View Full Version : Sieken Kasstra V Saphiredragoness (Freindly)

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 6th, 2001, 05:56:23 AM
:: Sieken stood out in the field the long grass waist length and the hot type Aussy sun (just for you Saph) beated down on his face::

::sieken smiled and his heart beated ready to see her angelic face::

"Hello saph i can see ya!!"


Jun 7th, 2001, 02:03:38 AM
::Saphire walks out a slight smile on her face, she woudl ahve been rather dissapointed if he had not::
::She smiles wider as her weapon of choice, Killer, was taken out of her black leather belt. The lightsaber's silver glow enters the air and the soft humm makes her a little more relaxed. A sabers humm always made her relaxed. Her laugh enters the air as she sees a glimpse in his eye that made her smile, that dangerous icy look, yet a look that had warmth. She did not know if he knew he was doing, it but it was damn sexy.
She cleared her head of emotions and let the deadly anger leak into her mind, her heart and her aura immedietly grew stronger in darkness. This was a friendly spar, but she was going to fight as she normally did, jedi or no jedi. This wasnt the training grounds anymore, no matter what opponant, no matter how you felt for your opponant. the only difference was thta she would not kill, or could not in the case of it being Sieken and a fellow sith who she has no bone to pick with::

::Her eyes are cold and dangerous, but her smiles is playful, suggesting two emotions, yet totally contrasting emotions. With a skillful flip and a kick in Siekens face her saber slices into his shoe sole, revealing untouched toes and her right leg goes in the same direction, tripping him as she goes down. With her hands, her right now empty as her saber is put back into her belt, she pushes up and flips upright and as he attacks, with one quick movement her left hand goes to killer and the saber is turned on just as the saber ends meet, blood is drippign on his lips and her eyes match the red that now enwraps her mind. She smiles and twists the saber down, confusing him and twirling, her other hand getting dragons pride. Both hands now hold the aber, protectign her from a behind strike and her back faces his::

[i]Hello Sieken..[i]

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 7th, 2001, 10:11:00 PM
::Sieken raised a brow at the girl, with his useral sercastic grinn he fiddeld in his bag, and brought out a brasslett looking object and he passed it to her sweetly, all of a sudden it wrapped round her wrist as tight as it could sqeezing the blood out she let go of her saber making it fall.

As she cluched her wrists sisken rolled and grabbed the saber throwing it into som long grass some 20 ft away without her seeing where it went...sieken simpley tocuhed the brassllet in the right place and it let lose of her wrist making her fall to her knees.

Sieken put the brasslett object back in his bag and kneeld down to her raising her chin up with his fingr and kissing her lips softly..

hello saphire

Jun 11th, 2001, 05:33:26 AM
::Saphire gets up and is faced with a kiss, in anger she pulls away at his dirty wrist trick::

Wheres my saber?

::She looks around and winks at him as she spotts her saber, a small smile playing on her lips::

::Coming up to him she puts her saber at his throat, taking it away slowly and placing the saber back on her belt::

Not so fast Romeo..arent we in the middle of a fight?

::Smiling she laughs as he smiles back and a special look goes into her eyes as she circles him dangerously, and dissapears just as soon as it was there::

::Saphire dissapears from his sight as she flips into a tree and looks down at the man below. She felt a courage she hadnt felt in a long time, a security, but she would test the waters first, to check that love was safe to swim in again::

[i]I'm not that easy to win, but your going the right way about it.[i]

Jun 14th, 2001, 01:44:22 AM
OOC: Sieken!! OK, Im sorry I avent been around much but i replied, hurry. I promise in two weeks I'll hav emore time, holidays man. Post, please???? :(

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 14th, 2001, 06:09:03 AM
Siek casuraly throw up a small, vut VERY sharp nice, sliceing through the branch she was on, making her fall a good 30ft into a swamp::

Seik walked over to her and pulled her out and carryed her in his arms to a patch of grass that was not long...

"Have a nice swim?"...

Jun 18th, 2001, 01:40:13 AM
::Saphire glared at him, a small smile twinging on her lips::


::With all her strength she gets up, and pushes him in, a cheeky smile playing on her face::

OOC: sorry. I apologised in your loners forum earlier -_-

Eve Siren
Jun 18th, 2001, 07:54:06 AM
OOC: Sieken's going out with you ! :|

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 22nd, 2001, 03:44:07 AM
:: Sieken crawld out from the swamp and coughed out a fish...::

"HEY!" he said grabbing her by the wrist and holding ehr down to the floor gently::

he smiled as he looked into her perfect eyes..


Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:38:13 AM
::Saphire smiled and pushed him back slightly, kisisng him lightly on the mouth and winking::

::She gets up from the ground and laughs, enjoying his own cute eyes. She hadnt felt this..happy? in a long time.Maybe time did heal::

How about Ramas Romeo?