View Full Version : Burning Flag

Garrett Blade
Jun 20th, 2001, 08:46:10 PM
*The blazing hot sun rained its golden shower down on Corellia. It was a fine day indeed. Strips of sunlight penetrated the forest canopy and carpeted the dark-dirt floor. The forest was alive with sounds and movement. Insects buzzed around and small, furry animals ran across branches, and birds flew from tree to tree, hidding in the densely packed green above Garrett.*

*It felt good to be outside again. And the best part was, nobody at TSO knew that Garrett had escaped. At least an entire month had gone by, and Garrett had no idea what had happened in that timeframe. All he knew was that the palace had been destroyed by Seth. He continued to stroll aimlessly through the forest, humming to himself merrily. After a few hours walking, Garrett came to a clearing. The area was occupied by several large, pre-fabricated, temporarly shelters for the members of TSO. Several makeshift buildings surrounded the pre-fabricated building, and served as supply huts, foodhalls and wash-rooms. And beyond the cluster of buildings, Garrett could barely make out the dirt path that led up to the main hanger, still standing, unlike the palace.*

*He slowly, calmly, slyly made his way over to one of the more secure-looking supply huts and entered. Inside, he found a treasure room of nasties - blaster carbines, repeating blasters, proton grenades, stun-cuffs and even...a pair of thermal detonators. Garrett quickly pocketed the thermal detonators before exiting the hut quicksmart. Checking to see that nobody had taken an unwelcome interest in his activities, Garrett walked towards the main building, the pre-fabricated living area for TSO's inhabitants. There were no guards whatsoever, and it looked as if TSO had taken a rather passive, friendly stance around its residential areas. Garrett entered the building and ascended a single flight of stairs before entering a room at random. Inside, it was bright, thanks to the sun shining proudly outside. It was partisan-standard - just a single window, a bed, small chest, and a wardrobe. The sith raided the wardrobe and found a pair of black jeans, a black shirt and a waist-length leather jacket. Garrett shedded his shredded black tunic, and changed into the newly found attire. He then spun around to greet the chest, which smiled at him welcomingly, almost persuading him to take a look inside. he obliged. Inside, there was a pair of black sunglasses, a brochure of Coruscant, and a small model of the Imperial Palace. Suddenly, a light pinged in Garretts mind. He took the items out of the chest, stood up, and made his way out of the room.*

*Once back outside, Garrett turned and proceeded for the dirt path that led to the main hanger. After only a ten-minute walk, he was at the hanger bay and waiting in the queue to board a transport destined for Coruscant. It was a simple passenger yacht, and very elegant at that. Most of the passengers appeared to be of a high class and would never associate themselves with Garrett's type. Fifteen minutes later and the ship was leaving the Corellian atmosphere. The captains drone voice came out of the walls and spoke to the people on board, informing them of their trip to Coruscant. A second later, the ship blasted off into hyperspace...towards the Galactic Capital...*

Garrett Blade
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:14:40 AM
*After only twenty-two hours travelling time, the passenger ship had to prematurely drop out of hyperspace as there was a problem with the ship - there had been a malfunction with the hyperdrive and it would have burned out had they not disengaged the hyperdrive relay systems. The ship dropped out of hyperspace in the Arcturus Sector, not too far from the Sesswenna Sector. A large spacestation was in the area, and the director was more than happy to admit the passenger ship for repairs, since the owner of the ship was a member of a subsidiary company who had links with the station director. Once the ship had landed, the passengers and crew made their way inside the station, allowing the repair teams to take a look at the ship. The job would take quite a while, since a new hyperdrive would need to be brought in from somewhere else.*

Khendon S
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:08:24 PM
It was another dull day on Coruscant. Khendon had spent the entire afternoon looking through papers on the new security measures that had and would be implemented, being a Moff could be a pain at times, just as it was now, but Khendon enjoyed the challenge. Khendon rubbed his eyes in a tired fashion and took an unusual looking green and white pill with some brandy to wash it down, he had a meeting in ten minutes and would need to be fully awake.

Saka C Winner
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:38:23 PM
OOC- Is this open? I'd like to know for I want to involve this character in this.

Garrett Blade
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:48:01 PM
OOC: Yes it is open. All roleplays done in the Roleplaying forum should be open, since closed ones are to be done in the storytelling forum. And you're more than welcome, so long as you do not try to end the roleplay at every opportunity like our friend tried to do last time I visited Coruscant! :)

Saka C Winner
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:54:23 PM
OOC- yay!


