View Full Version : Choosing Sides..

Roll Anderson
Jun 27th, 2001, 10:40:18 AM
OOC- I'm no good at RPs.....*sighs*


:: a wandering soul, one without a place, that is what Roll called herself....Never really sure if she was Jedi or if she was Sith....She continues to walk through the forest where she visited often ::

Roll Anderson
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:44:31 PM
:: as she enters a clearing, she heads right to the middle, where there is a single rock. The rock has been here as long a she can remember, and Roll sits down near it and thinks ::

Eve Siren
Jun 27th, 2001, 10:38:10 PM
"Thinking about which side you should join, little girl ?"

-- Eve grinned, leaning on her motorcycle as she stopped playing with her keyboard. --

Teka Kenobi
Jun 28th, 2001, 02:42:44 AM
OOC:D on't sound that bad to me :)


Hmmm always a hard choice..

The voice came from behing one of the trees not too far away. Eve instantly recognised it as Teka and looked up from the girl. Teka spun around into both females veiw and walked forwards upon the girl. His voice was now soft and caring.

Tell me... he momentarily drifted from the conversation. What is your name?

He listened to her answer and carried on with the original conversation.

So then..would you rather kill hunderds of innocent individuals all with a seperate life working in harmony with each other to establish a well grown communtiy. Or save them. Save them from... He pointed to Eve, his voice no longer sounding soft. Her.

Miryan no Trunks
Jun 28th, 2001, 04:45:05 AM
*Sighing, MnT stepped out into the clearing.. He had been enjoying the night sky from the branches of one of the trees, when the three had appeared, distracting him.. It would not have been so bad, had he not heard the words of the Jedi who had so dishonorably wounded Sapphire, cutting a jagged path through the air..*

... Jedi, speak not of that which you know naught..

*He bowed before both Lady Siren, and the other, whom he did not recognize..*

... Good evening, both..

*He smiled at Lady Siren, and then raised his hand out in greeting to the other..*

... My name is Miryan no Trunks, Knight of The Sith Empire.. I assure you that despite the inaccurate rantings of the Jedi, the Sith are not as he says.. Tis a common misconception of those who follow the light, and one they refuse to understand the truth of..

*He ignored the glare he could feel, and continued..*

... The Sith understand the ways of the universe, and learn how to most effectively live in it.. The Jedi..

*At that point, he nodded in Teka's direction..*

... Follow the hope that they can reprogram all existance in the universe, with their misguided beliefs.. They believe they can make it so that war and violence are not a part of life anymore, and everything gets along just fine with each other.. They do not understand that life does not want to be fine, it never has... Nothing in all of time has been able to exist without a fight of some sort, it's what makes us stronger..

Kaine Darklighter
Jun 28th, 2001, 05:20:07 AM
Kaine walked up behind his friend, and fellow Sith, Miryan no Trunks. The Fallen Jedi nodded a hello to Eve Siren, then turned to the Jedi, and shook his head.

“You follow the wrong path, Jedi. I was once a Jedi .. Then I saw that the path they follow is wrong. Everything a Jedi stands for is wrong, It's as simple as that.”

Kaine turned to the newcomer, and walked up to her. Taking her hand in his, he kissed it gently, then grinned up at her.

“Well, Hello there.. I'm Kaine Darklighter, A Sith at The Sith Empire, Along with Eve Siren,” He says, pointing to her, “and the one you just met, Miryan no Trunks. Do not listen to the Jedi over there, he doesn't know what he's speaking about. All I'd have to say is pretty much exactly what Trunks said, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear it all over again. Maybe, If you'd like, Myself, Eve, and Trunks could escort you back to The Sith Empire?”

He smiled a bit, then turned his back on the Jedi, and helped the newcomer, Roll, to her feet. He began to walk her in a direction away from the Jedi, while continuing to speak.

“You wouldn't have to join right away. You could just look around for a couple of days or so, and see if you like the training and such. How does that sound?”

