View Full Version : *A Planet Lost Another One Gained: Drexel*

Jedi Amnde
Jun 28th, 2001, 12:49:44 PM
*A group of Jedi and Gungan travel through hyperspace in a group of Hapan Battle Dragons. Their home planet, Naboo, had been occupied by the Empire and the group was now in search of another planet they could now call home. They did not give up hope though that one day they would take back the planet of Naboo that so rightfully belonged to them.*

ooc: Thanks DV:) Sorry about that, my head wasn't all there went I wrote this.

Darth Viscera
Jun 28th, 2001, 01:06:49 PM
OOC: Not destroyed, occupied.

Jun 28th, 2001, 01:10:00 PM
*Grand Admiral Hexadragon of the currently small Gungan Fleet sat at the controls of the lead Hapan Battle Dragon as the stars flew-past the bridge at lightspeed with hyperdrive engines and thrusters at full. Their destination was not even generally marked yet...their primary goal as of then was to flee from Naboo that they had found was occupied by the Imperials, the hard way. They were heading northwest from Naboo the last time they had checked, towards the West Quadrant which was said to have areas within it that were completely unoccupied and explored...it was their only chance.*

*It had already been hours in hyperspace of flying blindly, and the notion of flying into an enemy's hands just couldn't be flushed from the minds of nearly everyone aboard those 3 Hapan Battle Dragons. The guidelines for a new home were pretty strict, consisting of primarily water on the chosen planet...but this was not a time to have standards pertaining where to go. The only aspiration that any had in their minds at that point was surving; nothing more, nor less.*

*After staring blankly into the stars and into the void of space for hours, while delved into matters more pressing than the last; the Grand Admiral turned to the leader, General Ceel, who seemed to also be in deep thought as he sat on a platform above Hex's.*

"Sir...it has been exactly 5 standard hours since we first made the jump for hyperspace. I recomend that we exit it to catch our general location so we do not fly ourselves straight into the outer-markers of the galaxy."

Han Skywalker
Jun 28th, 2001, 05:00:12 PM
*Han sat in one of th ehapan battle dragons wondering when they'd get to their destination*
*As a joke Han called up to Amnde*
"Are we there yet?"

Supremo Controller
Jun 28th, 2001, 05:09:45 PM
[Supremo Controller, a Gungan Warrior was sitting to the right of Han Skywalker in the Hapan battle dragon. Supremo turned to face Han and begins to speak to him.]

"Han Skywalker, would you please shut the hell up. We will be there in due time."

[Supremo Controller then looks to the left of himself and on the floor is a small brown bag with what seems a bottle in it. Supremo Controller opens the bag and takes the bottle out. The bottle (2 litre) is 3/4 full. Supremo opens the lid and drinks the bottle down to about 2/3 full.]

"This journey just wants to make me drink"

Han Skywalker
Jun 28th, 2001, 05:13:05 PM
"ah, i understand, you're drunk, plus the fact that gungans don't understand human humor, of course you wouldn't get teh joke" *Han mutters to himself, still seeing if either pilot would respond*

Jedi Skrape
Jun 28th, 2001, 07:25:25 PM
Amos Skrape, Jedi Knight, once fallen, did not travel aboard the Gungan Council Hapan Battle Dragons. As a protector of all and a protecter of peace, he did not think the use of three warships to settle a planet was of the light. He instead, travelled in a Custom Frieghter, that was slow. He was about an hour behind everyone else.

General Ceel
Jun 29th, 2001, 01:18:12 AM
*General Ceel awoke from his daze of deep thought to find Hex standing over his right shoulder, he caught him saying something about pulling out of hyperspace but that was all*

"Yes, very well. Proceed"

Jun 29th, 2001, 11:18:33 AM
*After nodding in accknowledgment tp Ceel; Hex returned to the controls of the Hapan Battle Dragon after instructing the Comm. Officer to send word to the other two that they were exiting hyperspace in exactly 3 standard minutes. Such a job would not usually require the Grand Admiral, or even an Admiral to partake in...but though their ships started with enough personnel to man them, some passed-on relatively quickly.*

