View Full Version : Coruscant Tales: Dial "S" for "Sellout"

Sanis Prent
May 6th, 2001, 08:39:20 PM
<font size=10><font color=FF0000>8:00</font></font>

(Sanis' eyes opened with a start, and just as quickly closed. He snatched the sheets back over his head, trying to push the morning away. It didn't happen. In a last ditch effort to save his beloved sleep, Sanis snatched the alarm clock up, throwing it across the room, where it smacked against the wall, knocking the snooze button. Relieved, Sanis resumed sleep, flopping back down on the bed.

Something about the fact that he had to be at work in an hour echoed in his head, but he tried not to dwell on it. No, sleep was more important! Work...work could wait.

He just hoped that Dalee wouldn't play Jimmity Cricket and decide to wake him up. She always had a way about making him do the right thing. Maybe she was still asleep...

...Sanis felt the other side of the bed.)


(Okay, Sanis would just....go back to sleep. No, she wasn't going to wake him up. She knew that rest was more important than responsibility.)

May 6th, 2001, 10:30:09 PM
She was already out of bed and readying herself for Sanis' wonderful new job that he was forced into. He just had to keep thinking that he was invincible and then watch as luck slipped through his fingers.

Walking over to the bed, she wasn't completely ready yet. Daleethria still needed to pick out suitable clothes incase Sanis wanted her to accompany him.

Sometimes, she just could not understand him. It was after 8 AM and he needed to get ready. The silly fool had already buried himself under the sheets. Reaching for the end of the sheet, Daleethria removed the sheet in one swift motion of her hand ... leaving Sanis to deal with the horrors of the morning sun.

Sanis Prent
May 6th, 2001, 10:49:35 PM
(The brightness pierced his very being, as Sanis shielded his face from the morning sunshine.)

Ah...gah...ugh...okay! I'm awake! Ugh...damn.

(Sanis groggily looked at Dalee as he sat up.)

Ugh...thanks for the wake-up call, Dalee.

(He stood up, and shambled down the hall, to the refresher. There, he showered up, relieved himself, and began the arduous ritual of making himself presentable. He emerged 10 minutes later, in a pair of crisp white boxer shorts. Giving Dalee a kiss on the forehead, Sanis smiled, and went to work digging through his clothes, trying to find something seemingly formal.)

How about this one? No? Damn...

(Sanis chucked one rejected outfit on the bed.)

This? No?

(Another one)

What about this? No? C'mon! I wore this on New Years! Its tasteful! Fine!

(Sanis kept mowing through outfit after outfit, until he came across a seldom-worn ensemble. A platinum sport coat, complete with slacks, black shirt, and matte platinum tie. It was the one.)

Hehe...here we go!

(Sanis began to slip on his clothes. As he did so, he looked at Daleethria. He knew she was upset and concerned. Hell, he was too. Its not like he wanted to do this, and he knew what had caused the mess in the first place.)

Dalee, I know...it sucks. I'm sorry about it, and now all I can do is get through it. If its any consolation...I won't high-roll on the craps table again.

(Sanis smiled, but knew that he'd have to work to get through this little crisis. He noted that Dalee seemed anxious about something, but wasn't sure.)

So what do you have planned today, baby?

(Sanis sighed...he knew what she wanted. As much as he didn't want it to happen, Sanis had to realize that she was more than just his love. She was his partner.)


(Sanis hesitated...but eventually relented.)

Yes, Dalee...you can come along. I want you to come along.

May 8th, 2001, 12:03:31 AM
She didn't want to push him, Daleethria wanted Sanis to ask her to come with him. It was better that way because at least then, she knew that he wanted her there at his side.

Smiling, she turned on her heels to the closet and picked out a suitable dress that would be required for his new ... job. It was hard calling it that since she was used to hearing a job be either stealing, kidnapping, exploding something, killing, hijacking ... the list went on and on. Now it was something almost respectable but still had the shady side of it, but hidden.

Her hand gripped the side of the closet as she thought about Sasseeri. Daleethria always could see both sides to anything but when it came to that woman and Sanis ...

The side of the closet broke off and it crumpled in her, pieces falling to the ground.

Sanis Prent
May 8th, 2001, 12:21:15 AM
(As Sanis tied his tie and was tidying up his seams, he turned at the crunching sound, looking at Dalee holding a piece of the door frame. Sanis grimaced somewhat.)

