View Full Version : The Occupation of Calan (Open)
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 23rd, 2001, 05:41:23 PM
OOC: I intend for this RP to be a balance-of-power type of conflict. Not suggesting an outright battle, but more of a conflict of interests between two powerful nations who have many things at stake. In other words...the US vs. China of SWFans.
From the interior of the Carshoulis cluster, nearly half of the Cizerack starfleet began to mobilize. This included the mighty battleship, Oorru'Gurre'Gurre', ten Korri-class battlecruisers, and 20 Seeva-class interplanetary fast-attack gunships. Starting from the interior world of Rotarsis, the fleet began to trundle to the very edge of the Carshoulis cluster, towards the peaceful planet of Calan. From all intelligence reports, the planet was agrarian, sparsely populated with Hyuu-manns, and maintained little outside contact. However, two things warranted such action by the Cizerack Pride's Hunter Force Navy.
1. Calan lay on the outer periphery of the Carshoulis cluster.
2. From intelligence reports, the leadership of Calan were attempting to enter the New Republic.
In a perceived clash of sovereignity, the Pride Mother had dispatched her best servant, Keerrourri Sarrtarroa. His take Calan, and bar the planet's entry into the New Republic. Cizerack law demanded sovereign control of the star system belong to them. Anything within the Pridelands belonged to the Cizerack, and that included its inhabitants.
Handful of peaceful Hyuu-manns or not...they belonged to the Pride Mother, and Sarrtarroa was determined to carry out Cizerack sovereignity.
As the fleet trundled out of the Carshoulis Prime system, the Seeva-class gunships began to speed ahead and flank wide, screening the area in advance for the Korri battlecruisers forming the backbone of the Cizerack force. Behind them, the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' kept a steady course, bearing the might of the Cizerack flag. Emissary Sarrtarroa did not expect to have any unnecessary trouble, but he was prepared just in case. If the New Republic or Greater Jedi Order interfered, he would have to assert the Pride Mother's will.
For now, however...the fleet continued forward, ready to enter the Calan system within minutes.
Master Sho
Apr 23rd, 2001, 07:00:50 PM
Inside the Monastery of Universal Balance, an old man sat in the lotus position, meditating deeply as several sticks of sweet-smelling incense burned around him. He began to pray for peace, but was concerned with recent events. No large space force had ever come to Calan since it was settled 500 years ago. They stayed out of everybody's way, and lived peaceful lives. However, it seemed that Calan had now attracted the attention of powerful people...and they were coming in their spaceships.
Master Sho had spoken to his young pupil, Jubei SaDherat Vader, over subspace radio. He expressed his concerns over the recent events, and hoped that Jubei could inform the Jedi...and hopefully avert something terrible from happening.
However...time for the people of Calan was running out. Master Sho knew the spaceships would be arriving soon, bringing those who sought to take Calan for themselves.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 23rd, 2001, 07:22:50 PM
The Cizerack fleet began its final approach to the planet Calan, detecting no resistance so far. The Seeva-class gunships spread wide, and began to enter the planet's atmosphere. As the bulk of the Cizerack fleet approached, Sarrtarroa broadcast a message from the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'
Cjitjizensss of planet Calan, jI am Emjissssssarrrjy Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji Sssarrrrrrtarrrrrroa of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide. We arrre begjinnjing the fjirrrssst phassse of peacefulljy annexjing jyourrr planet jinto ourrr rrrule. jYourrr peaceful cooperrratjion jisss expected durrrjing the durrratjion of ourrr occupatjion. jYou wjill ssserrrve the Prrrjide asss fajithful ssserrrvantsss, asss anjy otherrr.
Yuu Soo Kyung
Apr 26th, 2001, 05:31:36 PM
(Yuu Soo's left eye opened momentarily. He stared at the nature that surrounded him. It was simply beautiful. The Calanic priest allowed the sweet air to fill his nostrils.
His legs were crossed and he was sitting on a flat rock. His arms rested on his thighs, and his face was expressionless. He closed his eye, meditating on the nature around him. It was such a beautiful day.)
**An Hour Later**
(Yuu Soo was stirred out of meditation once again. A dew drop from the canopy of trees above splashed on his forehead. He raised his hand and wiped the water off. Yuu Soo was about to resume his meditation act when he heard a large sound overhead. The curious Calanic hopped off his rock and picked up his walking stick, slinging his sack over his shoulder.
He walked to the edge of the Forest, and peered out, cupping a hand over his eyes. Yuu Soo's eyes grew wide. He could not believe what he saw. Weird looking ships were entering the atmosphere. Yuu Soo knew this was unexpected. Something was happening, and it did not look good. Suddenly, the broadcast filled his ears.
