View Full Version : Visiting their Parents (New Republic)
Admiral Jyener
May 9th, 2001, 05:11:42 PM
As if clanking off the ramp of a freeway, a rackety shuttle slammed out of the endlessness of hyperspace and into the bustling space traffic. The shine reflected any sunlight coming its way, yet scratches and scars of experiance could be seen scattered among the hull. Or so it seemed.
"Unidentified Lambda-class Shuttle, you are entering New Republic controlled territory. State your business."
The coarse voice of the traffic controller blared in the shuttle's cockpit, filled with its cargo of two pilots and one passenger. The pilot sighed and wished security wasn't so tight on these blasted planets.
"New Republic Control, this is Shuttle Lost Child. We're just here to say hello to some relatives. Nothing important really."
Two stiff men held their gaze on a terminal in front of them, waiting for sensors to pick up any unusual cargo. Nothing.
"Alright Shuttle Lost Child, we just need your clearance codes and you're free to go."
"Affirmitive New Republic, transmitting"
The shuttle's pilot's fingers flew over the controls, pressing away at buttons and sending the code with ease. Hesitating, the man on the other line scanned the code. It was one less used, but it checked out.
" Lost Child, you're cleared. Enjoy your stay at Kuat."
Grinning, the man flying the old shuttle sped towards the atmosphere, fitting in with the rest of the traders and travellers just fine. Setting the controls into autopilot, the man turned to look at the two women accompanying him. One of his sisters - the co-pilot - gazed out at the planet with her long golden hair draping at her side. His other sister stood behind them both - sassy yet classy at the same time, her waist-length black hair hung to one side of her.
"I can't wait to see mom and dad."
Athena Lady Darknss
May 10th, 2001, 09:38:31 PM
slowly puts the shuttle down in the area she was told to , she then looks up and over at her brother and sister.
" well i got you here in one piece. as For mom and dad ooh her cooking ..*yummy* its so much better then yours "
smiles at her sister. She then stands and looks around adjusting her clothes she smiles
Admiral Jyener
May 10th, 2001, 10:39:12 PM
Gavyn helped set in the shuttle nicely with a twist of his wrist around a few levers. As exhaust spit out from all corners of the transport, he stood from his piloting seat and nodded to his twin sisters.
His co-pilot - Sasha - made her way out of the spacey cockpit first, Vivian following her. His boots clanking behind them, he escorted them to the landing ramp. Slamming a rusty switch near the folded up ramp, Gavyn watched it lower and make contact with the steel landing pad roughly.
"So this is Kuat, eh..? Sure has changed since we were last here."
Sasha spun her head around, her long blonde hair flying in her face. It was a long ride, and it felt good to feel the fresh air.
Vivian slung her backpack around and unzipped it, reaching inside. Pulling out a modern datapad, she started to search through the various menus and eventually pulled up a map.
"Says here we're only eleven klicks from their place. Maybe we should grab something to eat on our way there, though.."
Athena Lady Darknss
May 10th, 2001, 10:55:22 PM
smiles and shakes out her hair looking over at her brother, Gavyn and her sister Viv..then looking at the map
" ok what way? "
Admiral Jyener
May 11th, 2001, 03:45:14 PM
*Gavyn nodded over to Vivian as she slipped the datapad back into one of her pockets and turned to look at Sasha.
"We just need to take Hovertrain D-2 down to the City Armory. I hear they've made a lot of new additions to that area, including a nice deli."
"Sounds good to me," replied Sasha while keeping an eye out for any hovertrains passing by the landing pad, "but I still think Mom's food is better."
With that, all three took the stairway down to the second level and made their way towards a crowd of business people. A soft screeth could be heard in the distance, as a modern looking train pulled around a corner and from behind a tall building's shadow. Once it finally slid to a complete stop, the group of people rushed through the sliding doors in an unorderly fasion. Squeezing in last, Gavyn, Sasha and Vivian found a spot near the front of the train and waited.