OOC: Hey, Roll, Do you have AIM or MSN?

Roll Anderson
Jun 28th, 2001, 07:30:21 AM
OOC- Teka, Roll is mute, so she can't have said her name to you...:p, and Kaine I do have AOL, you've talked to me before.


:: listening to all this Roll just shakes her head, it was all the same crap her one friend argued with her about ::

*through the Force*

Why should I become Sith? From what I've heard all you do is kill.....But then why should I be Jedi? When trouble happens they just sit with their thumbs up their butts....

:: Roll just shrugs ::

And why would either side want a Mute?

Jun 28th, 2001, 09:17:24 AM
*Bi0 drops in unexpectly and answers Roll's question*

(Before I answer your question Lady Roll, I am Bi0 Hazzard, Sith Warrior of the Sith Empire. First off, if the Jedi's wanted a fellow Jedi, why is it not many have appeared? If we didn't show interest, then why are there so many of my fellow Sith here? And why would we want a mute? Don't jump the blaster Lady Roll. We Sith don't judge apperance.
Look at us Sith...We look nothing like each other and yet we stand as one...Why? Because he judge no apperance...All we ask is loyalty and trust...nothing more)

*Bi0 looks at the flaw(Jedi) in disgust*

(But we do not force others to join us. Since I joined the SE, it's never been our nature to convert others. I joined of my own free will. So it's your choice to make. But that choice must be thought carfully)

Roll Anderson
Jun 28th, 2001, 09:21:48 AM
:: standing up Roll walks over to Bio ::

I will think about it, you so far have given the best arguement out of all of these, people.....

:: stands on her tiptoes so she can glare at Bio much better ::

Jun 28th, 2001, 09:43:14 AM
*Bi0 raises an eyebrow under his mask*

(Ummmm....All your going to see is my mask)

Roll Anderson
Jun 28th, 2001, 09:50:17 AM
OOC- :lol: Can't have italics, must put talkies in brackets...


:: still glaring at Bio ::

(Have we met, before?)

Eve Siren
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:21:58 AM
-- Eve gave a dirty look at Teka. The light, hope, love ... So much bullshit. Where was all that when she was kidnapped ? She just walked towards MnT, standing besides him, staring at the girl. --

OOC-:Teka, nice sig, man.

Jun 28th, 2001, 11:33:13 AM
Kyle walked forward out of the darkness and spoke.

"I will tell you why there are so many sith."

He spoke evenly.

"Their hate took over, they where won over by their hate and aggression. Their hearts are pure evil. The Jedi we do not judge by someone's appearance either. We judge them by how they will behave. If they show hatred than they show many features of a sith."

Kyle smiled to the young lady.

"My name is Kyle Horn."

Edit: I had to fix something

Eve Siren
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:46:08 AM
-- Eve glanced at the Jedi who just talked. --

"I don't agree. A lot of Jedi shows hatred against the Siths. And besides, it's not like the people who chose to be Siths doesn't have any reasons to hate Jedis. We all have a reason."

Jun 28th, 2001, 11:46:40 AM
*Bi0 turned away from Roll a second and glared at Kyle*

"Using mind tactic's to recruit new commoners? That's not very Jedi of you. To use verbal tactic's like saying We are Evil and how we raid planets of there riches...Sir Trunks is right, you Jedi's clearly don't know us very well. You Jedi's stand out well because of your light. It shows where you are and the moves you'll make...us on the other hand, blend rather then stick out. Because we are the Dark...our moves are hidden from the light".

*Turns back to Roll*

"Don't take this personal my fellow Sith"

(Lady Roll, don't let all these rantings influence you. We all joined by free will, even the flaws. No one was forced and never will be. The choice is still yours to make. Whatever you choose, there will be no disrespect in choosing who you wish to join)

Jun 28th, 2001, 12:04:07 PM
"I have a very good reason to hate the sith. They killed my father, my mother and took my brother. His heart is now curropt with hatred. I grew up qith a similar hatred in me but I don't feel that anymore. Only peace. We Jedi are not a flaw either. Neither are the sith."

