View Full Version : My First Challenge to a Jedi (Open)

Ferin Cloudstalker
May 30th, 2001, 10:11:26 AM
*Ferin steps off his ship, surveying the landscape...It is a cold nite on Thyferra, and it seems as though it may rain. He has a seat, and has a ciggarette while he waits, his sabre laying across his lap. <Maybe some jedi will come and give me some fun> thought Ferin...This was his whole intent.*

May 30th, 2001, 10:46:13 PM
Ferin senses a presence several hundred feet in front of him, but sees nothing. When the presence gets within 50 feet, a cloud of smoke materializes, and a dark cloaked figure steps out of it.

Who are you? What is your business in this area?

Ferin Cloudstalker
May 31st, 2001, 09:29:55 AM
*Ferin stands*

My name is Ferin Cloudstalker, and I am a Sith Apprentice to Dalethria Mal Pannis. If you are a Jedi, I would be more than happy to duel with you.

*Ferin looks at him with a wicked smile, then pulls out his sabre, ignites it, and prepares to attack*

May 31st, 2001, 07:35:28 PM
Akrabbim draws his sword and drops into a defensive posture.

I am Akrabbim Melchizan, Padawan to AmazonBabe. Attack if you must, but I warn you, do not trust what you see.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 1st, 2001, 09:18:27 AM
Ahh, a master of illusions, i take it? <thinks for a second> Very well. <mutters> It figures this would be my first.</mutters>

*Ferin does not attack openly...he stands there, looking at the Padawan, watching him...or so it seems. Right then, a rock slams into the back of the Padawans head, causing him to stumble...Ferin saw his chance, and attacked at once jumping towards him, sabre drawn, and swung for his head*

OOC: this is the part where i get rocked, i think. :)
No matter...at least I'm trying.

Jun 1st, 2001, 05:47:20 PM
Akrabbim is rocked from the blow to the head. He recovers and sees his opponent jumping toward him. He creates an illusion of himself standing. The real Akrabbim, however, drops to one knee, invisible. As Ferin rushes in, Akrabbim extends his sword forward. Just as his saber strikes what appears to be Akrabbim's neck, the quantum metal katana penetrates his right leg, going through to the other side. Fortunately for the Sith, the blade only hit muscle. He yanks the blade free and backs away, waiting on Ferin's next move.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 2nd, 2001, 02:38:28 PM
*Ferin falls backwards, and does a roll back to a crouched position...his leg bleeds, buthe remembers what Dale taught him, to use it to his advantage. He realizes this Jedi is an illusionist, and he won't be able to trust his eyes...Ferin begins to stretch out with the force, to sense where he is. He has a map in his mind of his surrondings, and he hones in on the Jedis force signiture, while also seeing the next illusion...he pretends to attack towards the illusion, and at the last moment, he breaks stride and does a diving somersault over the slicing blade of the Kitana, and swings back with Catseye, his sabre, and grazes the Jedi across the chest.*

Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:45:36 PM
Akrabbim staggers from the shot, but concentrates through it. He uses Ferin's wound to his advantage, playing off the fact that he is slower because of it. He uses Force Speed, rushing around him to his injured side. As he does, he raises his sword in a feint, allowing Ferin's saber to roll off the blade. As soon as Akrabbim passes the weapon, he locks his right arm around the man's neck, his forearm on the man's esophagus and corotid artery. He drops his sword and locks his other arm behind his neck, completing the hold. As the hold is locking in, Akrabbim takes advantage of the physical connection to Ferin. He sends a large blast of Force Confusion into his mind, using the connection as a conduit. The Force Confusion should keep him from using the Force, and the hold itself should be hard to break. With luck, this fight can be resolved with no more bloodshed.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 4th, 2001, 09:26:44 AM
*Ferin realizes one thing before the confusion takes over his mind...he is scared. He has fear...fear of death, but more importantly, fear of failing his Master, Dalethria. He holds onto this fear, nuturing it, through all the confusion in his brain, he still has the fear...he swings his sabre hilt up towards his head, cracking the Jedi in the face with it multiple times...the Jedi drops his hold, and Ferin rolls forward, spinning around in the process, facing the Jedi, allowing his head to clear.*

I fear you, Jedi...But that only makes me want to kill you all the more.

Jun 4th, 2001, 06:25:57 PM
Akrabbim shakes his head, regaining his composure.

I suggest you concetrate on the task at hand. For example, this sword.

As he says this, he gestures to his left, raising his sword with the Force. He points his hand forward, sending the sword flying toward the Sith. It flies at the left side of his chest, to pierce his lung. Not as bloodless as Akrabbim would hope, but not deadly. Yet.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 5th, 2001, 09:27:45 AM
*Ferin, still feeling the effects of the Force confusion, sees the sword...for some reason he just wants to be his friend. But when the sword begins to pierce his flesh, he reacts quickly...before it could puncture his lung, he grabbed the handle...ripping it out of him, and using the pain from the wound as his power, he hurls the sword at a nearby rock, imbedding it. He then stands, and faces the Jedi...*

Thank you, now i'm not confused. That was a dirty trick for one so righteous. Maybe you have the calling of the dark side in your bones...you just ignore it.

*Ferin calls his sabre up to him, igniting it...its Dark Blue glow illuminating the little pathway of woods they were on. He then looks back at The Jedi, and smiles a smile that would've made a hutt get on with what it was doing.*

Let's do this.

