View Full Version : Underground Bimmiel
Shret Nion
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:01:28 PM
Warrior Number 38 was Shret Nion. He was sent as part of the Recon team that included the fire-breathers. Being the new warrior in the group, he accidentally stepped in the path of one of the firebreathers. He had third degree burns on over a third of his body.
Despite the burns, the Recon team destroyed the little resistance the New Republic offered. Just a day after gaining total control over all of the mini-resistances over the planet, Shret Nion was sent off on a mission to secure small holdings on the planet Bimmiel.
A Light Transport whisked a team of Chazrachs and Warrior up to the Light Cruiser Rock. The Light Cruiser jumped into hyperspace shortly thereafter. It emerged out of scanning range of Bimmiel. The team, consisting of 200 Yuuzhan Vong Warriors and 300 Chazrachs, made their way onto the planet in a Light Transport.
The Winter Solecistic of Bimmiel was marked by an increase in Meteor Activity. The Light Transport was easily confused as a Meteor as it fell through the atmosphere. The only difference was the Light Transport didn't crash into the ground as a Meteor would. The Light Transport hovered a bit above the ground in an unoccupied spot of the planet. Undected, it set down on the ground with a Thump.
Shret barked orders through the Light Transport. After his commendable service in the Muunilist takeover, Shret was pormoted to the infidel equivalent of a Sergeant, and he was placed in command of the Bimmiel team. He was still unorthodox and uncomfortable with his Amphistaff skills, but he had improved a great deal since Muunilist.
Shret Nion
Jun 4th, 2001, 04:15:31 PM
A savage species of animals known as slashrats were native to the planet Bimmiel. They flourished during the Summer Seasons. During the Winter seasons, there was less of a populace, but still enough to be a threat to any creature roaming the deserts.
The Light Transport had scared the slashrats in the immediate vicinity to run away. But now, after the earth had settled down from the Light Transport's landing, the Slashrats were ready to examine the prey that encroached on its territory.
They came with out noticeable warning. They emitted their Killscent, but the Yuuzhan Vong Team did not pick up on it. They jumped straight up out of the winter sand. Spinning visciously, they tore into the Yuuzhan Vong ranks that massed two hundred. They tore into the Chazrach ranks too, that massed 300.
The attack was quick and unexpected. A slashrat pack of fourteen sprung up from the ground and had taken Twenty Yuuzhan Vong and Twenty Six Chazrachs.
The screams of pain and death alerted the Yuuzhan Vong's farthest from the slashrats of an attack. Shret immediately jumped into action. He twirled his amphistaff upwards. His long legs pumped as he sprinted through the ranks towards the slashrat attack. One slashrat jumped out into the air right infront of him. Shret brought his hands down in a "rave dance". The amphistaff in his hands contacted the slashrat and edged into the skin. The slashrat squealed in a high pitch and emitted a horrid stench. It fell through the amphistaff, slicing it into uneven halves. It splattered onto the cold ground and blood oozed out of its dead body.
Shret looked over and saw another warrior attacking three slashrats at once. Shret raced over to assist. His amphistaff swung out wildly, totally missing the slashrats, while the warrior's amphistaff struck the far slashrat right in the middle, cracking many bones. It fell limp to the ground.
Shret stabbed his amphistaff downward like a walking stick. It impaled the middle slashrat. Shret brought his amphistaff back up and flicked it at the remaining slashrat. The serpent head bit into the slashrat hide. The poison quickly took over the slashrats mind. It writhed in a seizure as it too fell to the ground.
Shret looked out at the ranks. The remaining slashrats were all dead on the ground. The stink they emitted was enough to tell Shret that. He looked at the gaps in the ranks. The slashrats had killed twenty warriors and twenty six Chazrachs. Three warriors were injured from battles with the slashrats.
<font color="red">"Let's keep the Dovin Basals on the Light Transport activated. This will hopefully keep the slashrats away from us so we will not be suprised again."</font> Shret spoke into a villip, telling the Light Transport Pilot orders.
Shret Nion
Jun 5th, 2001, 04:26:25 PM
<font color="red">"Let's make camp,"</font> Shret's new orders were directed at the whole Bimmiel Team. Shret had decided that after the tiresome journey from Muunilist and after the Slashrat Scare, it would be best for the whole team to be well rested before beginning the long travels underground. And, the "diggers" had yet to arrive so it would be pointless to start underground travels at the present moment.
The camp's command center would be the Light transport. Groupings by ranks would make their own "teepee" like structures to rest in. The Dovin Basals would provide protection from any more Slashrat attacks.
Shret Nion
Jun 6th, 2001, 10:54:04 PM
<font color="red">"Shret, a 'Creature' Class Transport, has arrived in atmosphere."