Moments later, that voice still echoed in his head. Calan was being invaded! Yuu Soo might've known this sooner if he had stayed with the other masters. The old man gathered his wits and went walking off as fast as he could. He needed to see Master Sho urgently.)
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 6th, 2001, 10:36:27 PM
The Cizerack fleet continued to lock down the Calan system, not detecting any resistance from the New Republic. It was not known how far the Calanics had gotten in their entry bid into the Republic, but in the Cizerack perspective, such things did not matter. Calan was not sovereign to begin with. It lied on the periphery of the Carshoulis cluster, and according to treaty, that meant that the planet belonged to the Pride. However, because the Cizerack did not have the capacity to annex the planet before, they had simply left it free...until now. Now the Cizerack had the resources to bring Calan into the fold, and they were not going to be stopped by a meaningless bid by the Calanics into the New Republic.
Sarrtarroa turned to an officer.
How long untjil total sssjyssstem lockdown?
Huntress Commander Arreesso: We wjill have sssjyssstem contrrrol wjithjin two hourrrsss.
Excellent, commanderrr. Carrrrrrjy on.
Master Sho
May 11th, 2001, 03:17:13 AM
In Master Sho's eyes, there was little left to do. The alien ships were beginning to enter the atmosphere. He imagined that within minutes, their soldiers would be approaching the villages, rounding up the population for whatever purpose they had in mind.
The aged master looked at a small panel mounted on the wall. It was a HoloNet transmitter, donated by his pupil, Jubei. Perhaps it was time to use such a machine. Sho walked over to it, making sure that it was set to the appropriate frequency. He began to send a message.
New Republic officials...anybody...this is Master Sho Qai Yun of the Calanic Order. We are being invaded by the armies of the Cizerack Pride. Please send assistance as soon as possible. We cannot resist their forces, and we do not wish for violence to commence. our people.
General Dodonna
May 11th, 2001, 06:51:39 AM
The M-90 battlecruiser Remorse exited hyperspace in the system, and designed its course for Calan, carrying relief teams to assist the Calanics, and perhaps discharge the situation with a brief show of force. The warship identified itself as diplomatically neutral, and hailed the lead Cizerack warship.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 11th, 2001, 08:07:16 PM
Sarrtarroa sat up in his seat at the sight he saw. The ship was large, and had smooth, rounded structures all over it. He knew what he was dealing with even before Tactical informed him.
A Mon Calamarrrji ssstarrrssshjip. jIt ssseemsss the New Rrrepubljic hasss arrrjived.
The report from tactical soon came.
Huntress Lieutenant Aarrrorrri: Emjissssssarrrjy, a Mon Calamarrrji MC-90 classssss capjitol ssshjip hasss come out of hjyperrrssspace. jIt'sss desssjignatjion jisss the Rrremorrrsssse. jIt jisss enterrrjing ourrr terrrrrrjitorrrjy underrr djiplomatjic neutrrraljitjy.
The comm officer turned to Sarrtarroa.
Huntress Lieutenant Reessorri: We arrre bejing hajiled bjy the Rrrepubljic ssshjip.
Sarrtarroa intertwined his clawed fingers together in front of him as he watched the viewscreen with interest.
Put them thrrrough.
The viewer turned on.
Grrreetjingsss, Ssstarrrshjip Rrremorrrssse. jI am Emjissssssarrrjy Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji Sssarrrrrrtarrrrrroa of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide. Pleassse ssstand bjy, and jI wjill djissspatch an essscorrrt to take jyou to the Rrrepubljic trrradjing outpossst at Sssjyrrragorrr.
Sarrtarroa knew that the ship was here for reasons other than a trade mission, but there were rules of engagement and diplomacy that had to be followed. It was generally regarded as uncouth to blast a foreign starship into atoms simply because it entered your territory. No, Sarrtarroa would be patient.
He raised a hand to the viewscreen.
Parrrdon me one moment pleassse.
Sarrtarroa muted the transmission, and turned to one of his officers.
jI want jyou to ssstep up the landjingsss. Prrreparrre to have all of ourrr trrroopsss on the planet wjithjin the hourrr. Whateverrr becomesss of thjisss ljittle encounterrr, we mussst majintajin ourrr jinfluence on Calan. Trrrade alljiesss orrr not, thjisss planet jisss ourrrsss.
Sarrtarroa dispatched the officer to do her work.
No go qujickljy!
Sarrtarroa unmuted the transmission.
