View Full Version : Conquest: Muunilist
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 02:39:38 PM
"Behold. Behold the marvelous Galaxy the Gods have given us. It is our duty to cleanse it, purify it. And we shall do just that!" The Vong Warmaster said through gritted teeth.
Warmaster Tsaak Vootuh had only been in this new Galaxy for two weeks. He had briefly traveled to Belkadan to visit the Commanders and issue out new orders. A brief ceremony had taken place on Belkadan. Tsaak had marveled in the horrific look on the sacrifices' faces.
Tsaak knew the Gods favored him this day. He could feel it. The Warmaster had just finished offering several victory prayers to Yun Yammka.
<font color=red>"Your eminence, as you can see, we have exited Hyperspace. We are nearing the capital planet now."<font color=white> The raspy voice of Tsaak's tactician came from behind.
Tsaak spun around and stared through the viewport of the ship. He could see the planet. A new planet that held promises of many slaves and sacrifices.
"What is this planet called again?" The Warmaster asked, peeling his eyes away from the viewport.
<font color=red>"I believe the Infidels refer to it as...Mewnilist." <font color=white>The tactician sounded unsure of this.
Tsaak's mangled right hand scooped a small worm-like creature off the table. He held it in his hand, taking the time to examine it. It was called a tizowyrm. The Warmaster slowly put his hand up to his ear, slightly shuddering as the creature crawled in. Tizowyrms were used to translate the Infidels' many languages.
"Yes, Muunilist." The Warmaster grinned while speaking in what the Infidels referred to as basic. "Such an abominable planet needs to be cleansed. And that is what we shall do."
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 05:31:27 PM
<font color=red>"Eminence, shall I give the villip order to deploy the fleet?" <font color=white>The tactician inquired, keeping a stern but tired looking face.
"Not quite yet. Have Heavy Cruiser Fate advance toward the planet. We must test their resistance." The Warmaster relieved himself of his living cloak and took a seat in his chair.
The tactician spoke through the villip in his strange dialect. Tsaak watched as the Heavy Cruiser slowly moved forward. A few minutes later, Tsaak decided they were in firing range.
"Order the Heavy Cruiser to stop approaching and stay in the present course." Tsaak growled.
<font color=red>"Yes Warmaster." <font color=white>The tactician complied.
"Prepare the Dovin Basals. We could be attacked any moment." Captain Duuka of the Heavy Cruiser Fate shouted. His cut lips curled into a grin as he stared at the planet. "Remember, we are not here to attack. Just to fulfill the will of the Gods." He beamed.
"Captain, what do we do now?" An acolyte asked.
"We wait."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 06:29:48 PM
Dylan Hunt sat on the base, and saw on radar the enemies ships aproaching. Dylan statedto run on the command deck on the main base and said "Send a mesage to the Republic telling we need all available ships to come and fight this enemies.
Hunt then look down and staping his uniform, Hunt tells the other soldiers "go to red alert, all hands to battle stations". Dylan Hunt went to the comunications officer and told her "send a message to the people of the planet" the officer asnwer "aye, sir. Your in the channel now"
Dylan look at the panel and told the people of the planet"Attention people, in a few hours intelligence believes that the planet is going to be attack by enemies forces. During this situation i assume command of the planet, when another higher ranking officer come he will have full command on the planet. I repeat noticing that there are no superior officer i LT. Dylan Hunt of the Republic assume command, when reinforment arrive the superior officer would take charge. Hunt out!. "
Hunt walking inside the command station order his comunications officer to hail the enmies ships. Walking seriosly and carefuly hunt tells the enemies ships" Attention hostile vessels this is LT. Dylan Hunt of the Republic whitdraw or be destroyed Hunt out!"
Hunt orders all the mines that were hiden on the planet to activate to buy some time, before the troop's start landing.
Hunt then await a response form the hostile vessels.
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 06:46:26 PM
Recon agents disguised as humans had placed villips around the capital city days before. The Heavy Cruiser Fate along with all the other ships received the transmission from the Infidels.
"We have not proven ourselves to be hostile, and we don't need to be." Duuka grinned, speaking into the villip. His voice boomed throughout the city. His accent was strange, due to the tizowyrm in his ear.
The captain paced back and forth before speaking again. "Your insufficient forces are no match for ours. It would be in Mewneelist's best interests to surrender."
As ordered, the Heavy Cruiser began to advance a few MGLTs and then stopped once again. Large Dovin Basal anomalies (black holes) formed around the Heavy Cruiser. They acted as shields.
"Do you surrender?" The Captain grinned.
OOC: Do you have AIM? Contact me: JediFerris
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:04:49 PM
Dylan Hunt walk to the screen as he sees the species. Dylan tell "Get me a science officer now I want to know as much as posible of these aliens, also scan there ships for any weakness we need as much information as we can," The crew answer "Yes, sir" Dylan start saying 'i want evrything mobilized I want every soldier protected bilogicaly and also quemicaly i don't know if they play by war rules. Also organized evacuation o the kargest cities and start training civilians to fight. Open channel to alien vessel"Dylan look at the screen and says "This is Lt. Hunt, do you want to speack diplomatic, but if you want a battle you get one. This planet is under Republic juristiction and by good youre not going to take it away from the people. Do you think is God will to kill thousand of inocent people instead of making friends. But, if you don't change your're mind you will be destroyed. A wait your response Hunt out" Dylan look at the wold map and says "We have to show them we meen businnes. Activated all planetary defenses loanch fither, alpha formation, also activate all the mind fields. Organize tropps. This is not a drill, i lead the defense of the fither from this base of things get hot. Send a distress signal to the Republic,requesting for reinforment" All the command staff look at dylan nervesly. Dylan aswered "I know that it is difficult but i don't believe on a invisable enemie, and we have to think that we are going to win it no mather the odds. Also contact Jedi's we might need them. " Dylan grabs his lightsaber and he put it from the belt.