*After posting a brief statement to the remainder of the crew, informing them of their jump into sublight space, the Grand Admiral put his palms on the hyperspace engine controls with a bit of hesitation at first....But soon, he quickly began to pull-back on them as the stars once flying-by the craft came into proper perception.*

*Immediately after this had been accomplished, Hex flicked-on the autopilot with a brush of his index finger; and turned-down energy allottment from the engines, to only give the craft 50% max sublight speed. Once this had been completed, Hex turned to his navigation officer to begin to map a course to a possible vacant sector of the galaxy.*

Gohan 88
Jun 29th, 2001, 01:00:43 PM
*Gohan stood up from his seat which was in the same room as Han's and Supremo's. He walked over to a small shelf in the room, and pulled out a small box. He walked over to his seat, which was right behind the Han and Supremo's, and he sat down. He opened the box, and looked at the contents. Inside was his lightsaber, which has father had given to him. The hilt of the saber was made of a Corellian Sand Panther's claw, and Gohan never went anywhere without it. Also inside of the box was a picture of his family, from when he was only eleven years old. He was standing in front of his father, and his mother was standing beside them. His mother had died in an Imperial raid, but his father had been able to escape, and they were able to jump ship to Naboo. On Nabbo, his father had died from medical reasons, and now he was having to leave Naboo. He might never get to visit his father's grave, ever again. And he swore to himself that he would never let that happen, and that the Gungans would get Naboo back.*

Khendon S
Jun 29th, 2001, 05:37:55 PM
Star Destroyer Group Three of Division Two of the First Guild fleet had be stationed in a sector near Kyrin, looking for possible threats from the Vong while the Erebus Command Class Art of War was being worked on. They had just entered the area, after being rotated in on the work schedule, groups were rotated weekly so they wouldn’t become to used to one area and slack off. Commander Orficile, Khendon’s left hand man, was in charge of this newly formed group. Under his command were the following ships:
DSD Death Advocate (The most distinguish ship in the fleet)
BC Brood Commander (Newly Commissioned)
BC Sun Tzu (Newly Commissioned)
IAT Tough Old Cridder II
FCF Fireball II
INT Picket Unification III
AC - Psychotic

The Commander stood on the bridge of the DSD, hands balled in fists at the small of his back, looking through the view port, and commanding his crew. “Sensors, hook up with buoy 11A9311 and begin downloading of sector information, do a hot splice and boost our own sensors with its, use active scanning to paint targets. I want to know of any ships in the area. As requested by article 78a of the Erebus defense fleet doctrine, enable the interdictory pickets gravity wells for one hour and launch a prophet escorted by TIE Executioners to do a detailed surveillance of the sector and do a breach into nearby sectors for three seconds.” The crew responded quickly, having been battle hardened.

“Aye, Sir. Downloading information from buoy now, splicing into its software, boosting scanners. We’re ready on my end.”

“Sir, Interdictory Picket Unification III reports that her gravity wells are online.”

“Commander, we have launched the requested fighters, they are beginning their reconnaissance flights as we speak.”

“Excellent.” Said the commander, loving the professionalism and quick response of the crew of the veteran ship. Suddenly, the sensors manager jumped out of his chair.

“Sir! Multiple targets of unknown origin in sector!”

“Commander, they are of Hapan design…” said the Target Acquisition officer in a slightly confused manner.

“Any ideas on why Hapan ships would be in our area?”

“None, Sir.” Replied one of the technicians.

“Comm., Open general hailing frequency.”

“Frequency opened, Sir. Go ahead.”

“Hapan vessels, stand down and prepare for inspection. Any resistance will be considered hostile and you will be disabled and boarded. You are in Guild restricted territory.”

Jedi Binks
Jun 29th, 2001, 08:06:00 PM
*Jedi Binks enjoys the solitude of his chair.He soon doses off into a deep sleep. A picture flashes in his mind...he see's his self, and other youth's on Naboo, playing in the thick forests. These memories of Naboo were all he had left. He was hoping, as were all of his comrads, to be able to enjoy another planet as they did Naboo, but he knew, it would never be the same. Suddenly he feels something...a disturbance in the force.He jumps from his seat...*

Jedi Skrape
Jun 29th, 2001, 11:00:52 PM
Skrape's slow YT-1300 exitted hyperspace an hour later than the three hapans. Boy, was Skrape suprised when he found out that more than just three Hapans were being used. With extreme disappointment in his voice, Skrape signaled the lead Hapan.

