View Full Version : Vector Prime: Peace Strings (Vortex)
May 1st, 2001, 08:53:39 PM
OOC: This is a planetary takeover, but not one of the norm. I STRONGLY encourage jedi to intervene, as long as you keep it realistic. This is to be Diplomatic, ending with, possibly, a clash between the vong and jedi, and/or the New Republic. However, please remember to not take part in any combat UNTIL I give an OOC OK... Or I'll feel free to cash in on that GMA bounty >=]
It was the Bulk Freighter Imperious, the newest of the Vong fleet. But this ship wasn't any more alive than the dehidrated corpses of the hull's mynocks, clinging on even after crossing life's barrier. This was an infidel's ship, the brainchild of many hours' labor.
If the Home Galaxy knew, it would be blasphemy beyond comprehension.. His career would be ended. The entire Intendent Caste was itching to get something on him, anything. And he'd be swarmed with bugs, nibbling off his fle... But no mind. They need not know.
Behind his Ooglith Masquer, he was Bo Leel, the multi-billionaire owner of SlateSlag, Inc., and held the galactic monopoly on durocrete, ferrocrete, and their lesser known offspring (bubblecrete, astrocrete, etc). His crew, a few thousand vong, the crew. All being Yomin Carr's most trusted warriors, and all boasting the same infatuation of how the infidels had produced 'life' of it's own kind.
He knew every one of them by name, biography, and birth number.
Below, the green gem Vortex lay suspended in the white sprinkled, jet black sheet of space. Unscathed by urbanization, it was truly one of this Galaxy's great spawn. The Yuuzhan Vong would do well there.
"We're in position to send down a shuttle, sir," remarked an aspiring young warrior. "Shall I have one readied?"
"It depends, Warrior Ithsk. Do our passive sensors detect any atmospheric rader near the landing platform?"
"Yes sir. But none elsewhere."
"Good. Ready all shuttles. While I'll be at the landing pad, set the others slightly out of their radar's range. Three trips. All the troops."
"Yes sir.. But why send them all down now? Cover of nightfall would provide more ample protection."
"True. But after I set down, they'll watch us with increased zeal. And if we sit around until night, I doubt we'll be any more trusted."
"Greetings, Master Ikris of the Vors. I am Bo Leel of SSINC."
"Hello, messer Leel. Let me be brash. I don't like your type. If you have any industrious thoughts concerning my planet and our specialties whatsoever... Leave."
"You've got me all wrong! I seek to enrich your world, not destroy it."
"We shall see.."
Teka Kenobi
May 3rd, 2001, 04:27:38 PM
i think you should check the html box in your post or somethin...
May 9th, 2001, 10:05:35 PM
"Quite the tour you've given me, Magistrate. Things seem to be running well," spoke Yomin as the two walked by a few Vors tediously raking at the thick grass. "They are. And to be blunt, I don't need your help."
"Oh, nonsense. I'll have been the best thing that came to this planet since air." The magistrate made no response, and kept walking. "This is where I live."
"Why so rural?"
"I like to stay back from the epicenters hustle and bustle."
"Right." Yomin glanced around. "Your family in town?"
"My mate is. My children are out back, I beleive."
"Alright. Well, if you please, I'd like to discuss the terms."
"You've mentioned no terms."
"The terms of my managing this planet, of course." Ikris gave a start. "I had no idea of such aspirations."
"Then consider yourself enlightened." Ikris leaned towards Yomin slightly. "This is your last warning. Leave, or I'll be forced to contact the New Republic!"
"Daddy, why are you so angry?" A small Vor ran up to him, acompanied by another. "Is something wrong, daddy? Why are you yelling?"
"This awful man is trying to take advantage of me. But don't worry. I've got things under control."
Suddenly, Yomin fell to one knee, and began cooing the children. "There, there. I'm sorry I made your daddy mad at me. I'm really just trying to help." He looked up evilly to the Magistrate and he draped his shoulders over the kids'. He stood, keeping a steady, penetrating glare on Ikris. "I'm sure he wouldn't want anything bad to happen to his beloved race and family." Yomin happened to tap one childs sholder. "Don't listen to him, Jarr, Lara. He's a bad, bad man." They began to walk away from Yomin, but he tightened his grip. "You're hurting me!" one shrieked. The other merely gasped and fell, unconscious, as Yomin crashed a knee into his spine.
Split seconds later, while the magistrate was looking on, aghast, yomin brought his arm around the remaining childs neck. He placed his free hand on top of the smooth, greenish head and gave a sharp twist.
