View Full Version : Getting off my bar stool(challenge)
Sage Hazzard
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:06:58 AM
Sage walked the streets of Corusant, or what could be considered the street, more like the top layer. The Jedi felt sorry for those born on this planet and that never left, because the inhabitants that didn't planet jump almost never saw the sun other then in post cards and holomovies.
He carried a large poster in his hand, paper, crude for this day and age. On it, read the following:
Come and get me. I'm tired of your crimes, murder, and utter lack of respect for others. You must be stopped and I know part of you wants to be stopped. You want someone to kill, you want someone to fight? Let me teach you the light, let me show you some fight back, let me show you violence is not the answer by showing you that you cannot always win.
He had put one at every major "hotspot" for Sith, Imperial, and Dark Jedi on every planet they populated in large numbers. If they wanted someone to fight, why not a Jedi Master? Sage saw this as once less innocent dying, for the killer would be busy with him.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 4th, 2001, 12:19:04 PM
The sharp blades of Vegas claw glove dragged with a sickening scraping noise against the wall to his right, the triple blades digging partially into the construction itself. He hated Corusant with a burning passion, but this was not a hinderance as the hate which it brought fueled his power. Quite handy.
Sage Hazzard he thought, pausing in mid-step to look up at the Corusant sky line, a Jedi Master... a great light. A light which must be extinguished.
A small yet sinister chuckle allowed itself to slip from Vegas lips as he removed the crude glove-weapon, slipping it covertly into the inside pocket of his trench-coat. As he did slow, he palmed the sleek metal hilt of Seraphim into his hand and hovered his thumb over the ignition switch.
Sage he called out in a suprisingly soothing voice, Where for art thou?
Sage Hazzard
Jun 5th, 2001, 12:03:18 AM
Sage was unaware of the Sith Knight. He walked confidently through the streets.
A pin of darkness peirced his skull, forseeing impending evil. He unclipped his sabre, holding it still in his right hand. His pulled down the sleeve of his cloak to conceal the weapon as he wrapped his fingers around it.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:03:56 PM
Finding Sage was a partial challenge and a partial walk over. For one, the force signature of a Jedi master was an incredibly strong one, radiating a large feeling of goodness and the light. On the other hand, the ability to cloak oneself via. the force gave the Master an upper hand. No matter, Vega would locate the dillusional fool eventually.
The nagging feeling of the light nudged his senses. Growing slightly annoyed, the Knight sent out a small message via. the force.
Stop playing hide and seek, Hazzard..
Sage Hazzard
Jun 6th, 2001, 01:21:05 AM
It hit him like a dagger in the back. He kept the mental link open, the message just short enough for him not to get a postition.
Let us arrange a meeting place, if you are intent on finding me. Beware though, I believe in stopping things before they happen, defense before the event. I am prepared to kill you if it will stop you from murdering others in the future....
He broke the link, but right before then he sent an image through the Force into his brain. It was of a famous corperate tower... the meeting place.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 9th, 2001, 08:45:32 AM
The mental image flashed briefly into Vegas mind, just long enough for him to mentally note what it looked like. Strafe-stepping to the side, the Knight looked along the skyline to see if he could spot the tower.
Indeed he could. It stuck out like sore thumb due to its size.
Excellent he murmured.
Where abouts in the building had Sage wanted them to meet? He had no idea, seemed like he would have to just find out for himself. Sliding the door to the side, Vega strode into the reception area.
"Sir, Sir I'm afraid we don't allow weapons in here!" cried out the secratary, moments before he life ended with a gut wrenching crack. Striding down the long hall, Vega headed towards the first stair well.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:35:17 AM
Sage decided the rooftop was the appropriate place. Any other location would put others in jepordy. He held his Lightsabre hilt in his hand. His right foot was on the rooftop's edge, which rose a foot above the rest. He waited for the other man.
OOC - Excuse my plain posts lately, especially in this thread. I've been busy and haven't had the time to write my usual posts, detailed.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 10th, 2001, 04:41:38 AM
OOC - No problems.
IC -
Leaping up with force advanced height to clear the stairways at a quicker pace, Vega moved from floor to floor within seconds, bounding up flights of 20 stairs at a time. Thus so, it wasn't long before he reached a dead end. The last floor.
