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View Full Version : Standing on a cliff

Anbira Hicchoru
May 8th, 2001, 11:51:14 PM
:: Anbira stood, pondering what he was doing, where he had been, where he was now headed. He knew his dreams, but would they ever be anything more?

A tear falls down his face, as he gives the issue serious thought.

No...they would only remain dreams.

It was a thought that immediately broke Anbira's heart. He would never stop fighting. He would fight until he died. That was the hellish reality of it all. The life he wanted for those he cared about...it would never happen. Nobody could find the fortitude to swallow their pride, and lay down their weapons. Those who fought to increase their land, money, and influence...would continue to do so. Anbira had searched 35 years, hoping this was not true. He was wrong.

Reaching into his jacket, Anbira removed a small ring. It was made out of silver, not of gold. It belonged to Laija, so many years ago. Once, Anbira had thought of giving it to Lady Vader, when he felt safe enough to tell her he wished to marry her. He wanted to wait till it was right...but it would never be. There would be no peace to live happily in. War would always bite at their heels, and Anbira could not handle the pain of that.

Gripping the ring tightly in his hand, Anbira moved it to his mouth, kissing it. He was saying goodbye. Goodbye to Jubei, goodbye to Lady Vader, goodbye to Peace. Goodbye to his hopes and dreams, for he knew that he would never have them. He could not destroy enough, could not kill enough people to keep them from fighting, and he knew no words would ever solve the ills of the universe.

There was no way out. No win. No end to the nightmare.

With tears falling down his face, Anbira breathed heavily, and shouted to the night, so that only Eternity could hear him. ::

You are wrong! I can find Peace! I know where it is, at last!!!

:: With that, Anbira pitched forward, falling over the cliff. He fell 1200 feet down, until he landed on the sandy beach below. As his tortured soul drifted away to whatever Eternity held for him, his hand opened, and the silver ring rolled onto the sand. ::

Darth Viscera
May 9th, 2001, 12:16:32 AM
OOC: Mind explaining?

Anbira Hicchoru
May 9th, 2001, 12:23:56 AM
OOC: It would take too long to try, and there's just too much that goes into RPing this character for me to handle. Especially emotionally.

Leeloo Mina
May 9th, 2001, 12:54:42 AM
OOC-Yes, yes you did *points down to fire bird's post*

May 9th, 2001, 01:13:41 AM
Did I hear a request for a panning???

Sage Hazzard
May 9th, 2001, 01:36:11 AM
OOC - I could have killed you and you wouldn't even have to jump! lol

RIP I guess. The chapter of a truely great character has ended.

Anbira Hicchoru
May 9th, 2001, 02:33:06 AM
Was it a blessing or a curse, for such a tortured soul to be brought back into the realm of the living? Didn't it deserve finality?

:: A bright light flashes ::

Perhaps, and perhaps not. Fate's will works in an intertwining way. Nobody can see where any of her roads end. For Anbira Hicchoru...well...what was in a name, anyways? A soul was not a name. A history was not a name. A name...only words. It only takes a brush of paint to create a new work of art...

:: The light fades, and a broken man opens his eyes. The nameless man leans over, and coughs up a mouthful of blood. He opens his mouth to scream, but has no voice. He wants to sit up, but his body does not respond. He lays on the sand, listening to the ocean's waves, and watching the blood drip from his mouth and nose. His right hand twitches, and he feels something. A...ring. All he can think about is pain. Pain and loneliness. He wonders how he got where he is, and he wonders many other things as well.

He tries to cry out again, but all he gets is a gurgle from his ruined vocal cords. Turning his head, the nameless man glances down at his right hand, looking at the ring that glitters in the moonlight. It looked so beautiful. He held it tightly. It would be his only solace for hours. ::

OOC: This is for those who really needed and wanted me back, and for others who were upset. I want to RP as Anbira, but I don't want the pain associated with him from before. I hope I can reach a good compromise with this, and that everybody will be happy.

Darth Viscera
May 9th, 2001, 02:45:04 AM
The speeder shuddered to a halt, its repulsors struggling along the rocky terrain. Darth Viscera examined the readout on the craft's sensors, and he cringed as he glimpsed the broken man. His master would need his assistance, and he would be proud to give it. He opened the hatch of the vehicle, trailing a medical repulsorsled behind him.

Kneeling down near his wounded master, he whispered, "Do not worry, Master Anbira Hicchoru, I will get you the help you need."