:: upset with the fact of being delayed, Saka decides to meet some of her fellow travellers... She notices one man who seems different, in the way he is dressed and his aura... ::


:: she starts to walk towards Garrett ::

Ltn Birch
Jun 21st, 2001, 02:28:16 PM
Birch stared at the wall onboard the DSD Death Advocate, the ship he had somehow come to command. He looked at his watch, it would probably be another hour or so until his craft began patrolling its assigned sector and start intercepting traffic to the sector, as has always been done. He would have to search the craft, then give it a clear code, then send it on its happy way. They never found anything, and if they did, it wouldn’t matter, this ship could handle anything.

Garrett Blade
Jun 21st, 2001, 04:43:50 PM
*The large cafeteria was brightly lit, and it seemed to hurt Garretts eyes even more than the Corellian sun did, after all Garrett had been in a dark prison cell for over a month. The strong smell of Sullustan beans suffocated him. That, along with the annoying noise levels from the slightly drunk human group in the far corner, brought him to his decision to check out some of the other decks. Perhpas they would prove to be less...complicated. He pushed off the wall he was leaning against with his feet, and turned towards the far door, only to notice a woman walking towards him...*

Saka C Winner
Jun 22nd, 2001, 01:05:52 PM
:: as she walks towards Garrett she passes by the table with the drunken patrons, one of them stands up ::

Man- Hey sweetie...Hows about yous and me go find someplace quiet?

*furrows her eyebrows*

Saka- No...:: tries to get by the man ::

Man- *grabs Saka* Hey sweetie, we've got lots of time till the ship is fixed...

Saka- *growls* I said no! Now let go!

Garrett Blade
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:30:36 PM
*If there's one thing Garrett hated, it was complications! As he looked over and saw the drunken idiot grab hold of the womans hand, it really annoyed him. Should the situation escalate, it could involve the authorities and further extend the delay - which was something Garrett did not want. And not to mention that Garrett didn't feel like allowing a pretty woman such as this one be harassed by a butt-ugly human with his hormones working overtime. Garrett calmly made his way over to the woman and her charming friend who decided to scratch his behind with his free hand. Garrett spoke with etiquette in a clear, educated (english) voice...*

Excuse me sir. Is there a problem?

Saka C Winner
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:04:19 PM
:: the man looks at Garrett ::

Man- It's none o'yur buisness....

:: Saka tries to get the man to let go of her ::

Garrett Blade
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:38:37 PM
Oh contrare! There is an immense problem!

*Garrett removed the lady's hand from the mans grip, and took hold of his arm. He quickly led him over to the cafeteria kitchen and disappeard into the room. A loud smash could be heard as the mans face met the main course on a plate, followed by Garrett walking back into the seating area. He spoke in his normal, calm yet slightly annoyed voice...*

You're spoiling my vacation you big fat bugger!

*Before Garrett walked over to the lady, he turned sharply to the left and made his way for the door that led to the stairs. Looking out of the corner of his eye at the lady, he pushed the door open and let it swing shut behind him as he disappeared into the stairwell...*

Saka C Winner
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:58:17 PM
:: as she watched Garrettt leave, she rubbed her arm ::

Holy crud....

:: Saka quickly follows after Garrett ::

Garrett Blade
Jun 26th, 2001, 05:29:13 PM
*After roughly a minute of walking, Garrett arrived at the recreational deck. This place was...what was the term? DA BOMB!!! Holo-arcades, cantina bars, restaurants, holo-theatres - you name it they had it! Unfortunately, Garrett didn't really have time to prance about enjoying himself...well...not too much anyway!*

*He looked around for a moment as he stood by the stairwell exit, until his eyes caught a computer public terminal. Looking around to check nobody was suspicios of him, he made his way over to the terminal, trying not to attract too much attention...*

Garrett Blade
Jun 30th, 2001, 07:56:00 PM
*Just as Garrett suspected - the terminal was indeed nothing more than a public terminal. Lucky for Garrett, he knew that all terminals had to be linked up with corporate networks and the main holo-network. And if you were on the holo-network, then you can get inside anywhere so long as you know how. After reading through the brochure of Coruscant on the transport, Garrett had noted the newer security systems and measures that had been put into effect. One that caught his eye was that of Midichlorian detectors in orbit around the capital. Even in Garrett's force-weakened condition, he would still show up on the sensors like a black dot on white paper. If he was going to get onto Coruscant, he'd need to mask himself to the sensors. And in order to do that he needed a ysalmari. Garrett sat down at the computer terminal, cracked his fingers and began to type away, smiling to himself...*