For a full minute, the Magistrate Ikris stood in awe as Yomin shoved binders on his hands and feet, as Yomin shoved him to the ground, right in front of his living, but still son. Yomin lifted his leg and brought it down, his heel crushing what fragments of the spine were still connected. The boy was paralyzed, neck down.
"See where your unwillingness to cooperate has gotten you? Hope your mate doesn't come home. I'll be watching."
With that, he turned full and walked to his shuttle.
General Dodonna
May 10th, 2001, 05:44:55 AM
The transports' ion engines screamed as they initiated the planetary descent, which only added to the noise produced by the wind resistance against the ship's hull.
The transports landed, and began disgourging their cargoes. Newly conscripted Republic troops flowed from the ships, surveyed their surroundings, noting the expected lack of danger. An all-clear was transmitted to the orbiting parent troopship, instructing it that the landing had succeeded, and to dispatch the commanding general.
Brigadier-General Hirem Frashen stepped out of the transport, looked to both sides.
"Has there been resistance on any of the landing sites?" he asked an aide, a young-looking man wearing the rank insignia of a Captain of the general staff.
"Negative, sir. The planet is secure." was his response.
"Very well. Transmit to General Dodonna: Planet Vortex secured. Will begin measures to fully mobilize the population for the generation of war resources."
Frashen produced a special pad from a travel pack, requested the company of two officers as witnesses. placed his thumbprint on the pad, spoke aloud:
"I, Brigadier-General Hiram Frashen of the Republic armed forces, do hereby assume the title of Military Governor of planet Vortex, under the authority of the commanding General-in-chief, Jan Dodonna, with the consent of the Republic senate."
The formalities complete, he set the datapad aside, waved to a high ranking officer.
"Colonel, commandeer an office, and begin establishing production and conscription quotas for the cities."
The Colonel nodded, acknowledged, and walked off to do his duty.
May 10th, 2001, 11:30:26 PM
"Things seem to be falling into place rather nicely."
"They do, Commander Carr. The infidel forces, however, jeapordize our mission-"
"To an extent," said Carr, finishing his subordinate's sentence. "Besides, you've let off our scouts. They've already been relaying information."
"Yes, sir. It seems a New Republic Officer has declared himself the military governer of the planet."
"Yo'gand knows the Vors won't stand for it. Has the magistrate been found?"
"No. His child passed away, however, a few hours ago."
"I trust it passed on with a nasty bit of yelling, crying, screaming.."
"Slayer wouldn't have it any other way."
"Excellent. Than it is time to revisit the dear magistrate. Have a few of our men don Vor facades. Stir up trouble with the locals. Prepare my shuttle, and get ready to send in the troops at a whim. You've talked to Tsaak?"
"The Warmaster? Yes. Our transports are enroute."
With that, Senior Commander Yomin Carr sauntered out of the bridge to the docking bay. Minutes later, a shuttle was seen streaking out, masked from New Republic ships by the planet Vortex.
May 19th, 2001, 10:27:46 PM
It was a humbling sight. More than twenty thousand peace loving Vors, bearing sharpened sticks and waving them at the New Republic ships above. At the troops stationed around the town's perimeter, at what appeared a tyranny.
At their head was the magistrate. What seemed the magistrate. The same in those watery Vor eyes, but different alltogether in spirit. A fire burned in his eyes, and he was basking in the inner glow of his unkindred spirit.
He was unarmed. With a majestic sweep of his arms, and a light flurry of his wings, all was silent. And he yelled.
"New Republic, we shun you! Off our sacred ground. You have done enough damage here. You had ruined our Cathedral! We were kind enough to harbor you, to withstand your opression, but you returned. Already, your General has proclaimed himself our dictator. We do not accept this! Leave, or we will be forced to attack!"
William Braddock
May 20th, 2001, 09:39:12 AM
*Brigadier-General Hirem Frashen stood before several computer terminals on board the command Chariot LAV. He was reading several reports from the scout teams when he was interrupted by an incoming transmission...*
"This is the Action VI Transport Sixtus Dens. Major-General Braddock is on board. The General wishes to land immediately."
General Hirem responded without delay...albeit with a hint of annoyance.*
"Tell the good General that he may land in area 4-B right away. I shall meet him personally."
The transmission was terminated, and Hirem signaled the pilot to take the Chariot LAV to area 4-B to meet Braddock...*
*Within minutes, the command speeder was at the site. However, much to the annoyance of General Hirem, the Sixtus had already arrived, and more troops were already unloading. Quite distinct from the other occupants of the transport, a lone Kuat Drive yards HAVw Juggernaut roared ut of the ship and headed towards the Chariot LAV. The Juggernaut came to rest 15 metres in front of the LAV. The boarding ramp lowered from the side facing the speeder. A group of soldiers exited the vehicle, followed by General Braddock and a troupe of protocol droids. Hirem advanced on Braddock, speaking out immediately...*
General Hirem: "General Braddock, I must protest! My orders here are to..."
