View Full Version : Open challenge to a Jedi Padawan......

Master Yurza
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:07:43 PM
As Yurza walked through the forest he decided to get a little bit of exercise, so he climbed a tree next to him and started jumping from one tree to another. He continued on like this for a while until the sun started to set. He then stopped and sat down on a limp and watched the moon begin to come out. He leaned back against the base of the tree and sat there think about the things that had happened in his left so far.

"This galaxy better be ready when I complete my training," Yurza thought outloud. He then heard a small rustle of the leaves below him on the forest floor and without looking down he knew that it was a Jedi but he could not tell who. So, the young Sith Disciple jumped down and landed in front of the new-comer.

"Well, well. What do we have hear? A Jedi? Tell me what is your name, that way I'll know whose family to send the flowers to."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:25:19 PM
Flowers? You wont be sending them any time soon.

Teka jumped up and met Yurza's face with a boot sending him flying backwards into the cliff side. He made a sidwards glance towards the fallen Jedi with a confused expression on his face.

You surely have become a cocky Sith Yurza. I beat you at the academy...

Teka lifted Yurza with the force, looking up at him.

And i'll beat you now

He slammed him into the rock face again, causing him to fall down onto the mudy ground, metres below. Teka waited for him to get up, and no doubt ignight his sabre. Teka smiled at the Sith. He was now, a fallen, fallen Jedi.

Master Yurza
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:40:10 PM
Yurza blinked a few times before getting up very slowly. When he was up, he wiped the mud away from his eyes. He then turned to his attacker.

"You are right. You did beat me when I was at the Academy Teka, but that was when I was weak and pitiful. Now I am stronger than I ever thought possible and my anger only makes me stronger so if I were you I would try and stay on my good side and not put up much resistance."

After finishing these words, Yurza used the Force to lift a rock off the ground and throew it at Teka. While Teka was busy with the rock, Yurza ran at him and threw a hard right fist into Teka's face sending him flying back. Yurza then let the rock drop to the ground and he spun around, unclipping his lightsaber and igniting it before stopping in his favorite fighting position.

"Come on you fool. Get up and fight me."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:11:36 PM
Teka sat on his heel with his other foot bent and on the ground, using a few fingers on the ground for support. He squinted slightly at the Sith Disciple.

Whatever you say..

Teka ran forward towards Yurza and jumped up booting Yurza in the face. From inside his cloak came Lionheart, and whilst Yurza was re-balancing Teka struck out. Yurza was only able to defend some of the strike and his left shoulder was bleeding, some smoke rising from the burn.

Wasting no time Teka immeadiately turned on his heel booting Yurza in the side of the head sending him to the floor.

So this is stronger than you could ever imagine? Wow. Get an imagination Yurza.

Teka lifted some mud from the cliff base, low enough to be hidden by one of the large boulders that lay next to it. Soon enough this small clump of mud would meet Yurza...face to face..

Master Yurza
Jul 2nd, 2001, 06:40:56 PM
Yurza got up from the floor and looked at his shoulder where blood was coming from. He could feel the anger in him rising, but instead of pushin it to the side as he had so many times before he embraced it and let it fuel him.

"Kudos to you for drawing first blood. Please allow me to return the favor"

He then ran to Teka and jumped into the air and summer saulted behind Teka and did a round house which connected with Teka on the left side of his head. It sent Teka down to the ground, just a few inches from where Teka's kick had knocked him at. He then ignited his saber and slashed at Teka leaving a wound similiar to his own Teka's right arm. He then waited for his opponent to get up before he kicked him in the gut and sent him to his knees.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:21:07 PM
Teka force pushed off the ground, straight towards Yurza, using the force for both speed and power. His right elbow stuck out and hit Yurza square on in the face.


Yurza stumbled back, one hand holding his now broken nose. Teka let out a sereis of two handed blows, before jumping off his left foot and kicking Yurza hard in the chest making him fly back, and hitting his head against a rock. Which no doubt did more damage the the initial kick.

