View Full Version : Conquest III: Morishim

Shret Nion
Jun 14th, 2001, 08:26:55 PM
For the Yuuzhan Vong, hyperspace was not the same as it was for the infidels. Unlike the star streaks across infidel ships, there was only a pitch black to be seen. This was thought to be a reaction to the creatures used for the equivalent of viewports.

Shret Nion, Lieutenant Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong Army, looked out at the darkness. He was contemplating his strategy for the take over of Morishim. No opposing force was expected. The only possible hostility would be from the native Morishs.

Two Yuuzhan Vong Corvettes and One Heavy Cruiser were en route to Morishim. It would be a forceful takeover. Shret couldn't wait to taste the blood of dead Morishs. He couldn't wait to slaughter the mechanical beasts that roamed the planet either.

The darkness was taken away. The planet lay in the view ports scope.

<font color="red">"Let's land."

Shret Nion
Jun 15th, 2001, 08:33:06 PM
[i]One Squadron of Heavy Coral Skippers and One Squadron of Light Skippers detached from the Heavy Cruiser. They Flanked twelve Troop dropships. As the ships broke into the Morishim Atmosphere, the Skipper Squadrons broke from the escort position.

The Plasma Cannons on the Coral Skippers roar. Superheated Rock (Plasma) surges out of the launchers on the Skippers. It bursts down from the skippers to the Morishim Soil. It burns holes into the ground. It implodes mechanical buildings. It takes the lives of the Morish walking the streets.

As the plasma cannons recover from their energy expulsion, the twelve dropships reach the ground and two hundred Yuuzhan Vong Warriors filter out of the dropships. The curious Morish who wander close to the asteroid like dropships are killed instantly. The Amphistaffs of twenty four hundred Warriors sacrificed the thirty or so curious Morish.

Shret Nion
Jun 16th, 2001, 10:54:01 PM
<font color="red">"Destroy the Infidels!"</font> Shret Nion, Lieutenant Commander gave the open ended orders. The 2400 Yuuzhan Vong Warriors and six hundred or so Chazrachs, make their way to the Capital City. Reaching it, the Yuuzhan Vong broke down into teams of five and razed the city.

They slaughtered citizens with their amphistaffs. They destroyed building foundations with their Plasma "Blasters." Shret Nion made his way into the Govermental Building alone which dominated the majority of the capital city.

The building had high ceilings. The main room's ceiling was forty feet high. From the ceiling, great, glass chandeliers rained light down inside the building. Large, oval sofas stretched from the center of the room to the edges. And at the far end, was the entrance to the Official Buildings.

Already the building was in a havoc. The Goverment Workers and innocent bystanders ran hapazardly to the three exits located on the east, west, and north walls. They did not notice the entrance of Shret Nion, the ground assault leader.

The room of mayhem was suddenly silenced as Shret screamed in blood wrenching notes a Yuuzhan Vong Battle Cry. They turned to stare at the briefly tatooed and scarred warrior. In that time of astonishment, Shret worked quickly. With an amphistaff slice, a spin and slice down, push of it foward, a jump, kick,
twirl, slash, punch, bite, and another slash Shret had made his way across the room. Bodies lay slaughtered on the floor. Of the few infidels that remained, Shret pulled out his Plasma Blaster and made quick work of the infidels that still lived.

Shret Nion
Jun 17th, 2001, 11:54:13 PM
[i]He made his way systematicly from floor to floor. He would walk through the stairwell door and into the main part of the office levels. From there, he would let out a war cry, alerting the workers of his presense. After that, he went from cubicle to cubicle slaying the infidels hiding or escaping from them. For the Infidels that survived this slaughter and made it to the stairs, they were greeted on the lower levels by a platoon of Yuuzhan Vong Warriors. They were taken as slaves for the Shaping Camps.