Athena Lady Darknss
May 11th, 2001, 05:44:54 PM
:: Stands next to her sister viv and smiles at her brother ::
"man this is new"
:: looks around the train ::
Lady Razielle
May 11th, 2001, 09:30:08 PM
::Vivian looked at her appearance in the tranparasteel window of the train. She smoothed her long raven tresses over her shoulder and puckered her lips. She smiled at her siblings and whispered.::
"Watch this..."
::She walked with a saucy stride up to three business men sitting in the front of the train and leaned down low to speak to them, bestowing her most charming grin on all three. After another minute they all smiled and got up, moving to the back of the train. Vivian motions to her siblings to have a seat. She lowers herself into a seat and crosses her legs.::
"Suckers for a pretty face here on Kuat apparently. Now where were we....?"
Admiral Jyener
May 12th, 2001, 08:57:45 AM
"Sitting down on the job again, eh Viv?"
Gavyn walks over to his now seated sisters, but remains standing. Tilting down his head, he whispered into Sasha's ear.
"Get out your jamming device and plant it right underneath your seat. It's showtime.."
Vivian stood up and walked towards a nearby couple, distracting them with a friendly conversation. While their eyes were busy, Sasha swung her arm under her bench and glued the blocky device onto the underside of the seat. Meanwhile Vivian's eyes danced away from the couple and noticed Sasha. Grinning, she turned back to look at the man and woman, and pulled out a small hand-held blaster from her vest.
"Everyone hit the floor!!!"
Lady Razielle
May 12th, 2001, 11:10:59 PM
::Pulling the blaster in front of the couple's eyes she winks at them both and spins around, her black hair swirling out behind her, she takes an offensive stance and starts issuing orders.::
"Thats means now people.. DOWN!!!"
::Vivian steps over the couple now sprawled on the floor of the train and looks to her brother with a grin. She slides her other blaster from her vest and tosses it to Sasha. Keeping her eyes on the passengers Vivian winks at her dear brother.::
"Alright bro, do your stuff."
Admiral Jyener
May 12th, 2001, 11:47:21 PM
"Sasha, watch the door down there and make sure no one goes in or out. Vivian, keep an eye on these people."
After issuing orders, Gavyn slipped a knife from his vest and grabbed a bystander from his seat, ushering him foward. The blade to his neck, he moved without hesitation yet with fear for his precious life. As they neared the front of the car, Gavyn shoved him onto the glass door seperating the main train from the cabin.
"Ask to come in," he said while grinning slyly, "politely."
The whimpering man knocked on the door. The seated conductor - oblivious to what was going on in the car right behind him - slid the door open without seeing the knife-wielding man hidden behind the civilian. With a grunt he was thrown in, Gavyn following. With all three people cramped into the small glass room, Gavyn slammed a switch with his fist to seal and lock the door behind him while still holding the edge of the knife under the man's chin.
"Which button stops this thing?"
The now shivering conductor hesitantly pointed to a switch in the middle of the blinking control panel.
"How do you control the speed?"
Again, this time puzzled by the questions, he pointed out a yellow and white lever in front of him. Before he could even pull his hand back to his side, the once clean blade of Gavyn's knife was deep within the train conductor's back. He could almost feel his pain by the deafening scream - not only from the victim, but by the average business man witnessing the horror.
"Never liked getting 'er dirty. Wish you damn people didn't have so much blood inside you."
Drawing the edge of the knife from the huge gash in the center of the man's back, he knudged the body to the floor and pushed the hostage down into the bloody seat.
"You heard the man. That's to go faster, that's to stop. You listen to me, and I might decide not to stick a knife through your back."
General Dodonna
May 13th, 2001, 12:51:14 AM
OOC: Would you mind telling me what sort of RP is going to happen? I don't see any planetary assaults or anything like that.
Admiral Jyener
May 13th, 2001, 08:14:17 AM
OOC: You'll see.
