View Full Version : a strong darkness arrives... (open to any jedi)

Athena Lady Darknss
May 29th, 2001, 10:36:06 PM
:: walks into a new area taking in all she can see and feel in the force and then it hits her the jedi she awaits ::

Nash Stolar
May 30th, 2001, 11:26:30 PM
*nash was walking in the area when he sensed a sith...He then walked to where the power was coming from to find a sith woman..*

"Hey are you lost?"

Athena Lady Darknss
May 31st, 2001, 12:47:50 AM
ignites her saber and smiles

" no should i be? "

Nash Stolar
May 31st, 2001, 03:48:17 PM
*Nash quickly ignited his green saber...the blade humming to life*

"Well I found you."

Athena Lady Darknss
May 31st, 2001, 04:17:47 PM
:: smiles at the jedi ::

" you might have found me, but i have found the power "

:: athena then swiftly moves from her motionless stance to a full run at the Jedi. Her saber held semi-close to her body, with in the run she uses the force to jump up and over the jedi, her body spinning in the jump. Athena's saber slashes down at the jedi's right shoulder where the arm and the shoulder meet, landing on her feet Athena drags her saber from the Jedi's shoulder to his left hip. ::

Nash Stolar
May 31st, 2001, 08:29:09 PM
*Nash closed in eye at the pain, he then made a small dash forword to avoide anymore damage, noticing she dident move back he took the chance..he spun around and lunged at her, he struck her sholder blade..causing a deep gash*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:59:04 PM
:: feels the gash in her shoulder and keeps her mind from it. As the saber cuts into her flesh Athena kicks the Jedi in the stomach and from her. His weapon leaving her body. At the same time Athena twirls her saber in her right hand and around to a bottom grip where the saber blade hanges at her legs and the hilt is in her grip facing up. ::

Nash Stolar
Jun 1st, 2001, 11:49:28 PM
*He recoverd from the kick to him stomach, he took a few steps back..*

"Is that all a sith has?"

*he then lifted his hand at her and hit her with a hard forceblast sending her back a few steps, useing the chance nash jumped into the air then came down saber raised aiming for an attack to her head*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 4th, 2001, 01:57:10 PM
:: Takes the few steps and then lifts her saber to deflect the attack, once sabers hit Athena falls to her back her foot on his ribs and she kicks him of her. She stands and looks at him. Then lifts her hand and levitates some of the smaller rocks in the area hurrling them at Nash like small bits of shrapnal. ::

" no but why should i waste everything on you Jedi?"

Nash Stolar
Jun 4th, 2001, 06:44:33 PM
"You will have nothing to use.."

*Reaching out with the force, nash quickend his movements...then the first batch of rocks came from the front, he lifted his hand and force blasted them away...when the rest came he back fliped and they hit the ground where he was standing.....he made a dash at her...when he reached her he punched her across the face and followed up by a round house kick*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 5th, 2001, 03:45:36 PM
:: watches as he moves her rocks then Athena feels the hits first the punch then the kick. Staggering but not fallen, Athena sweeps the feet out from under the Jedi. Looking down she sees him on his back on the floor. Still holding her saber in a reverse grip she stabs down with her saber into the jedis right shoulder/chest area ::

Nash Stolar
Jun 7th, 2001, 10:19:54 AM
*nash lifted a foot then kicked up, hitting Athena in the stomach..as she fell back he got up...then with a groan.he pulled the saber out of his sholder....then with the force he ran at her..then with both sabers he slashed a X into her chest then finished the attack with a spin kick also to her chest...he then took a few steps back*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 7th, 2001, 03:44:30 PM
:: feeling her hand lose grip on her saber and Nash's foot in her stomach Athena gets thrown, but not waisting anytime she ignites her other saber. Bringing it up in just enought time to block and move the X patterned other sabers from above her. Her uniforme singed but she not hurt to bad. Still fighting the pain from her wound in her shoulder Athena looks at Nash her chest throbing from his kick. Her eyes flash color once more and a wave of dark energy floods Nah sending him flying from his near distance and her.

Athena then Runs at Nash her second saber gripped in her hand the shock of the dark energy still dasing him she leaps into the air as if a graceful animal. Seeing how he has let his grip on the other saber lowered Athena takes one of her best chances on the jedi and from her graceful leap she brings her saber in a low and swift arc around the jedis neck and chest. ::

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 7th, 2001, 05:58:30 PM

So that i know will someone please let me know if i have made any mistakes. Im still knew to the boards and would love to be told when wrong thanks.

The Lady Athena

Nash Stolar
Jun 7th, 2001, 06:33:17 PM
*letting one of the sabers drop nash quickly raised a hand and then gave the sith a force blast sending her off her attack course...useing the time he had nash stood up then shook his head..*

"hey...that hurt.."