Kyle smiled to the girl.

"It doesn't matter which side you choose. You will not be treated wrongly by choosing either the sith or the Jedi. I do hope though to see you at the GJO."

Kyle bowed and turned to walk away but before he did that he turned to BIO.

"Also I was not using mind tactics. I was merely speaking from many Jedi's point of view. It is not my point. Only those that make innocent suffer are truly evil."

Eve Siren
Jun 28th, 2001, 12:13:47 PM
"Innocents ? You call you Jedis innocent ? Where were you when I was only 5 and was trained, tortured all day long for 12 long years ? Oh, I forgot, DK, my "creator", is a Jedi."

-- Eve gave Kyle another dirty look before turning her gaze away in disgust. --

Roll Anderson
Jun 28th, 2001, 12:15:01 PM

*has started to fall asleep from all the talking*

Oh, look, I'm really.....Um...Well, both my parents are alive, and well.........Crap.....

:: starts to leaves the clearing ::

Jun 28th, 2001, 01:16:53 PM
"I take it you wish to leave to decide Lady Roll? That's fine...even if you decide not to join any side".

Lucious Zaarin
Jun 28th, 2001, 01:18:46 PM
OOC: The jedi are good and the sith are bad. There's nothing else to it. Roll, I suggest you join the Jedi. They need more apt roleplayers- you could make a big difference there.

Mark Fenix
Jun 28th, 2001, 01:33:41 PM
"Enough of this!! I can't believe the two most powerful sides have gone as low as bickering. Perhaps, young one, you should take it from someone who walks the line. Someone who knows no sides, Jedi nor Sith. Give me time to share my side."

Fenix landed in the middle of the disputing crowd. He could feel the tension growing between them from afar, and decided to listen in, and thought maybe he could help.

"Not too long ago, I was a Sith. The people you see standing to my right, Miryan no Trunks, and Bi0, were new to the Sith arts, as was I. I left the Sith Empire, and along that, left the Sith as a whole. They are evil, yes, but so am I. However, this ring was designed for the use of good. When I was given it, I was meant to help the people less fortunate than I, try and restore order to the Galaxy. Instead I was tempted by the Dark Side and used the power to kill. A great Jedi once said that once you start down the Dark path, forever will it dominate your life."

"True to point, that statement is. I can say I have no regrets in learning the dark arts, for they have made me stronger. Stronger than I could ever be. However, I could never live as a Sith. Power and hatred rule their lives, they live to dominate and destroy. I don't feel that way, and I never did. However, I'm no Jedi either. They live upright, to serve and protect. They use their power to help, not hurt. The only problem is, I'm a fighter. I could never fit in with the likes of them. Not that too many Jedi I've seen in my experiences are ideal Jedi. Many of them will start fights, show signs of arrogancy and egotism. They will even show hatred toward Sith. Almost every Jedi has stepped into the Dark Side at least once in his or her life. And if you want to live knowing that basic human emotions can cause your downfall, then go ahead and be a Jedi."

"Or, you could live the style of life I lead, as well as a few others. I walk the line, never letting one half get the better of the other. To me, there is no Light and Dark, only the Force. Let your heart and mind decide, do what you would best be suited for, do what you will feel most comfortable with. And most of all, make sure your decision is solely your desicion."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 28th, 2001, 02:15:32 PM
Maybe, Roll. You should not let us tempt you into joining either side. A lot of what Fenix said is completely true. Yet, so are a lot of other things. Make your own desicions Roll. Live your own life.

Roll Anderson
Jun 28th, 2001, 02:53:51 PM
I know where I wish to go, and I don't want to walk the fine line between good and evil......I'm just going to get somethings from home.....

