View Full Version : Blood Shed (Open Challenge To Any Jedi)

Drake Sector
Jun 2nd, 2001, 03:13:26 PM
Stalker is checking out supplys in a market in Coruscant.He looks around for any explosives then find exactly what he's looking for,E39 Novas.Bombs made from Mother Nature.Explode on contact....Drake pays for them then walks out of the store and feels the urge to test these new toys......(Now where could a jedi be?)

Morgan Dreada
Jun 2nd, 2001, 03:41:50 PM
Morgan walked down the crowded streets along the upper levels of Coruscant. Her mind spinning with many thoughts since she had come to this place and what she hoped to accomplish here. Although she did have a purpose she was not oblivious to the blatant acts of a single Sith, who treaded dangerously in her presence.

Even though new to her Jedi abilities she was still quite an adept force user. Also adding to this was the ancient Amulet which she held in her possession. An artifact of old which had been given to her by her Grandfather decades ago. Not until just recently however, did she realize it's full potential...and the dangers that lied within it's tiny frame.

Scanning the area she followed the Sith closely. She knew not whether he felt her presence...but she could sense his intentions. He longed to face a Jedi and she would be the one to quench this thirst.

Drake Sector
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:11:17 PM
Drake tires of walking and quietley takes a rest on a bench.He then scans around and finds nothing but mere civilians.He then senses something in the force,something very close,something......good!He quickly gets off the bench and ignites Chrono.

"Come out and plaaaaaay....I promise I won't go awaaaaaay...But I will make you paaaay."

Drake lunges fourth into the center of the street and concentrates on the darkness and scans around.He find the Jedi a few paces away hidden beneath a cloak,hidden as a civilian.He grins as she lets down her hood.

"Jedi I find you to be a fool.You think you can win with tactics and wit.When deep down in side you fear me,you fear you shall fail,you fear your destiny.I know this,I am no fool!And what it comes down to in the end is there is a winner and a loser.And I shall NOT lose to you!"

With that Drake shoots a Force Blast straight at the Jedi!

Morgan Dreada
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:23:57 PM
Morgan threw her arms up quickly and crossed them over her head in an attempt to protect herself. Before the force blast hit her though, the Amulet she wore around her neck lit up and tossed a bubble like blue substance in front of her, absorbing part of the impact. She was still tossed backward but not nearly as damaged as she would have been had the Amulet not reacted. Rising slowly she looked up at the Sith and studied him carefully.

"I never stated that I could beat you at all, my Lord. Much less with tactics and wit. My goal here is only to stop you from what you are planning, what I fear and do not fear is irrelevant. Perhaps you have misjudged me in your hastiness to evaluate the situation."

Narrowing her eyes, Morgan cast aside her cloak and unsheathed her sword. Even though it was not a Lightsaber it was still infused with magic, making it almost comparable.

"You still have the option to leave this place, sire. For my affiliation does not make me unreasonable..."

Morgan lowered her weapon slowly.

Drake Sector
Jun 3rd, 2001, 04:39:19 PM
Drake grins as he disignites his sabre.He quickly withdraws his gunblade and looks at Morgan.

"Jedi,I may not be the smartest person ever,or the strongest person ever,but one thing I truly hate is when I'm taken for a mere mortal.You take this situation into grasp and what you see is a mere sith going around looking for trouble.But you,you are very wrong.I have buissness here.Buissness that does not concern you!Now two choices.One run away,run far,far way,and NEVER return!Two stay here and get the living hel' beaten out of ya!But you being a jedi I guess you would take the second choice wouldn't you?Well then.....lets get it on!"

Drake lunges fourth towards Morgan,taking her by suprise and slicing at her chest.

"Lady,I am not one for patientce....just a warning..."

Drake then turns around and sees Morgan grasping onto her necklace,gasping in pain.He quickly rushes fourth again and with his gunblade he slices off the necklace and grabs a hold of it and looks at it and senses nothing perticular and throws it onto the top of a building.

"Warriors now adays,always relying on lucky charms,heh...."

Drake then starts circling Morgan in a defensive posture,just incase she might attack.

Morgan Dreada
Jun 4th, 2001, 09:01:37 PM
Morgan gasped as the Amulet was separated from her and fell to her knees, dropping her sword. It was as if half of her power was suddenly drained from her body and she was given a swift kick in the gut. She took two long breaths then shut her eyes and concentrated. Suddenly, she leapt to her feet and lunged at Drake, tackling him to the ground and smacking him in the face with the backside of her fist. Stunned, Drake grabbed the small woman by the shoulders and tossed her off of him.

Morgan was angry with herself for allowing the Sith close enough to steal her Amulet. As she stood she raised her hand into the air. Her eyes flared with energy for a moment then in a flash of light the Amulet was returned to her. She lowered her arm to look upon the sacred gem. As she did a blast of energy came from within it and impacted her, knocking her straight to her back. She lay silent for a moment with her eyes shut, then began to rise slowly. Looking around, she patted her hands to her face, as if she were not in her own body, then glanced back toward Drake and smiled ever-so slightly.

Within the blink of an eye Morgan had summoned her weapon to her and was running toward Drake at a blinding speed. Once she was within a few feet from him she leapt into the air, flipping over his head and landing behind his back. She spun around quickly, swinging her leg into the air and nailing the Sith in the back of the skull. He soared forward and landed face first onto the pavement. Morgan took a battle stance and swung her sword around, pointing the tip of the blade toward the young Sith. It had been decades since she'd battled therefore she intended to enjoy this.