Athena Lady Darknss
May 13th, 2001, 03:44:50 PM
:: smiles and grips the blaster and pulls her own blaster out of her holster on her wrist. She watches as people move and whisper to their loved ones ::
" Got it "
Admiral Jyener
May 14th, 2001, 10:12:44 PM
Wind gushed past the train's sleek shape, and all aboard could tell they were picking up speed. Inside the main cabin of the hovertrain, Gavyn pulled the dripping knife away from his captive's head and slid it into its holster. While he sheathed the dirty weapon, he motioned for Vivian with his other arm to come to the small room. She saw the signal and told Sasha to cover her. Gavyn unlocked the door and it slid open smoothly to let her in.
"Watch him.. If you need to, kill him.."
With that last order he stepped out into the passanger car and nodded to Sasha - her small uplink in her palm.
"How's it going?"
"Good so far. I've found file entries of recent arrivals and departures through the main hangers and landing pads throughout the planet."
"How recent?"
"They haven't included timestamps with the log, so they could date back as far as last year, till yesterday."
"..They can't be the main files. Search for backup files."
* * *
The people were still in a state of panic, but calmed down for their own sake. Outside the exit doors of the three-car hovertrain, an abrubt screech could be heard. The air brakes kicked in and the passanger train came to a halt right outside the city trainstation.
The group of three came to the twin doors at the side of the train. Before exiting, Gavyn pulled his hand from a pocket with a thermal detonator now in his grip. Walking over to the couple which Vivian had almost given a heartattack earlier, he placed the explosive into the woman's palm. Before he stepped off the train with the other two, he wrapped her fingers around the ignition button.
"Let go of that and well, you know. Have a nice ride."
Before hopping off, he ran back into the cabin and planted a tripwire near the entrance to the room in a concealed location. Finally he got off the train and locked the door from the outside.
"So, Kuat's a nice place, huh?"
Lady Razielle
May 15th, 2001, 01:39:29 AM
::Vivian follows her siblings off the train and grins at her brother's words. She looks around the station and wanders over to a vendor's stand. She buys them each a souvenier and then runs to catch up with them.::
"Okay, now we have our memoires of the planet Kuat. So Sasha you can fit in a small shirt right?"
::She chuckles and sidesteps a playfull swing from her sister.::
Athena Lady Darknss
May 15th, 2001, 11:42:57 AM
:: swings at her sister. then smiles at her brother once they are all of the train and now walking. ::
" Yes Sista to bad you cant! so Bro now what? we have haf such a good time so far "
:: wonders if that lady will ever let go of the TD? ::
So brother tell me was that TD even real?
Admiral Jyener
May 15th, 2001, 03:36:53 PM
Gavyn grinned mischivously while turning to look at Sasha.
"Let's not stick around to find out, eh..?"
All three walked away from the station and crossed the street full of hovercars both outdated and very high-tech. Ahead of them lay their final destination, the City Armory. He could already tell that it was a place of safekeeping for all sorts of files and supplies. Whatever information lay inside, it would prove useful indeed.
So far.. So good..
Lady Razielle
May 15th, 2001, 03:36:55 PM
"Never fear Sasha it was real.. She lets go of that button and its going to be a very bright day here on Kuat. Oh...And I just can fit in a small cause I have these and you don't..."
With that Vivian checks her appearnace again in a store window and admires her luscious curves. Then bursts into laughter cause she really could care less, this is buisness after all, not pleasure.
Athena Lady Darknss
May 16th, 2001, 10:41:28 AM
:: looks at her twin sister and laughes the only thing different about them is there hair color... ::
" you are so odd my sister. "
:: walks with her brother and sister down the street and looks down an alley way, something there catches her eye ::
Admiral Jyener
May 16th, 2001, 08:27:58 PM
Gavyn glanced back to see his sisters hesitating on the sidewalk. He retraced his steps back ten meters and looked at them to see them staring down an alleyway. Craning his neck, he tried to spot what caught their attention.
"What is it..?"
