View Full Version : RED ALERT! Armed Sith! (challenge)

Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:38:36 PM
::Saphire stands watching the surroundings, Fully healed and ready play with the mice her eyes glowed with fire, her aura full of the evilness surrounding her soul and her face was neutral yet there was a spark of danger::

[i]come out little jedi...[i]

Jun 3rd, 2001, 05:53:33 AM
OOC: COME on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :evil:
;) you know you want to!

Nash Stolar
Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:13:31 PM
ooc: I would.....but..... hehe

Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:14:52 PM
ooc: hmm? why not nashy? >=)

Nash Stolar
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:48:44 PM
occ:I don't want to harm such a pretty face.....but if you really want a rematch just say so...

Jun 4th, 2001, 01:58:59 AM
OOC: pretty face? im sure i can spare the face and id be delighted to have a rematch. Win or lose i learn, and I plan on winning :-P bring it on Mr Dragon Slayer!

Nash Stolar
Jun 4th, 2001, 10:38:27 AM
ooc: alright
Ic: Nash noticed saph then walked up behind her....so what ya been up to, after our last meet?

Jun 12th, 2001, 02:06:20 AM
ooc: sorry dude, havent been on the net for three days. The real life kinda hit me on the ehad and demanded I catch up on the evil called study and family time.


::Saphire grins ruthfully, the air around her growing icy. Turning around her eyes are like fire ans her laagh sets every singing bird around the forest into silence::

I've been well Jedi, hows the scar?

::her eyes seem to laugh as she looks at the shirt covering her initials. Her saber sparks and a silent-like humm fills the air.

Running her saber slams into his and as he puts all his strength on the saber, she uses her left foot to kick him in the gut, causing him to fall back. As he gets up her eyes flash and her saber swings to his shoulder slicing downwards.
She gets kicked back but regains her balance as their sabers yet again clash. Red stains her green top and she smiles as she tastes his blood on her lips::

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 06:13:30 PM
*as the sabers were interlocked...nash pushed forword with a boost of power sending the sith off balence...taking the chance a came at her then slashed the saber down at her left sholder...after he was sure he scored a hit he pulled back then threw two knifes at her neck*

"I have always wonderd....what is pain to a sith?"

Jun 13th, 2001, 06:19:32 AM
::Saphire moves swiftly and catches the two weapons in her hands, flipping them around wiht her fingers and sending one into the nearest tree and one into His left leg::

Pain is...something that makes one stronger in the dark force jedi, and somehtign that can kill. It is a friend you do not want to be defeated by too soon.

::Her eyes reflect daggers and her laugh echos as evilness stinks the air with its sweet scent.
As the jedi takes the knife out of his leg Saphire attacks, kicking him onto his fresh wound and using her other foot to trip him as he moves back from the kick. As he goes down, her knee kicks his gut and she flips to a distance as her eyes watch the jedi and her senses connect with the surrounding, melding into a battleground, melding in her mind as each tree becomes a training equiptment. Her mind sees the surrounding forest and her eyes gleam as her silver saber, now in her left hand humms readily::

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 06:27:42 PM
*nash stood and looked at saphire...the pain from the knife wasent much...but it still hurt... he then charged at her then jumped in the air...then came down slashing at her...she easly blocked..but the momentum sent her back..he quickly thrusted forword getting her side....he then held the saber there*

"I have to applaud you saphire... you have gotten alot better.."

Jun 14th, 2001, 01:42:42 AM
:;Saphire laughed and smiled coldly::

As have you jedi, I applaude you also.

::Her eyes move over to the saber, her face now passive and in concentration, moving back from the saber, the saber slid from her side, her blood falling to the ground. It wasnt as deep as she had thought and she sighed in relief in her mind. He would not see her reactions::

::Her saber flickers as she turns it to a longer length and a hand goes to her belt, a sharp throwing knive the size of her hand nestlign in it, ready for action.
Running up Saphire kicks him in the gut but he blocks and grabs her legs. Saphire takes advantage oft he moment, twirls in midair and as she twilrs his wrist is twisted along with it. As soon as Saphire feet touch the ground the small throwing knife gets inbedded into Nash's side and the saber slashes his right leg::

::Saphire flips backwards and stands in a defensive/attack position, her eyes glowing amid the sabers silver air and her cold smile making the night sky icy::

[i]Of course I'm better jedi, what do you think I use my time doing? Sitting down and relaxing?[i]

Nash Stolar
Jun 14th, 2001, 10:15:06 AM
*nash smiled at saph and pulled the knife from his side...he showed no emotions when he pulled it out..he diden't want her to have the pleasure of letting her know she had hurt him*

Well I could have just said you suck...

*Nash then carged at her and slashed down with one hand with his saber...saphire easly blocked...but he had a plan..he backed then slashed again as saph moved to block he stoped the attack then came with her knife..with a quick slash he got the other side of her face...*

A matching pair of scars..

