View Full Version : Need a Challange(Open Challange)

May 25th, 2001, 11:01:48 PM
:: DS6 awaited in the tall mesa for any fighter willing to fight him. DS6 had had some good battles before, but he needed something that would challange him like that again. DS6 hissed as he waited for an enemy. Ds6 croched down, and sat down on his butt. He crossed his legs, in a yoga stle and started meditating. He was concentrating on the dark area around him ::

May 26th, 2001, 02:36:45 AM
*a low growl is heard and DS6 looks up to see a black panther looking at him intently. But another sound a short distance away catches him to look in that direction. A young woman looks at him, smirking wryly*
So I hear you're looking for a fight, huh? I haven't fought in quite some time but I think I can offer you a challenge, I defeated many warriors back when I still fought.

OOC: I don't know how often I'll be on these next few days, but I'll at least be around tommorrow night but I'm not sure what days I'll be online after that.....

May 26th, 2001, 10:52:59 AM
OOC: It's ok, it happens. What rank arw you, since I am solo, I'd say I am Knight rank.


:: DS6 checks out the woman, then speaks ::

' It sems you are a good warrior, but I have never heard of you, or even seen you. This fight will be real interesting to see what happens, I hope you are well aware of that. '

:: DS6 rubbs his feet into the ground, making his stance stronger. DS6 bends his arm back and pulls out his lightstaff. He pulls it out to the front in a spinning motion, making a funny noise doing so. Once he gets to the front, DS6 stops and makes it horizantal, he ignites one side of his saber, exposing a blacklight, with a blue streak runnning down the middle. The saber, a little curved, making it easier to move and faster. ::

' Let's dance '

May 27th, 2001, 12:34:53 AM
OOC: that would mainly because I kinda stopped using this alias for awhile. I'm a Sith Lordess of TSO as it says in my sig....

Like I said before I haven't fought in awhile so you wouldn't have seen me, but I assure that I can fight well and I will try not to hurt you too much. *Videl smirks as she pulls out her saber and ignites it.* Interesting toy you have there, but I prefer the older model....I defer first move to you since I will be making the last move...*Videl smiles wryly again as she takes a defensive stance*

May 27th, 2001, 11:43:53 AM
' The last move part you have right. when you are lying on the floor beggin for mercy, I finish you and they move you will do is close your eyes, hahaha '

:: DS6 laughed in a mockingly way, h knew the way of the old fighters were different. For some reason, Ds6 had no training, he had grown up fihgiting and improving, it was his time to show his true colors. ::

:: DS6 rub, his feet alittle, and charged at Videl, pointing his saber at her. Upon reaching 5 feet, DS6 poivoted to his left, spinning. As DS6 made a whole 360 degrees both fighters saber made contact. Sparks flew, and the battle was on. Quickly, Ds6 retaliated back, slashing toward the feet. Videl dodged the slash by jumping. DS6 then did a spin kick upwards, as Videl was still in the air. The kick hit Videl in the midsection, throwing her to the rigth. ::

Jun 2nd, 2001, 12:34:24 AM
*Videl hits the ground briefly but smirks as she stands back up. She then raises her saber and charges forward at DS6 who predictably blocks just in time* How very interesting. Did you intend for any of that to hurt in any way because it didn’t. But that gives me a little bit of insight into your skill level and it was exactly what I expected.

*While still pushing her saber against DS6’s blocking, Videl attacks with her free hand by backhanding him across the face and then with an upward thrust into DS6’s nose with the heel of her hand and shatters his nose upon impact. She smirks, watching DS6 try to deal with the pain and watches the blood stream down his face*

DS6, you’re really quite lucky that as a Sith, you are somewhat of an ally or I would have done that hard enough to send your sinus bones into your brain. You are honestly too sure of yourself, DS6, attacking me with overconfidence is never wise. I may be one of the warriors from the older days but that won’t help you in any way. Despite how strong you may think you are, you don’t stand a chance against a warrior like me. When I was only an apprentice, I held my own against LL, Lady Mara Jade, Master Bromine, Master Yogurt, Reaperfett, Jedi Boricua and many of the other great fighters of that time. You may think you know what you’re dealing with, but believe me, you don’t. And now it’s time for you to learn how the older warriors fought, hopefully you will be conscious enough when this fight is done to remember it.