General Braddock: "Your orders no longer have any relevance here. As of right now you atre relieved of command and I shall take up position of Planetary Governor here until Vortex has become a productive member of the New Republic. Your new orders are to report to Bilbringi in three days. You have a day of leave - use it wisely General. Oh and...try to lose some weight!"
*Braddock dimissed the subordinate and turned to the soldiers accompanying him...*
General Braddock: "Alright then men. lets get things organised around here, shall we! Signal the other transports to begin landing so that we can begin establishing an initial outpost, and confirm the all-clear for the shuttles to begin landing, but tell the barges to wait until I tell them - we don't want walkers and speeders left right and center from the word go! Lets see what we're up against first - have the scouts reported back yet?"
Soldier: "Not yet sir! They last checked in fifteen minutes ago with their latest reports. They should be reporting in within the next ten minutes."
General Braddock: "Excellent. In the meantime, lets establish a perimeter..."
May 20th, 2001, 06:37:50 PM
Behind his Ooglith Masquer, S.C. Yomin Carr spoke into a small villip. Quietly, so the 'Vor magistrate' wouldn't be seen speaking an odd language, not even relevent to the situation.
"Warrior," he spoke in the Vong tongue. "Provided on the infidel computer is the comm I.D. of a human News Center."
"News center, sir?"
"A propoganda administration. Tell them there is an uprising on Vortex. One they'd not miss."
"I'll have a translator deliver the message."
Carr spoke no more into the villip, but into the open field where his rebels stood. "People! We bend no more to the Republic! The Vor are for the Vor!" A cheer rose up. "Forward!"
The Vor people ran forward, wielding their makeshift weapons. Against the four thousand strong New Republic troops, toting some of the finest blaster carbines available. The Vor band, for now, had one trump... They doubted the troops would retaliate.
OOC: Take into consideration polotics concerning this. I'd love to see the citizens of the NR react to the slaughter of twenty thousand Vors.
Feel free to fight.
General Dodonna
May 20th, 2001, 07:54:22 PM
OORP: I am authorizing you to use whatever force is necessary to ensure that Vortex becomes a productive member of the Republic, and contributes to the war. If that means you have to purge 20,000 hostile insurrectionists, then aim for the women and children. Our duty is to the greater good, the Republic as a whole, and Vortex has to do its part by providing conscripts and producing weapons.
William Braddock
May 28th, 2001, 10:40:32 PM
*Three Gallofree Yards Medium Transports and 4 Corellian Action VI Bulk Freighters touched down on the green plains. As they did so, the unloading ramps were already descending. Their slightly dirty, brown hulls glistened in the midday sun, making them appear white in some areas. Once the ramps had finally lowered, the magnetic seals deactivated and the doors opened. From the first two Medium
Transports emerged an endless sea of troops. Squad upon squad of soldiers poured out of the transports like there was no tomorrow. Normal field soldiers made up the bulk of the forces, but fleet regiments and heavy weapons personnel were also present. From the third medium transport came the speeder divisions. Military speeder bikes, Chariot LAV's, combat skiffs as well as airspeeders made their way out of the ship and into position. Two of the bulk freighters contained the heavy and light walkers. Predominantly consisting of AT-ST's and AT-PT's, but AT-AT's and MT-AT's were also included in the army for good measure.*
*The other two Bulk Freighters carried the necessities to begin construction of the first outpost - droids and refined materials. The first of the two transports contained 4 massive EVS Construction Droids along with 8 GRZ-6B Wrecker Droids. The bulky robots followed each other out of the ships at a snails pace. As
they walked along the ground, minute quakes shook the earth. From the second of the two transports, a large number of Binary Load Lifters emerged, already carrying the supplies needed to build the outpost. As well as these, three dozen FLR Loggers, or "Lumberdroids", wheeled out of the darkened cargo bay. And finally, twenty-four 11-17 Miner Droids hum-buzzed their way in and out of the other, taller droids. Braddock watched as the mechanical workers stood in organised rows together with their respectful models. He then turned to one of the officers accompanying him, holding a datapad...*
General Braddock: "All right Officer, here's the plan! The lumberdroids will start harvesting from the forest two clicks north of here. We don't need the actual wood, but there is a lot of flat land underneath the forest itself, which we shall eventually build upon. We can give the lumber to the locals as a gesture of good faith
and kindness, which they can then use to build homes and other buildings. Now, the miner droids will begin to shape the underground sections of the outpost here, here
and here..."
