View Full Version : Hidden Evil: Vortos 1 (BWE)

Reysa Sashara
Jun 7th, 2001, 11:38:29 PM
Planet Takeover By The Border Worlds...

The Day was cold, wet, and very windy, the market place only a few stood in trying to sell there dirty half eatern by maggots fruit and veg. There farms were flooded there houses falling and rotting apart, this was no liveing condition for any sort of civilisation, the Rebels that controlled this planet made this planet fall into poverty the planet had great strengh along time ago, planet defences over powerd most command ships back in the day of the Eclips Cruisers.

But not anymore.......This planet needs salvation....in all honesty....it needs help

Open land

A small Troop Drop Ship landed mabey 3 miles from the main town where the rebel goverment lay the doors opend and 8 men creeped out from the operning in the ship, they were all dressed in black body armour and black balaclavers, there mission to others are unknown...

The Men lay in the long grass as the ship took off and enterd orbit of the planet..

The men lay in the long grass as one of the men looking like the platoon commader pulls out a pair of binoculers, as he said that the early morning sun hit them bracking the claods, and that all to oftern wiff of fresh air hit there nostrals...

Commander:o k 2 gaurds to the left and one to the right of the entrance to the Town...

man 1: Any serggestion sir?
Commander: Sniper them....with the supressor
Man 1: yes sir

The man pulled out a long rifel and a long tube (barral suppressor) he screwd the barral to the end of the rifle, as he did this the commander gave a hand signal he faced his palm to the floor and lowrd it making them all lay flat on there faces exsept for the sniper, he aimed to the lone man to the right and fired quickly hitting his head an splattering the blood behind him to the wall the man fell alerting the other two...

The sniper fired two more shots hitting them both down hard one rolloing around on the floor still alive..

The commander held his hand up into a fist...and that moment all 8 men sprinted to the gates all pressing there backs up against the wall....

Commander:....tie him up
Man 2: yes sir

they quickly tired the guard up..Man 1 pulled out a picklock meconisem like a drill and plased it in the old 21st century lock and drilled smaching the lock apart, the 8 men wen into the quiet deserted town, only a few lights remaind on the rest desterted...

Reysa Sashara
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:23:02 AM
04:15am (becoming Daylight slowly)

The 8 men ran down the main street quiestly, noticeing the village was full just everyone was sleeping, amaking it better for the team....the team stopped noticeing a gaurd casualy walkeing up and down infront of a bank smoking a cigrett..

Quietly but quckly man 2 ran up behinde him....the gaurd turnd....noone?? hmmm...the gaurd turned back to walk an steped on hi cig suddenly out of nowere a dagger was at his thoat slitting it fast and effectanly, he signaled for the others to follow, just then a villager opend his door to his house all 8 men dived to the floor un-noticed, the man got onto his broken old speedbike and scooted off slowly the 8 men sighed and got up and started to jog towards the rebels bace, as they did, they jogged over many countless dead litterd the streets. decease and bodys fileld with bullets layed spawld across the streets....man 2 felt like throwing up but he held it as the gates to the Rebels hudge house came into view...it was time to rid the planet of the Rebals the galaxy never noteced..it was time to help these poor people....it was time to erase the hidden evil....

Reysa Sashara
Jun 8th, 2001, 04:16:42 AM
05:00am (Morning mist forming)

Un-noticed the men pushed themselfs agaists the walls of the streets a few spot lights hit the the streets just outside the Priministers house, so timeing was everything, 2 gaurds stood ether side of the gate and 2 gaurd towers stood again both sides of the gates, this part of the infiltration was going to be a problem, trying in every effot to keep it silent...

The team layed low on the empty side walks, rubble plauged the sidewalks so many places to hide....so many places to keep un-seen, this place was a town under sedge rubble lay everywere death was smelt in the air, but people still lived here?, that was the most confuseing part, but what people didnt now about this place is the goverment almost like the Nazis during the 2nd world war....you went with the goverment or get shot...

The street the 8 brave souls hide in was evedence of rebelloin to the goverment but who knows how many lives were lost or how far they got to changing the planets life...

The sport light went past a few time before the team had the courage to press on narrowly dodging the sport light and getting closer the the heaverly gaurded gate

Man 3 pulled out a small Smoke grenade (known in the BW army as C9-50)

Details: C9= Canastar Rate 9
50- Distance spread

and throw it good 20 ft exploding queitly there sounded a few scuffles and few low toned screams and as the smoke cleard nothing but 4 dead bodys and there wepons...

the 8 men pressed themselfs agaisnt the Goverment Buildes wall

Commander: Ok grap hooks
Man 4: well thers a gate there sir
Commander: yes Sergent but isent that a little to Obiouse?
Man 4: yes sir...

man 4 lobbed up the grap hook and all but one climed up succsessfully the last needed to be helped up....more exercise it seems...

the 8 men jumped down into the japanse style garden the diffrence between the streets and his garden was or seemed like a diffrent planet....the reason the Team got in so easerly in now that everone is scared of this goverment whats the point on gaurding to heaverly

During the day hoverver the place is HEAVERLY gaurded, lucky for the tema might you say??