:: leaves the clearing ::

Rama Sha
Jun 28th, 2001, 03:45:42 PM
:: Rama Walks up behind Eve standing just a few feet back. ::

It was wise of you to try to recurit her Eve. She has more understanding of the true nature of the what the force is then most who claim such Knowledge. She knows there is no Grey........Just good and Evil. It is a simple lesson and most fail to ever learn it cause it so easy to grasp cause they refuse to believe it is that simple.

And she also has a gift, not a handicap. She cannot speak. In these days words have been more harmful then any action that someone could take. She is blessed to act on her thoughts and insticnts in the most pure way. Her mind said some much to me, but never in a spefic path. She is truely confused on what is right for her.I do hope you and the other convinced her. She would be a great asset if trained properly.

Roll Anderson
Jun 28th, 2001, 04:18:46 PM
OOC- DUDE! Rama that was deep......


:: looks back at the clearing and all of the Force users, she hears what Rama says but pays no attention to it ::

Jedi Rebel X
Jun 28th, 2001, 04:29:55 PM
::Rebel removes his hood::

" The sith only seek out power, they hurt others, do whatever they can just for personal gain. How mislead are you, that you'd burn a whole city just to better your life. Jedi help others, re-build the cities you destroy.......you're like immature little children, whose parents haven't talk them how to act. I've seen it all, and I still don't "get" your beliefs. You say that the jedi tortured you, well, they obviously weren't jedi. I don't hate anyone, until they do something to me, or hurt someone else. Roll, the answer to you is choose what side you want, but remember, the wise choose their own path."

Teka Kenobi
Jun 28th, 2001, 04:49:01 PM
Teka leant on a tree with his shoulder, watching all the Sith. He listened to Rebel's words and looked up at the Sith, a slight smirk on his face. He looked up at all five of them. Turning to face Rebel he walked towards him and turned to face them with him. He shook his head slighly still with a smirk on.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 28th, 2001, 09:10:55 PM
:; Hunter leaned against a tree, listening with great amusement before deciding to speak. He one of his guns and pointed the barrel at Roll Anderson::

"What a pity that stupid moron Master Turbogeek aint around. If there was one thing I agreed with him was the honesty he would have in appealling to someone to join the Jedi. He was like a travelling preacher he was...

But he wasn't wrong. That I'll give to him. The Sith.. " He pointed gun at the Dark Siders "Are serving the Dark Side. The Dark Side is pretty good at lies and deceptions. You can just hear it... but that's okay, that's them. You just have to go in with your eyes opem and know your going to be served a lot of lies and deceptions. Their way is easier tho. Easy and quite powerful. But you will die in the end, because that's what the Dark Side does. It destroys you"

He pointed at the one advocating the middle path.

"Dont listen to them who say there is a grey area. There isnt. Full stop. You can have Light, or you can have Dark. Evil is evil and good is good, dont mix em up"

"Now the Jedi.... idealistic twats mainly. But honest. And peaceful. Their way is harder but in the end it every bit as powerful. And you never know, you might get to live after death like some Jedi can. "

Mark Fenix
Jun 28th, 2001, 10:51:59 PM
Fenix put his hand on top of the gun, pushing it down. He gave Hunter a glare. "No. No guns. No hostile intent. Even if it was meant as defense, or just a warning, they would take this way too seriously. Don't go around causing trouble, especialy with a group of Sith and one Dark Jedi. No offense, but there are only three of you, you wouldn't stand a chance." With the slightest clench of his hand, the gun was crushed. He took it out of Force Master Hunter's hand and tossed it on the ground. He turned and spoke to the three Jedi.

