View Full Version : The Heartless

Jun 7th, 2001, 12:02:07 AM
"Commanding Officer on deck!" a Second Lieutenant standing near the large double air lock doors shouted as the doors opened. The doors opened in the middle and spread out from the middle to the top right and bottom left opposite sides. Through the newly opened airlock door, the Commanding Officer stepped onto the bridge.

The Second Lieutenant had made an understatement in saying a Commanding Officer had entered the deck. The only words that could accurately describe the newcomer to the bridge was "Grand Moff." Grand Moff was the symbol of Imperial Training at its best. Trained from infancy, the Grand Moff was sculptured into a fighter, a strategist, a politician, and a leader. The Grand Moff was a Fighter since day one. Learning how to fare for oneself on Carida Academy hardened one's soul. The Grand Moff was one of the most skilled fighters in the Imperial Reign. A strategist came in the package of learning how to be a warrior. It was further emphasized by simulators of Fleet Engagements. Learning politics wasn't taught, it was acquired through fending for oneself on Carida and furthere playing the game of favorites with Commanders. A Leader was the most important quality of a Grand Moff. Developing leadership came with time, but the leaders were found in the Acadamey on the first day. They always acted a step above the other recruits. They always were morale risers when a cadet was down. They always led the group in everything they did. A leader was a cut above.

Grand Moff Jake Ser Poreon, born on an Imperial Star Destroyer, raised in the recruits life of the Imperial Acadamey, was one of three Grand Moffs in current service to the Empire. He displayed the qualities found in a Grand Moff, and even more, he was loyal. He was almost as loyal as a Spog, a space breed of dogs known for loyalty that were common in the Delteon Sector.

As he walked through the bridge the cadets in trenches, the specialists at the stations, and the Senior Officers near the controls all snapped to Acadamy Style attention. The Grand Moff gave a sloppy salute and muttered, "atease."[i] The bridge crew relaxed, throwing their stiff postures into the trash compactors. The Grand Moff preffered to be informal, very informal. This lack of seeming necessary Acadamy Attention had gained the Grand Moff a great deal of respect from the lower ranking officers. The Senior officers who had been in service longer than the Grand Moff, had trouble adjusting to the Grand Moff's unusual style, but they eventually ceased their troubles in realization that formal wasn't always necessary.

The Grand Moff paced up and down the bridge with his boney hands clasped behind his white uniform. Before being given the honor of the rank Grand Moff, the Grand Moff had been a Grand Admiral. The Grand Moff prefferred the uncommon white uniform of a Grand Admiral over the common green uniforms a grand moff wore. The Grand Moff had taken the liberty of having a textile industry planet craft him the most shiny and white uniform in the galaxy.

The Grand Moff stopped pacing the bridge of the symbol of ultimate power, a Super Star Destroyer Third Mark. The Grand Moff began to speak.

Jun 10th, 2001, 01:42:13 PM
"Set a course for Coursca Prime, Ensign." [i]The grand moff order the ensign to find a course to Coursca Prime, the Grand Moff's personal planet/business endeavour. Thirty seconds later, after the Hyperdrive Course Calculator v.74 plotted a course, the Heartless jumped into hyperspace.

There was a whine as the Hyperdrive engines activated, sending the normal starscape into a streamlined view of blurred stars. The trip to Coursca Prime would take just an hour from Quintooine. In that time, DarthPoreon would continue his talks with his lesser Senior Officers. Poreon did not look foward to these talks. His Senior Officers were stodgy in their ways and unfavoring of change. Persuading them to see the light in his ideas would be a key objective in Poreon's plans.

Jun 10th, 2001, 08:40:42 PM

"You're talking treason?" Rear Admiral Joyce was the first to respond to the Grand Moff's offer.

"We'd be crushed instantly!" Intelligence Commander Lemmings weighed the options and decided that the Diktat had a stronger force and any uprising would be squashed instantly.

"Well, I'll be Damned." General Yuska of the ground forces was suprised by the turn of events.

"Interesting." Flight Colonel Allger had little to say.

"Are you crazy?" Admiral Webber was confused at the Grand Moff's inability to decide something tacticaly.

"What's the penalty of treason?" Major General Astrin thought of the consequences.

Yet to speak was the most important person to sway in this meeting, High Admiral Rok. Poreon awaited Rok's response with the nervous anticipation of asking a girl to the Prom.

"High Admiral Rok, what are your views?" Poreon couldn't wait any longer for the High Admiral's initial Response.