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:18:04 PM
"How amusing." Duuka smiled to himself. The Infidel sounded like he believed they had a chance. "But we do not wish to kill you oh no. The Gods' will is to cleanse your Galaxy of the abominable machines you use. We must educate you infidels. We must sacrifice the unruly ones."
Instantly, two squadrons of Coralskippers latched off the ship, floating in space for a while. They looked like small asteroids, but they were Yuuzhan Vong starfighters. Seconds later, two troop carriers latched off the ship as well. The Coralskippers borke up and strategically placed themselves around the troop carriers. The Dovin Basals were activated as the skippers acted like shields.
"Maybe our warriors can change your mind Infidel." Duuka said from his villip.
Two Yuuzhan Vong light cruisers advanced, heading for the Heavy Cruiser Fate. The Light Criuisers were known as Coral and Rock. They stopped beside the Heavy Cruiser, and each released a sqaudron of Coralskippers.
"It is pointless to resist!" Duuka shouted. "We mean to help you."
At that moment, the troop carriers entered the atmosphere along with the coralskippers.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:42:02 PM
Dylan hearing the mesages. Strated thinking about God. And start speaking whit his officer "God's will, Religios and natural, maybe we can use that to our advantege." The officers look at Dylan strangely "what the hell you are talking about?" they all said. Dylan asked "They hate machines right? and they want to clean them right? i supecting we can use that to our advantage" The crew looked stangely, as puzzled. Dylan looked to the crew and said "I have an idea, can we create a barrier that only can destroy biologicaly control by us. i learned in science that only machines can pass radiation on hight levels evrything organic goes haywire. if we create some type of radiation shield and use radiation wepons we might have a fighting chance. the problem is that it goes all article of wars to do that. Order all fithers to put their wepons on the highest radiaino posible. " The crew gasep whit hope thinking that Dylan plan might save them. In a momnet the science officer created a high radiation shield, impasable to everything organic. The officer said to Dylan "Changing the wepons might take some more time put it will be done soon." Dylan ordered to open a chanel "This is Lt.Dylan Hunt want to takeaway the machine that help us grow a way and instrument and someday you'll find some obstacle that are going to destroy you. A obstavle impasable to organic. Also everyone has a right to preaise god in there own way, we are sending a record of all kind of religions so you can see that you're not alone on the universe, by the way the name is Lt. Dylan Hunt. i wait your answer. The wepons officer look at Dylan and said "Sir, i believe that we can shoot down a few of there ships, only carries and such in the atmosphere safely whit high energy wepons. The problem is that after doing that we are all out of power and is ground to ground combat" Dylan looked at his officer "do it"
Dylan look down to the floor, and said "orther all civilians to evacuate the planet, let's avoid the lest bloodshed a possible also science i want you to have this is a copy of all the scaning and test conducted by the enemy is code is d-minus zero. The fisrt day of hostility"
Dylan looks at the ship and said "open hailing frequencies, This is Lt. Hunt military comander be warned are forces mey appear little but we will fight until the end, unless you want to speack for a treaty?"
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 09:51:33 PM
"There will be no peace treaty unless you surrender." Tsaak had taken hold of his villip on the Command Ship Tla.
"All Yuuzhan Vong ships, prepare to launch 1/3 of your squadrons. Have them orbit the planet as a blockade." Tsaak shouted in his own language. "Have the carriers descend."
Tsaak grinned waiting to see what would happen. These infidels needed to learn a lot.
Jun 1st, 2001, 09:55:47 PM
OOC: Dylan, Radiation will not do ANYTHING to us.
Ya know suns? They emit radiation and we dont die from them.
*Ikrak smiled from his cruiser, the Securis, and signaled Lt Dylan*
"Your reluctance to our own truth is disturbing.*
*Ikrak turned to his subordinate*
"Release two squads of light skips."
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:24:40 PM
Kyle watched as the lights burst open revealing space and Vong crafts.
"All right Wraith's all you you go to attack position and prepare for battle."
Kyle switched to an open channel.
"All Yuzzahn Vong crafts, you have entered New Republic space. I am Major Kyle Horn, Apprentice to Jedi Knight Warren Azalin. You are hear by ordered to leave this space or you will be fired upen."
Kyle smiled and brought his lasers down to the proper frequency that would nail the Coralskippers.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:33:10 PM
Dylan looked at his wepons officer and said "fire ionic beams, to the skips and the the carriers" The wepons officer looked Dylan like he was crazy " Aye, aye sir! said the officer".
Curiosly Lt. Hunt plan worked once the skips were destroyed the enemies carriers also got severly damage. The crew in the Republic based cherred as for there short victory in the battle. Dylan sent a mesage "This is Lt. Hunt, now you have seen that we mean to fight to save the planet. i know that we are going to loose this battle, but i promise you this that for each inch of ground you will have to fight"
Hunt then looked at the rest of the officer and told them "Well go undegraun in to 5 sectors, i'l be in comand of sector 1, sector 2 is ordered to find a escape route, sector 3 to capture a enemy vessel, secture 4 to capture a enemy and secture 5 to assits sector 3. Everyone has its orders. " Let's fight undergraound in hidden bases remember wear biological and quemical suits we don't know how this guys fight."