Athena Lady Darknss
May 18th, 2001, 11:41:12 PM
see it
Admiral Jyener
May 19th, 2001, 07:09:01 AM
*Gavyn shakes his head*
"No, not really.."
Lady Razielle
May 20th, 2001, 01:53:44 AM
Following Sasha's gaze, Vivian narrows her eyes at what appears to be some form of community enforcement. She looks to her brother and smiles in what can only be described as a cheery manner.
"Its the local law Gavyn! Isn't that precisous? So do we play innocent or surrender the "I love Kuat" shirts?"
Vivian links her right arm with Sasha's and her left with Gavyn's and starts a merry stride in the oppposite direction while plans are made on their next course of action.
"I do believe we had best think of something promptly.."
Admiral Jyener
May 20th, 2001, 08:16:41 AM
Gavyn grinned, spinning around to look at Vivian. The law was nothing compared to what they had been through.
"Well, I'm sure you la..sisters know what to do if we start to look suspicious."
The trio walked on until they came to a huge stairway starting at the sidewalk. Gavyn looked up at the adjoining building, where in bold engraved letters the words City Hall read.
"We're here.."
Athena Lady Darknss
May 20th, 2001, 04:30:37 PM
:: nods and follows her sibs ::
Admiral Jyener
May 20th, 2001, 08:50:49 PM
The large wooden doors of the City Hall flew open fiercely. Business men and women, civilians, and security guards all spun around in amazement only to see the barrels of three Imperial Blaster Rifles sticking through the doorway.
Without warning, three energetic shots rang out in unison, each crimson red bolt flying above their heads and piercing the ceiling.
"Get down!!!! Drop your weapons!!"
His threatening voice echoed in the spacey room, the orders drowning out even the screams of desperation, fear, and confusion. He had heard Kuat was one of the most densely populated planets in the galaxy, and by the looks of it, he could count at least 200 people in the main room alone.
Working together smoothly, Gavyn, Vivian, and Sasha moved from their position in the entrance, spreading out and keeping their weapons high. They were somewhat pleased. The group of people were less squirmy than the hostages on the train, and less force was needed to shut them up.
Admiral Jyener
May 22nd, 2001, 06:52:44 PM
What was that? While the three attackers were stunned that the sudden explosion wasn't one of theirs, the room full of civilians cried until they finally realized they were fine. Using the few seconds of confusion to their advantage, the secruity guards pulled out their pistols and fired as many shots as they could get out before the terroists could pull their attention back to the current situation.
The burning pain sizzled into his left palm, making him cringe and drop the blaster in his right hand. Turning his neck back around to the room ahead of him, he saw several more crimson red bolts dash towards his head. As he dropped to the ground, he swung his arm out to slash the gun off the floor and back into the grip of his right hand. Staring up, he stuck the gun out and pulled the trigger three times. While Vivian and Sasha at his side had already downed two of the five guards, his three shots pegged one in a tight corner, blood spitting out his back an onto the tan brick wall.
* * *
Within two minutes all threats had been neutralized, including the sighted security cameras and set-off alarms.
Vivian and Sasha were taking care of the now sitting hostages, while Gavyn attended to his own wound. Next to him on the floor was a thin but wide puddle of dark red - almost black - blood from his once open wound in his left palm. The gash was now sealed up and a cloth was wrapped around the gash. With everything now calm, Gavyn went into thought of what the explosion was all about. No longer dazed, he finally figured it out. With the reason reaching his head, he grinned.
..I never liked that train anyways. Had a bad smell..
Lady Razielle
May 22nd, 2001, 11:06:18 PM
Vivian smirks at Sasha from across the room and waves her blaster around dramatically.
"See??? I told you it was a real detonator! Guess the silly wench got nervous...."
Stepping over the people spread out on the floor like some sort of freakish cult, Vivan runs a few steps then leaps, sliding on her bottom over a counter and onto the other side. She wipes some debris off a computer console and checks to see that its still in operation.
"Gavyn.. Its working, the blast from the train didn't short it. What do we need, I can get it asap."