Damn, do we have termites?

(Sanis shrugged, walking over to Daleethria)

Take it easy, baby. Don't wanna blow the security deposit here.

(With a smile, Sanis gave Daleethria a kiss, and migrated towards the kitchen.)

A coffee for me...and a namana juice for you, sound good?

(Sanis reached in the fridge, looking for some foodstuff that could be made into breakfast. He emerged with a small carton.)

Scrambled Peku-Peku eggs, Dalee?

Sieken Kasstra
May 8th, 2001, 12:43:36 AM
OOC:o K..2.things

2)•If.you.want.me.out.tell.me.to.go..lol.just.need ed.

there.apartment.waiting.for.sanis.to.arrive.for.hi s.first.
day.the.ship.was.hot.and.seemed.very.more.hotter.t han.normal


Siek.started.to.whistle.looking.up.at.there.apartm ent....


May 8th, 2001, 01:18:35 AM
The joke fell on deaf ears but his kiss and the pain of hunger brought her back to her senses.

"Yes, that sounds fine, Sanis."

She took out the dress and blouse, laying them on the bed carefully. Once she decided on a pair of shoes, she made her way into the kitchen where the smells of breakfast were already underway.

"Remember, we need to be there before 9 AM."

Then a tingle in the back of her mind caught her attention.

"Where you expecting someone?"

Sanis Prent
May 8th, 2001, 01:41:08 AM
(Sanis smiled as he flipped the eggs around in the skillet with expert skill. At the same time, he took a sip of some freshly-made coffee.)

Hey, great coffee!

(As Sanis admired his steaming cup of Corellian Java, he glanced at Daleethria, as her voice echoed in his head)

Um...not really, why do you ask?

(Then, Sanis looked out the window at the man, standing by his ship)

Uh, what the Hell?

(Sanis looked down, and hastily flipped the eggs.)

Dalee, keep watching the eggs, I'll be right back.

(Sanis walked briskly outside to the small mini-balcony, looking down at the visitor.)

Hello there, looking for somebody?

Sieken Kasstra
May 8th, 2001, 12:15:07 PM


*Siek.opend.his.arms.as.in.gesture,then.pointed.a. finger






Sanis Prent
May 8th, 2001, 02:08:48 PM
(Sanis' brow furrowed. Something about this just didn't add up. He turned inside, looking at Daleethria.)

Dalee...you haven't heard anything about a chauffeur, have you?

(Sanis turned back to the man below him)

Who sent you?

Sieken Kasstra
May 8th, 2001, 04:58:51 PM
Siek.looked.at.the.man.the.first.thought.that.hit. his.head.
was.Prent.was.a.clever.man.but.as.Prent.was.not.in .any.dange



"Look.dude.im.here.on.a.part.time.job..im.a.fighter .pilot.for.NRCC"


Sanis Prent
May 8th, 2001, 05:36:47 PM
(He didn't give a name. Something about the whole situation of things left Sanis a little suspicious. There was a big chance such suspicion wasn't warranted, but Sanis sometimes had to be a little paranoid at times. It didn't pay to be overly trusting of people.

Smirking, Sanis reached into his jacket pocket, removing a credit chit. He thumbed the value up to 200 credits, authorized it, and tossed it off the balcony, to the man.)

Here's a little compensation for coming out here. Thanks for the invite, but I prefer to drive to work. Have a nice day, pal!

(Sanis walks back inside, wondering what the hell that was all about. He glanced over at Dalee, as he finished his coffee)

Hey...eggs done?

Sieken Kasstra
May 8th, 2001, 05:56:53 PM


*siek.rumaged.through.the.back.of.his.transportand .pulled.out.some.duct.tape.and.a.frag

then.he.strapped.the.credit.card.to.a.frag.grenade .and.tossed.it.up.onto.the.balcony...*


it.exploded.doing,extensive.damage.to.the,outside. of.the.building.and.just.inside.the.building.

Siek.then.strapped.a.timmer.to.the.transport.and.r an.off..


the.trasport.exploded.upturning.a.few.ships.and.th rowing.a.few.men.back....


Sanis Prent
May 8th, 2001, 06:24:43 PM
OOC: Nice to see that such a nutcase works for the New Republic. That was rather lame <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"> Next time, think before you go and try to wreck a RP.