"Lord Hex, I am dissapointed in you... What this? OVER FIVE WARSHIPS to settle a planet with little sentient life? Why do we use such a brash display of power?"

Skrape's history still came back to haunt him. Now, he was passive with displaying the Force and power. This outright show of power disgusted Skrape.

Khendon S
Jun 29th, 2001, 11:26:05 PM
“Sir, new ship entering area, an outdated YT-1300.”

“Establish hailing frequency.”

“Aye, Sir, ready.”

“YT-1300, you are in violation of Guild space. Stand down and prepare to be inspected.”

Saace Falyk
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:42:56 AM
<font color=gold>*Jedi Master Saace Falyk had been stationed on the bridge of a second Hapan Battle Dragon, to command this ship. He had heard the message from this Guild, and had been pondering over the choices and options he and his friends had.*

*Becoming classified as hostile by Guild authority would not be a smart idea. Another possibility was to allow the inspection, and a third option allowed something different... but Saace ruled it out immediately. He would not even think about it again.*

<font color=gray>"I suggest we allow the inspection. We have nothing to hide."

<font color=gold>*Saace sent this message via the Force to all listeners aboard the main Battle Dragon, including, but not limited to Hex, Gohan, Binks, Scrape, Han and Amnde. Of course, there were others that would hear Saace's Force message, but it was perfectly fine if other Force-wielding comrades heard the message. There were no spies implanted inside their forces; they were too unknown to have the possibility of spies.*

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 30th, 2001, 01:28:02 AM
OOC: <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"> um...I am assuming this happens before the Cizerack trade fleet comes to Drexel?


Jedi Skrape
Jun 30th, 2001, 08:12:43 AM
"Guild Ships, this is Amos Skrape of the YT-1300 Dancer. I have no weapon systems aboard this ship. My engines are insignificat. My hull is a piece of patched metals. I am the lone passenger of my ship. You may inspect it if you want, but I assure you that there is nothing here."

A hint of Skrape's old brashness came to his voice.

Khendon S
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:11:04 PM
Commander Orficile looked at the craft in his space. One had just hailed him and he had received.

“Fighter Control, launch Black Thorn squadron and have them prepare for conflict. Fleet Command, order BC Sun Tzu to intercept the YT-1300 Dancer. Gunnery, bring weapons to full combat capacity. Helm, close to 3km distance from the Hapans’ craft. Comm., open channel to the Dancer.”

“Aye, Sir. Fighter Control launching Black Thorn squadron.”

“Aye, Sir. Fleet Command relaying orders to Sun Tzu.”

“Gunnery brining weapons to full combat capacity, Commander.”

“Preparing to close distance between our craft and the Hapans.” The entire fleet moved forward, engines glowing brightly in the dark void of space. The Commander watched on, slowly running his hands over his stubby chin.

“Comm. has opened requested channel.”

“Dancer, bring down any active shields or weapon systems. Prepare to be searched.” The BC Sun Tzu rushed forward, its weapons systems, shielding, and sensors at full power.

“Target acquisition, get me solutions on each craft.”

“Aye, Sir. Feeding the computer the data, we’ll have solutions in a moment.”

(OOC: Don’t worry Keerrourri, you, even if here, you are not in violation of Guild space, we have been seeking an audience with you, anyway, so we would not, detain you.)

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:41:14 PM
OOC: Well also, its hard to trade with a faction that was annihilated minutes before a trade agreement was struck. Hmm....