She looks up from the console and gives a lethal stare at the patrons littering the floor.
Admiral Jyener
May 22nd, 2001, 11:31:14 PM
Jogging over to Vivian, dodging sitting people left and right, Gavyn put his hands down on the counter top and looked onto the computer screen.
"It'll be easier if we just take everything. The local law enforcement should already be on their way because of the alarm, and with that train exploding, even more attention will be gathered around here."
Vivian nodded in understanding, knowing already that her time was short. While her fingers danced meticulously over the keypad, Gavyn motioned for Sasha over to them.
"Head into the back and look for an office, or anything that looks secure. Try and see if you can find anything else in those computers."
Lifting his head up, he raised his voice so both could hear his directions.
"Do a complete information dump into your datapads. I'll watch these guys, and let you know when we got trouble. Got it?"
A reassurance from both ladies filled his ears as he loaded a new clip into his bloody blaster rifle.
"Alright, get moving.."
Sasha ran off through a smaller door in the side of the room while Vivian went back to her searching. Making a quick but thorough scan of the room Gavyn stepped in front of the terminal Vivian was at and glared down at the whimpering men and women.
Lady Razielle
May 22nd, 2001, 11:58:47 PM
Vivian's violet eyes lit up wickedly as the files began to tranfer with technological precision. Her gloved fingertips pulling forth some of the most secured files on Kuat.
"Gavyn.. I have records of all upcomming and recent imports, exports, trades and shipping. As well as the recorded meetings of the planetary officials. How very splendid.."
With a delighted chuckle she resumes her work and when the files have finished downloading she slides a small metallic plate into the central computer and arms it, setting the detonation button on her wrist pad.
"Okay as soon as Sasha the lovely gets back we can... blow this popsicle stand.. Quite literally."
Athena Lady Darknss
May 23rd, 2001, 04:12:05 PM
:: runs back from her serch on the back office. and over to her sister and brother. ::
" Back, and no they didnt have anything Viv here could have found at this comp. But i did take the camera tapes. "
:: holds the tapes and smiles. ::
" you said it was time to go, so toss the Det and lets go! "
Lady Razielle
May 23rd, 2001, 06:17:15 PM
Vivian taps in a small sequence on her wristpad, she starts backing away slowly. Her graceful legs sidestepping patrons of City Hall and walking over them. She turns to Sasha and winks.
"This is a bit more than your standard detonator. This will not only rid Kuat of City Hall... But a few blocks of the disgustingly unaware and unprepared inferior intelligence inhabitting this area."
The trio make their way to the doors, as her siblings step outside Vivian speaks in a voice that carries thorughout the panic stricken lobby.
"That thing runs on a timer, however if anyone gets heroic and tries to open any doors or windows... Or for that matter call for help.. It will detonate immediately. Have a nice day."
With that they siblings walk out and shut the doors behind them. When they are away from the building Vivian grins at her brother and laughs lightly..
"Plan ahead I always say.."
Admiral Jyener
May 23rd, 2001, 08:16:47 PM
"First, let's trash the names. I really don't think there is much they can do about us now."
Jyener kept his face straight and turned his head back to look at the large, six story structure. Spinning his neck back around, he tilted his head in a slight gesture towards the direction where the crimpled hovertrain lay about a block away.
"There's one problem. Our shuttle is back at Docking Bay 67. The fastest and easiest way to get back there is through the train, which we don't have."
Razielle figited with the datapad in her palm, listening to what her Admiral had to say. Looking up from it, she grinned.
"According to the information here, there is a small private landing pad three blocks from here in an old warehouse."
"Let's check it out."
Lady Razielle
May 23rd, 2001, 09:04:45 PM
Moving into the warehouse Razielle waved her hands in front of her face and coughed lighty. The warehouse had been recently abandoned as the workers had all filed out into the streets at the explosion of the train. Admist the crates and cargo ships were some of the personal transports of the workers and proprietors.