(Sanis and Dalee were rocked off their feet by an explosion that hit the balcony outside, and blew the glass windows in. With his ears ringing, Sanis stood up, palming a blaster as he looked down to the ground, searching for his adversary. He was nowhere to be seen.)

What the hell was that about?

(Sanis called security, brushing debris off both himself and Dalee as he helped her up.)

Well, that's a great start to our day. What do you say we skip breakfast?

(Sanis led Dalee down to the speeder deck, and hopped in Sanis' speeder. Within minutes, they were on the move, heading towards the Coruscant hub of the Sector Rangers.)

May 9th, 2001, 01:09:10 PM
Daleethria grabbed her stomach and frowned. Missing breakfast was necessary but she was hungry. Closing her eyes, she simply willed the gnawing hunger away. Her eyes blinked open and she watched the buildings zoom by and wondered what would be waiting for them when they arrived at the Sector Rangers.

Sanis Prent
May 9th, 2001, 03:20:33 PM
(As Sanis cruised the skylanes towards the 1045 Business district, he popped the glove box open, and a pack of pop tarts came out. Sanis smiled at Daleethria.)

That's my emergency pack. Go ahead, knock yourself out. I know you're hungry.

(Sanis smiled as he looked back to the sky lanes, weaving through morning rush-hour traffic. Up in the distance, he could see the large structure that was the Sector Ranger's office. They were still a few miles off, so Sanis switched on some music while they continued on their way.)

(20 minutes later, Sanis pulled his speeder into the Sector Ranger's enormous speeder bay. Bringing the engines to idle, Sanis opened the doors, hopping out and making sure Daleethria was out as well before locking up. He looked at the rows and rows and rows of speeders.)

Dalee, don't forget where we parked...we could get lost in here.

(Sanis and Daleethria walked towards the SR building, entering the lobby. They approached the front desk. Sanis smiled as he got the receptionist's attention.)

Hi, we're here to see Miss Reeouurra, please.

(The receptionist nodded, making a call upstairs. A few seconds later, she looked up at Sanis)

Receptionist: I'm sorry, but Miss Reeouurra is still in a previous meeting, and should be ready for you in 20 minutes. Would you mind having a seat and waiting?

(The receptionist gestured to the couches in the lobby, and Sanis nodded his head in approval.

As Sanis and Dalee walked towards the couches, they ran into a pair of familiar faces.)

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
May 11th, 2001, 04:48:30 AM
**Saarrreeaa had been busy contracting and extending her claws, thinking about the situation Sass was throwing her into. The chance meeting with Sanis yesterday had embarrassed her to the fullest. Cizeracks on the whole hated to be embarrassed, but Saa was worse than the norm. Ending up bawling in the middle of a Jedi bar, on the shoulder of a thoroughly disreputable man was not the way Saa wanted to spend her day. And now she'd have to work with him. Why was it that her life seemed to steadily be flowing downhill because of her aunt?

**A growl emitted from her throat, giving testament to her anger. She did not like the situation, not at all. The fact that she had found out from a human male made it even worse. As the feline looked up, her eyes rested on none other than Sanis Prent.

"Wonderrrful, jussst what jI need todajy. Sssanjisss."

**She muttered under her breath. He was probably here to speak with Sass. Another added bonus to her day. To top it off, a human female accompanied him. Saa looked away, pretending not to notice his presence, or that of the girls. From next to her a low growl emitted from Cirr's throat. Too late she realized that he had spotted Sanis as well. He bounded to his feet and made a beeline for the poor human male. Sighing with resignation, Saa rose to stall any impending violence that might occur.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
May 11th, 2001, 05:56:58 AM
Cirrsseeto's ears had folded back at the sight of him. Sanis Prent. Of all the Hyuu-manns he had met before, none were more disrespectful and rude. He had upset Saarrreeaa a few times, and did it so callously. It made the large Cizerack's blood boil with anger. He despised the Hyuu-mann.

At the moment, he was distracted, getting some coffee. His female stood with him as well. With swift action, Cirrsseeto approached from behind, placing a large hand on Sanis' shoulder and whirling him around. As he did so, Cirrsseeto growled menacingly, baring his fangs. He reached forward, grasping Sanis by the neck, and hefting him high into the air...ready to break the pathetic Forrda's neck. Sanis hung there in Cirrsseeto's clutches, gasping for breath.