Khendon S
Jun 30th, 2001, 01:08:18 PM
(OOC: could we talk about this somewhere else so that we do not interupt this thread, my aim is "meroxxu" IM me if you have it or email me at "andrew@bewildrocks.com")

Jun 30th, 2001, 08:32:43 PM
*Hex had first heard Skrape's message...'five?' he thought to himself as he clicked the top portion of his fingernail against the communications unit to the right of the navigation center. Moments after this, Hex had just noticed the sensor officer seeming to be very confused as he looked in awe at the radar and sensor scans...an amatuer, it could have been nearly anything from a starfighter to an Eclipse Star Destroyer entering their radar perimeter.*

*Just as Hex left the communication and navigation center to see what the sensor officer was up to, he recieved both a message from an unknown frequency along with the seemingly confused Saace through the force simotaneously. Within moments...he had noted that their relatively small taskforce was about to be inspected under potentially hostile circumstances and people. By the readings on the radar...their fleet would have trouble standing in defense...and it seemed that gravity wells were blocking a hyperspace retreat; there was no other choice. Just as Hex was about to inform the entire ship of the dilemma they were faced with...he could see it very distinctly in their eyes that they had already been informed by Saace, also.*

*The shield defense officer aboard the bridge merely gazed at the Grand Admiral with a blank and dissimulated expression...the type that could tell one all too much for such a small gesture. With reluctance...Hex nodded his head down to the shielding officer because they both knew what was about to be done would be iminent either way they had took it. Starting with a strong buzzing sound, and quickly declining to merely all but a slight hiss in the shield generator compartment in the bottom cylinder disc of the Battle Dragon...the shield had been withdrawn for inspection.*

*Words had no use of being exchanged at that point...all that was needed to be transpired was a slight graze of the blackened shaft of Hex's lightsaber, demonstrating to the remainder of Jedi on the bridge that there was still one last hope if the unknown presence did intend to challenge their existence.*

Khendon, I am still a little unfamiliar with SWfan ship abbrieviations in the battleground...I would be much obliged if you would merely list the full names of the ships you have brought(with the abs.), so I can learn these.

Jedi Skrape
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:26:07 PM
Skrape killed all thrust to his freighter. He powered the slightly stronger shields of his freighter down to zero percent. He had no weapons on his ship, so he couldn't do anything about that. If he was to die out here in space, it was the will of the Force.

"Amos Skrape, powered down and awaiting boarding parties."

In his dark ship, he saw a squadron of Starfighters pass close to his cockpit.

Gohan 88
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:33:19 PM
*Gohan heard Saaces message, and looked at the small radar panel which was in all rooms. He saw more ships than they had started with, and he suspected something. He pulled his lightsaber out of the box, and clipped it to him. He closed the box, and put it back on the cabinet. He looked at the other two in the room, and then he left the room. He walked towards a lift, which would take him through many halls, and lead him to the bridge. He went up the lift, and continued down the hall, towards the bridge.*

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:13:31 PM
Several Korri battle galleons cut across the Imperial flotilla's approach vector, trundling in between the advancing force and the Gungans in Drexel's orbit. Further behind the two Cizerack warships, the rest of the trade force stood vigil in standard orbit, the large form of the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' dwarfing the other ships.

Six squadrons of Keerta fightergrapplers were scrambled, and they began to fly close escort of the approaching imperial ships.

A very to-the-point message was delivered to the DSD at the flotilla's vanguard.

jImperrrjial forrrcesss...jyou arrre jinterrruptjing jimporrrtant trrrade negotjiatjionsss. Pleassse rrreverrrssse courrrssse and move to the perrrjipherrrjy of the sssjyssstem. jIf jyou have jissssssuesss wjith the Prrrjide orrr ourrr Gungan cljientsss, thejy can be dealt wjith jin anotherrr fassshjion.

Khendon S
Jul 1st, 2001, 01:18:13 PM
The commander looked surprised, “Comm., open channel to Khendon’s strike force.”
“Aye, Sir. Channel open.”

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Khendon; but, we have been hailed to leave our patrol sector by a potentially hostile, but still lower class, fleet. We believe we can beat them, especially with the new Berillum Corvette, but…”

“You don’t want to risk it, understood. If you must, fight them, I’ll have a Star Destroyer division over to aid you in just a few moments, they’ll travel at max speed using their wormholes. I’m coming over in my personal craft, it has a faster hyperdrive and I’ll be there in a minute or two to command the action. Launch all of your Executioners and load them with concussion missiles. Khendon, out.”