It was not a difficult task lifting the battered body, and the repulsorpad hovered back towards the speeder. Viscera followed it, re-engaging the vehicle's drives. He would transport Anbira to somewhere safe.

Lady Vader
May 9th, 2001, 02:59:20 AM
OOC: O_O dear gawd... I think my heart just ground to a dead hault...

ok, I wanna say a LOT of things, but right now, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut cause I'm too much in a happy mood, and I don't feel like souring it (though I think it may be too late)...

I'll look at this tomorrow... if I have time...

Vice Hazzard
May 9th, 2001, 03:14:15 AM
Vice stood on the very cliff his Master had lept from. Sensing he was a alive he managed to contruct what could crudely be considered a..... smile. He had known all along his Master would live, could a man such as he die? Surely not.

Vice folded his hands, his overgrown cloak covered his skin. He trailed this newcomer who seemed to help his Master, he did not seem to be Jedi and Master Hicchoru could handle himself.

He had been there when his Master lept. His mortal presence was hidden by the overgrown Flora, but his Force presence was likely noticed. He had watched as the only man he could trust jump to what could only at the time be considered his demise. When he had jumped, Vice contemplated jumping as well, but he had seen his hand twitcing.... moving. He had grasped a ring. Dead men do not grab rings.

He still walked slowly, confident he could track the speeding other man. His arms still lay crossed as his sandals walked along the graveled cliff edge.

Darth Viscera
May 9th, 2001, 03:54:03 AM
The shuttle ride had not been smooth, but comfort was not valued to Darth Viscera as much as speed. The shuttle exited hyperspace over Byss, and DV made the necessary arrangements to travel through traffic control, and land on the planet.

The shuttle landed just outside their daccha, where Lady Vader was waiting, her force intuition obviously being put to some good use. Viscera disembarked, trailing the medical repulsorsled behind him, and bowed to LV.

"I believe I have found something that you lost, Mistress Vader."

Lady Vader
May 9th, 2001, 04:21:48 AM
*LV had been inside, tending to some comm-business calls when her instincts brought her attention back to her surroundings... something was amiss... something was wrong... she reached out with the Force... something was terribly wrong*

*not knowing what had inspired her to go, she made her way out of the daccha... as she stood there on the porch, a sleek shuttle began it's descent... she recognized it as DV's shuttle*

*she probed inside and felt DV... and someone else... she frowned... that someone else had a familier aura, and yet seemed so empty*

*she waited patiently as the shuttle landed and DV emerged from it, followed by a medical repulsorsled... who she saw lying on the sled made her heart sink to the pit of her stomache and she almost forgot how to speak*

*but she caught herself, her reason taking over her initial emotions of anguish*

Please, Viscera, bring him inside.

*as she led the way to the bed chamber, she took out her commlink and called a doctor she trusted... after she'd switched the comm off, she turned slightly towards DV*

Tell me what happened?

Darth Viscera
May 9th, 2001, 04:30:02 AM
Viscera sighed. What a horrible thing to have to report.

"Mistress Vader, my people recorded the incident. He was attempting to commit suicide."

He produced a datapad; a top-down view of Anbira Hicchoru, standing atop a cliff. Viscera pressed a button on the pad, and the clip began playing. Anbira fiddled with a small object for a short time-the image was not very detailed at this range-and then dove off the cliff, landing on the rocks below with a sickening crunch.

Lady Vader
May 9th, 2001, 04:45:37 AM
*LV kept her visage hard as stone, but a small twitch of the corner of her lip escaped as she watched the veiwer play Anbira's attempt at suicide... she reached her hand out and switched the veiwer off as it began to automatically replay... she'd seen enough*

*they reached the bedchamber and she and DV used the Force to lift him and place him on the bed... there, she applied a few healing ointments and bandages, waiting for the doctor to arrive*

*she looked at the broken and battered man she loved... he was alive, but, empty... she probed his mind, but there was nothing... he was Anbira, but all that had made him was gone... and it scared her*

*she looked at DV*

Thank you, Viscera, for bringing him home.

Darth Viscera
May 9th, 2001, 04:59:33 AM
Viscera dipped his head, replied, "It is my duty. Expect no less than that which I am obliged to do."

DV fought off the urge to faint, thought to himself, My my, Lord Viscera, when was the last time you slept? The answer came shortly, with hardly any clarity, Not recently.