By the time Shret had made it to the roof of the complex, his kill count had totalled more than four hundred. He looked out at the city from the roof. In the short hour they had been on planet, his Forces had wrecked havoc to the capital city. Dead bodies littered the street. Buildings lie in ruin. Droids were being crushed. Thank Yuuzhan for the end of droids.

Shret Nion
Jun 18th, 2001, 10:42:27 PM
<font color="red">"Warriors! Move on to the next city."</font> Shret ordered the warriors out of the city and onto the next city which lay a quarter-days march away. Along the march, they would slay any villages they crossed. As the warriors marched out, Shret opened a villip link as he likewise left the city.<font color="red">

"Let it rain."</font>

It rained. Hard. From the Massive Heavy Cruiser and the Corvettes orbiting above, superheated rock, plasma, rained down onto the ground. It crashed into the ground like meteors that plummeted the earth. It burned deep into the ground and tore apart what was left of the buildings of the Capital City. The Major Morishim Capital Spaceport was compacted into the ground. The ships that were docked were instantly superheated and then torn apart by the molten rock.

Shret Nion
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:45:35 PM
The Villip in Shret's hand vibrated. He opened the link.<font color="red"> "What is it?"

"Lieutenant! An infidel warship has entered the planetary gravity field."

</font>Shret thought for a moment. Religiously, he should have had that ship destroyed in one second. But Tactically, learning about the Infidel Warships may prove very helpful in the long run and helpful in finding enemy weaknesses.</font color="red">

"Capture it." Shret stated calmly.

"Pardon Lieutenant? Capture and Infidel Machine beast?" The Heavy Cruiser Captain was hesitant.

"You heard me. Capture it or face full reprimands." Shret stated calmly once again.

"yessir." </font>The villip link shut off.

On the Infidel Warship

"Captain! We've reached Morishim but there are three huge asteroids in orbit!" A Flight Officer reported.

"Blast those asteroids." The Captain ment it as an order, not an off-beat curse. He was the captain of a Dreadnaught. Nothing less of a VicStar could stand in his way. Every battery on the Dreadnaught's starboard side burst laser energy at the Asteroids.

The Dreadnaught's crew's mouths dropped open. Each of the lasers fired at the asteroids had disappeared and had not hit the asteroids. It appeared as though the lasers were sucked up into an infinity known as a black hole.

"Emperor's Black bones." The captain spit out the words.

"Sir! The Asteroids seem to be deploying smaller asteroids of about thirteen meters in length." The Flight Officer, after regaining normal thought, reported.

Shret Nion
Jun 20th, 2001, 05:22:45 PM
"Sir, the smaller asteroids aswell as the three larger ones seem to be coming closer to us." The Nervous Flight Officer Reported. Thirty seconds later the nervous Flight Officer Reported again. "Sir, the smaller asteroids are in our defensive range."

The Captain looked out at the asteroids. They looked to be starfighters. "Launch the Preybird Squadron." The Preybirds were a peculiar fighter common place in Rim Pirate gangs. "Tell them to engage in destroying the fighters."

The Flight Officer sent the order out and the Preybirds opened fire on the asteroids.

Yuuzhan Vong

Prestince X'nai was head of the Coral Skipper Attack Group. He had under his command three Light Coral Skipper Squadrons and Two Heavy Coral Skipper Squadrons. He himself was flying in a Light Coral Skipper. "Infidel Warskippers deploying on Vector Three. Warskippers within firing range. Warskippers opening fire."

X'nai direct a dovin basal at an incoming Laser Cannon blast. It was sucked up into the black hole infinity. The Warskippers shot past his Light Skipper before he could retaliate from the head-on strike. His Skipper Command turned to make an opening pass on the warskippers.