Gjive me one good rrreassson whjy jI ssshouldn't ssslaughterrr jyou rrrjight now, Hjyuu-mann ssscum?

May 11th, 2001, 11:46:29 AM
The Cizerack was fast and caught her off guard but this treatment of Sanis was unacceptable. Her arm came around and her two fingers were pushed into the side of his neck.

"Tell him that if my fingers dig any deeper into his neck, the blood will be cut off from his brain and he will die. Make sure to tell him that if his female interferes ... I am faster."

Her face showed no emotion as she pushed her fingers into his neck to emphasize the unspoken words.

Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2001, 11:42:57 PM
(Sanis' face begins to turn red as the Cizerack hefts him into the air by his neck. He gasps, kicking at him, struggling for air. Listening to Daleethria's thoughts in his mind, he wheezes, trying to talk)


(Sanis couldn't say anything at all.)

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
May 13th, 2001, 11:40:00 PM
**They were in a tight situation as Saa walked over. From the looks of it, it would be a race to see who would win -- could Cirr strangle Sanis before that woman stopped the airflow to Cirr's lungs? It was a risk Saa would rather not take, though it would brighten her day immensely if she knew Cirr could take Sanis Prent out of her way. As the Cizerack strode closer, her hand reached out and touched Cirr's shoulder.

"Cjirrrrrr, put hjim down. We'll be worrrkjing wjith hjim sssoon, and thjisss jisss no way to starrrt off a busssjinessssss relatjionssshjip."

**Saa found herself enjoying the gurgling sounds that Sanis was making, but now was not the time. Maybe some time in the future, but not now. Though Saa was attempting to stall any violence, she still alternated a heavy glare from Sanis, to the woman, and back.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
May 13th, 2001, 11:53:35 PM
Cirrsseeto looked from Sanis, to Saarrreeaa, and back to Sanis. All he had to do was extend his claws and squeeze, and he could kill the worthless Hyuu-mann. Even now, he struggled against his grip, to no avail. Cirrsseeto waited for his mistress to give the order to kill, but she did not. His ears drooped in frustration, and only then did he realize that the Hyuu-mann female had placed two fingers on his neck, applying pressure. Cirrsseeto gulped forcefully, as he could feel his artery beating hard underneath. Growling somewhat, Cirrsseeto released his hold on Sanis Prent, the thudding sound his body made as it hit the floor was at least some consolation to him. Cirrsseeto bared his fangs as he watched the man gasp for his breath on the floor.

May 14th, 2001, 12:20:43 AM
She removed her fingers from Cirr's throat and stepped back. As she moved over to Sanis, Daleethria casted a glare at the Cizerack that dared to bare his fangs. Her eyes were cold as steel and with a thought she could rip those fangs out from his mouth without any remorse.

But that wouldn't help matters away. Instead, her eyes went downward and she helped Sanis to his feet.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
May 14th, 2001, 01:03:38 AM
**Saa bared her fangs at the woman, not so much in anger, simply frustration. This girl was obviously close to the disreputable man, and that irked her. She wondered if having to do business with Sanis Prent meant having to deal with that woman as well. Her clawed hand circled around Cirr's upper arm, trying to get a better grip on him so he wouldn't attack again. In a low voice she hissed at him,

"We wjill ljikeljy have to deal wjith thessse two forrr a whjile. Let'sss not ssstarrrt anjythjing qujite jyet."

**To herself she muttered in a low growl,

"Asss much asss jI'd ljike to.. anjywajy."

**Idly she watched the woman help the still gasping man to her feet. Her cold eyes following them both. The man was probably disgusting enough to flaunt her breakdown in front of her face. With a disgusted snort, she let go of Cirr's arm and walked back towards her seat on the couch.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 14th, 2001, 12:36:58 PM
All throughout the scene that had taken place in front of her office, Sasseeri had quietly been sitting in her office, watching from her private holo-comm projector.

She had laughed at the appropriate places, chuckled at others, and generally remained quiet about it. The reason for which was quite easy to describe:

She was doubting the wisdom of her decision.

When she watched that bickering out there, she saw strife ahead, and trouble. It would be hard to keep those four from bashing each other's heads in - or chewing them off, in a very literal sense - if confined in the same place for long. Yet it was vital for her plans that they stayed together as much as it was possible.

What was she to do?