"Might I make use of your guest quarters?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 9th, 2001, 03:27:21 PM
Dalethria's nightmares return this night as she slept next to her husband, Ogre, in their room at the Empire. The same sound of gun fire burned in her mind as the nightmare unfolded each and every time.

But then something wasn't right. The scene swirled into the splashing of water. She felt her mouth was full of sand and her body ached all over. Her eyes opened up and she was staring into up the face of a huge cliff. In her hand she felt a tiny object was rolling around inside her fist ...

.... that was when she bolted right up and screamed.


Anbira Hicchoru
May 10th, 2001, 08:28:45 PM
:: The nameless man's eyes opened, and he swam in a sea of bacta. The distortion of the bubbling fluid around him made it nearly impossible to see who was outside of the tank. The waves of pain were beginning to subside with the time in the tank, and he could almost fully move his arms and legs again. The buzz of pain and shadow of numbness still echoed through his body.

He reached a hand upward, feeling his throat. A large scar and some device were visible. His brow furrowed. What was this?

The nameless man suddenly grew nervous and uneasy, despising the confines of his bacta prison. He wished only to be well again, and to find out some things.

"Who am I?", he thought.

The man continued to stare at the outside, unsure of what waited for him there. ::

Miryan no Trunks
May 10th, 2001, 08:42:12 PM
*Walking down the halls of the Byss medbay, MnT found his stride in a rather hurried pace.. He had heard of Master Hicchoru's fall, and wished to see if he was alright... He had made his way there as quickly as possible, and had luckily managed to find his location almost right away.. As he reached the room Anbira was in, he looked in, and saw, by the sensors, that he was in fairly stable condition, but was also concious..*

*Not knowing whether he would be best to talk to Anbira, as he had only heard tales of the fall, MnT decided it probably could not hurt much, and entered the room...*

*As he looked, he noticed that the Bacta left the Master's form little more than a shadow.. He did not know if he would hear him through the tank, but felt talking through the force, or via telepathy, could be too much of a shock for now..*

... Master Hicchoru.. How are you feeling..?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2001, 09:15:14 PM

One of the few beings here that helped in the medical facility flew through the now opened, sliding door. The human hit the ground and slid across the floor until he stopped about a foot away from where Miryan, her Apprentice, stood.

Dalethria then entered and glared at the pitiful fool on the ground, "Next time, heed the words of his chosen Apprentice."

Her eyes then slowly moved up, looking past Miryan and at her Master in the tank. She never really knew anything about the Angel of Death. Just a Master Sith that Kat, her original Master, wished to face one day ... which cost her her life. After she faced him, then won ... she was lost and without purpose. A wanderer with no goals. He gave her that chance to learn and train under him and with the little time Dalethria has spent with him, grew to respect him.

Now she almost lost him. It had to be no coincidence that she dreamt of his suicide and knew to find her Master on Byss. No, it was the Dark Side calling to her to come her and be at his side in any form that he needed her.

She don't know how she found herself standing next to Miryan but her eyes remained on Anbira as she spoke, "Have you learned anything about his condition?"

Anbira Hicchoru
May 10th, 2001, 09:17:52 PM
:: He watched as two figures converged around his tube. A man, and a woman. The man seemed to be saying something, although he could not make out any words, only the muffled sound of speaking coming through the bacta.

In confusion and desperation, he placed a hand to the glass of the tube. What was going on??? ::

Miryan no Trunks
May 10th, 2001, 09:25:03 PM
*He turned his head slightly, so he could see his Master with his eyes turned.. He quickly cast a gaze back to the sensors, to reaffirm what he had seen, then looked back, and spoke..*

... He seems in stable condition, and I believe he's concious... He has not said anything, and I didn't speak to any of the technicians, as I couldn't be bothered with the hassle...

*Suddenly, He saw Master Hicchoru's hand press against the glass...*

... Perhaps you should speak to him via the force.. He seems nervous about our prescence, which leads me to the thought that he cannot hear a word of what we're saying...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2001, 09:53:07 PM
She let her emotions flow freely and reached out with her mind to touch Anbira's. Her voice was calm, soothing, not wishing to startle her Master anymore then he already was.

A hand came up and she pressed it up against the glass to where his was, "Master? It is alright, your home."