*looking he saw athena recovering...picking up the droped saber...he ran at her then at full speed lunged both sabers at once*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:36:32 PM
:: watches the Jedi run at her and stands. Seeing the two saber raceing at her she looks arond then notices a large rock. With the help of the force Athena jumps on the rock and spin kicks the jedi as he rushes past her ::

Nash Stolar
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:47:42 PM
*stumbleing forword after the kick..nash regained his stance...he then unignited the sabers then put them both on his belt..he turned around then lifted his hand and force blasted her again...as she fell off the rock..nash juumped on it then looked at her...takeing the large sword from the hoster on his back he jumpd up then came down full force with the sword aimed for a hard strike**

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 8th, 2001, 03:17:45 PM
looks up at the Jedi who is now rushing down on her. Athena lifts up both her hands her saber in her right hand held up as well. The Force rushes from her and grips the Jedi in the air. For the moment he is stopped then another blast hits him and Nash is sent flying and crashes into a near by tree. Athena stands and jumps over the rock this time. Looking at the Jedi she speaks while walking towards him

I can feel your anger Jedi. you want to hurt me more then you ever thought you would. Your hurt and that pains you, where my pain strengthens me. Come on Attack me at full force, show me the darkness in you..i can feel it. It fights to get out of you....

Athena while talking has made up much ground. Nash shakes his head to free her words from his mind. trusting that he is the right jedi he thinks he is...Then her saber slices into his left arm and he drops her other saber. Athena recalls her saber and in now armed with two sabers.

Attack me and start your path to the dark...where pain is your friend...were there is no fear. Come Nash join me...

Nash Stolar
Jun 8th, 2001, 06:23:45 PM
*standing up nash glared at athena...useing the force to help with the pain on his arm he lifted the 7 foot sword then pointed it at her*

"If its dinner your talking about.. Then sure.."

*with that he charged, and slashed at her torso she blocked but the force of the sword knocked her saber away and left a large gash where we swong*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 9th, 2001, 12:41:46 PM
:: watches as her one saber flies from her hand. then feels Nashs sword cutting into her skin. Athena brings her other saber up and stabs Nash in the waist and pulls her saber up and cuts into the chest area due to the close distance of them. As her saber cuts into his skin she speaks once more. ::

" Nash you know you can feel the darkness. And as for your invite to dinner I dont dine with Weak jedi. "

Nash Stolar
Jun 9th, 2001, 01:20:56 PM
*nash feel the pain from the saber being draged through his body..with a free hand and the force powering him he punched her in the face...helifted his face and punched again this time her nose cracked and blood staned his hand...he pulled back and the sith's saber left his body...he chringed in pain...he then dashed forword and swong the sword she blocked again but nash keep holding the blade and forced her hand down to the ground then with his foot he pinned her wrist, he saber still in her hand...he then lifted the sword and drove it into her sholder*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:28:36 PM
:: lets her nose bleed and then hits the floor. Feeling his foot on one of her wrist Athena lifts her other hand and cut into the Jedis leg. Then Pulls both her feet up and kicks the jedi in the back sending him forward and into a tree, hearing a thud. Athena stands slowly walkin towards Nash flexing her wrist and letting her nose bleed. ::

" Come on Nash is that all you have. My master kicked me around more the day i meet her then you are now. And here i attacked you. Show me your hate Nash "

Nash Stolar
Jun 9th, 2001, 11:01:39 PM
*standing up nash sighed...useing the force to help with the pain*

"I'll show you what a jedi realy has....."

*nash then took out two knifes one in each hand..he made a dash at her...The sith tryed to strike but nash jumped over her...and landed right behing her...."fool"..*nash then stabed one of the blades into her back..then twisted the and pulled it out, he followed up by jaming one blade into each of her legs..then pulled then up and out with blood falling to the ground....he quickly ran around her to her front side and then stabed both knifes into her stomach....
pulling them out..the knifes dripped with fresh blood...*

"You underestmate the jedi...foolish move.."

*nash made a final lundge at athena and jammed one knife into each of her arms ripping the mussels..causing the arms to be unuseable untill he was treated in a med bay*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 10th, 2001, 05:39:59 PM
:: feels the sting in her body then looks at her arms. Useing all she has been taught she knows not to give up or give in. Athena calls on all the pain in her body and all of the force she can. looking at her sabers lying on the floor at her feet in a pool of blood. Then useing her powers of the force she calls to life her sabers, Sending them hurrling at such a speed Nash cant watch them both. The first one gashing into his torso and leaving a cut deep enough to render him almost critical condition. Then the second one into his legs hitting him in both of his thighs. Looking at the Jedi Athena knows she must soon depart also knowing so does the jedi... Athena recalls her sabers and watches them slide into her bag that is around her waist. Then she looks at Nash seeing how he has let his saber fall to use the Knifes she calls his saber to her as well. She takes off and rush back to The Sith Council for madical help. ::

" this is not done Nash.. i know we shall meet again . You might even get your weapon back too "

Nash Stolar
Jun 10th, 2001, 08:15:45 PM
*Nash glared at her as she left...but he knew he had to also recover...slowly he turned and walked off...the force already helping to heal his wounds*

"Next time........"