The commander looked somewhat confused, Khendon would be sending eight Star Destroyers, a super Star Destroyer, and a group of escort craft for this one endeavor? He must have sense something through the force, though the commander to himself.

“All craft, shields up, launch Executioners with the previously stated weapons. Prepare swordfish for launch. We’ll handle this one way or the other. Open hailing frequency to hostile fleet.”

“Opened, Sir.”

“Hostile Cizerak fleet stand down and prepare for inspection, any hostile actions will force us to either destroy you, or disable you. In doing so we shall start a war with you, I know that not even you are prepared to fight a war against our allies and us. Our leader, Khendon, is coming here this very moment with a fleet large enough to wipe you off of the star charts. Don’t make us annihilate you.” The commander’s face showed all of his determination. He knew his fleet with its new technology could destroy the enemies, a few ion torps and mass cannon shots would rip through their hulls in an instant, but he wanted to avoid conflict, for he knew that Khendon was going to make a proposal to the unusual people, the Commander shook his head.

“Command, bring fleet into sphere formation, recall the BC Sun Tzu. Prepare for combat, sound general quarters. Order Sun Tzu to prepare its plasma cannons for combat.”

“Aye, Sir. Relaying orders.” A red light turned on all over the ship and sirens flared. Troops got out of their beds and started putting on heavy armor. Officers rushed to their stations, engineers ran all around the ship, and repair crews spread themselves out, preparing to fix any damaged sectors of the ship.

The Sun Tzu was a new commissioned Berillum Corvette that have all of the new technologies of the Guild, from the plasma cannon to the ion shields. She was a beautiful five hundred meters and could out gun any ship in her class, and even take on a Victory class Star Destroyer.

Khendon S
Jul 1st, 2001, 02:54:08 PM
(OOC: here's the fully spelled out list
DSD (Dominator Star Destroyer) Death Advocate
BC (Berillum Corvette) Sun Tzu (Guild design)
BC (Berillum Corvette) Brood Commander (Guild design)
IAT (Imperial Assault Transport) Tough Old Cridder II
FCF (Fire-class Frigate) Fireball II (GMA design)
INT Picket (Interdictory Picket) Unification III (GMA design)
AC (Abolisher Cruiser) Psychotic)

Xavier Flarenight
Jul 1st, 2001, 05:44:40 PM
(The personal fighter squad for the Commander was on standby, ready to deploy from the DSD's hangar anytime. Xavier and his 11 wingmen went to the hangar on red alert and boarded their TIE Executioners. The cockpits closed behind them, one by one, in unison. Xavier looked above at his cockpit closing and activated the systems on this ship, getting ready to fly out the hangar. They were given clearance to go ahead and head out the hangar. The Black Thorn squadron deployed from the DSD: Death Advocate. Commanded by Squad Captain Xavier Flarenight, the 12 modified TIE Executioners got into formation right under the DSD's hull. He arched his eyebrow and spotted the hostile forces around 2-3 km's away from their current position. Spotting a few stray asteroids in front of the Guild fleet, a grin appeared over his face. Moving to the right a bit, Xavier guided his ship using the yoke. Opening a special commlink to his wingmen a slight interference came in before he spoke.)

"Black Thorn Squadron, this is Xaiver speaking. Time to show them what we are packing. You guys read for some fireworks?

Black Thorn 3 - Jared Sheex - "Yeah, now were talking. Whats the orders captain?"

"Simple Jared. Lock and load your double gatlings and we are going to make a run by the asteroids ahead of us. Turn those asteroids into particle dust. Leave your missle payload alone, we might need it later."

Black Thorn 10 - Tom Kallax - "Way to go Captain, now this is what im talking about."

"Make sure you stay in formation and keep your hull fully shielded. Have the shields recharge rate at 100 percent. Although, if needed, the shields automatically adjust to oncoming fire, so keep that in mind. Lets do this."