"Not very clean in here.. Lets see what they have thats worth stealing."
She grinned and approached a rather expensive shuttle obviously belonging to someone of importance.
"Admiral, I like this one.. Its..classy."
Admiral Jyener
May 23rd, 2001, 09:27:30 PM
Razielle indeed had a good eye. Two other transports lay in the vast room, yet they seemed to be more of a slower, cargo type. What they needed was something fast and manuverable, and this one was just that.
However, something wasn't right. Something was nagging him in the back of his head, but he wasn't quite sure. Perhaps it was the force, feeding him a signal of warning.
Jyener shook out his daze of confusion and looked over to the bulkier YT-2000 transport.
"That one.."
Taking long sturdy strides towards the already lowered ramp, Jyener glanced up into the centered cockpit, checking for any crew. The footsteps of Razielle's and Athena's boots followed behind him up the steel ramp. Before actually entering the ship, he slipped a smaller handheld blaster from a concealed holster at his side. Peering around the corner, he spun around and held the gun out, ready to strike anyone there.
Walking forward into the empty corridor, he jogged into the cockpit and took a seat in the left swiveling chair. Over looking the panel, he flicked on the engines, raised deflector shields, and readied the pair of quad laser turrets. After checking the status of the ship, he gazed up at Razielle who was now just entering the cabin.
"Like you said. Always plan ahead."
Athena Lady Darknss
May 24th, 2001, 02:25:39 PM
:: Athena enter the cabin and looks at her sister Raz and the Admiral ::
" ooh god im going to be sick, i hate flying. Give me the guns! "
:: moves past her sister and over to the gun controls, checking them and the other possible weapons on the ship ::
Lady Razielle
May 24th, 2001, 07:37:58 PM
Razielle smirks at her sister and mutters.
"Lazy wench thinks she can get out of flying.. Almost as many excuses up her sleeves as mine.."
She slides into the copilot seat and switches on the onboard navigational computer settings the control to her specifications and giving Admiral Jyener a small smile.
"You fly this thing Sir.. I wanted the pretty one.."
Admiral Jyener
May 24th, 2001, 09:06:09 PM
The "pretty" one. He still couldn't get a hit on what troubled him about that shuttle. As much as he wanted to find a reason for not taking Razielle's ship of choice, he needed to concentrate on getting out safely.
"No problem. Head on back there with Athena and ready the turret."
Before she could run off after following orders, he put two small headphone devices in her hand.
"Give one to Athena. I'll keep in touch with both of you. Oh and, don't open fire unless I say so. We aren't sure whether they've caught on to us or not."
"Yes sir."
Her footsteps fading out as she ran through the curved corridor, Jyener slipped his own headphone on. He pulled down on a lever with his right hand, igniting the repulsorlifts on the underside of the Corellian transport and pushing the craft off the hangerbay floor. Swinging the small joystick around, the odd-shaped transport made a sharp right turn in place, its nose sticking towards the air.
As the escape vehicle hovered there, he reached down to his right side where a panel with a red handled level rest. Gripping his fingers around the handle, he pushed foward slowly. With a low grumble, the YT-2000 transport shot through the air.
Suddenly, without warning, an explosion similar to the one of the train could be heard, and felt. Athena, in the lower gun turret, nearly screamed into the small microphone sticking out of her headset.
"What the??!!"
A click could be heard in his ear speaker, followed by Athena's voice.
"What was that?"
"Razielle, you know that shuttle you really liked?"
A second voice joined the the three way conversation .
"Well, from here, I can't even make her out."
Admiral Jyener
May 25th, 2001, 11:58:19 PM
Now he understood what it was. There were some sort of motion sensors on the rim of the bay exit. For some unknown reason, explosives were placed on the light shuttle. Had they ridden it out of the hanger, the sensors would have triggered the explosives aboard the craft, killing all three of them in an instant.
His power in the force was indeed increasing. Had this situation come across him only a few months ago, he most likely would have died in that explosion alongside Razielle and Athena.