General Dodonna
May 11th, 2001, 11:38:08 PM
The Republic ship held station, replying to the Cizerack forces that it did not require the services of Syragor outpost at this time. That said, it closed the communications channel, and began preparations to transport supplies to the blockaded Calanics.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 12th, 2001, 12:40:01 AM
Sarrtarroa was not suprised with the battleship's reply. He knew that they were not here to trade. This was no random meeting at Calan.
Standing, Sarrtarroa spoke to the ship.
New Rrrepubljic ssshjip, jif jyou arrre not herrre on a trrradjing mjissssssjion, can jyou pleassse ssstate jyourrr purrrpossse herrre. We arrre jin the mjiddle of an jimporrrtant humanjitarrrjian mjissssssjion, and we mussst rrreturrrn to the tasssk at hand.
General Dodonna
May 12th, 2001, 05:34:10 AM
The reply came through:
Our objective is to supply the Calanics despite this illegal Cizerack naval blockade, and negotiate with them for their admission into the Republic.
Nichos Marr
May 12th, 2001, 09:42:40 AM
Out of Hyperspace, 12 X-wings emerged. They slowly moved toward the Remorse. Nichos keyed his comm channel on.
"All crafts report in." He said. One after another, each of his crafts reported operational and ready. Nichos accelerated to 2/3 throttle, almost reaching the M-90 cruiser.
He opened his commchannel once again. "General Dodonna, Stealth Squadron and I came to offer our services. We'll stay near the cruiser and provide backup if needed." Nichos spoke through the static. He repeated the message once more to make sure Dodonna heard it.
The twelve ships formed around the M-90, locking their S-foils in attack position, just in case. They had no desire to shoot yet. But if the Cizerack began to fight, they would have to defend.
Nichos had gotten here late after his meeting with Jubei in the bar. He promised he'd help. He called his squadron, and here they were, ready for anything.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 12th, 2001, 11:07:53 AM
Sarrtarroa turned to the side, whispering to an officer.
Launch all sssquadrrronsss of X-wjing fjighterrrsss, and have them rrrun clossse essscort of the Rrrepubljic ssshjipsss. jIf thejy attempt to apprrroach the planet, fljy acrrrossssss thejirrr apprrroach vectorrrsss.
Have the trrrade fleet go to jYellow Alerrrt. Charrrge Gorrrrrroka cannonsss, and prrreparrre Keerrrta fjighterrrsss forrr launch.
Sarrtarroa returned to the transmission.
Rrrepubljic ssshjipsss, ssstand down. jYourrr actjionsss herrre arrre not perrrmjitted. On accorrrdance wjith the Trrreatjy of Kepaa Brrrensss, whjich the Prrrjide and the Rrrepubljic sssjigned 20 jyearrrsss ago, all planetarrrjy holdjingsss wjithjin the Carrrssshouljisss clusssterrr belong to the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide. Thjisss jincludesss Calan, whjich ljiesss on the clusssterrr'sss perrrjimeterrr. Therrreforrre, Calan jisss Cjizerrrack terrrrrrjitorrrjy, and not appljicable forrr entrrrjy jinto the New Rrrepubljic.
jYou arrre about to embarrrk upon an unauthorrrjized jintrusssjion onto a Cjizerrrack planet. jI mussst advjissse that jyou ceassse sssuch actjion jimmedjiateljy.
While Sarrtarroa and the Republic commander spoke, 3 dozen heavy troop barges began traveling to and from Calan, delivering massive amounts of Cizerack troops to the surface. Forming up at various spots around the main continent, the troops began to disembark, preparing to lock down the planet's surface.
Yuu Soo Kyung
May 12th, 2001, 09:57:51 PM
(Yuu Soo had reached the building where Sho had last been seen in. He turned back to gaze at the sky for a moment. It looked as if Troop Carriers were beginning their descent to the planet.
This is a take-over! Yuu Soo thought to himself. He quietly turned back to face the door. He knocked twice, no answer. Yuu Soo allowed himself in.)
"Master Sho? Master Sho, It is I, Yuu Soo Kyung."
(Yuu Soo walked into the building, and after passing a few rooms, he witnessed as Master Sho sent out a distress signal via that strange machine Jubei had given them.
Yuu Soo jogged up to Sho.)
"Master Sho, how can I be of help?"
General Dodonna
May 13th, 2001, 01:19:52 AM
OOC: I wasn't going to involve Dodonna in this RP Nichos >:
Dodonna cursed under his breath. Major Marr had just given away vital information to the enemy, indicating the Republic commander-in-chief was onboard the Remorse. He would have to be reprimanded later.
His thoughts were interrupted as he glimpsed several squadrons of X-Wings approaching. Opening a comm channel, he spoke to Marr and his Stealth Squadron.
