View Full Version : Ice Blue Eyes (Open Challenge to any Jedi.)

Eve Siren
Jun 18th, 2001, 04:19:06 PM
-- Eve stopped her motorcycle, got off and leaned on it. Awaiting the arrival of some Jedi, she started staring at her hands after she took her gloves off with her teeth. A bad habit. Lost the touch of a small child, she grimaced. Her hands had an awful touch. She clenched her fists and put her gloves back on as she heard footsteps coming slowly... --

Now, now, no need to be shy. Show yourself.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 18th, 2001, 09:16:36 PM
::Chaos looks at the younge warrior from a small distance. He smiles. If she only knew how he sometimes felt. Till then he could seddle wacting her fight. Battle is how he earned his name. Chaos. He would enjoy watching her.::

Eve Siren
Jun 19th, 2001, 12:13:45 PM
-- Eve noticed Chaos. She turned to the side and smiled at him through her helmet. He was like her Guardian in some ways ... She liked that. --

Teka Kenobi
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:51:08 PM
::Through the openess of the green and yellow desert came the Kenobi. He knew there were potential enemies ahead and kept walking. In a Jedi kind of way he fancied a brawl. A fight. Needing to proove to himself he could be a true protector of light he walked on. Waiting to see the faces ahead.::

Darth Karrn
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:57:10 PM
:: The shimmer of the sun on the horizen revelad siek on his moterbike, the Dust of the sand spraying up behinde him, siek stoped and notticed the 2 looking at eathother.....siek of of his bike and walked a few yards, crouched down and ran the sand through his hand, he smiled through his helmet....

" G'luck Eve and Alex"....with that he clamberd on his new bike, folded his arms and listernd to the waves crash...he liked eve as a close friend, Vega ans he would not allow her to be hurt to badly...


Vega Van Derveld
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:02:46 PM
Watching his blood sister, apprentice, rival and fellow Sith from afar, Vega stood in the distance. Casually dressed in a white suit, saber hidden beneath his jacket, he stared out into the ocean for a moment, the noise of the waves calming him a little before his attention was diverted back to the combatants at the other end of the beach.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:31:30 PM
Ok sorry I though Eve wanted to fight a Jedi. N/m ignore my post i guess.

Darth Karrn
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:34:58 PM
( She dose want to fight a Jedi...hence the "Open Challange to all Jedi")

Eve Siren
Jun 19th, 2001, 05:19:59 PM
-- Well well, suddendly a lot of men arrived. Eve shook her head. She glanced at Sieken as she turned her head to her blood brother. She nodded slightly to Vega before turning her attention to the Jedi who just entered. Without saying a word and with a quick movement with her hand, she invited the man in a fight. --

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 19th, 2001, 05:48:47 PM
:: Siek sat on his bike mearly watching the entertainment, he noticed vega on the shore line, and nooded to him, he side smiled in his helmet, and poped his kneck..and looked back to the action...siek had a flash thriugh his head....teka was surrounded...if he started misstreating her....he would die by all three mens hands...Vega,Sie and Alex...


Eve Siren
Jun 20th, 2001, 07:35:47 AM
-- "Damn it" she thought. Waiting for the Jedi to attack first, she kept staring at the three men who probably already wanted to butt in her fight. For Vega, she would've done the same but she didn't understand for Chaos or Siek. She sighed slightly under her helmet as she turned her gaze back to the Jedi. --

Teka Kenobi
Jun 20th, 2001, 04:10:34 PM
::Reaching the four he raised the right part of his mouth into a half smile as he looked at Alex, and then to Seiken. The fallen Jedi and the fallen..well, Sieken. He could not see Vega clearly as the woman he had not yet encountered stood in front of him. He made a side wards nodd in a sarcastic fasion over to Vega who had now moved to a more visible position, on Eve's left. He was supprosed at how many people it took to look after the lady. Vega had apprentices no doubt about that, maybe this was one, but the other two, either side of her.::

An important lady?