Master Yurza
Jul 3rd, 2001, 03:31:00 PM
Yurza flew back against the rock and hit his head on it and blanked out for a few minutes. Then he regained focus and felt the back of his head to make sure that everything was where it should be. He then checked his nose, it was sensitive to the touch but it would heal. Yurza then stood up very slowly trying to focus as he stood. I've got to give him credit, he is a lot stronger than I thought at first.. Maybe it is time for me to kick it up a notch, Yurza thought as he gathered up all his strength and then used all the rage and anger he could find to call the power of the dark side to push the pain aside. With it he also cleared his vison and then he ignited his lightsaber and threw it spinning at Teka. He then used the Force to control the saber's movement.

"Ok now let's see how you fight a saber with no person behind it."

Yurza then used the Force to make the saber slash and cut at Teka.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 04:15:53 PM
Teka spun round and grabbed his arm as the sabre sliced through about 2cm of it. He smiled and then brought the thrown sabre up with the force, to his hand. Now facing Yurza with a sabre in both hands, he approached him with a serious look on his face. His head was down and his eyes were up. Both sabres were behind him in a tight grip.

Without thought or the time for it, Teka jumped up, into the air and made a double legged kick to Yurza's face. The kick sent him flat onto his back and he didn't move for a while. Two large boulders raised from the ground and made their way through the air towards Yurza. Each heavy boulder was placed on Yurza's ankles and Teka walked up to him. Positioning his feet on either arm, so Yurza could not move he made a series of movements with the two sabres. He crossed them over each other and brought them down to the neck of the helpless Sith. The sabres now covered all sides of his neck, that was not covered by ground. This Sith realy was helpless. If he moved..he would die.

Master Yurza
Jul 3rd, 2001, 04:42:20 PM
"Go ahead do it. No matter what hapens here now I have won. If you cut me down it is a sign of anger and agression seeing as how I am unarmed and defenseless and if you back down you are a coward."

Yurza laid there and waited for Teka's response to his statement. No matter what action he chooses now I have won, Yurza thought to himsefl as he readied himself for whatever action the Jedi would take.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:16:33 AM
Teka smiled at Yurza's response, and jumped back, watching his every movement. His reply was good, yet..unexpected.

Well then, Yurza. I guess you're going to be beaten..by a coward.

Teka waited for a response and an action. Still with a sabre in both hands he waited silently. In a half trance now, he knew everything that was going on around him.

Master Yurza
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:41:06 PM
Yurza moved ever so slightly as he got up. When he was up he felt his neck where the two blades had been. He didn't feel any major cuts but the beams had burned his neck. He turned and faced his opponent, his vision still a little blurry. He then remembered a trick that he did in the Sith's Sim.

"Letting me rise was a mistake Teka."

Yurza then focused all the energy he could to try and channel the power of the Dark Side through out his body. He let flow into his muscles and his eyes and ears. He let it increase his strength and give him some of his sight and balance back. Maybe he has beaten me for now but one day I will have my revenge, Yurza thought to himself as he prepared for his final assault. He couldn't hold this state forever but it would be long enough to make his grand exit.

"I hope you are ready."

He then watched as Teka tensed up as Yurza started moving towards him. Yurza leaped over Teka and kicked him in the back of his head. Teka went down to his knees, releasing his grip on Yurza's lightsaber. When he got up to look for Yurza he could see him running off in the distance. He had called his saber back to his hand and started getting out of there before Teka could do anymore damage.

"Be glad. You have one this one but we will meet again," Yurza called over his shoulder as he ran towards his ship.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 4th, 2001, 04:40:43 PM
OOC: You wouldn't have gottn your sabre back from a kick to the head


Damn right we'll meet again..

Teka shook his head. The one who had the arrogance to call him a coward was now running away. He would teach him next time. Teach him that lightening does strike twice.