"Major Marr, we have incoming Cizerack fighters at two-seven mark four-one. Intercept and engage. Reinforcements are en route."
He turned about, instructing the bridge officers to launch all starfighters. The hangar bay emptied gradually as the nearly two thousand droid starfighters and four hundred droid bombers screamed out to make contact with Stealth squadron.
"Lieutenant Garen, do we have the combat specs on that enemy ship?" Dodonna inquired, turning to the sensor officer.
"Aye-aye, sir. Cizerack B-type; we should keep our distance from it, General. The B-type has powerful close-range weaponry."
Dodonna nodded, analyzing the situation.
"Arm all bombardment batteries; all other weapons on standby. Signal Major Theyan, range is six kilometers. General scatter-formation bombardment: keep the B-type pinned down, but watch for friendly starfighters. Missile tubes three, five, and seven, fire concussive charges near the B-type's hangar bays. We don't want any more starfighters leaving that ship."
He swiveled in his chair, began shouting orders to the helm officer.
"Give me a five-second starboard thruster pulse, pull us up to a Satzen mark-two broadside position. Give me three-quarters Ion power, design course for orbit of that B-type."
He swiveled again, this time to the communications officer.
"Where are our reinforcements?"
The communications officer pinged the other two battlecruisers at the edge of the system, queried for their ETA.
"General, the Myron and the Heron are two billion clicks from this position. They are awaiting your signal, and can be here in ninety-five seconds."
Dodonna nodded, "Good to know, Mister Lethan. Prepare the signal for transmission."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 13th, 2001, 11:01:05 PM
As soon as the Republic battleship's guns opened up, the escorting X-wings opened up their S-foils, preparing for battle. As the Remorse began to launch its droid fighter complements, the X-wings opened up with deadly initial barrages of proton torpedoes, the blast radius of the warheads claiming droid fighters in groups of 5-10 per shot, as the ships launched in such tight formations. However, the increasing numbers of fighters as well as the Remorse's own anti-starfighter batteries caused the X-wings to turn back to the fleet, speeding away ahead of the attacking ships. Nine X-wings were claimed in the ensuing firing frenzy from the Republic warship.
The large Mon Calamari dreadnaught trundled forward, its main batteries opening up at the doubly-large Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'. Klaxons blared as the first turbolaser shots were loosed, some hitting the command ship's heavily-armored bow.
Huntress Commander Heerrrossi: Emjissssssarrrjy, Rrrepubljic warrrssshjip hasss opened fjirrre wjith turrrbo lassserrrsss. Thejy have alssso launched fjighterrrsss, count: manjy.
Huntress Ensign Reerrassee: Warrrheadsss jincomjing, locked onto ourrr posssjitjion!
Huntress Lieutenant Sarrourra: jI am tarrrgetjing warrrheadsss along thejirrr tarrrget acqujisssjitjon pathsss. Dessstrrrojyjing them now!
The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's laser cannons opened up, criss-crossing space as they picked the warheads out of existance, blowing them apart with a shower of defensive fire. Sarrtarroa's voice became clipped and loud, as he barked orders around.
Actjivate ssshjieldsss to full. Helm at full rrreverrrssse. Wjithdrrraw ourrr ssshjip awajy from the Rrremorrrssse'sss gunsss. Load torrrpedo tubesss wjith chaff rrroundsss!
The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' begin to gain distance from the Remorse's weapons, moving out of their range as the Cizerack X-wings returned to defend their command ship.
Three dozen of the Seeva gunships returned from their atmospheric patrols, regrouping with the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'. The landing barges returned from the planet, landing in the large cargo bays.
Sarrtarroa stood on the command deck, his voice stern but calm.
New Rrrepubljic vessssssel, jyou arrre jin sssoverrrejign Cjizerrrack ssspace wjithout the perrrmjisssjion of the Prrrjide. Pleassse ejitherrr allow usss to essscorrrt jyou to Sssjyrrragorrr, orrr rrreturrrn to Rrrepubljic ssspace. Ourrr sssoverrrejignjitjy to thjisss planet jisss explajined fulljy in the Trrreatjy of Kepaa Brrrensss. jI jimplorrre jyou to not make a hassstjy decjisssjion herrre. We arrre trrrade alljiesss, let usss avojid a ussselessssss warrr herrre.
Nichos Marr
May 14th, 2001, 05:27:22 PM
Nichos jerked his X-wing 45 degrees to the left to avoid heavy firepower.
"Artoo, apply more power to shields, this is not good."
Nichos had a solid but grim expression on his face. He locked onto a Cizerack fighter and held his finger on the trigger. Nichos suddenly stopped himself. A voice seemed to scream out in his mind.