::The words floated out of his mouth and travelled through the air to Eve's ears. Never taking his gaze off her, he took a step forward, which was noted by Vega, although he didn't show it. Without dropping his cloak he unseathed the metal hilt of his Teal sabre (Yet to be given a proper name, Obex for now) and brought it in front of him, not yet ignighting it. If thew other three did join in he'd have a hell of a time fighting them off, but for now, he would concentrate on the one known as Eve.::

Eve Siren
Jun 20th, 2001, 04:36:21 PM
-- Eve didn't answer Teka's question. She simply smiled through her helmet as he called her a lady. Eve crossed her arms behind her back and nodded slightly to Teka, inviting him silently to attack first. "Would a Jedi dare attack a "lady" ?" she thought. The silent girl tilted her head on the side, watching Teka's Obex ignite. Teka didn't seem to be wanting to attack. She shrugged her shoulders and walked up to him. Feeling him breathing a bit harder, she stopped a few feets away from him. She put her arms on each side of her body, just waiting for him to attack. Staring at the man staring at her, she tilted her head and ran a finger on the side of her helmet. --

Teka Kenobi
Jun 21st, 2001, 02:47:16 PM
::Teka frowned and tipped his head slightly to the left. He waited a moment..and nothing hapened. He looked at Alex and Sieken and then Vega, and back to Eve, and more specificly her helmet. It seemed that she was not going to take off her protective gear. Smirking he opened his mouth to speak.::

Or one that can't fight?

::Jumping forward onto his left foot, he jumped again spinning onto his right and spinning once more to kick the lady in the head, causing her to stumble to the left. Running forward, he struk down Obex missing from a dodge once, and turning to strike with his sabre, burning a deep wound into the top of her leg. Jumping back he spun with his back behind her and he looked to the ground.::

If for every sith I kill, 500'000 lives are saved, then today, perhaps, I shall save 2'000'000.

::He quickly spun round to face the lady. Looking at her newly formed wound he raised and eyebrow, and watched her for a second before once again starting to speak.::

Defend yourself. I may be a Jedi but my roots lie deeper than you would imagine. I have...You could call them darker powers.

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 21st, 2001, 03:11:55 PM
Breaking away from where the fight was, Vega stepped back to watch the beginning battle, his arms slipping into a folded position over his chest.

Eve Siren
Jun 21st, 2001, 03:18:37 PM
-- Eve looked at her wound. It hurted ... but she didn't yell out her pain. She dusted off her helmet then turned around slowly. Her face began to seem emotionless under her helmet. She nodded slightly to him before kicking the ground behind her for better head start running towards him. Teka bent down in a defensive position but she jumped in the air, doing a circle of 270 degrees towards his head, but making sure she didn't hit him with the metal part of her boot. She landed down on one knee and just as Teka moved to the left because of the hit, she slammed her elbow into his stomach. Then she backed away. Giving the Jedi a chance to get up and dust himself off. All that ... Silently. --

Shade Magus
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:07:40 PM
::Shade notice the battle between his fellow Jedi Padawan an someone who was apparently a Sith, but he could not tell who thanks to them hiding their face. Shade then looked around and saw others watching...all of them Sith. He decided to go over and keep an eye out just incase any of them thought it would be a good idea to help out their freind::

Eve Siren
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:11:20 AM
-- Eve noticed another man. Must be the master of the Jedi she's fighting. Could be. Probably. She glanced at him and nodded to him as she looked at the other Siths around. "Please don't butt in, I don't want to see you getting hurt, guys." she thought. --

Teka Kenobi
Jun 22nd, 2001, 01:56:38 PM
::The Jedi held his stomach for a moment before rising back up to his feet. He held his sabre infront of him, low and walked forward turning 360 degrees, whilst swinging his sabre around to strike down to the female.::

::Without turning around the Jedi sensed the presence of Shade Magus, a Padawan of the GJO. Slightly releived to have another with him he spun round on his heel and as lady jumped he balanced on his hands and brought his other leg up to take her out mid-air bringing her down to the floor. He thought about attacking now but backed off and awaited a response.::

Eve Siren
Jun 22nd, 2001, 03:02:19 PM
-- Eve groaned lightly as she stood up and dusted herself up. She was beginning to speak again ... Damn it. Maybe this Jedi WILL make her scream out of pain. She growled slightly under her helmet. She cracked her fingers and her neck, taking her time and staring at the lightsaber.