*he then backed again and threw the knife in the air..then took out one of his own...running forword he thrusted it into her torso...then her knife came down and nash cought the hilt of it then put it where his throwing knife used to be..*

I'll keep this to remind me of what a pretty face you used to have..

Jun 18th, 2001, 01:49:01 AM
::Saphire laughed, she had never cared too much about it, it had been a gift, and a small scar wouldnt affect that too much. She used her face to look angelic for smuggling, and that wouldnt change::

Nice jedi, twin scars.

::Her sneer reflects in her eyes as she picks up her saber and flips into the air, pain swelling inside her body, but she did not care. Her foot kicked Nash in the ribcage an she felt the smash of bones, music to her ears. With a twist her other foot kicks him in the side, causing him to go offbalance and as soon as her foot is down her other foot trips him, blood fallign onto the floor. She did not know if it was his or hers, but Saphire did not stop to think much about it. Her saber cuts into his right leg as he goes down from the trip and her passive face smiles slightly at the image in the water from a nearby pond. maybe the scar didnt look that bad...
Just out of curiosity Saphire does a Zorro and cuts his shirt off, her initials showing in a satisfying scar::

[i]Perfectly healed...[i]

Nash Stolar
Jun 18th, 2001, 05:47:57 PM

*suddenly nash thrusts his sword up and with the tip of it breaks her caller bone...as she stumbled back, nash stood up put his Ls away and balenced himself with his sword..useing the force to help take away the pain and heal his leg and chest slighty*

you should watch your opponet....not just stare at there chest..

*with that he ran at her and swong the sword at her torso...making a long deep cut...sending blood all over the sword and everything in a close range around it*

Jun 19th, 2001, 01:51:04 AM
::Saphire let the pain feed her fury, heightening her instincts, she licked her lips as a drop of blood rested there::

::Her torso hurt and her eyes glowed, her mind ticked as she sent him back as she painfully turned and aimed a high force kick to his jay, irratating the shoulder tissues by the quick jerk and making his shoulder and neck bones jar with the force of the movement. Saphire blocked an attack and used her knee to kick him where it hurts, and karate chop his arm as he grabs for her again, twisting the arm with her other hand.
Saphire gradually let go and used the force to heal her torso a little so she could fight properly, but the wound was still there. Oh well, she'd have to use bacta later, maybe thatd even take away most of the coming scarre to her face. She moved into a deffensive/offensive position while watching his movements, watchign the movements surrounding him and listening to the air around him and herself as well, preparing for another attack::

Nash Stolar
Jun 19th, 2001, 04:50:54 PM
*nash groned and regained himself*

Even for a sith that was cheap..

*he lifted his sword and pointed it at her...he then rotated his sholders then made a force dash at her..he stoped right infront of her...the pain that was going through his body was numed bechuse he was focused in his attack...quickly he slashed at the wound already in her torso...he quickly slashed again this time lower...he taged both her knee caps with a deep gash..he took a step back...then lifted the sword above his head then swong down with massive force..then half way through the slash he turned the sword left making a L type of attack...then then took enough steps back to be away from any sudden attacks....then fell to one knee...blood running down the side of his mouth...and with a wave of pain how going through his body*

Jun 20th, 2001, 01:54:33 AM
::Saphire yelled in pain and fury seepd pure evil into her eyes. She used her mind to attack his, beatign against every cell he had in his hands and arms, causing so much pain that even she could hardly stand to feel it, even at a distance.
She carefully moved as quitely as she could, every step seeping in pain, turning into hatred for the jedi, makign her attacks stroger, her midn still attackign hsi body and as she got near her saber went into his side, her saber then goin into his right leg, so deep he stumbled and wasnt able to stand up properly. Her wrist twisted the saber around and she slased at his sword hand, his weapon droppign to the ground. Unfortunatley she had missed cuttign his hand off, and she sighed at that. "Damn"::

::She took a few steps back and she let go, his tired body droppign to the ground, half his strength taken away from resistign the pain. Pain overwelmed her body but still she ahd to hold on, she had to keep going. She felt glad yet angry that he slowly and painfully got up. Her hand went to her knife and it implanted into his chest, just below the heart. Damn. She tried again but he caught it and threw it at her, then she caught it and dropped it onto the ground::

Nash Stolar
Jun 20th, 2001, 02:18:38 PM
*with a boost of strength nash got up and ramed into her with his sholder sending her back...the pain was now so bad it was almost impossible for him to move but nash keep pushing himself with the help of the force...with his free hand he pulles out the knife in him then stabed saphire with it...about three times....bechuse of the pain the attack wasen't as strong..but it was enough to kill a person if aimed right*

ooc: of course I screwed up the stabs and missed everything important...