(The 12 ships hit the full speed with the throttle and sped ahead of the DSD. Coming around the side of the asteroids, the 12 Black Thorns activated the 2 gatling rifles on each of their ships. Streaking across the planes of space, they stayed in formation and unloaded rapid laser fire on the floating asteroids. The laser fire sped across and slammed into the sides of the asteroids. Pieces of the asteroids quickly broke apart and were soon turned into nothing more then mere dust. The bright flashes from the exploding asteroids good be seen miles away if needed. The flashes reflected off the cockpits of the ships. The asteroids were dispatched in a matter of seconds. Another grin came across Xavier's face as the 12 formed back into their defensive position near the Guild fleet and DSD: Death Advocate. He opened the commlink to his wingmen again.)

"Good job men, now we shall await on standby until further orders are given out. Still keep your shields and weapons systems activated."

(The Black Thorn squadron stayed close by to the Death Advocate. Xavier was on full alert incase they were needed for combat. Narrowing his eyes ahead of him, he continued to watch the hostile fleet in the distance. His targeting computer was online as well as his wingmen's, awaiting patiently.)

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jul 1st, 2001, 08:38:35 PM
Sarrtarroa gestured his choice Admiral, Arreearruu, over to an enlarged operations console on the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's command deck. There, they began to disseminate the deployment of the Imperial flotilla. In the small picture at least, the Imperials were woefully outgunned here. Their strongest warship would be the DSD, and it would be able to bring to bear half the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's firepower...at best. The Huntress Admiral pointed out two ships of an unknown configuration. Sensors indicated their power to be comperable to a Korri battlegalleon. Arching an eyebrow, the Emissary asked Jasseeri to analyze the intelligence on those ships. Aside from those primary threats, there was an Abolisher cruiser and a Fire frigate. Neither posed an overriding concern, and could be overwhelmed as well, if need be. An assault transport and interdiction picket rounded out the flotilla, and were to be considered negligible.

Suddenly, a flare of light caught the Emissary's eyes, as a flight of trigger-happy Imperials vaporized a series of asteroids, in the path of several incoming Keerta fightergrapplers. Sarrtarroa stood, the lines of a frown beginning to crease his face.

Ssso thejy wjill now rrrattle the sssaberrr a whjile. Verrrjy well then. Let them do ssso.

At least the Cizerack pilots stayed true to their combat training. Instead of engaging out of reflex, they continued to fly very precise escort vectors, as close to the Imperial flotilla as they could risk. Good.

He turned to Jasseeri.

Admjirrral, have the Oorrrrrru'Gurrrrrre'Gurrrrrre' lead the fleet ssstrajight and ssslow towarrrd the jImperrrjialsss. Keep weaponsss deactjivated, but ssshjieldsss at maxjimum. Clossse to a djissstance of 500 meterrrsss. Let usss ssstarrre at them jin thejirrr wjindowsss.

At that distance at least, it would take no less than an act of a divine being to save the Imperials from a full-out Gorroka barrage, if the situation turned dire. Just a good precaution to make.

Khendon S
Jul 1st, 2001, 10:31:38 PM
Khendon had been discussing with Viscera and Keerrourri over an encrypted line. The two images nodded after Khendon had motioned the same gesture. “Khendon out.” He said, in a calm, happy voice. “Commander, you’re fleet is going home. I have canceled the First Fleet’s movement to this sector, even though it would have been interesting to show them our new technologies. I commend you on your quick thinking and grand actions, and you shall be rewarded.” Khendon saluted the Commander as his image faded and he went back to talking to the two other figures.

“It is settled then, Khendon out.” Khendon hit a switch and both images faded, he turned away, crossed his arms, and watched as his Star Destroyer Group entered hyperspace, Another type perhaps, Khendon thought to himself.

Jul 1st, 2001, 11:48:54 PM
*After several minutes of waiting in a deaf silence...the entire crew aboard the flag Hapan Battle Dragon became confused due to the fact that they had yet to be boarded and 'inspected', as the hostile-seeming presences referred to it as. Though he thought there would be no need to leave scanners or any system that may had seemed inconspicuous at first...his curiousity had gotten the better of him, and in a moment Hex had instructed his bridge officers to activate systems.*

"Interesting...already a half an hour in standard time has gone by...and we have yet to here even the slightest sublight engine in close perimeter."