He spun around totally and headed straight for the Mon Calamarian cruiser. Nichos opened the comm channel to the Cizerack ship.
"General Dodonna, we must stop fighting the Cizerack! This can be resolved with simple negotiations. They do not want to fight back."
Nichos had a hint of desperation in his voice. He had learned from the Jedi that fighting was not always the answer until other peaceful options had been thought out.
General Dodonna
May 14th, 2001, 10:18:52 PM
"Shut that thing off," Dodonna ordered. Insubordination and negligence in the line of duty. Major Marr would have to be reprimanded.
"Cease fire," he instructed. "Open a comm channel to the B-type, signal our other two ships to form up."
"Channel open," came the reply from a communications officer.
"Cizerack battleship," he began. "Withdraw your forces from Calan immediately. We will not negotiate with you while the Calanics remain at gunpoint. I have been authorized to seek diplomacy at this point, but a prerequisite for these talks is that you hold no military presence on Calan."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 14th, 2001, 10:49:26 PM
Sarrtarroa pondered this possibility, wondering if it could work.
Rrrepubljic warrrssshjip, jyou and jyourrr essscorrrtsss wjill prrroceed to jyourrr outpossst on Sjyrrragorrr, asss wjill ourrr trrrade fleet. Nejitherrr sjide wjill majintajin anjy mjiljitarrrjy prrresssence on Calan whjile negotjiatjionsss arrre carrrjied out. jI am sssendjing a grrroup of essscorrrtsss now.
Two Korri battlecruisers and four Seeva gunships slowly approached the New Republic forces, their shields up but their weapons unarmed.
General Dodonna
May 14th, 2001, 11:32:22 PM
The Remorse docked at Syragor station, and Dodonna traveled in, eventually taking his seat at a wide circular conference table near Deck 2, his aides accompanying him.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 15th, 2001, 01:35:10 AM
After 45 minutes of reloading troops, the Cizerack trade fleet slowly began to trundle away, along with the Republic strike force. Both groups converged upon the frontier planet of Syragor, and its trading station in orbit. A small shuttle was dispatched from the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre', with Sarrtarroa, an aide, and six guards. The shuttle soon docked, and the Cizerack group disembarked, meeting up with New Republic personnell
General Dodonna
May 15th, 2001, 02:23:56 AM
"I'll be brief," Dodonna began, and gestured to a chair.
"The New Republic would like to evacuate the Calanics from Calan, relocate them to a planet within Republic territory. You must allow us thirty days to complete the evacuation, and in return the Republic will reimburse you for any lost labor in the negotiable amount of thirty-five million credits, and will not challenge your claim to the planet as lying within the territory of the Cizerack Pride."
May 15th, 2001, 08:09:23 PM
::Fett relaxes back in the seat of his Cockpit, as Nichos starts explaining the situation. It had been an uncomfortable journey, and this was the last hing he wanted.
", the question is, what do we do now?" Ended Nichos, waiting for suggestions
"I cant see any point in staying, we wont be able to do anything" Came a soothing female voice
"Have to agree with that twelve" said ten, with a sound of mirth in his voice. Fett knew he hated long journies more than anyone else, as he was quick to get bored. Flicking the comm channel open, he began to speak
"Lead, this is nine. Suggest we land on the planet, and see how they are down there. May help to be there just in case"
"Point taken nine. Wing Leaders, split up and land on planet at the coordinates on your navicomp. See you there"
Slowly moving the control yoke, Fett pulls his X-Wing away from the others, with three following him in formation. Taking a moment to scratch his neck, he slightly turns his head to see the capital ships.
"Nacho, turn my music on. Could be a long time before anything happens"::
Nichos Marr
May 15th, 2001, 08:24:27 PM
Nichos reached for his commlink just below his starboard compartment. He unclipped it and brought it to his mouth.
"Calan, this is Nichos Marr of Stealth Squadron. Does anyone done there hear this? I repeat this is Nichos Marr of Stealth Squadron. Do you copy?"
Nichos waited a few moments. All he could hear was static. He'd have to try again. Too bad Dodonna had cut off their communications. Nichos would have liked to know the current situation.
Again he tried.
"Occupants of Calan, this is Nichos Marr of Stealth Squadron. Permission to land on the planet and explain the current situation. Do you copy?"
Nichos waited in silence. Hopefully someone would answer.
Master Sho
May 15th, 2001, 10:01:36 PM
Master Sho could not believe his eyes. From the vantage point of the Sujien Monastery, he could see the red-armored aliens filing back into their large spaceships. It was as if they had changed their mind. Slowly, the large ships were reloaded, and lifted off again, heading up into the sky. The Calanic elder squinted his eyes against the sun, watching this miracle. At the same time, he could hear a faint sound from inside. Moving quickly, he returned to the HoloNet message device, listening to a man named Nichos Marr. He was requesting permission to land?