Jun 20th, 2001, 11:33:58 PM
::Saphire gasped but luckily the kinfe didnt hit anything too important, only made her lose more blood than she already had. She made her wings visable and folded it around her chest to protect the organs, while kicking at him as much as her strength allowed and her pain barrier permitted to send him back a little. Her mind connecteds with his again and she stabbed at his muscles with telepathic energy, causing him to shake uncontrollably. Her midn howled with protest at the energy used, btu Sapghire didnt really care at that moment. She hated to ahve to make her wings visable::

Nash Stolar
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:57:33 AM
*nash was on one knee griping the side of his face with one hand in pain*

s...so....you have wings....heh.....I must be dead...bechuse only angles have wings..... uggh

*nash was hit with a wave of pain causing him to look down in pain..but he quietly stood up..and was hit with another wave of pain...he almost fell but he keeped up...he walked over to his sword and picked it up with his good hand...then leaned over it for balence*

But even angels can be lost...

*quickly he ran at her.... *cashink* the large sword went through her wing and into her torso.....nash then fell to a knee again in a very strong and unbareable pain....sweat was running down his face along with blood*

So angel...am I dead? *nash wisperd*

Jun 21st, 2001, 08:08:29 AM
:;Saphrie laughed coldly::

OF course i have wings jedi,Im a dragonlord, and your soon to be dead....

::Saphire, uses her wing to hit him in the face, her blood dribbling onto his cheek and her as she forced herself in a siting position, she used her wings to grab him bby the throat, choking him as she pressed harder and harder, cutting into his neck::

And I dont appreciate having to make them visable for one like you either jedi..

Nash Stolar
Jun 21st, 2001, 02:06:36 PM

*nash raised his sword and impaled one of her wings..then moved the sword to the right and swong out...the move almost destroyed the wing...due to that she lost her grip on him...*

Forgot? I had the sword..

*nash coughed...he knew the fight was going to end soon...but he dident know who will give first....with what strength he cound spare with the force he lfted his other free hand....and force blasted her away from him..*

Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:56:45 PM
::Saphire growled and her mind twisted into his own, he had foolishly not protected it from the last time. She did her own force blast but this time in his mind and outer being, making the effect stronger. Her wings healed very quickly compared to the rest of her body, the torn flesh had already started to grow back, but she used it to her advantage. Bones were now loose and very sharp::

::The various bones in her wings went down as she swooped the large frame towards Nashs back. Bones went everywhere in his back, slicing, tearing and riipping up his back flesh::
::Her mind held onto hsi own as she did this and she looked at his pain barrier, breakign it down so that he would feel every inch of pain as she started to attack the pain area itself::

::The wing came out, dripping blood on his face and his back was fully of red and exposed inner flesh. Her mind did one last pure strength attack, one that would leave one half dead::

[i]You've not won yet jedi....[i]

Nash Stolar
Jun 23rd, 2001, 07:36:09 PM
*Nash yelled in pain as the flesh was ripped on his back...his vision was starting to get dark..his whole body was yelling at him in pain...deep in his mind nash cound tell the fight was near an end..*

Force...give me strength to finish this battle...

*nash wisperd to him self...the taking the last bits of force and strength he had stored away..he got up, one eye closed and gritting his teeth..*

This is it....

*nash dashed at saphire in a bloody sweat the ducked down and came up swinging his sword...then what seemed like only a flash he was behind saphire...he grined..then fell to one knee almost unable to move any part of his body....suddenly a large and farly deep gash from her waist to her chest opend up on the sith's body sending blood every where...*

Its over....

Edit: added more to have it make more sence

Jun 23rd, 2001, 07:59:17 PM
::Saphire felt pain, pure pain, sweet pain and the song of death come, but she held back the tune, if only for a while. She used the last of her strength to blast into his mind, so hard that his body became affected, blood dribbled down his moth, nose and ears, he shuddered and shook and her fury completely took over his senses. He lifted into the air and banded onto the ground, a lot of bones broken::

::her eyes closed and she lay on the ground, soundless, barely breathing. She had done her best, and neither had won, they ahd both lost and won, two broken bodies. perhaps she would live but she doubted it. The sweet sense of the song broke in and her breath slowed. She invited death in::

Miryan no Trunks
Jun 27th, 2001, 05:36:11 AM
*If Sapphire had still been concious, she'd have likely screamed at the pain of MnT's sword, superheated with ki energy, closing her wounds... He'd been watching the fight the entire time, and was slightly saddened that it had ended in such a manner.. A tie was the worst way to end a match, unless it was a friendly end, with neither party in really bad condition..*

*After he was done with Sapphire, he raised her up, laying her in his arms, and looked down at the fallen Jedi Stolar.. Soon enough, one of his deluded companions would likely be here to collect him..*

*Closing his eyes, he brought the image of The NoN to mind.. An instant passed, and both he and Sapphire were gone, collected to a crossroads between dimensions, from where they would momentarily leave to the TSE Headquarters, and med bay..*