"I admit, I have a lot of respect for you people. The Jedi, I mean. You have remarkable dignity and your ability to cope with your emotions is astounding. However, you're wrong. There is only Black and White, Evil and Good, but there are certain shades of Black and White. Someone can be evil, but not go around killing innocents, or conquering whole planets just because they want to. Those people, however, are not afraid to and willing to fight and even kill. Anyone who kills is Evil. It is a true way to the Dark Side. I know Jedi have killed before, but 'only as a last resort'. Sure, whatever. They killed because they were momentarily tempted by the dark side. So the Jedi do in fact have a weakness, more vulnerable than the Sith. They have a weakness in themselves. I wish you would all stop trying to influene this poor girl to join which and what side."

"It's times like this I realize I could never truly fit in with the Jedi or the Sith. Well, I'm off. Goodbye everyone."

Mark walked out into the deep forest.

Rama Sha
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:03:59 PM
Life is Pain. Either your causeing it or reciveing it. I have not seen any Vison or great miracle that makes me believe that the Jedi are right. When I kill someone the force does not strike me down. The Force just is and does not care what we do. None of us are right........Just some of us decide to take the full advantage of the cards that have been given to us.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:40:03 PM
:: Hunter looked at the pieces of gun in his hand. Luckily for the one who was decieved into thinking there was a Grey side, the gun had the safety on::

"Actually, Life is a Pain in the Arse. "

Roll Anderson
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:27:51 AM

:: quickly takes off into the woods, hoping no one follows her ::

Jedi Rebel X
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:58:21 AM
::Rebel watched the girl run off::

"Don't follow her, she needs to think, and make her own choice." Rebel said to Teka as he turned.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 29th, 2001, 12:54:44 PM
Teka looked at Rebel and nodded he then turned to FMH and raised an eyebrow slightly. Watching the girl go off into the woods he spoke to Rebel.

She could have had a long andfullfiling life. She still can..

Jun 29th, 2001, 01:05:07 PM
::tempist walks up the hill side, seeing the gathering of sith and jedi. he notices a small girl in red run off into the woods, and can only imagine what has just happened. if it is that the two forces are fighting over a new recruit like he fears, then he hopes that neither side has scared her too badly. if they had then she may not make the choice that she truly wishes, but just out of intimidation and fear. he decides not to bother with them, knowing that if he does then this gathering will turn into a confrontation, and now is not the time for blood shed. he walks away::

Roll Anderson
Jun 29th, 2001, 02:58:10 PM
:: stopping for a second, she looks back at the clearing, and looks at her Watch (or whatever it be called in SW) and just starts running again ::

Kikran Akard
Jun 29th, 2001, 11:13:29 PM
::Rebel looked to Teka::

"Let's go, she will make the choice on her own. If the sith try anything, we can intervene."

::With that he began to walk off::

Rama Sha
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:46:37 AM
:: Rama lent over and whispered to Eve. ::

You see those Jedi. Im going to reveal to you their most major Flaw. From the weakest Padwan to the most knowledgeable Jedi Master, they all think the force will help them defeat us. If I were to right now spring to battle, this gathering of young ones believes they could stop me. But they would be as clumsy as a child to me, with it's new born shaky legs. This assumption of the theirs makes them the most satisfying victims, because they are so surprised when their faith does not save them. That is why I prey apone them. But they do make a good point. There is nothing left for us here now. We should depart.

Kikran Akard
Jun 30th, 2001, 01:21:15 AM
::As the two walked off, Kikran turned to Teka::

"Teka, you saw the sith back there...and heard what they said. Even though we countered that, and argued over it...arguing does nothing. Sith have an idea that jedi sit around and do nothing. This is our aid, this is an advantage, because when we show up and stop them, it sends a message. When we do face off against them, we musn't think that they'll just fall to our feet. They may be wrong, but they believe strongly in their beliefs. The longer a fight goes on, the main they recieve, it aids them. When you fight one, aim for their strengths. Though they may think rage, or anger is their ally, it can be our advantage. They'll make a mistake when you face them, they'll let their anger take over. Use it against them, make them angry, make them illogical. Then you can use your mind against them, not only your fists."