More visitors from space...
Sho closed his eyes, seeking wisdom in his choice.
Permission granted, Nichos Marr. The custodians of Calan greet you.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 16th, 2001, 12:07:53 AM
jI mussst object. The Trrreatjy of Kepaa Brrrensss held no sssuch arrrtjicle wjithjin jit. jIt sssajid nothjing of rrrelocatjionsss. Thessse Hjyuu-mannsss arrre asss much of an assset to usss asss anjythjing that can be mjined orrr grrrown on Calan. Manpowerrr jisss the grrreatessst rrresssourrrce.
We mjight allow jyou to take the rrrebelljiousss ssspjirjitual leaderrrsss wjith jyou, but we cannot allow the populatjion to be taken.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 16th, 2001, 12:15:24 AM
Greetings General Dadonna and Ambassador Keerrourri Sarrtarroa...This is Jedi Master Leia Solo. I am speaking to you on behalf of the Jedi of Greater Jedi Order. We understand the critical situation at hand. We request that we meet with the both of you and that we mediate the negotation proceedings that will be commencing between both parties here.
We request your immediate consideration on this matter. As time is the essence here. We await your answer.
General Dodonna
May 16th, 2001, 04:47:49 AM
Damn! Is he trying to reincite hostilities? Does he know the trouble I've gone through to arrange this with the Senate?
Dodonna frowned, nodded reluctantly at the Cizerack's decision, then turned his attention to the Comm device.
"You're free to dock at Syragor, Jedi. Take your time, this may take a while."
May 16th, 2001, 05:04:39 AM
::Slowly lowering the landing ramp, Fett eases his ship into the landing place. Looking up, he sees twelves sway quite dramatically, before correcting the descent and landing. Climbing out the cockpit, he jogs over to where twelve landed. She opens her hatch, and takes off her helmet, letting her orange hair come out freely.
"What happened up there?" Fett asks
"Strong wind hit the ship. Seems quite a gusty area here" She replies sounding slightly flustered
"OK, better bear that in mind" he says, before walking over to where ten, Kyt Dekkar, is dismounting.
"What now?" He asks
"We check everything is alright round here"
"In this? Its orange. Why orange? Why not green?" says Kyt, pointing at his flight suit
"Because its bright and embarassing. Especially for you. Which is why we chose it. To embarrass you"
Fett hears a laugh behind him, and turns to see Nichos approach
"All ok here Ash?" He asks
"Mainly. Twelve says there are strong gusts, so we better be careful on take off"
"Acknowledged. Anyway, heres the plan. Us two and our wings will now go to check everything out, while the rest of you stay here ready to scramble. Shouldnt be too long" He says, before leading the other three off::
General Dodonna
May 16th, 2001, 05:30:04 AM
OOC: Stealth squadron peeps, get out of Calan! Did you not read the part of this thread that states no military forces on the planet? That was not a suggestion! Plz edit your posts before your actions flare up a battle.
May 16th, 2001, 10:50:27 AM
OOC: Im a Jedi. I protect innocents. Cant I check these innocents are ok?
R2 L3
May 16th, 2001, 11:30:23 AM
"You're free to dock at Syragor, Jedi. Take your time, this may take a while...."
Jedi Master Leia Solo: That's right artoo...set the coordinates for Syragor Planet's Docking Bay. We are to meet up with General Dodonna and the Cizerack Ambassador. But first, I need to speak to Stealth Leader Marr. Artoo..Open commlink to them please.
Edit: to work w/Dodonna post
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 16th, 2001, 11:31:46 AM
::commlink channel opens::
Jedi Master Leia Solo: Stealth Leader Marr..this is Stealth #5. I will be breaking away from the group now with my wingmate. We will be approaching the docking bay at Syragor momentarily. Over and out.
::Solo's X-Wing approached the landing bay. Moments later...the hatch of Stealth #5 opens up. A petite figure throws her helmet on her pilot's seat. And quickly descends down the ladder. Leia stood their momentarily. The Jedi Master quickly ran down the docking bay to meet up with some New Republic Officers to escort her to the proceedings::
Edit: To meet up w/Dodonna's post Sorry
General Dodonna
May 16th, 2001, 11:49:24 AM
OOC: His rank is Major, not Commander.
And Fett: I don't care if you're Buddha ascending the seventh mountain to reach the holy bordello of Shangri-La, Stealth Squadron is an NR squadron, and the NR maintains no military presence on Calan during these talks, so get the fudge out of there!