*And with what she said, DS6 angrily moves forward to attack just as she wanted him to. She smirks as she stops him with a combination of force push and pull which holds him in one place. Videl grabs him by the wrist and twists it behind him until the familiar popping sound is heard as DS6’s arm pops out of the socket. But Videl doesn’t stop there, she straightens out DS6’s now useless arm and punches the center of the upper part of his arm, breaking that as well. Videl then brings her leg up and knees DS6 in the spine, knocking him forward and into the ground. Still smirking wryly, she puts her foot on his neck and pushes his face further into the dirt* Are you having fun yet, young one?

OOC: sorry for the delay, but my time is kinda restricted lately so I am unable to be online daily...and if you can't handle fighting with a broken arm,I'll edit it out or heal it since Videl is one of the few Sith that can heal......

Jun 2nd, 2001, 03:02:22 PM
OOC: I have a few things to say. First, i wear a metal mast, so punching me in the nose would hurt you more than it would hurt me. Second, There is quite the amou t of moves in a post. third, your the first fighter Ihave met that his disessembled me in one post like that. I would like a slight edit

Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:37:04 AM
OOC: one, metal mask or none, Videl is strong enough to do so, she has a very high force aura....two, that is how Videl fights, she gets in several hard hits at the begining and throughout the fight, in short she causes as much damage as she can....and third, Videl has a hell of a lot of fighting experience to back up how strongly she fights and honestly I have done a lot worse attacks that could hurt a lot worse but I didn't since I know you haven't been around for a long time......I will try to be a little easier but I won't edit for now.....

Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:57:13 AM
OOC: Thanks for the reason, but it would be nice if you wouldn't disembowl me in a post like that, maybe over a series of post, but I'll go along.

:: DS6 had been brutaly beaten, and was injured much. ::

' You hve some great skills, and it seems you are a great challange. It might take me my full arsenal to take you out, maybe even more. But unlike others, I will not frighten away as a coward, I shall fight back, until I am brutally beaten or victorious. '

:: DS6 stands up, in a straight posture, he tries ingonoring as much pain as he can, but it is pretty difficult. Ds6, stutters qucikly, trying to snap back his shoulder(I think that was it). DS6 tried again and it worked, DS6 moveed around his shoulder and was ready to fight again.

DS6 pullled out his second light saber, throwing away his other, so it wouldn't bother him a bit. DS6 reared, up and dashed toward Videl. Pulling his saber from back to front, he pointed it toward Videl. He took a slash to the gut of Videl ,but it was blocked easily. D6 using his other side, striked toward the head, the sabers made contact. Videl, over powering DS6, throw him to the floor. DS6, sneakingly, grabbed some dirt off the ground, and hid it in his hand.

As DS6 got up he threw the dirt in Videl's face. blinding her. She snapped back, and tried rubbing th pain away. DS6 Taking a chance, puchned Videl in the stomach about 5 times. Videl fell back a little, as Videl did, DS6 took a slight slash at the leg of Videl. ::

Jun 9th, 2001, 12:32:34 AM
OOC: your arm is broken but I can edit that out…but you were being pinned down by Videl’s foot on your neck, so you wouldn’t be able to get up that easily…….

*Videl channels the force and uses it to locate DS6 since she can’t see him at the moment. She sensed he was still in front of her and by his upsurge in force energy, he was attacking. But Videl was not one to be taken down by childish tricks so she did a front flip and landed behind DS6. With her vision beginning to clear, Videl smirks and reaches for something behind her back. As DS6 turns to attack, he is met with a kick from Videl to the face and then is kneed under his ribs, knocking all of the air out of his lungs.* And now it’s time for an eye for an eye-Videl
*smirks as she begins to channel the force again and sends out a bright flash from force lightning, blinding DS6 to about the same extent he did to her. DS6 winces in pain from the light and can hear the laughter of Videl from somewhere nearby. But DS6 barely has the time to register his pain before searing pain surges through him again as something rips into his shoulder. But the ripping feeling doesn’t last long as Videl laughs again before walking away a little bit to observe the damage she caused and to wait for DS6 to recover enough to attack again. When DS6’s vision clears enough, he sees Videl with four 5 inch long knives each hand with a loop like a ring at the bottom of every one so they wrap around Videl’s fingers. Fresh blood shines on each razor sharp blade so DS6 now knows what had cut up his shoulder.*

Hehe, you’ll have to do much better than that DS6 if you intend to leave here on your own two feet. At this rate, you will have to be carried out of here. You can try to defeat me, but like I said before I will be making the last move and I have only been beaten once, so your odds of winning are very poor. And unfortunately, I never back down so you will have to give up eventually since I never will.

Jun 10th, 2001, 02:48:18 AM
OOC: *bump* I won't be back again until next Friday again for this fight...sorry for the inconvience....