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:39:16 PM
Dylan smiled as hearing a voice that is familiar to him. Dylan open a frequency "Major Horn grad to see you i thought i was alone, in this. You are the superior officer and you have command of the planet" The planet's it still our the enemy will shortly will landed, i ordered the crew to go undergraund, it a fighting chance, Anything you want to tell me, and i got an intellege report for the Republic, nice one two"
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:39:19 PM
2 Coralskipper squadrons de-attached themselves heading straight for this new squadron fo Infidel ships. Instantly they opened fire, the plasma burning on the shields. For every X-wing, there were two coralskippers. It was fortunate that the skippers had the muscle and the speed. Dovin Basals were formed to suck the blasterfire from the X-wings.
"Kill them all." Tsaak grinned.
The Coralskippers seemed to be in coordination with eachother. They mercilessly shot at the X-wings, showing no signs of ceasing.
"Kyle Horn of Wraith Squadron. I am Tsaak Vootuh, Warmaster of the Yuuzhan Vong. As you can see, our Light Cruisers have begun to circle you. You cannot go to Hyperspace. Now you can surrender or you can be sacrificed. What do you choose?" Tsaak grinned.
He watched as the Light Cruisers and Coralskippers attacked the squadron.
Shadow LeFae
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:49:50 PM
:: Fae flew in with her wing right behind her. ::
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:57:30 PM
*Ikrak released five troop carriers and two more squads of skips to escort them.
Ikrak ordered his Heavy Cruiser Secundis to land on the ground and unleash his troops onto the infidels*
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 11:02:29 PM
Dylan turned to the base, and said "Wepons changes frequency, like major Kyle i want all wepons system in the planet to give suport to the x-wings, fithther. Also launch all fithers, tell alll sectors to launch a assult under the comand of major Kyle" Dylan was hiding enoght fithgthers that when come in to firepower they were balance. The base had more fighter than the enemies. All of them changing the frequency that Major Kyle had turned. Dylan went to the monitor and said 'Attention enemies ship this is Lt. Hunt, you are out manned and out gunned by a base and fither. We have Ionic canons that is going to make shreds of your large ships. There is no way that you are going to win now, withdraw and save your lives, don't you see if this is God will as you say it why all of the sudden the battle turned, uh. Face it your going to loose to the Republic. Whitdraw or be destroyed, this is your last warning." Dylan gave the signal to charge the ions wepons. "Look even if you win is spacewhich i dout now we are prepared in ground to fight you, so is basically no win for you. Leave now and i promise a fair treatment to all the prisoners"
Dylan looked at his screen when his sees the enemies shp droping like flies. Dylan said "Let's vait a response crew"
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 1st, 2001, 11:17:25 PM
OOC: An Ion blast would do nothing against a Vong ship.
IC:"This is Warmaster Tsaak Vootuh ordering all ships to launch Coralskippers. Commence with the Yammka Venture tactic." The Warmaster grinned.
There was one Command ship, followed by 3 Heavy cruisers and 5 Light Cruisers in the whole system. Slowly, each ship advanced toward the planet, de-attaching their fighters. The Coralskippers had huge advantages against the other fighters. They quickly approached, already blasting them, one by one.
The Cruisers themselves created gravitic anomalies to intercept all firepower. The Infidel wave of ships were useless and would soon be destroyed, once and for all.
Shret Nion
Jun 1st, 2001, 11:30:32 PM
He was nervous. Very nervous. Shret Nion, the newest member of the 32nd Warrior Division could harldy weild an amphistaff. He was nervous. But atleast he didn't feel out of place. When he joined the Yuuzhan Vong, Shret was just a farm boy bossing around Shamed Ones. He was unmarked, due to not reaching the sacrificial age of 45000 Light Cycles. But now, after a brief engagement with the High Priest, Shret had cerimonial tattoos and scars.
The Dropship dived into the atmosphere escorted by three Heavy Coral Skippers. The Dropship danced around the ground fire coming up at the dropship. With a shudder, the Dovin Landers sent out a black hole like gravity well. This slowed the ship down greatly, almost stopping foward momentum to backwards momentum. The Dropship dropped the remaining three meters onto the tarnished Muunilist soil.
Shret shook around in his strap-seat. He gave a smile from his lipless face. He unstrapped himself and pulled up his warrior's amphistaff. It felt awkward in his hands. He was a virgin with the great weapon. He had no formal training with the amphistaff arts, but he was sure it would strike enough fear into the infidel footsoldiers that he wouldn't have to show his incompetence with the weapon.
Speaking the native Yuuzhan Vong tounge, the Division Commander shouted orders, <font color="red"> "32nd Division! Let's file out. Line up rank file immediately outside of the Dropship. If the infidels are attacking us, the Skippers and teh dropship should be able to provide enough cover for us. If not, find adequate cover and don't get killed. There is no honor or higher meaing dieing from an infidel weapon. There is only honor once the abominations have been cleansed from the galaxy. Death before the galaxy is cleansed has no honor!"</font>[i]
Shret filed out of the dropship thinking of what the Division Commander said. He was on the verge of disputing the whole Yuuzhan Vong religion. No honor in dieing? From an early age, it was instilled in him that dieing for the Gods was honorable. But this Division commander spoke of treason.
Jun 1st, 2001, 11:45:44 PM
"Vong. I'm never gonna surreder tokillers lie you."
Kyle lopped around avoiding fire. Than he went to tactical frequency.
"Three flight break by pairs and cover the planetary surface. Two flight cover them. One flight form up on me. Let's see how these Coralskipper's last."