Scanning the corridor, Vega spotted what seemed to be a vent on the right hand side of the wall. Kicking it open, he ducked inside and began to climb upwards through the dusty tunnel.
Minutes later light pierced into the tunnel, slatted and grated by the vent opening above. Trying not to make too much noise, Vega pushed the grate aside and heaved himself out of the tube onto the roof top of the business block. Across from him, about 20 foot away posed in a rather dramatic position, stood Sage.
Sorry I took so long, the lifts were out of order... the Knight rasped, flicking Seraphim from his wrist holster to bring the bright yellow blade to life.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:07:35 AM
He pretended he hadn't heard him. He waited, his sabre in his hand, still unlit. He was a good acter suprisingly. It would prove interesting to see what a Sith would do. Sage always had thoughts on matters such as these, and he tested them whenever he had the chance. Was a Sith above stabbing someone in the back, Sage hoped not. It would add the element of suprise when the killing blow would turn into a judo flip off the rooftop.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:15:21 PM
Such a silent one... or perhaps you did not hear me?
Swooping Seraphim infront of his body to create a loud humming - and partially whoosing - sound, Vega sidestepped to the left, keeping his eyes locked upon the Jedi.
Or maybe, maybe you mock me by staying still and quiet? is that so, Jedi?
Sage Hazzard
Jun 12th, 2001, 03:12:30 AM
Sage smiled.
"I do not mock. I have no time to mock."
Sage was suprised he hadn't hit him in the back when he had the chance. Did this Sith possess Honor?
"Let us do what we came he to do, hmm? Why prolong the, my suffering."
He was not joking, or slipping up in his words. Everytime he wounded another being, it hurt him a little bit. He had killed hundreds of men in his lifetime through the Force, before the Jedi. The Force had punished him it seemed for he was destined to flashes of his victim's death, through their eyes.
"Come now."
Sage ignited his Lightsabre as he turned calmly, still standing on the edge.
"Do what you came to do. Kill me." Sage's eyes turned cold, "but forgive me if I stop you."
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 13th, 2001, 03:40:20 PM
Whether you mock me or not does not particularly bother me, Jedi. It is your simple existance that narks me, creates an abhorant feelings within my mind.
Taking a few steps back from his enemy, Vega brought Seraphim to hold it in two hands, sturdily in a vertical position.
Now, as you say, let us begin.
Jumping to the side, Vega edged back a few paces towards what seemed to be the entrance booth to a stairwell leading down the building. It was made of a strong metal, and would proove to be useful later on. But for now, the head on approach would do.
Moving quickly forward the Knight pushed one foot hard against the ground as he skidded to a halt, swinging his saber violently towards Sage.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:33:43 PM
Sage sucked in his stomach and bent his back, missing the blade by inches. His feet dangling on the edge of the building. He swung a low attack to keep Vega busy, the Sith deflected it. As he did so Sage jumped of the small raised ledge, over the other's shoulder, his right hand catapulting him over. As Sage swung once he hit the ground the Sith spun with enourmous speed, his strength in the Force was evident. Sage's swing got deflected easily.
A fierce battle incured, both swords hitting each other with sound echoing through the rooftops. Hazzard was an experianced Jedi, coming to the rank of Jedi. He was well trained in sword and stick combat well before being recruited by the Jedi Order. After joining he excelled in swordmanship. Sage pushed the other man farther and farther back, towards the building's edge, showing his skill, slowly, but relentless. Finally Vega's leg couldn't step back more, his feet hit the small raise, locking his body for a moment in the confusion. Sage bared down with his sabre, pushing the other's blade closer and closer to his neck, making the Sith's back bend backwards as he had no leverage. His feet were pressed against the wall, Sage to close to allow the Sith free movement. His upper body was the only strength he had as he leaned farther and farther back, the sounds from hover cars resonating from below was a cruel reminder of the fate he might recieve.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:57:53 PM
Gravity and momentum. Two very useful laws of physics which could be used or bended to your advantage. With the aid of the force, once could twist these laws to there will.
Quick in your work, you are Sage...
Evident to Vega was the fact that only the upper part of his torso had power within it. This was reasonable enough, and could be used to a small advantage. Withstanding the stress of the Jedis saber by hold Seraphim in a steady position, Vega shifted his body by a fraction of an inch, his face showing a deep expression of anger.