As the Jedi prepared to attack by lifting his lightsaber in the air, she took the chance to run back at him, bend down right in front of him and jump up, punching him up in the chin. Psycho Sword. She landed still at the same place and hit him with her arm on the side of his head violently. She backed away. Still giving him a chance to reanimate himself. --


Teka Kenobi
Jun 22nd, 2001, 03:43:43 PM
::Using the last hit to his face, somehow, to his own advantage Teka spun backwards and low. He rubbed his cheek a couple of times before standing and raising a hand into the air. A gust of breeze blew followed bye a brisk chilling wind. Sieken almost fell off his bike but managed to stay on.::

::The wind stopped as Teka jumped forward to kick at Eve. She moved out of the way just in time. Again using his hands for baclance, Teka jumped onto them and raised both feet in the air to kick the lady in the helmet she wore. Her head rattled inside once or twice and Teka quickly used this time to strike foward with his sabre at the Sith.::

OOC: I see you know Latin :p

Eve Siren
Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:08:07 PM
-- Eve groaned slightly of pain but as Teka was to attack her, she moved her leg up to block the hit with her metal leg pad. The hit still hurted but she resisted the pain and gave another elbow attack right into his forehead and as the man backed away, she bent down and made him fall with her leg. She was beginning to get tired. She grimaced. About to kick the man away from her but she looked at him on the ground, staring at the scar across the face. She didn't know why but she couldn't just kick him as he was vulnerable for a second. She looked down and finally spoke --

"Get up ..."

OOC: What makes you think that ?

Shade Magus
Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:21:23 PM
::Shade watched on a little surprised that the Sith female had shown mercy. This was the first time he had seen it before. He looked at the other Sith, recognizing an old freind in Chaos, but Shade was not about to go over there and speak to him with all the others around there. Instead he just watched on and wished the fellow Padawan good luck::

Eve Siren
Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:31:13 PM
-- Eve glanced at Shade. Maybe ... Maybe he was right. She was far too nice to be a Sith. But too evil to be a Jedi. Beginning to doubt what she really is, she took off her helmet, leaving her black hair flow with the wind. She threw her helmet to her blood brother, Vega and nodded at him. She turned her gaze back at Teka. She wasn't that nice. --

"Would you get up already ?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:51:44 AM
::Sieken spyed the other Jedi come into veiw, his rage on the brink of explosion, Sieken had a nasty temper his eyes were stared on the other jedi,he was quite some distrace off, but the jedi was closer to the action than he was and chaos and Vega...so siek decided to star to walk towards the new Jedi, not to attack....mabey....but to watch he dose not interfere...Eve was a specel friend to him, and that jedi will NOT hurt her..when siek had a task..he would complete it..


Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:17:58 AM
-- Eve glanced at Siek. Hoping he won't do anything stupid, she nodded to him. "Don't fight anyone." She thought, knowing that he'd understand her. --

Shade Magus
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:03:10 AM
::Shade watched as one of the other Sith approached him. He tensed up hoping that he would not have to fight, but just to be on the safe side he put his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber, just incase he needed it. He then nodded to the Sith to acknowledge him::


Teka Kenobi
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:16:10 AM
::Teka jumped up to his feet and spun backwards getting ready to run forwards. Ignoring the pain on and in his cheek bone. He ran forward a couple of steps before stooping low and jumping up and flipping over, bringing his sabre down and sweeping it past her shoulder.::

I'm up...

::He could see blood now coming from the wound and not stopping turned and kicked her hard where her chin would be. To Teka's supprise she flew back a couple of metres and landed on her back, sliding through some soft mud. It was now that he realized that she had taken her helmet off and raised his eyebrow. He waited defensively noting what the Sith would do, and keeping a mental note of Sieken's actions.::

Reysa Sashara
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:54:32 AM
:: sieken made it to the young jedi, he stood beside him and watched Eve::

" you touch her you die...understand me?" he siad this and looked at the young man

Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 11:31:19 AM
-- Eve shut her eyes as she received his kick. She let out a small scream silently. She sat up and rubbed her chin. With a few strands of black hair across her face, she stood up, staring at the Jedi. She groaned as she held the wound on her leg. She looked at the blood drip down Teka's cheek. A part of her wanted to stop, but a bigger part of her wanted to continue to fight. This Sith Disciple was going all the way. She ran back at him, trying to ignore her pain, and slammed her spiked shoulder pad into his chest. She then grabbed his arm immediately after the shoulder hit and threw him over her, watching him fly away a few meters from her. Panting, she ran back at him. Noticing Obex once again, she reminded herself that she didn't have any weapons, she growled. Teka stood up slowly but she jumped up and grabbed his head with her legs then turned herself 360 degrees in the air then letting go of the man violently on the ground, hearing a big ugly sound. Aero Canon Drill. The man was now partially covered with soft mud like she was. Still panting, the blood continued dripping down her knee to her feet.--

Argh ...