General Dodonna
May 16th, 2001, 01:52:22 PM
Salvage officer Kehnan V'rath checked his rebreather for the umpteenth time. It was a habit, and not a very pleasurable one. One does not have many chances to recuperate once one's lungs have have been destroyed, after all. He took one last look at the charred corpse of the former Cizerack, and applied the tractor lock to the battered hull, then moved on to the next starfighter.
The Senior Engineer studied the device before him. The....transceiver, he guessed it was-and by the looks of, a very advanced one-had long died, a victim of the blast. What was odd about this transceiver, was that it was not standard equipment on any line of X-Wing starfighters produced by Freitek, or any third party manufacturer. And so, he scrounged about in his small engineer's workbay on the Myron, looking for a power source. His mission: to find out what, if anything, this transceiver was designed to do.
Doctor Syris Krissel, ship's surgeon of the battlecruiser Myron, examined the charred Cizerack corpse, one of nine such corpses. Donning her cleansuit, she called out to the two-onebee beside her, "Activate Recorder. Subject is a Cizerack female, aged twenty-four years. Subject appears to have died of burns suffered during the fighter's destruction. Tri-thermic probe."
The last command was directed at the assistor droid, which spun its spherical torso about, and rolled over to the clean metal table, its motors whirring. The droid grabbed at the object with its robotic arm, spun its torso back to its original position, and rolled back towards Doctor Krissel, the photoreceptors on both sides of its head blinking yellow, green, blue at a harsh pace. The droid handed the probe to the doctor, and awaited its next command.
Doctor Krissel ran the probe along the body for a preliminary scan, then widened her eyes at the result. When was this being terminated? she thought, and went over to a nearby computer terminal, punched in her query. All nine X-Wing fightercraft ceased function between 17:52 and 17:55, the computer reported. That was three hours ago.
She looked over at the tri-thermic probe. Why was it reading that this body had ceased function two days ago? She checked to make certain that the probe was calibrated for the Cizerack species. It was. Slowly, the realization of what was occuring came to her.
"My God," she whispered.
It was then that the Myron's decks rumbled slightly, and she was nearly tossed to the floor.
"There we go!" the Engineer shouted, as the transceiver blinked to life. He studied the user interface of the device, which seemed to be programmed in an odd language indeed.
"I'll need a translator pad," he mumbled, and produced a translucent screen from a drawer.
He placed the pad over the display area of the transceiver, and was relieved to see basic again.
He studied the UI of the device anew, this time understanding what he saw, and took note of a button marked, Make Initiation Occur. That button seemed to be illuminated, and next to it, an unilluminated button appeared, marked Prevent Initiation From Occuring Further. Whoever thought up this language, he thought, they were not very articulate. He ran a quick sensory sweep over the device, made certain the device held no explosives, and pressed the button marked Make Initiation Occur.
Immediately, twelve odd-looking rectangular devices, micro-servos, he thought, appeared from seemingly out of nowhere, near the case of the transceiver. From the twelve micro-servos, control rods appeared, connected to a white plasteel circular device on the servo, which was knotted with holes of differing sizes.
The servos appeared to rotate, then a new message appeared on the UI: "Connection To Vehicle Designated By Mission Profile Has Not Been Successful. Wish To Proceed To Step Which Follows Immediately Current One?"
Two smaller buttons appeared on the UI then.
"I Do", followed by "I Do Not."
The engineer recorded what had already taken place, archiving it all in his datapad. When he was finished, he pressed the button marked I do, and was startled.
The deck rumbled slightly, and the transceiver began blinking furiously. Unbeknownst to the Engineer, anti-starfighter batteries' maglocks were powered down, and the batteries swiveled around in their turrets to face the void of space. The batteries scanned for targets. Finding none, they defaulted to combat predictor pattern Alpha-01, a pattern which was designed to be used by cloak ships to lay down a wall of laser bolts, to make approach impossible. The turrets belched fire relentlessly for 240 seconds, then deactivated themselves. The laser blasts ventured into the void, dissipating at maximum range.
By this time, klaxons were howling inside the battlecruiser, followed by a female voice, which repeated, "Battle Stations". The same message blinked again, asking the engineer if he wished to advance to the next step, to which he pushed the I do button. This time, the transceiver made a short scan, reported, "Mission-designated Combustable Materials Have Not Been Found as Present. Operation For This Cycle Is Conluded."
The engineer stared blankly at the transceiver, and decided that he had a headache. And so he turned away and headed for his cot, and missed entirely the small mark of the Bothan Consortium, engraved on the side of the transceiver.