Kyle than switched to Dylan's channel.
"Dylan launch all starfighter craft to aid Three Flight. Also attack any ships heading towards the surface."
Kyle than manuevered and broke hard to port. Gaven keeping perfect formation with him. He fired a quad burst that rippled bast the Coralsipper's defenses and smashed into it. He fired two more shots one of them going wide and the other going dead on. He watched as it exploded. He than went to an open channel.
"All right Vong get out of here. This is your final warning...oh yes and if you think I'd ever surrender to deserve to be Bantha foder."
Jun 2nd, 2001, 12:02:08 AM
OOC: Shret, considering that You needed some way to feel better about yourslef, IC, do you think we could at least get along IC?
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 08:32:03 AM
The Coralskipper pilot had Kyle in his targets as he applied more speed. The small rock fighter swirled around in the blackness of space, releasing two plasma projectiles. Kyle's X-wing managed to maneuver his way out of them. Suddenly, two Coralskippers appeared from behind the Jeedai pilot. They shot at him, weakening his shields.
All three Coralskippers formed up into a triangle, easily maneuvering X-wing fire as they targeted Kyle and Gaven. Projectile after projectile smashed against the shields, weakening them.
Then one pilot was hit. It went spiraling for a few seconds before it exploded. The other two coralskippers zig zagged eachother, heading straight for Kyle's and Gaven's ship. They aimed and fired relentlessly. Soon their shields would be out, and the Yuuzhan Vong would have new slaves.
"Status Report." Tsaak growled.
<font color=red>"Sir...we have lost 20 coralskipper starfighters and two carriers. It was that radiation blast that depleted those forces."<font color=white> The tactician bowed down and covered his head, expecting to be hit.
Tsaak just stood there, rubbing his tattoo covered face. Anger could be detected, along with vengence.
"That is unacceptable. Prepare the villip transmission, backup may be required. These infidels proved themselves to be worthy. Especially that Jeedai Kyle Horn. He will be sacrificed honorably." Tsaak grinned.
A plasma projectile from a Light Cruiser smashed into one of Muunilist's fighters, destroying it instantly. The Light cruiser's many plasma launchers, targeted each nearby Muunilist starfighter. Plasma projectiles launched from every direction, disabling ships, destroying ships. It was near pandemonium, but the Yuuzhan Vong were winning.
<font color=red>"Eminence, Shret Nion and his team have landed. So has Ikrak and the Heavy Cruiser Fate." <font color=white>The tactician said.
"Order Ikrak to release the Chazrach slaves and the Dovin Bikes. Muunilist will be ours!" Tsaak screamed.
Jun 2nd, 2001, 09:50:11 AM
"Tek strengthen the shields in the bac now. Also get me a comm. line to Corran."
He head the astromech beep. He smield and laughed sofly.
"Yea we're going to need the **Faith** to help us out."
Kyle waited a few minutes and than suddenly Corran's voice came up.
Corran Katarn: "Hey Kyle. I hear you need my help. I'll grab hold of **Faith** and head your way immediately. To help bail you Wraith's out. After all I owe the NRCC."
"Thanks Corran."
Than Kyle shut the line off and pulled up. He smiled as another Coralskipper landed in his targeting brackets. He fired two shots one of them slammed into the back making it move slower. The other didn't hit. He fired several more times and finally the Coralskipper exploded.
"All right yuzzahn Vong I see now that you won't leave."
Than he called up Dylan.
"Dylan. Send all troops to the these positions. Also some of us will have to come in for repairs soon and refueling. We need it done quicly. See if you can get Jazz Jawa(spelling) to take care of it..."
Kyle felt another shudder and heard Tek shriek. He turned bacand saw smoke coming from the badly damaged R2 unit. He shoe his head. He breathed ina nd out and saw the Coralskipper that had fired at him. He moved immediately targeting after it.
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:05:22 AM
OOC: Kyle, remember that the Coralskippers can create anomalies to suck up your blasterfire.
IC:The Coralskipper quickly swerved on a 90 degree angle, and then completed it with a fast loop, landing right behind the Jeedai's ship. The ship locked dead on and fired two projectiles which severly damaged the engines, killing them.
Two more coralskippers zoomed in and matched up with the third. They began to circle Kyle's sitting X-wing, weakening the shields every second shot.
A large Light Cruiser came into view. It used a Dovin Basal and began to pull Kyle's ship in.
All of the Heavy Cruisers had focused their firepower on the Muunilist resistance fighters. They killed them, one by one. Until only 6 X-wings and 11 TIE uglies were left. One Heavy Cruiser had taken a small amount of damage, but other then that, the Vong forces were in excellent shape.
"Deploy more fighters." Tsaak ordered the fleet.
Half a squadron of coralskippers began to weaken the remaining Muunilist ships. Dovin Basals latched on to them, and began to pull them in.
The Command Ship itself had stayed out of the battle for this long, but now was the time to act. Slowly the plasma launchers were readied.
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:51:23 AM
*The Securis deployed the Chazrachs, Dovin Bikes, and all the crew and warriors from his Heavy Cruiser*
"This workd shall be OURS!!!!!!!"
Jun 2nd, 2001, 11:17:01 AM
OOC: I don't think you've read all of the New Jedi Order Novels. In one of them it says that they discovered that the skipper's can be destroyed by lowering the blaster fire to a certain level. it goes past the items that stops them and hits the Coralskipper. So two well aimed quad fire shots can and well destroy them if their at the appropriate levels.
