stumbling and he beings to walk off, he hears a clink on his boot and he looks down. It was a bloody Shuriken..the one that was stabbed into him, he picked it up and left, wounded and hurt.
He had to get to a medical center....
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