Dodonna excused himself from the conference table, and looked at this new report which had come through from the analysis of the dead Cizerack starfighters. He skimmed through it, and instantly he felt a cramp coming on.
It is our opinion that the radical Bothan nationalist group United Liberation Committee engineered this act as a means to provoke hostilities between the Republic and the Cizerack, in order to remove the limited Bothan insurrection as a priority in the eyes of the armed forces. It is my opinion that.....
Jan shook his head, called out to an aide, and ordered him to find the strongest synthohol aboard the ship.
Two minutes later
Dodonna distributed the pads to Leia and the Cizerack Emmissary, then placed a glass filled with ice near both of their sections of the table, and poured. Done with that, he took the bottle, and gave himself a hefty swig of the stuff, which burned as it passed into his system.
"Gentlemen...and lady, of course," he slurred. "We're going to need this," and he pointed to the glasses.
"Go ahead, read. I'll get the Aspirin."
Nichos Marr
May 16th, 2001, 05:36:35 PM
OOC: I'll edit this and post later, but for now we're here as Jedi.
IC:"Well, I guess we should head for the monastery guys."
Nichos took off his helmet, inhaling Calan air for the first time. He chucked his helmet back in his ship and watched as the others began to walk off.
"Wait up, do any of you have any idea where it is?"
Stealth 9 turned around and held up his datapad. The screen portrayed a map of the Calanic landscape. The map did look sort of outdated, but Nichos figured it'd work for now.
"Onward." Nichos grinned.
The Monastery was a large round wooden building. Nichos couldn't believe his eyes. The building looked reallyold.
The Stealth Leader stepped up and tapped on the door.
"Hello? Anyone inside? Master Sho, it's Nichos Marr."
Master Sho
May 17th, 2001, 02:01:47 AM
The doors creaked open as two monks pulled them. Inside, an aging man looked at the newcomers curiously.
You seem to be different than the other invaders. I pray you come in peace.
The elder approaches Nichos and his company, and bows in greeting.
I am Sho Qai Yun. Welcome to Calan.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 17th, 2001, 02:12:49 AM
Sarrtarroa eyed Dodonna, and slid his glass aside, rubbing his temples as he frowned toothily.
Bothansss...jyou arrre sssajyjing that njine of ourrr pjilotsss werrre kjilled bjy Bothan rrradjicalsss?
jYou arrre sssajyjing that mjy flagssshjip hasss been comprrromjisssed bjy thessse Bothansss?
Sarrtarroa paused, snapping his finger at his primary aide.
Go thrrrough the CHF crrrew rrrosssterrr, all of jit. jI want the name of everrrjy Bothan crrrewmemberrr on mjy desssk wjithjin the hourrr.
The aide went to work, as Sarrtarroa cast his steely gaze at Dodonna.
Well, what now? Thjisss alleged Bothan prrroblem jisss onljy one pjiece of the puzzle. What of Calan? What of ourrr rrrjightful clajim herrre?
General Dodonna
May 17th, 2001, 10:05:17 AM
Dodonna shook his head. That was indeed the question, and he knew of no answer.
"I am not a politician. I will rely on the judgement of the Jedi, and will suggest to my government that we follow their recommendations. I'm certain that all who are connected with the events taking place here would appreciate it if you would do likewise. Ordinarily, I would have suggested that a plebiscite take place, but under these conditions, I do not believe that is an option."
Nichos Marr
May 17th, 2001, 07:21:37 PM
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
Nichos offered his own little bow, kind of unsure how to do it. He straightened himself up, allowing a glance at the other squadron members beside him.
"This is Stealth Squadron. We come in peace as Jedi. We want to explain what has transpired here today. Many things to talk about...With your permission of course."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 17th, 2001, 11:34:40 PM
Sarrtarroa growled somewhat, looking left and right, before gulping down his beverage quickly. Sighing, his ears drooped.
Fjine...jI wjill perrrmjit the Jedji to act asss arrrbjitrrratorrrsss jin thjisss sssjituatjion...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 21st, 2001, 10:47:51 PM
**Leia looked down at the datapad and scanned over it briefly. She lifted the glass of water and took a small sip before speaking**
Gentlemen...I have been asked to mediate these proceedings. Therefore if you would be so kind, I would like very much to hear both of your sides of the story on this matter.
Regarding the Cizeracks Fighters that were destroyed. Is there anyone willing to take responsiblity for these matters?
**Leia looked at her left and then her right...trying to read the two parties faces on this matter. She patiently awaited to see who would respond first**
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 27th, 2001, 10:39:30 PM
Arrre jyou sssajyjing that we would dessstrrrojy ourrr own fjighterrrsss?
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