Corran Katarn
Jun 2nd, 2001, 11:28:04 AM
Corran pulled the swith bringing the Faith out of hyperspace. He brought the engines to half full power and lowered the blasterfire and brought the ships to automatic fire. He pulled the trigger and watched as the ships guns traced down the skipper's. He watched as a couple of the shots go inside a vortex objectbut the other two shots nailed the skipper. It didn't explode though. He moved and saw Kyle's ship being pulled it. He fired a couple of shots at the Vong ship but it did nothing to them. He manuevered and saw that he would have to go over Kyle's ship. He turned the engines on max. He flew straight at it. He smiled just as Faith shook. He saw Kyle's ship pull away.
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 12:11:15 PM
OOC: Actually I've read every NJO Book. And you only know that OOC not IC so it's unfair to use it. You don't even know that we are Yuuzhan Vong or what Yuuzhan Vong are IC. We haven't been in the Galaxy long enough.
IC:Tsaak laughed as the new ship exited Hyperspace. This battle was quickly boring him. All that were left to destroy was this squadron that had been weakened, and this new ship.
"All guns on Yuuzhan Beast focus on firing at that new ship!" Tsaak ordered through the villip.
He turned to watch as the Light Cruiser moved in and began to fire. Five Coralskippers headed for the ship Faith but did not touch it. They began to circle around, and then, the ship's shields were gone. They had been ripped apart by the gravity anomalies the Coralskippers used (like in Vector Prime).
Tsaak Vootuh grabbed his Oggzil, a worm-like creature that could transmit frequencies to New Republic comm channels. He spoke into it.
"Infidels of the New Republic. I am Tsaak Vootuh of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Muunilist space forces have quickly been depleted, and your ships are damaged. You cannot go to Hyperspace, or do anything else for that matter. Shortly another flotilla of Yuuzhan Vong ships will arrive to secure the planet. Stop fighting and prepare to be boarded. Or you will be sacrificed." Tsaak laughed evilly.
Jun 2nd, 2001, 02:01:49 PM
OOC: The Yuzzahn Vong have been here longer than that.
IC: Kyle shoo his head. He shook his head as he saw the only way out. He brought up Corran's frequency.
"Corran it seems that we're stuc as slaves for some time until we can get free."
Than he brought up the Vong's broadcast channel.
"All right. You win. Just let the others leave. You can tae two Apprentice and one that doesn't wish to join. Just let the other's go."
Kyle waited for a reply. He hoped they would let the others go.
Shret Nion
Jun 2nd, 2001, 02:16:05 PM
[i]Shet watched as the Chazrach "Shock" Troopers marched ahead of the 32nd Division. The Shock Troopers were Chazrach Legions sent as forewarriors. They would be the first to engage the enemy. They would make the job easier on the Yuuzhan Vong Warriors and prevent unessecary causilties in the Division Commander's mind. But, Shret thought, wasn't dieing for the gods ok?
The Chazrachs were some-what dispensable. They had decent attention spands and in mass numbers, were capable of destroying most anything. Three hundred Chazrachs were sent as Shock Troopers for the 32nd Division. They marched just a click ahead of the Division, but that was more than enough protection. After three miles of marching, a Shock Trooper Courier spoke in the Native tounge to the Division Commander, <font color="red">"Commander, we have yet to seen an infidel presence."</font>
The Commander nodded to the Courier and shout new orders, <font color="red">"32nd Division! Attention! The Shock Troopers have reported no infidel strong presence yet. We will send a Reconnosiance team up ahead. We will rest here while we await their return. Here's what's going with the Reconnosciance team. If you are called, please step out from your line and form up next to that large wooden pole. Dovin Bike Squad T, Fire-breather Team 9, Sgauru attack militia Viccae, Shocks Five through Ten, and Yuuzhan Vong warriors thirty through forty are part of the attack team."
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 02:22:12 PM
Tsaak stayed silent for a moment not daring to say a word. The only sound that could be heard was his feel clicking against the floor as he paced back and forth.
<font color=red>"Eminence, if I may say so it would be good to accept their proposition."<font color=white> The tactician whispered.
"What?! Let a few go when we can have all of them!" The Warmaster shouted in his own language. "These Jeedai are indeed interesting creatures and need to be studied closely."
<font color=red>"But those others have no meaning to us. They are useless infidels. What can they tell about us that the Republic does not know? The Gods have favored us this day."<font color=white> The tactician spoke truth in his words. Tsaak ordered all ships to cease fire.
The Warmaster took hold of the Oggzil and spoke into it. "Jeedai Kyle Horn and your other Jeedai friends. Prepare to be docked. You will be brought down to Muunilist with us. Your infidel comrades are allowed to leave and should do so now. Prepare to be boarded."
Tsaak took note of the other ships instantly flying away from the Yuuzhan Vong interdictor perimeters. He watched as the Dovin Basals locked onto the ships and pulled them in. Warriors would be awaiting them in the docking bays.
OOC: Angellink11, Please get on AIM. I'll contact you.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 03:58:19 PM
Dylan hering the news form the capture fo his friends and the landing decided that now, he has to pull his weigth on the battle. Sector one come whit me! said Dylan. Aprroaching the landing the site Dylan contacted on a secret frequency "Sector 2 everything ready?" a man in the comm chanel responded "Yes sir!"