Teka Kenobi
Jun 23rd, 2001, 12:11:21 PM
OOC: The leters in your sig are latin, and spell out your name.


::Teka got up, more slowly this time. He looked at her spiked should pad then down to his chest. Blood soaked his shirt. Frowning he jumped forward siscor kicking the Sith in the chest. For the whole of the battle his expression was ignotic to most, and other than that he wore no expression at all. Inside he was hurting a lot. But he wouldn't show it. He could be stubborn. And he could fight too.::

::He spun his sabre above his head and swung it infront of himself twice, before two of the inconveniant spikes that heppened to be on Eve's shoulder fell to the ground. She was now infront of Siekens bike, facing away, towards Teka. Crouching low Teka extened his arm out and force pushed her backwards, watching her slam into the bike. There'd no-doubt be a few scraches on that.::

Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:14:13 PM
"Argh !"

-- Eve finally let out a scream a little bit louder. She growled as she put her hand on Sieken's bike seat and jumped up lightly to kick Teka away from her. Already a headache. Maybe another seizure was coming up. She had to finish this quick before losing control of her body. Tryptophan. Soon. Then an idea suddenly hit her. Her eyes widened as the lightsaber ignited more powerful than ever. As Teka held Obex in the air, she bent down. The lightsaber lowered and almost hit her but she dashed into Teka's legs and broke his knee with the small metal part of her arm. Unfortunately, the lightsaber hit her leg. They both fell down, not moving for a moment that seemed like an eternity. She finally sat up, sitting on her knees. She looked at her wound on the back of her leg and grimaced. It hurt too much to move. But then, Teka's knee was broken temporally. Too broken for him to even stand up straight. She crawled to Sieken's bike and stood up with the help of it. She looked back at Teka. --

"You should go back and put a white bandage or something for about 2 or 3 weeks ... It's just broken, just don't walk too much or train and you'll be fine."

-- Eve gave Teka a small smile of victory before shutting her eyes and stop resisting the pain her body held. Silently screaming. Silently losing control of her body. --

"Thank you for willing to fight against me, Mister Kenobi. It was a great fight."

Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:15:17 PM
OOC: Well, the sig was made by Gitane. But in my school, I HAVE to take Latin classes. >_<;

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:19:37 PM
:: sieken helped her onto the bike::

"Here drive mine since you over hear..ill drive yours" he said flipping the keys to her bike up and catching it again

" dont worry its in good hands" he said walking over to hers..

as he walked past teka his OLD mate, he glanced a smi=le of discust to him...

" In future my friend, i will hurt you more than god himself could" he said jumping onto her and startign the engine

Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:25:00 PM
"Wait, wait, Siek.."

-- Eve didn't like having someone else driving her bike, besides, she was too injured to drive a bike. --

"Come here with my bike."

-- As Siek rolled near her and stopped in front of her, she reached into a small bag on the side of the bike and pulled out a bottle of pills and took one. She shut her eyes. Much better. But still far too injured. She looked around for Vega. As she spotted him, she waved at him. --

"Let's go back, I'm losing lots of blood."

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:31:22 PM
" ok ok" siek said stopping the bike next to her

" HEY VEGA!!! get your butt over here and drive my bike will yaz??" he said lightly kissing Eves cheek..

" Glad your ok Eve :) " siek felt close to Eve for some reason..almost like a protector....he didnt know why...



Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:34:46 PM
OOC: Niiice :)

"Thanks, Siek."

-- Eve stood up and sat on her bike silently before whispering to Siek. "Don't call out your master that way. He could get mad and it's not pretty." --

"Oh ! I almost forgot !"

-- Eve turned around to Teka, giving him a light smile before taking his teal lightsaber. --

"I'll be taking this. Thank you."

-- She turned back around. Now all she wanted to do was see her Master and go to bed. She sighed slightly.--

"Let's go back."

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:38:50 PM
:: Sieken Rammed Eves bike up to, max speed and did a weeley for a few secondes up the beach before turning sharply sparying some sand into the other Jedis face, before setting off giveing Vega the old thumbs up and headed toward Ramas Corner for medi help...::

OOC: you want me to post at Rams or you Eve?


Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:53:34 PM
OOC : I'm gonna post at the Council first.