"The Infidel Warskippers ae not our main goal. Take them out quickly, I only wnat the Light Skippers attacking. We outnumber them 3 to 1 this way." X'nai issued the battle orders. As the skipper's entangled with the infidel warskippers, X'nai slipped his Light Skipper behind one of the slower Preybirds. He cut his propulsion systems down to a mere 105 MGLTs to keep pace with the infidel warskipper. This was about a third of a light skippers max speed. X'nai sent a stream of Plasma out of his cannons. The first plasma shot was deflected by the shields of the infidel warskipper, but the next three shots made it through the weak shields. The first shot hit high, clipping off a laser cannon. The second of the shots was more on target, taking out the fuelsage. And the last shot hit in the center of the Preybird's engines, tearing through them to the cockpit. In a terror of fire, the Preybird split apart.


"Sir, Three Squadrons worth of small asteroids seem to have engaged in combat with the Prey Birds. Two Squdrons of slightly large asteroids are continuing on present course for us. And the two large asteroids are well within firing range.

Shret Nion
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:45:01 PM
X'nai manuevered his Coralskipper aft of another Prey Bird. The Preybirds were far less versatile than the skippers. Everytime the Prey bird evaded out of the plasma cannons target, X'nai moved his ship faster to the same spot and got ready to shoot, before the preybird moved again. X'nai played this game of chase for ten seconds before tiring of it. He shot down the preybird, the last remaining one for that matter.

The Confrontation between the skippers lasted only two minutes. The Yuuzhan Vong Coral Skippers took no losses to the overconfident infidels.

"Regroup with the main group." X'nai order the three skipper squadrons.

Heavy Cruiser

The Commander of the Heavy Cruiser looked at the debris floating in orbit of Morishim from the destroyed Preybirds. The Infidels were weaklings and foolish. The Commander want the Dreadnaught to come under the least damage possible, so he retained the crew's urge to tear apart the machine with plasma shots. He kept his ship firing just ahead to the side, or behind of the dreadnaught though, to lure the prey into a false sense of security.

He picked up a villip-converter. The villip converter was a small creature that broadcasted villip messages to Infidel warships. The Commander stuck a finger in his ear, implanting the Tizyworm Translator.

"Infidelz Warzip, thiz izz Yuuzhan Vong Heavy Cruizzer and Yuuzhan Vong Corvettezz." The Tizyworm had a praticular problem translating 's.' It made them sound more like 'z's. "Zurrender Your warzip immediately."

Shret Nion
Jun 24th, 2001, 09:01:15 PM

The Dreadnaught's Captain was overconfident, just as all pirates came. He conversed with his advisors. "Who do these things think they are? We are a Dreadnaught Cruiser! We can stand up to anything!"

One of his advisors replied shyly, "Sir, they have already destroyed our Preybird fighters. The main ship out masses by nearly a kilometer."

"I'm not giving up this dreadnaught!" The overconfident captain replied defiantly. He opened a transmission to the rock ships.

"Youzan Vong Cruiser, this is the Dreadnaught. I'll see you in hell." The dreadnaught didn't listen to the advice of his advisors. To his prized ship, he ordered that all turrets fire at the lead rock ship.

"Sir, starfighters have breached our firing range." An officer reported.

An offbeat curse was all the captain could manage.

Heavy Cruiser

"The warzip haz opened fire." The heavy Cruiser Commander reported to the ship. "Do not attack. Juz abzorb the energy. Let the Zipper zods handle the warzip."

Shret Nion
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:43:03 PM
The Heavy Cruiser's dovin basals sucked up each energy burst fired from the dreadnaught. The two Corvettes meanwhile pulled away from the heavy cruiser and made their ways inconspicuosly closer to the dreadnaught's aft.

X'nai, in his Light Coral Skipper pulled up close to the infidel warship. The dreadnaught's gunners seemed preoccupied with destroying the heavy cruiser, so they payed little mind to the swarm of coral skippers.

<font color="red">"Knock this ship up, but don't damage it too much."</font> X'nai relayed orders from the Heavy Cruiser. He and his Light Skipper Squadron accelerated to 290 MGLTs, far faster than anything in the galaxy. They came to the Aft, with the Corvettes.