*Ferin runs up, closing his eyes and getting himself in tune...he misses the first attack, and begins to panic...he calms down, and unleashes his rage...next thing he knows, he is furiously attacking the Jedi padawan, sabre to sabre, sparks flying, colors blazing...Ferin then strikes downward, then takes his right hand off the handle, punches the Jedi in the face, and jumps up to give him a spinning kick planted right on his chin...the Jedi staggers.*

Jun 5th, 2001, 01:56:04 PM
OOC: Just so you know, Force Confusion only makes you unable to concentrate on things and makes it hard to fight. It wouldn't make you think I was an ally. I'm not faulting you, but just telling you, so you know. :)

IC: Akrabbim staggers back, ending up several feet away. Powering down his saber, he addresses his opponent.

I'll never understand you Dark Siders. You seem to think that any attack that doesn't announce itself five minutes in advance is of the Dark Side. It's not the attack you use, it's how you use it.

As he is talking, he frees his sword from the rock and aims it for the same spot as earlier, but this time from behind.

For example, if I were a Dark Sider, I would have thrown my sword at your heart. Instead...

At that moment, Akrabbim yanks his sword inward, stabbing Ferin from behind piercing his lung.

I merely injure you enough to end this fight.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:29:59 AM
*Ferin drops to his knees, blood pouring out of his back. He begins to cough up bubbles of blood...he is panicing, and doesnt know what to do. He remembers what Dale taught him...he begins to channel his pain, slowly numbing it...he looks at the Jedi, the dirty, cheap Jedi...Ferin didn't know they could stab people in the back. Ferin begins to get upset...he rises to his feet, and looks the Jedi in the eye...*

You want this fight over? Then so be it.

*Ferin smiles, and begins to laugh....suddenly, a large boulder lands on the Jedi, pinning him to the ground and out of sight...Ferin climbs onto his ship, and lifts off from the ground...*

We shall meet again, Jedi.

OOC:Thanks for the clarification. Good fight, Good Night!

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 6th, 2001, 11:31:07 AM
OOC: That was rather cheap.

Liam Jinn
Jun 6th, 2001, 11:43:38 AM
OOC: I agree, what is it with youngin's and trying to win?

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 6th, 2001, 12:51:32 PM
OOC: Hey, he wanted an end...regardless, I"m the one that got stabbed in the lung...we'll rematch...if you look back, thats about the only good one i got in, so excuse me for being rsourceful!! :)

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 6th, 2001, 02:44:16 PM
OOC: No hard feelings Akra...I got the feeling like you wanted to get it over with. didnt mean to piss you off.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 6th, 2001, 04:36:03 PM
OOC~ Ferin, it was the fact you did an attack and left in one post that wasn't so good. eventho your opponent wanted the fight to end soon, ending it as you did wasn't fair.

We need to try and keep it fair :p

Jun 6th, 2001, 05:31:52 PM
OOC: Also, as everyone seems to forget, when your lung is pierced, you can barely breathe. And it's doubtful you'd have enough strength to lift that size boulder. And move it fast enough where I can't get away. And that I'd stand still the entire time. The only reason I got you with my sword is that you turned your back on a weapon that you know full well I can control.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:03:31 AM
OOC: I apologize. I didn't meant ot be unfair...if you would like, we can start the post from your post in which you stabbed me. I have no problem with that...I had ment the boulder to merely trap you, not harm you. That way, I was to escape with my injuries. However, I can see where that would be unfair, and I have no problem reending the post. again, I apologize.

Jun 7th, 2001, 04:58:11 PM
OOC: Hey, not a problem. It happens. And so you know, I am a Jedi, so you'll be ok... I'm not gonna try to hurt your character any more than necessary to end the fight.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:01:26 PM
OOC: alrighty, I'll just start up again in here...if you'd rather set up another thread, just let me know, and i'll start posting there.

IC: *Ferin feels the blade go into his back, and suddenly it feels as though a large boulder has been placed on his chest....he collapses to the ground, trying to regain his breath, thinking only one thing..."I will kill this Jedi someday..."*

I-I thought....you were...a jedi...yet you stabbed...me...in the back?

*Ferin attempts to stand, feeling lightheaded from the blood loss...he manages to get to his feet, and ignite his sabre... he takes one step, and collapses from the pain...Dalethria had taught him well, but what kind of an apprentice could stand this type of punishment?...At this point, Ferin is on his back, gasping for breath...he utters these words...*

Neo, help me.

OOC: I hope this is more to your liking? my next plan was to have my brother Neo pick me up from this place and transport me back...your thoughts or tips on posting are appreciated...if there are any more, please share them. Thanks!! :)

Jun 7th, 2001, 10:55:06 PM
OOC: Just trust me to act like a Jedi. :)

IC: Akrabbim watches the man slump to the ground, making sure he is out of this fight. As soon as he is sure it is not a trick, Akrabbim pulls a bacta packet from his cloak and applies it to the wound. He bandages the stab as best as possible and lays the man flat. He then places a distress beacon on his chest. He does not wish the man dead... he does not even wish him harm. He merely needed to stop the fight. Once he is sure the man will pull through, he gathers his equipment and leaves.

Ferin Cloudstalker
Jun 8th, 2001, 08:08:15 AM
OOC: Thanks, and I'm sorry for the mix up. We'll fight again sometime. :)

IC: *Ferin is lost in conciousness...he can't figure out where he is....he looks around him, and notices flashing images of his brother Neo leaning over him...he feels the sensation of moving on the ship, and blasting off bound for home.*