"The plan sounds good Grand Moff Poreon. I like it. I want in. I want to see this false Empire to receive a blow that may hurt it deeply. The Seven Imperial Star Destroyers under my command will be at your service." The High Admiral gave his answer in support of the Grand Moff. Shocked faces from the other Senior officers were given in response.

"Colonel Allger, you spoke only a word about this. What are your views?" Poreon interrogated the Zeta Squadron Leader.

"Grand Moff, in my position as a Squadron leader of an esteemed squadron, I see this as an opprotunity for promotion and more power. Also as I squadron leader, though I take risks, this is a huge risk. But, my squadron, and my influence is in your power." Phalanx Allger also offered his support of the Renegade Grand Moff.

"Allger, you are hereby promoted to Wing Commander." Poreon, in gratitude of Phalanx's support promoted the Flight Captain to head of an entire wing. The Wing Commander smiled smugly.

"I can create and implement the necessary files into the computers for you Grand Moff." The Intelligence Commander spoke ambiguously.

"Is that a yes, Commander?"

"Yes, it is Grand Moff." The Commander admitted his support.

"That leaves the Rear Admiral, Admiral, Major General, and General." High Admiral Rok stated casualy.

"Never will I break apart from the Empire. It has too much to offer." Both the Rear Admiral and General spoke at the same time. The admiral and Major General though, voiced their support, offering their services.

"Very well. Everyone is dismissed except for the Major General, General, Rear Admiral and Admiral." Poreon dismissed the officers except for the four. They stayed beyond, curious as to why they weren't excused.

"Admiral Webber your command has now been increased from two ISDs to three ISDs. You will be taking charge of the Rear Admiral's ImpStar. Rear Admiral, you have been relieved of duty." Poreon pulled out a blaster from a concealed pocket. He snapped the trigger and a scarlet energy beam came out of the nozzel. Burnt Flesh Consumed the air.

"Major General you are hereby being promoted to General. You will be taking over the Yuska's command. Yuska, you are relieved of duty/ " General Yuska must have been expecting what came next because he held his head up high, as if saying he was better than the uprising. More Burnt Flesh Consumed the air.

"General and Admiral, you are dismissed." The two left the room. Poreon followed soon after. The Ex-General and Ex-Rear Admiral remained in the room. A cleaning droid entered the room and began cleaning up the dirtied room.

Jun 14th, 2001, 01:09:28 AM
[i]After the succesful talks Poreon made his way back to the Super Star Destroyer's bridge. The lines of hyperspace still streaked across the viewports. Poreon reached his hand out and grabbed an analysis report. He scanned over it quickly. It stated the approach vector to Coursca Prime and the departure from hyperspace time. Ten minutes from now.

The activity on the bridge picked up frenzy as the ten minutes ticked down.

Jun 15th, 2001, 08:19:10 PM
"Full shields port!" The captain of the Heartless shouted as the SSD emerged from hyperspace. The captain's outburst for shields was due to the appearance of one Golan I and one Golan III battle platform.

"Correction! Shields Equalized!" The captain changed his orders as the emergance of a Super Star Destroyer and an Imperial Star Destroyer emerged on the starboard side of the Heartless.

"Quiet down Captain. Use your TFF you fool." The Grand Moff replied coldly. The captain checked the Friend/Foe Analyzer. His cheeks became rose red as the TFF identified the ships as Courscan Empire Fleet ships. Nuetral ships with no hostile intentions.

"Captain, send the ship to the Far Shipyard." The captain nodded his head and relayed the orders to the navigation officers.

"If I may, Grand Moff Poreon, why are we going to the shipyards?" The captain questioned the Grand Moff's action politely.

"Captain, the Heartless is to undergo some Computer Drive Updates for the ship to remain in First Rate Condition. Any further questions Captain?" Poreon was a little annoyed at the captain.

"No sir. Sublight Engines at full strength. Course Setting to the Third Shipyard." The captain asked no more questions.

Jun 18th, 2001, 12:43:10 PM
"Drive overhaul commencing sir!" The Shipyard Master, a soul who had been with Poreon from the beginning, announced that the drive overhaul was beginning. The Poreon "Exodus" Drives made up the drive overhaul. The Poreon drives contained a special progam created by the Intelligence Workers. The program contained the necessary "virus" to override the Diktat's Command Codes.

Essentially, this drive would give Poreon command of every ship it was installed upon.