Anbira Hicchoru
May 10th, 2001, 10:03:08 PM
:: Upon feeling another's voice in his head, the man's eyes widened. Bubbles began rapidly escaping from his breathing apparatus, as he responded to what he felt in his mind. ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 11th, 2001, 12:47:06 AM
She broke the link, her eyes wide with confusion to what occurred. It was like her Master didn't know what was going on at all ... and perhaps ... didn't recognize her?

No ... impossible. It was just trauma from his near death. That had to be it.

Miryan no Trunks
May 11th, 2001, 01:19:11 AM
*MnT watched the Master struggle somewhat in the tank, obviously in complete shock at what was happening... Closing his eyes, he calmed his mind, and made his own attempt..*

" ... Please, Master Hicchoru.. Try to calm yourself.. We're here for you... "

Lady Vader
May 11th, 2001, 04:59:39 AM
*she looked at DV, as some medical assistants came to take Anbira to the medbay within thier daccha*

Yes, Viscera. You most certainly can use the guest quarters for as long as you like. You are my guest.

*she smiled and called a small droid to lead him to the guest quarters situated on the other side of the building... once he'd left, she went straight to the medbay... on the way there she received notices from two other Sith, wishing to be admitted... she gave the permission and entered the medbay*

*there she watched as the medical personel placed Anbira in a bacta tank, and went off with the doctor to discuss the case... she had a sinking feeling she knew what it would be, but she hoped fervently against all hope that her gut instinct was wrong*


*about a hour later, LV emerged from the doctor's office, her face showing signs of fatigue, not so much because she was tired, but because of the news she had just received*

*coming back into the medbay, she found Anbira still in the bacta tank, with the two Sith she had allowed stadning around the tank... she stood back watching as Anbira regained consciousness, confusion and fear rolling off of him, two emotions she was not used to feeling from him*

*almost right away, the two Sith tried to communicate with him... she understood there need to help him, for he was their comrade... but she knew it would be futile... the man they'd known was gone*

*but the doctor had given some hope... he could regain bits of his memory given the chance to walk among familier faces and places... but it would take time and patience... lots of time and patience... something of which LV had abundance for when it came to Anbira*

*she stepped forward towards Dalethria and Trunks as they seemed to despare at their apparent lack of communication with Anbira... she gently placed a hand on each of their shoulders and spoke softly*

Thank you for coming. Your presence here will indeed help with the healing, but it will take much time and many hours, days, months...

*she closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them*

even years of patience to bring back the man we know as Anbira.

*she got confused looks from both of them... she sighed*

Anbira has a severe case of amnesia. The doctor said he's incredibly lucky to have even survived.

*she looked at the man floating in the tank, and her face softened, resignation setting in to what was done*

He doesn't remember who or what he is. He has all his abilities, but he knows nothing of it. He doesn't remember a thing; not his past, not you, not the Order or the Empire, not his son...

*she stopped, caught on the remaining words... she grit her teeth, and bit back the lump in her throat... removing her hands from the two Sith's shoulders, she stepped forward and placed one on the glass of the tank... she looked at him, her eyes soft and unmenacing, yet he still cringed slightly, confused and frightened*

not even me.

*it hurt... it was tearing her up inside... yet she could not let it take over her... she had to remain strong... once, not too long ago, she'd told Anbira that she'd be his strength when he felt his failing... she had to be that strength now*

*with a sad look, she slowly removed her hand from the glass and turned to the other Sith*

He needs rest right now. His body went under a lot of trauma with the fall. He should be allowed to mend.

*she smiled at the two Sith*

Our daccha has a large section where guests may stay. If you wish, you may reside here for the time being.

Darth Viscera
May 11th, 2001, 05:35:13 AM
"His chosen apprentice? When did this occur, after he teetered on the verge of dying by your hand?" Viscera scoffed, standing by the entrance. Upon hearing the commotion, he had wandered off from his quarters despite his fatigue, and the blasphemous words still echoed inside him. Make way for his chosen apprentice! spoken by the murderous woman. How long had she stood steadfastly by his side, endured his neglect? Had she attempted to reunite him with his son?

"Now is not the time for your antics. Leave him be."

Miryan no Trunks
May 11th, 2001, 07:10:25 AM
*Standing there, staring blankly at the tank, MnT was in thought about what Lady Vader had said...*

... Amnesia... It's so strange thinking that a man so powerful could wind up suffering from such a condition.. Although tis miracle enough that he survived the fall.. I imagine it really isn't all that great a price to pay for his life...