Seing the enemy dylan had trained his soldiers for guerrila warfare, it is not a stylish as conventional warfare but it manages quiet well on this occasion. Dylan gave sings to his officer to move near the enemy zone. A soldier came to Dylan and asked him "What about kyle and the rest?" Dylan smiled because he had an idea, then he grabbed the comm and contacted sector4" Sector 4, is the operation ready?" The officer from sector 4 said "well using the black death and a combination of basic cold, I discoverd that the ships are not as resisting whit this plage like human because, humans had acquired his immune system whit this. Now here is the problem whit the virus can only blind the sensor's for a few minutes, after that it become inmune, somekind like advanced inume system" Dylan notted "Thanks Sector 4" said Hunt. "ok, sector 1 hear me out you will wait until nightfall and then attack i won't be whit you because i am attempting a rescue, good luck sector 1 il rendezvouz whit you, in the corrdinates D-A.
Hunt decided to go to his x-wing, and said to his offiver "Hide the enemies ship and go to find out about their species whit the captured soldiers. Also send a mesege telling that their ground attack failed and we are ready to fight back. Also grabed the High ranking officer and ask him what the hell, they want? Also try to see if you can prepare another radiation blast, if we hi them went sick, there's no telling what they might do"
As the planet fire the virus the plan goes as planned. Hunt flew his x-wing to Tssak Ship, using his lighsaber to breack his entrance he enter the ship. Putting blaster in Hand, he sees Kyle and Gaven on a distance trying to offer as sacrifive. Getting tired of this Dylan used his special forces training to kill the guards. After he grab Kyle and Gaven, he went to his ship whit resistance but the blaster and the lighsaber and his use whit the force porve to be un mathing. When leaving the death ship Dylan ordered tp fire the radoatopn wepon that destroy a couple of more carries and light cruser resulting at a nice blow to the enemy.
As Tssak shiver, a officer on the brige give him a mesasge left by the man. Who rescuted the Pilots. Tssak all angry hti the soldier and but his masage that said:
Infamos enemies as you can see sending troops to the planet was a imediate failure. I told you to witdraw or be destoyed. As you can see your sensor are blinded and whitout any sensor you are as good as dead in battle just ask those cruser that were shot down. By the way i forgot to tell you something my name is lt. Dylan Hunt a Jedi aprentice of Jedi Knight Leia Solo, son of a Jedi, carrier of the sword of justice. As you are hearing this mesage you are being surronded by enemies fither carring high radiation wepons enoght so that inune system can go haywire, even that I haev 5 more viruses that can blind sensor, Did you know that a normal sicknedd form a species can prove lethal to another, im just finishing the work you started. Also we have prisoner i like to hear what you want us to do whit it. Proably for inttelenge. i awiat your surred , bye and have a nice day and a open response wold be nice you won't find us, but we will contact you"
Dylan aprroach the plenet whit vistories sound and parties althought like dylan knew inside him the fight berely had begone. Going to Kyle he said "Major Kyle, i like to report that we have now more fither than the enemie and an advantage on sensor,You are safe for know and we still have the planet. We are not going to give up, and i promise we are going to win and i will help you on every step of the way.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:01:46 PM
OCC. Please don't answer or kill anyone until Kyle see that he is free
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:16:34 PM
OOC: Your post made no sense, and it's impossible to kill a character. That's God Moding. Therefore anything you said in your post will be ignored. You can't just unleash a disease on a planet. You'd kill yourself. Our ships have immune to the common cold, and radiation will do nothing. You can't just break into my ship with a hell of a lot of other coralskippers floating around. Plus, Kyle and Gaven have not even been docked yet.
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:29:15 PM
OOC: He's right Dylan. Me and Corran are surrendering ourselves will you get the hell out of here...I'm maing that order IC as well. Understood. Also i don't use AIM any longer. if you wish to get hold of me you can reach me on MSN or e-mail me at
IC: Kyle than opened a channel to Dylan as he saw some Vong crafts heading towards him.
"Dylan. I am maing this immediate. You are to return to the NR. If my second in command is there you will be debriefed by him. If not than by the leader of Three Flight. If he is not there than you will be debriefed by any other commanding officer...That is an order now leave."
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:45:28 PM
"Welcome Jeedais" Tsaak grinned, showing he had no front teeth. "We've been awaiting you."
The pilots had been bound with Amphistaffs the second they were forced out of their X-wings. Tsaak stood in front of them, along with 10 other Yuuzhan Vong warriors.
"Order all ships to head for the planet. Prepare our carrier. These Jeedai will be following." Tsaak laughed.
<font color=red>"How about the resistance troops? They live."<font color=white> The tactician said.
"Make sure Shret and Ikrak along with the others hunt them out and exterminate or capture them. This opposition is foolish, and now they will pay in blood. Order 10 more warriors to accompany us." Tsaak nodded and walked away, watching as Gaven and Kyle were picked up and dragged to the carriers, still bound tightly. Their weapons had been removed and destroyed beforehand.
All of the ships, Heavy and Light cruisers, except for two and the Command ship had landed. Tsaak stepped onto the grass, bowing down and pulling out a clump of soil. He turned around to meet the slaves and his entourage of guards.
"I want every Vong troop and Chazrach to secure the planet, meanwhile. I will have some fun." Tsaak grinned at Kyle and Gaven. He took his Tsaisi from a warrior and began to beat them with it.
OOC: My plan is to rough you up a little and set you free to give the NR a message, so I don't plan on keeping you.
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:07:05 PM
Kyle felt the object slam into his body. He felt blood drop into his mouth. He struggled to stand as he felt more beats smash into him. He dropped to the ground as the object went into his gut. He fell to the floor and coughed. He felt blood come out as he pushed himself up. He looked at the Vong and spoke to him.
"You Vong make me sick."