*...he said, pointing out the locations on the datapad. Braddock looked over his shoulder at the wrecker droids, then over at the large boulders and stones in the centre
of the field...*
General Braddock: "The wrecker droids will get to work right away on those horrid masses over there! Once they are cleared out of the way, the binary load lifters
can set the materials down over there, and it can also serve as a drop-off point for the lumber. Whilst that is going on, the construction droids can use what materials they already have stored to begin work on the foundations of the outpost as well as scaffolding and girders ready for when the duracrete as ready. By the time that is done, the drone barges transporting the other materials should have arrived, along with the transport carrying the astromech droids, maintenance droids and worker drone droids - who can then start installing electrical and operational systems. All right then, make sure that all this is carried out with the utmost efficiency! Dismissed!"
*The officer scurried off inside a nearby Chariot LAV to discuss directives with his staff. Braddock was then called over by one of the Commanders standing nearby the entrance of a pre-fabricated command tent.*
General Braddock: "Yes Commander, what seems to be the problem?"
15 minutes later...
*The walkers were in place, each and every one of them hastily fitted with strange looking devices on the end of their weapons. They looked like strange, cylindrical boxes of some sort, with a blue lens on one end. The Juggernauts had modified their laser cannons to fire stun bolts instead of lethal laser fire. Meanwhile, the airspeeders were being loaded up with electro-bonding stun nets, which could be fired in a 180 degree arc from the rear of the speeder, and each speeder had 6 nets to boot. All troops, who had taken up defensive positions in front of the walker defence line,
protected behind a row of lightweight Tetnamien barriers, had been ordered to set all weapons to stun, whilst the heavy weapons teams had loaded their missile and grenade launchers with variants of EMP charges - Mezon Disruption radiators - anyone caught within a blast radius of ten metres would be rendered unconscious due to a minute dose of specially manufactured delta radiation, which specifically hindered the part of the brain that controlled fatigue and alertness. All was set, and the Vor were advancing now...*
Jun 6th, 2001, 06:03:15 PM
As the slick green Vor militia swept over the plain, waving their staffs and spears, the Republic army began to open fire. All around Yomin Carr, bodies fell, crumpling into twitching, shivering positions.
PzzAtt! A circle of blue light took down a Vor, right in front of him. Skipping over the body, he continued to run. Yet all around him, Vor were taking flight. Would they realize he wasn't a Vor?
No. They took it as an act of bravery. Their leader, giving up flight to show he was strong. Their war cries grew louder. They were yelling horrible things at the soldiers, things Yomin almost wished the tizyoworm in his ear canal couldn't translate.
Finally, the remainders of the Vor had reached the soldiers! Diving down on leathery wings, stabbing, kicking, biting... It was a dirty sort of fighting. But the soldiers would come out on top, and soon.
Yomin mumbled something into the villip. Suddenly, from behind the New Republic lines...
Acidic venom and razor bugs, flying at tremendous speeds towards the New Republic soldiers. The Vor, though confused, emitted a whoop of joy at seeing help, in any form. They yelled again when plasma bolts from the sky rained on the NR juggernauts.
As Yuuzhan Vong support bombers swept through the sky overhead, dropping villicies and launching skipper missiles at any target, gargantuan troop transports dispatched shuttles stocked with men and equipment.
William Braddock
Jul 2nd, 2001, 01:57:50 PM
The plasma bolts were unable to cause any hrm to the Juggernauts MK-III AT-AT Armour. And as the "bugs" flew overhead, the gunnery crews manning the rotating cannons on the Juggernauts realigned their weapons, taking aim and blasting the filthy creatures out of the skys. The bugs flew over the New Republic lines and crashed down upon the advancing Vors, only to explode and saturate the Vor in corrosive slime and mucus. General Braddock stood, looking at the holographic image of the battleifled. He turned to an officer...
General Braddock: "Alert the fleet. Tell them we need anti-starship weapons and we need them fast. Neutralise the enemy's ability to reinforce themselves and start landing more troops. Send a request for reinforcements if you have to, but get it done. Also, organise medical teams to suit up in acid-resistant suits and elp those Vor who have been injured on the battlefield. We need to prove to them that we are here to help them, but somehow I have a feeling our enemy has brainwashed them or spread lies and propaganda about us. Dismissed!"
The man left the room and sat down at a terminal, and carried out the Generals orders. Back outside, the battle was fairing quite well. A large majority of the flying bugs had been eliminated, and artillery had been repositioned to fire on the newly arrived dropships. Already, gunnery crews had begun to unload and set up Antivehicle and anti-infantry weapon emplacements to face the new threats...
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