*Within two standard minutes, at most, systems had become once-again fully operational, along with shields up at maximum power divertion. It was completely obvious at this point that the potential diplomatic relation faction which had been instructed to follow loosly behind for a treaty-signing on whatever planet the Gungans chose had indeed, been true to their possible diplomatic relations, let alone evolving friendship between the two kinds.*

*Much intrigued by the matter at hand; the Grand Admiral first signaled to the Comm. Officer to instruct all Gungan craft(on a secret line) that they were to also reactivate systems, and to set shields at maximum power. The Ralburn Sector, which had been vacant for some time, along as being slightly hard to find, would still be an admirable trek...but at least it was safe from the dilemma that was at-hand. And after intercepting the communications between the Cizerak and Guild...Hex had discovered that the Cizerak were truly there to assist the Gungans and Jedi within their taskforce, so it would be best for also them for the Gungans/Jedi to leave the hostile environment within the few clicks ASAP.*

"Gunnery Officer; confirm that weapons are online and go, just incase situations become extreme. Defense Officer; shields should be at maximum, along with the rotation of both spherical disks to partially nullify any shots which may penetrate the shields. Navigation Officer; begin to set a hyperspace pattern for just 3 clicks of here, Northwest at Gungan grid coordinates 63.235.234, which should be the shortest distance to the void of the inderdiction gravity well radius. And Communication Officers: I want the Cizerak to be informed of our planned location on the Gungan secret frequency; also inform the remainder of our taskforce flights, including two other Battle Dragons and a couple freighters of the evasion strategy on the secret line also...avoid any of our taskforce flights that may be, or have already been in the process of being inspected."

*Nearly out-of-breath from all the orders he had just ordered, the Grand Admiral returned to the pilot/Captain station of the craft to physically do the evasion tactics which he hadn't used since back in flight school. With the touch of a few buttons and dials, the Grand Admiral had powered the sublight engines, and had began to power the hyperspace engines in premeditation of their hopefull escape. The thrusters were also in check...which was also a positive on their side. In mere minutes, they would hopefully be in hyperspace, safe from inderdiction supression. And now that their position was covered by the Cizerak front...all that needed to be checked for the evasive operations was the Grand Admiral's wits.*

Saace Falyk
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:00:01 PM
<font color=gold>*The Jedi Master Saace Falyk had heard all the messages sent to his Battle Dragon from the flagship. Everything made sense, but the delay did not.*

<font color=gold>*Saace used the same secret line to communicate with the Gungan Flagship. Using this, there would be no listeners.*

<font color=gray>"Admiral, this is Saace. In preparation to be boarded, if that is still the plan, I suggest you have all units on standby. Have all sentries move away from the hangar and lock the hangar doors. It will be tougher to infiltrate the hallways through locked doors than to infiltrate the large, open hangar. Though I sense that we will not be encountered in a hostile manner, this would be the best approach to defense. We have enough Jedi and men to defend ourselves with. But be sure not to do anything that will appear to lead us to a fight: we just want to be ready if need be."

<font color=gold>*Saace ended the communications and returned to the window on the bridge of the Battle Dragon. Looking out at the trade fighters and the Imperial ships, Saace wondered why this was all taking so long. There were numerous possibilities, but they all seemed so far-fetched...*

Khendon S
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:16:14 PM
(OOC: Yeah, um... the Guild has left the sector, have fun.)

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:56:08 PM
Sarrtarroa watched the Star Destroyer group enter hyperspace. He smiled. It was as much of a victory as anything that could be weighed in tactical terms. The Cizerack had become a viable asset to everyone...even the Imperial fragment nations.

It would not be long before even they came to the bargaining table, to discuss lucrative trade negotiations. But in the meantime...

Helm, rrreturrrn the fleet to ssstandarrrd orrrbjit.

The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' and the seven Korri battlegalleons returned to Drexel's orbit, regrouping with the small massing of Gungan ships.