Shade Magus
Jun 23rd, 2001, 02:16:30 PM
::Shade shook his head as the sand flew in his face. He took careful note of the one that had did it before going over to Teka to make sure he was ok::

"So.....you ok? Need to call someone to come and get you?"

::Shade then examined Teka's wound and tore a peice of cloth off of his robe and put to sticks by Teka's leg to put together a make-shift splint. He then looked in his belt and found some pain-relievers::

"Here take these and you should be ok until you get back to the infirmary."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 23rd, 2001, 04:39:54 PM
OOC: WTF!!?? Urghhh, I'm not happy with your victory, i was offline when everyone else replied. I'll let it go this time. Urgh! I'll reply IC l8r

Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2001, 04:58:46 PM
OOC: Sorry, Teka ! :(

Teka Kenobi
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:00:11 AM
OOC: I'll speak to you later on aim eh?


::Teka watched as the others departed. He knew the two would fight again, but next time...maybe she wouldn't be so lucky. He looked at Shade and shook his head.::

I'll be ok..

::Slowly Teka, in an un-orthadox manor proceeded to rise off the ground and move forward. Teka smiled at Shade's supprised expression and nodded for him to follow.::

My ship's round the corner..

::Teka would be treated to when he got back but now he'd have to get to the ship first. ::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:44:43 AM
Exeunt Vega via the manor of a motorbike supplied by Sieken, a torent of rage upon his face.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:38:39 AM
::Chaos walked down to the others. He looked at Shade. The Garou then spit at the Jedi feet.::

"You dishonor your fellow Jedi. This was his battle. The victor has rights to be helped, not the loser. You dishonor him in doing so. Let him to get to his ship by himself, or let him die trying. If you try to help him....I will cut you down. Allow you brother Jedi the honor of walking away. That was he can atleast come out of this with something."

Shade Magus
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:25:24 AM
"If he wants to go on his own then I will let him, but I will not leave another here wounded surrounded by Sith."

::Shade stood there glaring at Chaos, his once freind. He could feel his anger coming forth, but he pushed it aside just as he was taught to::

"Tell Yurza that I said hello, if it not to much of a bother."

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:17:05 PM
" I shall, and the Sith will not harm the Jedi. We have other matters right now."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:03:21 PM
::Teka had turned in mid air un-realised by Alex. He had heard the words spoken by the man and was supprised by his remarks. He watched Alex turn and spoke at his supprised expression.::

Sith, if you wish to speak to me, then do so. Do not cower in speaking to another.

::The Sith said nothing but made his way along the grassy path. As he left Teka screwed up his eyes. The pain could be ignored no longer. Mentally he treated his wounds, slowly.::

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:21:46 PM
::Chaos turned to the Jedi.::

"Cower? At a man that has be beaten by a women? You are a worm. The Darkness had beaten you. I feel degrated just looking at you. You are a broken man. Go lick your wounds dog."

Joel Hardy
Jun 24th, 2001, 02:39:28 PM

Teka Kenobi
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:02:02 PM
If it was not for you ignorance, your ugliness, you arrogance, your skills, if i can call them that, and you arrogance, you would make a good Sith. You think it is bad that I lost to woman. Go fight Lady Vader or Lady De'Vile. Tell me the outcome.

::Teka and Shad walked onto out the the ship. Moments later Shade was in the cockpit flying home with Teka.::

Thank - you Shade.

Shade Magus
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:23:54 PM
"It was no problem. I know that if I had been in the same situation I would have wanted some there incase something happened. Besides that one that you were exchanging words with, I knew him. His name was Chaos. We sorta grew up together. Him and my brother, Yurza, are the closest of freinds. So I knew that it wasn't a good idea to trust him, but hey you need your rest now. You'd better get it so you can train and maybe next time you fight that Sith female you will win."

::Shade then looked over the controls and set a course to the GJO, and then put the ship into hyperdrive::

"By the way, sorry about your saber being stolen and everything."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 25th, 2001, 01:55:14 PM
::Teka's head darted to all corners of the ship, in a mad effort to find Obex.::

My sabre! You're right.

::Teka had not noticed when Eve took Obex, maybe the shock made him not notice.::

Damn it! I'm getting that sabre back.

Shade Magus
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:55:35 PM
"Whoa hoss. Just rest now and you can get it back later. When you have recovered."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 25th, 2001, 03:11:35 PM
::Squinting slightly the Jedi nodded hise head.::

Alright. But I will get it back.