Eve Siren
Jul 4th, 2001, 04:59:50 PM
"Umm ..."

-- A familiar voice came from behind. Eve clapped her hands, holding her helmet under her arm, leaning against her motorcycle. --

"Already recovered ? How is your knee ?"

Teka Kenobi
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:21:53 PM
Teka rasied an eyebrow and replied quietly, just loud enough for Eve to hear.

Much better. When the force is used properly it can do wonders.

Eve Siren
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:33:42 PM
-- Eve smiled slightly. A rare moment. --

"I'm glad .. uhh .. I mean, good for you. Are you ok from this fight ?"

Teka Kenobi
Jul 5th, 2001, 02:41:12 AM
Teka smiled and looked to the ground dis-ignighting his sabre. There would not be another fight. Not now.

Another of you're friends no-doubt. All mouth.

Teka looked the the floor, but then looked up quite quickly.

So..how are you?

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:49:49 AM
*MnT sighed as he stepped out from the shadows.. He had remained hidden from the senses of both his apprentice, Yurza, and of Teka..*

... I might congratulate you, Kenobi, but my apprentice's training has barely even started.. As such, he was not a proper opponent for you..

*He then turned to Eve and, with a smile, nodded a greeting.. Whom she chose to socialize with was none of his buisiness, he just hoped she would not let the sweet impossibilities of the Jedi ideals pollute her mind, if they were indeed brought up..*

*Finally, he turned, the black of his attire seemingly becoming one with the shadows, as he made his way out of the area, and left back for the Empire..*

Eve Siren
Jul 5th, 2001, 09:42:23 AM
Don't worry ... Eve gave a light smile to MnT as he left. Such a great man, she turned back to Teka and nodded slightly.

"I've had better days ... You ?"

Teka Kenobi
Jul 5th, 2001, 10:56:44 AM
Teka glanced in a confused manor at the man that was now leaving. He had come to speak twenty three words before leaving. Starnge. Teka realized what had been said by Eve and replied.

Today is getting worse. And I am sensing some of you friends are not...keen on me.

Teka grinned, all the time he was healing the wounds inflicted by Yurza. He wasn't entirely sure on what to do now. Which was strange. Fastening his cloak he looked back up at Eve, with a cold feeling about him.

Eve Siren
Jul 5th, 2001, 12:43:19 PM
"My friends think I need someone to watch over me ever since our fight. They seem to think I need protection, that's all."

-- Eve put on her helmet, to hide her gaze from Teka. She sat on her motorcycle, starting the engin. --

"Besides, won't your friends do the same for you if they knew you were in danger ?"

Teka Kenobi
Jul 5th, 2001, 01:09:21 PM
There are not always enough of us to show up on an instant. Sometimes we are by ourselves and have to accept it. At times my only ally is the fore, and I have to live with that. Our lives are diiferent and lead us in different directions. I dont know where i'll be in 6 corellian months times. But I'll be prepared. And most probably on my own.

Teka looked at Eve's helmet and smiled. He did not show the current state of his day through his body language.

I will not hurt you Eve. Not today.

Eve Siren
Jul 5th, 2001, 01:12:05 PM
"I know you won't, Teka."

-- Eve smiled through her helmet and put two fingers near her forehead in a salute. --

"Good luck, Mister Kenobi."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 5th, 2001, 02:40:22 PM
Teka bowed formally before standing and speaking.

You too, Miss Siren.

Teka turned and began his journey through roacky hillside of this planet. It was strange how he always seemed to meet people he knew at the same point, on the same planet, in the same system, in the same sector and in the same quadrent. He shook his head and began thinking in more philosophical ways. Maybe the day would get better..

Eve Siren
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:44:30 PM
"Careful .."

-- Eve watched the Jedi vanish and looked down. She had to stop being so sociable. She sighed, making the engin roar. She couldn't understand why she was so nice to Teka Kenobi. She just shrugged and left. --