His light skipper squadron would disable two of the stardrives on the aft in an attempt to stop the movement of the infidel warship. X'nai and eleven other coral skippers thumbed their Plasma Cannons on. The creatures that devoured and shot out the plasma opened up releasing a full salvo of plasma at the starboard aft engine. Three salvos later, the starboard aft engine's blue energy wash was nullified. It blinked out into a cold black.

Shret Nion
Jun 26th, 2001, 10:31:03 PM

"Captain! Our Starboard and Portside engines have beend knocked offline. Shields are weakening as we speak." The Dreadnaught's bridge viewport was lit up suddenly as a Plasma Cannon passed overhead, dangerously close.

The captain, with a look of defeat in his eyes, let a tear fall down his eyes. "Signal the Youzan Vong ships that we will surrender. You all may jump ship if you wish."

"Captain, we will stay with you until the end."

[c]Heavy Cruiser</center.

"Commander, the Infidel Warzip az zent a mezaige to the you." A villip/tizyworm station warrior reported the news. Through the tizyworm in the Commander's ear, he heard the infidel's desperate plea for sanctuary.

"Youzhan Vong. This is the Dreadnaught. We accept defeat and surrLSAHGLS to althTo Forces." A solemn sounding captain spoke.

The Commander shook the tizyworm in his ear. The Tizyworm must have caught some bacteria and was messing up the transmission. The Commander could only guess at the last part of the message.

"Infidel Warzip. Yuuzhan Vong Commander here. We akksep jour zerenders. Do not off err hoztility when we board jour warzip and we will grant jou zantuari."

Shret Nion
Jun 28th, 2001, 08:20:04 PM

"Captain. They have landed on our ship." An officer, with an touch of sadness equal to the captains, reported to the bridge. Seconds later, the same officer spoke up again. "Captain. They are taking prisoners.

The Captain opened a communications line to the Yuuzhan Vong Heavy Cruiser. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!?! You promised us sanctuary!"

Mockingly, the Yuuzhan Vong Commander responded. "Jou didn't think we'd akkshooly zave infidel livezz."

Shret Nion
Jun 29th, 2001, 10:56:56 PM
Shret Nion, dreamer of this plan, had taken up a Yuuzhan Vong shuttle to take part in the capturing of the infidel warship. He was the lead Officer of this mission and was at the front of the lines. He pressed foward through the ship with his team of Forty Yuuzhan Vong Warriors. They ignored the infidels pleas for help by simply walking by them. They reached a door that had infidel writing scribble on it. The Tizyworm reader identified the writings stated that this was the Bridge, or command center of the ship.

Amphistaffs at the ready, the team crashed through the blast door, rendering it useless. There were useless screams of terror, as the Yuuzhan Vong Warriors sent "nets' at the groups of infidels to capture them. Shret Nion eyed an infidel that seemed to have the most decoration on his uniform.

"You, infidel! You are the ranking officer of this ship?" Shret's tizyworm worked better than the Heavy Cruiser Commander's for the simple fact that Shret used his more so it had more practice.

"Yessir. I am the Captain of this Dreadnaught."

The word dreadnaught did not compute with the tizyworm, but Shret could infer from context clues that a dreadnaught was the name of the infidel warship. "Have this ship sent to Belkadan."

Shret stared down the Captain's pride. The captain replied with a meek sounding "OK." The Warship, escorted by the two Yuuzhan Vong Corvettes, soon entered hyperspace for the planet Belkadan. Research would be done there. Valuable research that would help the Yuuzhan Vong exploit more weakness int he Infidel battle ships.

Shret Nion
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:46:26 PM
Shret Nion returned to the ground to oversee in the final stages of the planetary takeover. As his shuttle neared the ground and the fine details of the planet became large enough to depict, Shret noticed that the cities had changed greatly. Instead of the infidel skyscrapers that dominated the cities, now bondfires filled with dieing droids. Also, growing from the ground of the cities were the beginnings of the breeding grounds where the dutiful Chazrach Minions would be bred and sent on to their meaningless deaths.

"It looks good."