Again timing was everything, and the Border Worlds have the stratagie of a Hawk

The 8 men hit the floor of the garden and took the positions behinde the trees and bushers....finaly....they were in....

Time for Reataliation i might add....

Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:03:53 PM
**While the soldiers were behind the bushes, Dylan appeared from the trees and gave the singal to be quiet**

Where your leader? Im Captain Dylan Hunt, don't ask me why the hell im here and how i founf out. Soldier, next time pick up the trash were you camp (jocking). Ask your leader if he needs any help? If Reysa here?. Look if you don't want me hare teld me and trust me no one will find out that i was here

Reysa Sashara
Jun 9th, 2001, 04:17:02 AM
:: The commander looked at dilan as a spot light was comming
the commander dived at Dilan pushing him to the ground the sport light went over and the commander punches dilan hard::

Commander: What the hell is a captain of a starship doing here?

Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:11:17 PM
**Dylan look at the commander and smiles. He look closely at all the surveliance**

Lokk i know my place is on a starship, but i know this in case things get hot my ship can provide cover, distraction so your people can get out. Besides vefore i was a captain on the clan military i was a member of the Hight Guard, Argosis Special operations Division. I can offered my services and help. But, If you don't want it it's fone whit me. Because in the old days we din't came gun blazing, I have a plan pick one other memebr of your team, i have civilian clothing here. There is a city or a village just 50 clicks from here direction 090(East). We go in i already know the enginerr that desinsed the place. There is a secret entrance we go in whit the engineer and we look for the polititian, i don't want to kill in cold blood I like to arrest him and to put him on a fair trial for all his crimes. Let see i help you if we arrest him, If you don't want my help or agree on the conditions i am out of here. Do we got a deal?

Reysa Sashara
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:33:40 PM
OOC: Were alreay in the town and in the priministers garden

:: The commander stared at the captain, and signaled for man 1 to throw him the extra clothes::

:: the commander pointed to a small hill just north of there location, the 8 men sprang to there feet and dived to the floor quietly, man 5 (the bomber) ran up to the house wall placed a C-6 plastic explosive under the window ridge and set it to explode when a button was pressed...then dived back down where the others wait...

The commander then waved the sniper to go over to a nearby cliff ledge, clearly it would take atleast 5-10 minutes to get there, but if in a bad situation it was worth it, but 5 to 10 minutes was a long time for a Specel Ops to just sit here like sitting ducks, the 7 men sat there and waited for the flash of light giveing the signal to say there coverd......nothing

"Where the hell?" said the commander

The Flash sprang out of the darkness like a iron bar hitting your head

"Move!" said the commander out load

The team all throw Flashbangs (Light grenades) a the court yard they exploded making all 4 gaurds drop there wepons

"Move Move Move" shputed one of the men all fireing up at the patrolmen killing them instantly, the sund of the alarm rang through the house drumming into there ears.

"In that door" shouted a voice

The door leaded to a small power supply station, one of the men smached the small generator with the end of his gun, making it spark and hiss then shut down...

the alarm shut down and the men left in darkness, but still the clatter of footsteps rang through the big house on the cold marbal floor

" night vision goggels on" said the commander...
" time to get the big cheese" he continued...

They ran outof the Powerbox and up some stairs toward the main hall as the blakness shroweded them in...

Reysa Sashara
Jun 15th, 2001, 08:01:41 AM
:: The team enterd a hall the stairs leadeing up, the commander pointed oboisuly the man was upstiars, the rushed up stairs and down a dimly lit hall pumping blaster fire into any guy that fell into there way, suddenyl out of nowere a grenade exploded instandly killing the commander and man 3 splattering there re-main across the floors and walls, the other 6 men hid behide a wall, and just down the hall was the heavery gaurded door of the priminister...

The men looked at eathother..they commander lay dead on the floor, man 2 nodded to them and they were ready to battle...

Jun 15th, 2001, 07:56:33 PM
Kyle sat in the cockpit of his the fighter he was flying. He turned and saw 40 other TIE's with them 9 other TIE Advanced, he had 20 TIE Fighter's with him ten by him and the other ten flying escort. He had ten bombers incase they came to any trouble which he knew they would. Kyle than looked to his starboard side and saw 3 troop drop ships. He spoke evenly as data scrolled on his screen.

"All right bombers we have sensor sight on six turrets. Take them out and once your done that look for military bases, just make sure no civilians are harmed. Drop ships I want you to deploy your forces as close as possible to to target. The team inside there needs your aid immediately. You ten TIE fighter's you fly escort will you guys come with us. We will run a few small hits on the target. Once again we are not to harm any civilians. We are here to help them. To free them from their true enemy. We are not here to make them feel hostile towards us but to help them."

Kyle smiled as he heard everyone acknowledge his orders. suddenly turret blasts flew around him.

TIE Advanced Eight: "Sir I have ten TIE Interceptors incoming their Twenty km away but closing fast....their faster than an orinary Interceptor should be moving."

"Their most likely modified for more speed which will mean they have less fire power. All right let's take care of them guys."

Kyle turned and looked down for a brief second and saw hundreds of civilians.