Drake Sector
Jun 5th, 2001, 04:26:58 PM
Drake quickly wipes the blood from his lips,which he got when he hit the pavement.He blocks out the pain then gets to his feet and looks at Morgan.

"I see that is no ordinary amulet,or lucky charm,it has......some sort of power,very intresting,now jedi,how about we raise these stakes,I mean if your not a wussie.....how about if I win I get that amulet and get to do what I hand in mind before you showed up?And if you win...I shall let you have my Novas and I will not go and do what I was planning to do originally?"

Drake growls lightly as the jedi refuses.He quickly lunges towards her and kicks her off her feet.He then drops onto his knees,ontop Morgan and delivers multiple blows to the face,back and fourth,back and fourth.....He then gets off her and slowly levitates her off the ground by using Force Choke.He then shoots a very powerful Force Blast at her,knocking her straight through a brick building.Drake starts advancing very cooly towards Morgan.He holds onto his Gunblade very tightly.Just incase of any suprises.



Morgan Dreada
Jun 8th, 2001, 01:33:43 AM
Morgan smiled sinisterly as the blood poured from her mouth, "I accept your feeble challenge, Sith. You have no idea what you ask." Drake smirked as Morgan narrowed her eyes and scowled. Suddenly, she began to laugh...and laugh...and laugh, and while she was still laughing the Amulet began to emit a low hum. Energy began to spiral out of it rapidly and impacted Drake within an instant, sending him airborne. He plummeted backward through the wall that Morgan had smashed through earlier and landed back outside in a puddle of mucky water. His body ached and smoldered slowly as he groaned in agony.

Morgan got up slowly, hardly able to stand after the beating that she had taken from Drake. Suddenly, she fell to the ground once again, holding her head in pain.

"No!!" She cried, "I am the only one who can control it! You mustn't return! We'll not survive without me!!" Her eyes were wide open yet it was as if there was no soul behind them. She curled up into a fetal position, attempting to stay in control as the battle raged within her own mind. At last, she triumphed and stood. She glanced across the clearing at Drake, who lay there confused by her strange behavior. Morgan smiled and winked at the youthful Sith, "Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?"

Drake Sector
Jun 8th, 2001, 05:34:59 PM
Drake smirks at her actions and wity comments.HE crack his knuckles stretchs and pushes aside the pain.He then gets up and looks at Morgan and speaks..

"Oh stupid little jedi,you take me for a fool.But I never told you of my plans for the amulet,now did I?"

Drake getting the jedi confused uses Force Speed and spears Morgan.Then he calls fourth his gunblade and fires rapid blasts at the jedi scorching her around her upper body.He grins as she thrives in pain and look at him as if he is doing something dishonarable.

"Jedi,you call this dishonarable,I call it doing whatever it takes to win!"

Drake then once again uses Force Choke to pick he up.He starts to strangle her making her unable to breath.Then he tosses her very cruely from one building to another until she is bleeding from the head and is unconcious.Drake then spins her around and throws her right through a glass window.


Jun 15th, 2001, 11:51:58 PM
Mockadane witnesses the occurance with a slight distain, still wearing his sinth cloak. His slight movements were unnoticeable by the two engaged in battle. Seeing the sith throw the woman through the window with the look of exhutation on his face Mockadane makes his move. Stepping toward Drake, the force empty bubble of the Isalamira ever consumes the being, and the Dark side power he used to remove the pain is nullified. The pain seems to return ten fold and before he could react a stun bolt from Mock's hold-out blaster courses Drake's body leaving him a crumbled form on the floor.

"Neutralize the female..." the large man speaks into his headset to his counter part.

Even before Mockadane releaved this man of his weapons and drained his credit account he herd a voice reply in his headset "DONE!"

Looking at the still form on the ground the big man says..."The weakness of all force users is...MORTALITY!"

Knowing the stun blast takes a while to wear off, Mock finds his friend.

Jun 16th, 2001, 12:10:15 AM
Entering the building through the hole in the glass, with a leap, Eldorack is assured that his Isalamira bubble is surrounding the being. Veiwing the unconchious woman's form, Eldorack notices that the amulet is giving off a greenish hued glow. After releaving the woman of her weapons and possesions he hears Mockadane come up from behind.

"Look at the amulet..." Eldorack says to Mockadane standing up watching the woman feign in and out of conscienceness. "Time to go" Eldorack says to Mockadane.

Jun 16th, 2001, 12:20:21 AM
As the woman comes in and out of conscienceness, she hear's Mokadane say "Beware of that amulet, it can save you but it also can be your undoing"

Mockadane and Eldorack quickly leave the scene after depositing the woman at an unknown location and disapear into the darkness of the night.

Drake Sector
Jun 18th, 2001, 03:29:48 PM

Morgan Dreada
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:01:10 AM
OOC: Ummm... sorry. You had knocked Morgan unconscious so I didn't know how to post next without being unrealistic. Usually after a beating like the one you gave Morgan a person doesn't wake up from being knocked unconscious for quite some time. I didn't want to just ignore all that you had done and I didn't want to make time pass without your permission so I hired this Bounty to come and help me out instead.

I was going to try and contact you so that we could talk about it but I couldn't find any kind of e-mail address or AIM screen name for you.

Drake Sector
Jun 19th, 2001, 04:10:30 PM
OOC:o k.........well what do I do now?

And if any of the mods see this can they erase all the OOC posts after Morgan posts and I post once more?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 12:14:07 AM
OOC~ Will watch this thread and be happy to when it is resolved.