*He turned his head over to LV and spoke..*

... I thank you for your hospitality.. If it would not be a bother, I would like to stay around for a while, and do what I can, if anything, to help with Master Hicchoru's progress..

*He began to step away, but then caught himself, and added*

... And do not think of the situation, as having lost Master Hicchoru... To believe that would be to give up hope.. Instead, know that he's in there, just unable to come back right now.. True, it may take a long time, but there's no point in deciding it will never happen, and giving up on him.. ne..?

*Suddenly, Viscera's words bit through the room, and MnT turned on him, all the emotion running through him quickly turning to anger and annoyance..*

<h2>Viscera, Shut Up!!!</h2>
*Closing his eyes, MnT could sense everyone looking at him in shock.. It was rare that MnT gave way to outbursts like that.. He calmed himself, before continuing...*

... This is Not the time to start petty arguements... Master Hicchoru needs All of us and our support right now, and being pissed off at one another is not going to help in the least...

*MnT shook his head slightly at himself, then spoke once more..*

... I'm sorry.. This is just not a good day...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 11th, 2001, 12:01:24 PM
OOC~ If your going to quote me, do it right. I said "Next time, heed the words of his chosen Apprentice." :p

IC~ She merely smiled at Viscera, ignoring the lack of respect shown to her ... being of higher rank, "Yes your right that it happened after our fight and I never speak lies about what my Master has said to me."

Dalethria was going to bring up the fact of who held Shenlong's Fang but decided against it. It wasn't the time to verbally spar with Viscera. Then Miryan broke cried out, enraged. She could not blame him, Viscera always had a way to annoy and upset his fellow comrades.

She placed a hand on Miryan shoulder and turned to Lady Vader, "I had a vision of his ... attempt. That's why I'm here."

The pain of everything that led up to the point of Anbira taking her under his wing reflected in her eyes, yet was only so small compared to what Lady Vader was feeling, "I'll do all that I can, no matter how much time it takes to bring Master Hicchoru back to us. Weeks, months, years. I don't care what it takes. I won't loose another Master again."

Lady Vader
May 12th, 2001, 04:35:16 AM
*LV was about to admonish DV, when MnT's outburst came forth... she didn't blame him, and she knew DV knew better... she would let it pass... a fire could not continue to grow if it wasn't fueled, and she would not fuel this one*

*holding a hand up to forstall anymore arguing, she looked at them all in turn*

Thank you, Dalethria and Trunks for your support. Believe me, it is most welcome.

Viscera, please, do not start anything that will cause arguing while under my roof. That is my only request.

*she felt tired... it was due to the anguish she felt, but it couldn't be helped... she just had to deal with it and keep moving forward*

Miryan no Trunks
May 13th, 2001, 11:41:16 PM
*Letting his eyes wander slightly around the room, MnT realized that his vision was less than acute... *

... I guess I should get some sleep if I can... It's been a few days, my body's obviously starting to lose eficiency...

*He turned to LV, and, seeing the pain in her eyes, hesitated a moment, before asking..*

... Lady Vader... It is getting rather late, may I ask where the guest area is..?


*In his room, MnT lay on the bed, his mind deep in a restorative meditation. His mind was fully awake, while his body slept... Through the window, the bright red sunset cast it's glow into the room, and across him.... Deciding his body was rested enough, MnT took in a deep breath, held it, and then released, turning his head to face out the window.. As he opened his eyes, he thought to himself.. He could not just sit in here and do nothing... He could think well enough, but there was a deep anxiety in him as well, that recquired his body to be moving around as well...*

*He sat up, looking out the window to the field 4 stories below.. It would do.. Getting off his bed, MnT took off his trenchcoat, removing a pair of nunchaku from the inside first, and folded it, leaving it on the bed.*

*Walking over to the window, MnT opened it, and took in the slight breeze that worked it's way into the room.. Suddenly, he pressed off, leaping out, and descending down to the ground quickly...*

*Absorbing the impact of the landing with his legs, MnT struck out with the right Nunchaku, letting the durasteel shaft circle freely through the air, before retracting his arm, and catching the other end between arm and torso.. Straightening his legs, MnT got into a battle stance, and began practicing with the weapons... He had not in a long time, and as such, this was good for him...*