"Send it down."</font>
[i]Diggers. They had arrived. The Diggers were one more creature the Master Shapers had been able to shape to accomplish any task the Warriors would need it for. The digger was a medium sized creature of 2.6 meters. It had six legs, though it was not an insect. It stood with the second and third set of legs on the ground. The front to legs were more like a lobster's claws. The front set of legs ended in a smooth cup-like formation. The cup was scooped into the ground to shovel out earth, where the digger would find its food. The food was anything ranging from a worm to large beetles.
A single digger had the capabilities of digging out a square meter of earth in length and hight. Inside that square, the digger could dig verticly up to twenty meters in one day.
The typical liking of Yuuzhan Vong commanders was to use the diggers in groups. A standard group would be made up of six diggers. In a single day, the digger group could dig a six square meter area twenty meters deep. They could also, if directed, build straight down not worrying about square areas. This would increase the total amount of possible digging.
The Creature Class Transport, eighty meters in length, contained seventy two diggers.
Shret Nion
Jun 7th, 2001, 12:03:58 PM
<font color="red">"Set the Creature Transport down outside the Light Transport Dovin Range. This will expand our area of slashrat shields."</font>
[i]Shret villiped the orders up to the Creature Transport. He then jogged lightly from the Command Center (The Light Transport) to the area he wanted the Creature Transport to land. He brought with him two Yuuzhan Vong attack beasts to protect him incase a slashrat decided to attack him. The scent and demeanor of the attack beasts must have discouraged the slashrats from attacking Shret, because a sensor system indicated that all of the slashrats had receded ten meters.
The Creature Transport landed right where Shret wanted it. It kept its Dovin Basals activated, making a slashrat shield like the Light Transport did. Ten Chazrach Slaves came out of the Creature Transport from the "departure hole."
Shret issued orders to these Chazrachs, <font color="red">"Get the Diggers down here immediately. Tell you captain and any other Yuuzhan Vong aboard to help, too."
Shret Nion
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:33:03 PM
The diggers were all held in "crates." Each crate contained two diggers. After five minutes of quick work, thirty six crates were in a line under the departure hole.
Shret walked up the row inspecting each of the diggers. He gave them a once over. He then decided which diggers would be used in the initial dig which was one of the most strenuous digs. He pointed at seven crates.<font color="red">"Those."</font>
[i]The Chazrachs standing behind the seven pointed at crates pulled up the latches, releasing the diggers. Shret pulled out his villip-frequency commander. It emitted high pitched whistles similar to a dog whistle. The lengths of the whistles commanded the diggers and other Yuuzhan Vong creatures what to do.
The fourteen chosen diggers snapped to a 'ready' attention. After hearing a repeat of the orders, the diggers set out to the assigned destination and began breaking earth.
Shret Nion
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:09:46 PM
By the time the sun had set, the fourteen diggers had dug a tunnel forty meters into the Bimmiel Soil. The width of the tunnel was just over the width of a Yuuzhan Vong Coral Skipper.
<font color="red">"Cover this up. Camoflague it. I don't want it to be found."</font> Shret looked over the wide hole. Immediately, three Yuuzhan Vong Warriors began setting up a camoflague for the hole. The Camo was the equivalent of an ooglith masquer on a inanimate object. It disguised the hole to blend into the nearby surroundings, which was for now, grass and ice.[/i]
<font color="red">"Get the whole Digger team down there and get them to begin digging out the underground area. I'll have the dimensions sent down in a few minutes."</font> The diggers, all seventy two this time, would dig a series of connecting tunnels and rooms where the Underground Bimmiel Base would be held. After that, a Shaping team would be sent into the newly constructed underground base to shape Yuuzhan Vong sensory systems into the earth.
Shret Nion
Jun 10th, 2001, 12:31:37 PM
[i]Three tunnels branched off from the main vertical tunnel. These three tunnels led three different rooms. The rooms were Sensory Room, Villip Communications Room, Warrior Room, respectivley.
The Sensory Room would consist of Sensor Pods that would detect incoming Ships, creatures, ground forces, and anything else that had heat signatures. The Villip Comunications Room was a storehouse of villip links to all of the Yuuzhan Vong strongholds. The Warrior Room was a common briefing room for warriors and any missions they would have.
From the Sensory room, three more tunnels branched off. These tunnels led to sleeping quarters, a back-up sensory room, and an underground Hangar for Coralskippers and transports. Three tunnels also extended from the Villip Room. These led to sleeping quarters, a back-up communications room, and a small shaping pad to shape any items the Yuuzhan Vong on Bimmiel Might need. From the Warrior Room, there were six tunnels. The first three tunnels led to sleeping quarters, the last of those three leading to commanding officers quarters. The next tunnel led to a tactical room that contained maps and data feeds of the Infidels and Yuuzhan Vong workings on and off planet. The last two tunnels were devoted to the War Cooridinator, or Yammosk.
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