"Sithspit. All right let's lead them away maybe to the forest or mountains. Or if you can destroy the ship in the air. Let's try and keep those civilians safe."

Reysa Sashara
Jun 15th, 2001, 10:54:26 PM
:: the 6 men left were basicly traped and the sound of TIE fighters were breath taking for them::

" NOW!" shouted man 2 as they all lobbed down 2 grenades eatch, exploding and shaking the whole area sending a hole down into another room caving in the celing and crushing there Door defence...

Darkness for the specel force team...

all 6 were still alive yet knocked out coverd in rubble...they risked there lives to blow the heavy defence of the pricedets privet chamber..they risekd it and servived...

man 4 looked up to see the morning sun...then.....Darkness...

Jun 15th, 2001, 11:05:40 PM
Kyle saw the explosion as he had pulled up. He stretched out with the force and saw that they where still alive. He smiled and nodded his head gently. He brought his lasers up to full power. Than pulled hard to starboard and pulled back up. He smield as one of the modified Interceptors landed in his brackets he didn't take the shot but turned to port. He smiled as the target came up in front of him. He resensed shook from the pilot and Kyle fired several quick quad blasts at the man before he could react the first four went wide but the last three nailed the ship and with sudden force it exploded in the air. He looked around and saw his pilot's cleaning them out. than suddenly another target came up into his sights. He grinned but than it dropped. He sensed an image than that he couldn't tell what it was. Than it clicked to him the pilot was force sensitive. He pulled to port but the pilot followed hm this kid was good which went to show you that he was dangerous...and that this would not be a breeze.

Fighter 2: "Lead I'm coming to help."

"Delay that." Kyle snapped. "I'm going to take care of this pilot myself."

Sequel Horn
Jun 15th, 2001, 11:11:35 PM
Sequel sat in the cockpit of the TIE Magnum, it was of his own design it had the speed of a TIE Advanced and it had the agility of a TIE Missle Boat. He smiled as the target he had went in his brakets but than it dropped away. This pilot was good. He smiled. This fight would last awhile but he had a mission to complete. Suddenly he looked in surprise as he saw the target disappear. Than suddenly he felt jolts going through the ship he pulled it up and kept trying to force the controls up when suddenly his ship exploded. He hit the ejection seat and blew out of the canopy. He twirled in the air and hung there than gravity started to pull him down.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 15th, 2001, 11:30:13 PM
:: Tje fight above was heavy, but the BW ground troops had a job to do, the 3 Troops droop ships, all containing 140 men eatch landed saftly in the small clearing the SP Team did, the troops drop ships ramps extended and the team spang out from them, all 360 men stormed through the gate and down the small street toward the main building, hurting no civie..

most of the Civies smiled as they knew..FOR ONCE there was a sizable force that could help them...

The Force smaches through the main door to the builging and littlraly stormed the whole building..BUT one door, where only 20 men ran up to while the rest guarded the grounds and bottom level, Grand General Reysa Sashara Opend the door and walked in...

The Priminister coward in the corner of the room behinde a potted plant...

Reysa: President Mecerdenta you are here by arrested by Border World Forces for conpricey of neglect of your beutifal planet and every person who live here...

(he pointed to the president)

Arrest him LT, he said with a heartless voice....

The LT's arrested the man and leaded him toward the D-D-S (troop drop ship) the crowds gatherd around while there old leader was lead away.... and slung into the D-D-S, the crowds cheerd as the sun hit there faces.....

Suudenly out of nowere 2 TIE fighter sweeped accross the ground hitting 10 BWE troopers and 3 Civies

"" HORN WERE ARE YOU" shouted rey

Jun 16th, 2001, 09:07:20 AM
Kyle climbed out of his TIE just in time to stop a blow coming from the attacker. He pushed him back and than used all his weight to twist and get on the ground. Than suddenly he stopped he stared at the attacker.

"You don't have to do this. You can defect you can join the BW."

Attacker: "Never you may have defeated them but you'll never defeat me."

"What's your name?"

Attacker: "Sequel Horn."

Kyle stared at the attacker startled. It was his son, he had shot down his son and now his son was planning on killing him.

"My name's Kyle Horn."

The boy looked in surprise and than recovered. Kyle concentrated on the force and twisted some trees into the kid throwing him to the ground. Kyle went to him and shot him twice with his blaster. He than grabbed some vines and tied them around the boy. A few hours later he stood in front of Rey and heard him shout his name.

"Right here sir."

Reysa Sashara
Jun 16th, 2001, 10:21:27 AM
:: Rey stepped out infront of the crowed happy in the knowlage he was going to make these people happy again, he smiled to the croweds as they gatherd around...::

" Today Ladeys and Gentelmen, today the Border World Empire have destroyed the evil goverment tht has plauged your planet for to long, its time to act, and give you back your planet....we shall provide you with protection and a stable goverment....

** The croweds cheerd at Rey smiled at Horn**

"Wish lash coulda seen this" he said hugging Horn with pats on the back the whole BWE team cheerd and parteyd

And so ended the Rebel force, and so eneded the Hidden Evil...