Than he felt the object go into his face. He dropped to the ground and everything went dark.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:10:58 PM
OCC: I din't kill anyone, besides if you know your basic biology, you know that in order to be inmune to a virus you have to be fisrt exposed to it. So that you can create antibodies against it. Besides the desiase was a combination of a cold and the black death, the black death is imposible to have it inume because, the only way that the europeands got inumine was for generations. So its imposible to your ships. i not talking about the books im talking about real science. un less soemone has proff that im wrong in biology. Besides I have a question to Kyle.
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:20:16 PM
Tsaak shook Kyle awake, grabbing him by the neck. His bony fingers wrapped around the Jedi's neck. His eyes were complete delight.
"Now you will listen and listen well. You're going back to the New Republic with this scum." He gestured to Gaven on the floor unconscious. "Then you are going to tell them about us. Make sure they know our mission. Hopefully next time we meet, you will be worthy enough to die."
Tsaak orderded that they be brought in a captured Lambda class shuttle. The two Jeedai. The Warmaster had the coordinates placed in the screen for the NRCC by a slave. He watched as the shuttle lifted off the ground, and blasted into space. One less problem to worry about.
Turning back, Tsaak grabbed the villip that had been prepared for him. "Ikrak, how does the ground opposition fare? We have landed and our warriors and Chazrach are scouting.
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:33:09 PM
"Kyle, Kyle! damm no asnwer" Dylan told himself. Walking to his ship, Dylan looked at everyone evacuating, and gave a chip to officer of the republic saying this "John, listen to me i staying here, im giving you this is a second disk of all the intellege data i recollected during the battle. You will go to the new Republic and give this to the chief of state and the generals. " Dylan turning back question himself "Im going to disobey a direct order,proably going to be cort martial, dishonoralble discharged from the squadron and Kyle is going to be mad of me, hell sound like fun" Dylan went to his x-wing under camuflage evaiding the troops, and whit his blaster and lighsaber, he told himself "Never, when i was a captain i left a person behind, and im not going to strat now" Hiding he went to a secret base that he has the virus, he created to blind even for a few minutes the ship. Dylan whit his blaster and special forces pack, decided that the best way was to listen to the enmies frequency to find out were kyle is and to strike when the time is right
Reysa Sashara
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:43:25 PM
::A Border World Abolisher Cruiser, slowed down to half impulse 45000 km from the command ship, its engines slowed and crew went quiet, these vong were the regades of the galaxy his heart was calm but he was not nervouce neather scared::
"Open a Channel Sergent"said Rey
"Yes sir" said the Border World Trooper
"Vong Forces, on behalf of my admiral who is away (not online) we have come to make peace with the Vong instead of fight with you,...i await your speaking to me.."
::Rey looked back to his crew and nodded with a smile, the crew smiled back::
"Remay and Dixon get 2 TIE Sqadrons ready just in case, fully armed and re-fuled"
: He pointed to his first LT-Commander,"raise sheilds to full and i want a report every 10 mins on rader and on sonar..
:He looked foward waiting::
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:51:53 PM
Tsaak sent the message to Dylan who was still on the planet. "Your commanding officer has gone, and I suggest you follow. If you can survive long enough to get past our Command ship."
Commander Kal aboard the Command Ship Tla noticed the new ship entering the system. Their Oggzils outside the ship, picked up the frequency and translated it.
"What is the peece?" The Commander squinted. Then he spoke into the Oggzil, fastening the tizowyrm in his ear.
"There will be no discussions today. We will not attack you, but politely ask you to leave this place and inform your Admiral he won't receive any more trouble from us. By the order of the great Warmaster, I salute your efforts."
At that moment, two Heavy Cruisers emerged from Hyperspace after being called for by the Warmaster. They were orderded not to attack, but to assist in the reforming of Muunilist.
"Most of the opposers have been knocked out and sent away in their Infidel ships. The others will too. We did not come here to fight, only to cleanse. T'was unessecary we did have to fight." Commander Kal finished.
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:58:49 PM
Kyle moved slowly. He new the Dylan wouldn't listen. He smiled than sent a message to Dylan.
**" If you live Dylan. Than I will congraulate you...but send you to the brig for disobeying orders...I hope you live...Lieutenant."**
Mezhan Kwaad
Jun 2nd, 2001, 06:35:31 PM
Out of Hyperspace, 3 Light Cruisers followed the Heavy Cruisers that had just emerged minutes before. They instantly headed for the planet, shortly entering the atmosphere.
Mezhan Kwaad stepped outside the ship, smelling fresh oxygen produced from a planet for the first time in a long time. Her nails clicked with the living belt she wore as a sign of impatience. Two Shaper Adepts followed her from the ship.
"Master Shaper Kwaad, when do we begin the shaping?" One Adept asked.
<font color=green>"Why, right away you blunderbuss."<font color=white> Mezhan omitted a shrill sarcastic laugh. Instantly, she bent to the ground, holding a strange creature in her hand. She emptied it into the soil. The small creature crawled in.
Moments later, tendrils burst out of the floor. They began to intertwine, binding each together. Mezhan watched as the living creature did it's work.
<font color=green>"It has begun."
Reysa Sashara
Jun 2nd, 2001, 07:38:43 PM
"Sergent Full impuse reverse please" said rey
"Yes sir" said the sergent
::The Abolisher reversed and diapeard on Vong Radar::
Shadow LeFae
Jun 2nd, 2001, 09:07:16 PM
:: Fae, after landing at base, teleported herself and the rest of the wraiths back to the NRCC. She just hoped Kyle and Gaven were ok...
Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 09:29:35 PM
Dylan started moving to the Airport when he can see his fither. Hering the mesage form Kyle he stated to speack whit himself "If i get out of here alive!, then to the brig. nice, classy!." dylan smiled if we are going to leave this place im going to make sure i take some of those bastard whit the planet he went to the computer 'Computer athorization for destroying the base cap...sorry Lt. Dylan Hunt republic acting officer of the base serial code HE5095c1922, ten minute silent contdown. Initiate now!" Dylan grab his riffle and his packet and he saw his ship, seing little patrols, he decided that the guard figure, the he is dead. Listening to Kyle tone he knew that the base think that he is dead. Grabing the riffle Dylan stated to shoot the patrol fighting to make his way to his x-wing. Once he got in his x-wing he strated a stealth takeoff to avoid the detection of enemies hsip. Using the palnet atmosphere as a natural ECM, Dylan eluded the guards and set a direct corse to hyperspace. At the same time Dylan navigated to hyperspace, the reouclic bases went on self destruct, the mayority of soldiers that were taking over the bases.
Reysa Sashara
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:20:57 PM
:: The Border Worlds Abolisher Cruiser stoped out of impulse::
"Sergent whats that on our radar" said rey...
"A.....shuttle sir" Said Sergent Tosan with a confused look
" What faction" said rey
" Looks NR sir by radar that is not a Vong ship" said the sergent
" Open a channel Messaya" said rey
" Yes Sir" said the Communications officer..
Shuttle nearing our location Identify yourself
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:23:38 PM
Kyle heard the sound. He went to the comm. unit and spoke he felt his throat burning as he spoke.
"This is Major...Ky...le Horn...of the NRCC." Kyle swallowed and felt lie his throat as burning to pieces. "I am with my wingmate Lieutenant Gaven Antilles..."
Reysa Sashara
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:34:26 PM
" Ok prepare docking sequences Sergent" said rey..
"Yes sir"
" and get a damn medi crew down there for god sake" he said a bit annoyed
:: The hull opend beaming some light out into space::
"Lower shields sergent and decompress the bay"
" already done sir" said the sergent with a smile
: the ship flew in fast making the Docking bay crew duck and dive and landed quickly, the Bay crew had Bio suits on and dragged both men out::
"Get those men into quaranteen people" said the Bay Commander
:: The Fighter Bay crew quicky got the men to the medibay and into quranteen pods::
" OK full speed and shields up sergent.. and close the hull" he lushged nearly forgetting
" Sir course set and (she pressed a button) were on our way"
:: with that the ship enterd hyper drive and sped away from the hot zone toward ambria::
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:41:42 PM
Kyle felt the ship being docked and than he didn't notice anything after that.
Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:25:22 AM
Ikrak looked over the plains.
These used to be beautiful, verdant plains. But now, now they were charred and burning, covered by dead bodies.
Giant floatinf fire breathers bobbed over the plain, killing infidels at every turn.
It began to drizzle and a fog began to swirl around the warriors.
They must have seemed fog elementals, marching out the fog and drizzle, line upon line of Vong warriors.
Ikrak smiled and screamed battle chants and and the order to charge.
They advanced....within hours, the city would be destroyed, and the planet in the nads of the Vong.
Hours later.....
Ikrak swung the Amphistaff into the neck joint of another infidel.
Razor and Thud bugs slamming into infidels at all turns, Amphistaffs whirling and heads rolling.
A blaster bolt richoched off of his armour.
Ikrak whirled and leaped, swirling both Amphistaffs to cissor off the infidel's head.
Ikrak whirled, panting, looking for someone to kill...
Then he heard it, he realized that was the buzzing at the back of his mind.
"Ikrak! The battle is won, we control the city...Or whats left of it, atleast.
The Planet is ours."
Ikrak grinned and the checked another villip and told the Warmaster the planet was theirs.
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 3rd, 2001, 10:38:42 AM
<font color=red>"Warmaster, the planet is ours."<font color=white> Ikrak's familiar voice came through the villip. Tsaak turned around to survey the open fields of Muunilist. The Fire Breathers had charred some life, but everything would be repaired. Muunilist would blossom again.
Tsaak climbed atop a rock, staring at the hundreds of warriors that stood before him.
"Let us take a moment to honor the dead." Tsaak bowed his head, as did every other Yuuzhan Vong present. A few moments later, he raised it again. "The Gods have bestowed upon us, a new planet. A new shaping ground. The Gods favor the Yuuzhan Vong. Now we shall carry out...their wishes!" Tsaak raised his Tsaisi high in the air, hearing battle cries from every warrior present. He hopped off the rock and walked over to his tactician.
"How many slaves were aquired?" Tsaak asked.
<font color=red>"I'm afraid only 300. The Fire Breathers destroyed every slave in sight."<font color=white> The tactician replied.
"Very well. Prepare my transport. I am going back to Belkadan." The Warmaster grinned. "I to attend to."
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:30:52 AM
Ikrak bowed his head to the fallen Yuuzhan Vong warriors grinned as the slaves passed by.
"Warmaster!" Ikrak strode up to Tsaak. "Are any of these to for holy sacrifice?"
Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:54:10 AM
"You may take three." Tsaak grinned. "May the Gods smile upon your deeds High Priest Ikrak."
The Warmaster nodded and turned around, handing two warriors his Tsaisi. He walked toward the shuttle that had just arrived. And with that, the Warmaster was gone.
Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:03:56 PM
Ikrak bows and turns off to his shuttle.
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