Somehow within the next few minutes, she would have to develop a plan, and deliver it to them in such a way that it would push them into such a corner they would know no other way out of other than to be at least tolerating each other's presence.

"Come jin. All of you."

Sanis Prent
May 15th, 2001, 11:25:55 PM
(Everything to Sanis was a fuzzy blur, with little red dots twinkling around him, as he lay on the floor, gasping, wheezing, and coughing...struggling to breathe.

He sat up, his face red. He looked at everybody, and especially at the newcomer as she walked in.)


(Sanis weakly got to his feet, his breathing returning to normal. He rubbed his neck, looking at Daleethria and the other two Cizerack. Slowly, he walked in Sasseeri's office, with Daleethria close beside him.)

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
May 17th, 2001, 02:39:33 AM
Cirrsseeto looked at the half-breed female. By her look, scent, and sound of her voice, he recognized her instantly as his mistress' rather-intimidating aunt. Cirrsseeto's ears fluttered as he nudged Saarrreeaa on the side.

Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa, jit jisss jyourrr aunt, Sssasssssseerrrji.

EDIT: TTT...waiting patiently :|

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
May 19th, 2001, 01:07:11 AM
**Growling, she looked at Cirr. Sass. Wonderful. She reluctantly rose and followed Sanis and the woman inside the office. Cirr trailed along behind her like an obedient puppy. As they all stood silently in the room, Saa could not restrain herself any longer.

"Ssso have jyou fjinalljy decjided to explajin what'sss gojing on.. auntjy dearrressst? jI cerrrtajinljy have no want or wjisssh to be sssaddled wjith thjisss human, of all people. Whjy arrre jyou dojing thjisss?? Explajin forrr usss..."

**Her claws extended and retracted while waiting for Sass's answer.

May 23rd, 2001, 10:53:29 PM
She stood closer to Sanis and glared at the half-bred Cizerack woman that put her lover into this mess. It didn't have to be this way at all and that woman was only forcing Sanis into this out of sheer spitefulness, which made no sense at all to Daleethria.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 28th, 2001, 05:09:57 PM
Well, there it went. Her niece certainly had a way with humans... another thing she'd sooner or later have to learn to deal with.

Yet, of all went as she had planned, Saa wasn't going to have much of a choice in this - it was either learning how to deal with it, or get the bad end of a bad deal.

"Well, my dear njiece - jI see jit ljike thjis: You gave up yourrr rrrjights to make a chojice when you got yourrrself jinto thjis. Trrrust me, my dearrr gjirrrl - jI am bejing morrre than generrrous so farrr wjith you."

She enjoyed the look of discomfort on her niece's face.

"So... herrre jis what you wjill do: jI am leaving forrr the Arrrkanjis Sectorrr shorrrtly, and jI have arrrrrranged forrr Sanjis herrre to be my Corrruscant Superrrvjisor. Underrr the cjirrrcumstances, and seejing that you would prrreferrr a ljife on thijs worrrld rrratherrr than be stuck on Rrryloth, jI thought jI would leave you herrre jin Sanjis company, to help hjim rrrun thjings. You have by now a good jidea how thjings arrre done - orrr at least you should have. So You arrre gojing to assjist him as he needs jit, and contjinue yourrr own educatjion jin busjiness management. jI trrrust that agrrrees wjith you?"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:43:01 PM
::She grumbled and a low hiss emitted from her mouth. Her aunt had conveniently trapped her into this obligation.. One she could not back out of. Glancing around, she leveled a heavy glare at the humans in the room::

Ssstupjid half brrreed.. ssshe thjinks ssshe jisss ssso wonderrrful.. and ssshe'sss parrrt human herrrssself.. Not even a full Cjizerrrack

"Sssassssss.. one dajy, beforrre jyourrr verrrjy ejyesss jI wjill usssurrrpt jyourrr busssjinessssss out frrrom underrrr jyourrr nossse. And then jI wjill laugh, knowjing that jyou helped me to do it."

::She paused as a smile spread across her face::

"Oh jyesss, auntjie dearrressst... jI wjill take up the offerrr.. unforrrtunateljy forrr jyou. jYourrr decjisssjion wjill be jyourrr downfall."

Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:04:23 PM
(Sanis watched the volcanic exchange between the two family members...not sure if interrupting was the best thing to do. Nevertheless...)

So, what's the pay like in this little white-collar operation you got here?