View Full Version : High Priority Package for Mr. Sanis Prent

FedEx Delivery Boy
Jun 13th, 2001, 03:39:57 AM
:: The delivery boy stood, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, looking at the very large box before him. He held tightly to his clip board, waiting for Mr. Prent to arrive. ::

Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:09:41 PM
(Sanis approached, looking at the large box, and wondering what he could possibly have ordered in that size. Running a hand through his hair, he walked up to the deliver boy)

You got a return address on that?

FedEx Delivery Boy
Jun 15th, 2001, 10:09:06 PM
:: The boy shifted his weight again, reaching into his pocket. ::

Nope. No return address. But this note came with the package. Sender, whoever he was, said you'd know who it was because of the contents. And then he just walked off. Great tipper, though.

:: He handed it to Sanis who read the small note: ::

<font color='red' size=2>
Be careful what you wish for out loud...

:: The boy held out his hand containing the clipboard, indicating it needed to be signed. He shrugged, offering some more of what he knew. ::

All I know is that the box is mighty heavy. Smashed my foot while putting it down.

:: He shifted his weight again, obviously favoring the sore foot. ::

Sanis Prent
Jun 16th, 2001, 08:34:10 PM
Alright then...

(Even though Sanis read the message, it did not make sense to him. Sighing, he signed for it. He ran his hand over the lid, hesitated, and reached down to his belt, activating his personal-field shield generator. The unit energized with a faint whine. Now ready, he opened the box)

Avolon Bisel
Jun 17th, 2001, 03:25:43 AM
Bisel was on the fire escape of a nearby resturant, three stories high. He had a pair of expensive binoculars around his neck, and he was putting them to good use. He zoomed in on Prent. Apparently he had just recieved a present or something of the sort.

Bisel still fingered the credit chit ShoeStone had given him. Easiest money he ever made.

OOC - Hope this isn't closed. I'm not interrupting anything, and I'm not here to interfer. Just watching, just doing my job.

FedEx Delivery Boy
Jun 19th, 2001, 04:06:14 AM
OOC: OK, Bisel. No harm done.


:: The delivery boy watched curiously as Sanis opened the package very carefully. The minute he lifted the top lid, the entire box colapsed, making Sanis and himself jump back. What was inside surprised him. ::

Well, no wonder it was so heavy!

:: Inside the now colapsed box was a soild gold toilet. The boy watched as Sanis eyed it with wide eyes, and slowly and carefully peek under the lid. Inside was a note with a credit chit attached to it. ::

<font color='red' size=2>
I too have a sense of humor. It is now paid in full. Enjoy. L.

:: The boy shook his head. ::

Well, I have to admit, I've seen weirder deliveries, but never something in solid gold like THAT!

:: Still shaking his head, the delivery boy got into his speeder truck to be on his way. ::

Sanis Prent
Jun 20th, 2001, 11:30:28 PM
(Sanis laughed out loud. He finally understood the message, as well as who the package was from. Somebody with a good sense of humor. He gestured for the Fed Ex boy)

Hey, you got a hand truck? I gotta cart this thing off and get it pawned.

(It would go down as the strangest way Sanis had ever been paid for a job)

FedEx Delivery Boy
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:08:33 AM
:: The delivery boy was about to drive off when he heard Sanis' question. He smiled and jumped out of the truck. ::

Sure do, Mr. Prent. I could lend you one of the hand trucks I carry aboard my delivery truck. Just drop it off at any FedEx Office near you.

:: He hauled out a small hand truck that hovered a few inches above the ground. Pushing it over to stand beside the box, he carefully floded the box back up, and then turned off the hover to slide the lip of the hand truck underneath the box. Once that was finished, he activated the hover again. ::

She's all yours, Mr. Prent. Have a nice day.

:: With that, the boy got into his delivery truck and sped off to make more deliveries. ::