... But quick work can sometimes spoil the job. Don't you think slow and PAINFUL is the way to deal with DEATH?
It took a sizable effort,.but Vega managed to push Sage back just enough to gain some free movement. As the two combatants eased slowly away from the buildings edge, Vega took the chance he had created for himself and tumbled to the side, swinging at Sages shins as he used his current movement to kick his legs into the air, performing a small flip to his feet.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 15th, 2001, 03:09:09 AM
Sage blocked the swing easily, but could stop Vega from successfully seperating himself from the edge.
Sage charged in, baring down hard on top of Vega with fast, powerful swings. After the two were in the heat of battle, muscles moving before mind, reflexes took over for thought. Sage took advantage by faking a hard swing to Vega's left. As the Sith's sword went for his side, it was too late. Sage kicked him in his right ribs. The force of the kick sent the Sith Knight stumbling towards the edge. His torso went over partly, and his arms dangled over the edge, his sabre being held only by his fingertips.
Sage fought off the need to finish the fight in one swift blow, it was not of the Light to strike like that. It would be out of anger and agression more then self control and defense.
Sage raised his sabre in front of him and waited for the Sith to regain balance. It wasn't like the Jedi Master to kill a man when he was defenseless.... Not anymore.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 15th, 2001, 01:32:13 PM
Moving slowly from the buildings edge to stand up, Vega canted his head to the side as a curious expression came to his face.
Ah. Your Jedi ways forbid striking me down, eh? he chuckled in a quiet tone, looking his opponent straight in the eye.
Twisting his saber in one hand, Vega brought it up so that the hilt was by his head with the blade pointing forward - in a stance used by those trained the old arts of fencing. He moved forward one step than swung his saber down in a circle, creating what looked like a glowing disk as he moved his hand lower to be aligned with his hip, where he kept the spinning energy form in motion.
Jerking forward in instinct the Knight swept his saber upwards diagonally, downwards, to the left right and up once again. After he had perform this cross shaped offensive he flurried forward with a barrage of sharp and swift strikes, each time edging himself to the side as he moved further and further away from the edge of the building and an uncertain falling doom.
He was now safe for the moment from being knocked off of the building, so brought the use of the metal stairway into use. Luring Sage back by playing offensively and defensively at the same time, the two edged towards the small durasteel structure. Finally reaching it, Vegas trench-coat swept into the air as he flipped back onto the small hut like building.
With a quick burst of energy he lept into a flip, landing with his back to sage. Mistrust, sweeping his leg back towards Sage he dropped down into a crouch to knock the Jedis legs away.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 16th, 2001, 12:44:26 AM
OOC - I'll reply tommorrow, most likely by editing this post, so no need to reply. I just want you to know I won't be posting in this thread tonight. I'm kind of tired(basketball), and quite frankly, my brain is fried and I can't think up anything at the moment... anything. Sorry. Will post tomorrow after rest. :)
If I'm reading your post correctly, you just kicked me down the stairs, correct? If not, I'll edit my post.
IC -
The door had been opened already, the automatic closing was hindered by a door stop, slid into the small opening at the bottom. Sage went tumbling down the stairwell, nothing to stop him. Finally he slammed into the wall, once he had reached the small landing that led to the next flight of stairs.
He looked up with a confident smile, holding his ribs.
"Another Jedi would have killed you! I personally would not have! That solves nothing!" He yelled up the stairs.
Sage slowly stood up. His side ached all the time he stammered to his feet.
"I applaude your swordmanship. A pity you've thrown your life away to the Dark Side."
He grabbed his lightsabre from on of the steps, it had been thrown out of his hand when he fell, not by choice. He had the forethought to shut it off as he began to tumble. It saved him from his own bending arm. He ignited once more, hanging it at his side, focusing his attention on the man who stared down at him.
Vega stood conviently inside the door frame, right in the path of the now closing door. Sage had taken out the doorstop through the Force, and sent the door slamming with by will of the Force as well. Vega felt the bang before he noticed what happened. He went tumbling down the stairs as Sage did.
The Jedi was not without his tricks. He was not the wounded rabbit he appeared, it had been an act. One of the first lessons a Jedi learns is how to fall, and that translates well into how to control a tumble.