A hovertrain. Now a shuttle. What next?
Athena Lady Darknss
May 27th, 2001, 11:12:46 AM
:: speaks into her headset ::
well as much as i love to sit around and talk SIR can we get a move on? Sis anything going on over there? All i have is some grease monkeys working on shuttle over here.
:: Athena grips her gun handles and watches the floor, her eyes darting from the left to right. waiting ::
Admiral Jyener
May 31st, 2001, 04:20:53 PM
Jyener pulled back on the throttle as his back went flying into the back of his cushioned chair. With a jolt the Corellian transport shot towards the sky. Staring out though the circular viewport, he watched the colorful clouds of dusk swish past the ship. Before he even had a chance to take in the scenery, the dim sky faded into a pitch black canvas dotted with white stars. As they left the atmosphere, Jyener leaned forward to toggle off the ship's weapons systems. Steering the odd looking ship through the projected navpoints, he figeted with the microphone near his mouth so it hung closer to his lips.
"Ladies, I'm turning off your guns for a few minutes. Once we get past the inspection point, I'll power them up again. Last thing we need is getting pulled over for looking suspicious, eh?"
Both Athena and Razielle came through with a clear acknowledgement while the hum of their quad laser cannons in the backround could be heard softening out.
Athena Lady Darknss
May 31st, 2001, 04:23:40 PM
:: Looks at her sister and then to gun ::
" damn i hate feeling like a sitting hutt "
:: speaking into her comlink ::
" how long sir? "
Admiral Jyener
May 31st, 2001, 05:25:23 PM
Watching the planetary platform grow larger in shape, Jyener curved around to bring the YT-2000 hovering just in front of one of the three landing arms. Pulling back on the throttle lever, he replied into the headset while the ship came to a complete stop.
"We're going into radio silence for the next few minutes, both of you stay still.."
A pair of clicks echoed in his earspeaker as he switched the line of to the requested frequency, waiting for furthur instructions.
Admiral Jyener
May 31st, 2001, 06:58:34 PM
"Affirmitive Kuat Sector Control, codes transmitted, awaiting clearification."
Hesitation was felt, and what was maybe 30 seconds seemed like eternity. It was too long, and he knew something was wrong. Finally, the silence was broken and the gruff voice could be heard once again.
"YT-2000 Corellian Transport Theory, it says here that you weren't scheduled to leave until 21:45."
Looking down, Jyener read the built in chronometer. 19:29. He paused, his eyes dancing up and down the control panel as if he could find an excuse there. Annoyingly, he replied.
"I, I already told you! Whoever is putting that stuff down is the one screwin' up! Besides, I always like to get a headstart on my big deliveries."
"Foodstuffs, huh?"
"Aye yi yi... Tana is a third-world planet we're talking about here. Food means a lot to those folk."
An exagurated sigh was added in to his act, and then another ten seconds passed by the time they replied back.
"Alright Theory, clearance granted. Move along."
Jyener fell back into his chair and relaxed. Reaching foward with his left arm he flicked a switch setting the engines to one-third power. Tapping the joystick to the left, their escape vehicle slid to the port side and the space station moved out of view. Three kilometers and one minute later, Jyener eased back on the throttle bringing their speed up to 80 MGLT. As all three of them cruised away from Kuat, he activated their three-way frequency once again and spoke up.
"Alright you two, good job back there. Unlocking weapons sytems now."
As the ladies conversed between eachother, he tilted the craft up 70 degrees and interrupted their chat.
"General, how does she look?"
Athena, in the upper turret, now had almost a perfect view of Kuat's sphererical shape in her viewport.
"Fine Admiral, why?"
"Just wanted to warn you, that it'll look even better once it's ours."
With that said, Jyener shifted the YT-2000 into position, locked in the coordinates for their rendezvous point, and pushed foward with his left hand a bulky black and yellow striped handle. In a second all the glistening stars rushed past the cockpit window and eventually flowed into blue-white streaks.
Mission complete..
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