Sage spun around quickly. He cut four of the steps in half with his Lightsabre, even the ones under him, Vega still tumbling down at the time. The Jedi jumped. He landed his feet on the railings, keeping himself from falling through. Vega went right under him. His weight broke the steps finally. He fell down a story to the next flight.
The Jedi jumped from his postition to the small landing he had banged into a moment before. He began walking down, the Sith would stop his tumble soon, and he would be there.
He grabbed his side as he walked, and his walk was hindered with a slight limp. The Force kept his injuries minor during the tumble, and he silenced most of the pain as well. But he was not powerful enough to silence them all.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 17th, 2001, 08:28:40 AM
After falling to a stingingly painful thud against the stairs, the Knight had rolled down quite a few metal steps before eventually thudding against the wall at the bottom of the well.
The Jedi Master strode step by step down towards Vega, saber ignited, strength apparently at a good level, although a limp did partially distort this.
Shifting to push his weight against the wall his eyes shot around the area trying to locate Seraphim. The yellow radiating glow poked out from the floor above. It seemed that the hilt had hooked inbetween the meshing on the stairs, dangling downwards.
Blast.. he grumbled, straightening himself up to his normal stance. With a quick gesture of one gloved hand, Seraphim shot down to plunge into the bottom stair. Swiping it up quickly, Vega heaved a heavy breath as he looked up as Sage drew closer to the final step.
I have not thrown MY like away, Jedi. You are the one serving the ideas of a dillusional group who's policies are based on being stuck in a dream world... a world of make believe which can never exist!
Growling his final words, Vega swung his saber up to meet Sages as he attacked. With Sage edging down the stairs, Vega had to echo his movements or be forced into the wall, resulting in a large disadvantage.
And I shall see that that point holds true!
Bingo. A route of freedom. Pushing his free hand down onto the sleek banister, Vega leaps backwards quickly. His boots ground against the metal but left enough leeway to allow the Sith to slide backwards down to the lower floor, a slight grin spreading over his face.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 19th, 2001, 01:48:53 AM
OOC - I must apoligise. I've been busy, and tired. I helped my dad paint a house yesterday, and I'm still sore from keeping my arm above my head for hours painting with a terrible brush. Then I played Basketball, I meant for it to be relaxing, but I got into a tough game. So today I slept late and am still tired. I got on earlier but the connection was bad and Juno kept throwing me off. I'll post tomorrow morning, when my feet and back aren't throbing. :(
Sage Hazzard
Jun 23rd, 2001, 03:23:07 AM
OOC - Time constraints. You've been great, thanks. Your patience is something to be admired. I always TTT a topic after a day. :lol:
Your post looks odd this late at night, only had 4 hours sleep last night too. So I might of misunderstood it. You went below, right?
IC - Blast! He was quick. Sage started to go down the steps after Vega below...... Was this the Jedi way? Hunting down an enemy that is escaping? No. Sage steped back and sat down on the floor. He folded his legs and clicked off his sabre. Sage began going into a Jedi Meditative state, calming his emotions. He was getting much to violent, and much to aggressive. He waited for the Sith to make the move, that was after all the Jedi way. It seemed this day he was begining to stray from his path. But now he relised to defeat an enemy that is the complete opposite of your ideals, you must stand to your principles, and never stray.
Vega Van Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2001, 05:05:56 AM
OOC: No probs, again Sage. RL over RP and such. I know the hardships of time with living on the opposite side of the ocean to most of the rpers.
Strange. Until know Sage had become more and more offensive towards Vega, but now had decided to simply sit down and meditate. Perhaps this was some sort of trick? Or maybe he was preparing an attack? He remembered quite distinctly the Force Whirlwind which Anakis used and also hearing of Force Fire Balls which were only implemented after deep concentration on the force.
Moving slowly towards Sage, Vega squinted his eyes and canted his head, watching the Jedi with unwavering attention. What was he up to? No matter, actually.
Stand and fight, or are you a coward like all the rest of your kind? Afraid to battle for fear of destruction! he said, spitting out his words as he stepped to the side, moving towards Sage ever so slowly. Rapidly, with a quick flash of yellow, Seraphim arched upwards before drawing down towards the Jedis chest.
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