OOC: Just so this doesn't leave anyone thinking "huh? what're we suppossed to say to that?" it's a good opportunity to come out and talk, or whatever you have in mind ^_-

edit: ttt. Don't want to see this thread come to an end.. :P

Lady Vader
May 19th, 2001, 04:48:21 AM
OOC: *crosses arms and taps foot* am I gonna have to end this one the same way I did the Shodan thread? *raises an eyebrow*

Anbira Hicchoru
May 23rd, 2001, 10:33:22 PM
:: His eyes clamped shut, from the voices speaking in his head. On reflex, he held his hands to his head, banging his forhead against the sides of the bacta tank. Dalethria, and LV suddenly felt his voice in their minds ::


Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 23rd, 2001, 10:44:54 PM
The force of Anbira's mind entering into her own caught her completely off-guard and Dalethria fell to her knees. Shaking her head quickly to remove the cobwebs, her ponytail whipping to one side as her eyes locked on the nearest droid by the tank.

"Remove him from that tank NOW!!!"

Anbira Hicchoru
May 23rd, 2001, 10:52:16 PM
:: The once-nourishing bacta had now become a confining and confusing prison for him. He tore his breathing mask off, his breath escaping in a maelstrom of bubbles, as he pressed his hands against the glass.

A low rumble precipitated a split second before the man generated a shockwave with the Force, blasting his bacta tank apart in a loud bang. Crashing glass and splashing bacta filled everyone's ears, as the exhausted man dropped to his knees, breathing in the fresh air as he coughed up bacta. ::

Vice Hazzard
May 25th, 2001, 02:36:03 AM
OOC - I wish to join in this thread if at all possible. I feel I should ask permission first. And is the place you are at a secret? Would my character know where to find you? Is he allowed here?

I would ask these things through E-Mail, but I lost your address Anbira, sorry. :)

Lady Vader
May 27th, 2001, 09:54:15 PM
*LV staggered at the force of Anbira's voice tearing through her thoughts... both she and Dalethria experienced the same shock at the same time... she could only surmise that she had received the same forveful command*

Remove him from that tank NOW!

*LV looked momentarily at Dale at the same moment she spoke the exact words... then the tank exploded*

*LV had barely enough time to shield herself in a Force bubble before shards of glass went flying... the bacta flooded everywhere and Anbira fell to his knees gasping for air as he was released from the blue-liquid prison*

*she moved instantly, stopping just short of him... she watched him catch his breath and then bent down to be level with him... she looked at him and offered a hand*

Welcome to ou-- *she caught herself... he wouldn't remember... she didn't want to further confuse him than he already was*-- my daccha. You are on a planet called Byss. We are all friends here. We only wish to help you.

*she couldn't remove the pleading in her eyes... but she kept her hand steady towards him... she was prepared for him to take it or ignore it... but she would not give up on him*

OOC: it's so fun editing absolutely nothing :rolleyes:

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:08:28 PM
OOC: Planet Byss, VH. BTW...email's loungelzrd@aol.com


:: He began to stand, and although his body had not fully healed, he could move around. The rest would take time.

Blinking away the bacta, he looked at the people around him. Opening his mouth to speak, he heard a voice that was not his own. ::

<font color=3300CC>...uuuu...</font>

:: His hands felt to his throat, and to the small device on his neck. It was an artificial voicebox. Gulping, he tried to use it...to form words to speak to the strangers around him. It sounded so...artificial. ::

<font color=3300CC> W-we. Who is "we"? </font>

:: Standing fully upright, the man reached for a black robe, hanging by the remnants of the destroyed bacta pod. Covering his body, he kept his eyes locked on the woman who had addressed him. ::

Lady Vader
Jun 6th, 2001, 10:19:02 PM
*LV blinked a few times, trying to form words and understandable sentences in her brain... she looked down to the floor for a moment, absent-mindedly watching the small cleaning droids tend to the broken shards and liquids from the bacta tank... when she looked back up to answer Anbira's question, she saw the doctor hurrying to his side, no doubt to put him to bed... she held up a hand, stopping the man with a small Force wall... the doctor stopped, confused at first, and then resigned himself to stand there until allowed to continue his work*

*she opened her mouth and then shut it... how was it she was having difficulty speaking?... it bothered her, and yet, even though she'd asked herself the question, she already knew the answer*

*she sighed and addressed Anbira, gesturing to the various persons as she spoke*

We... myself, the men and woman behind me, the doctor...

*a small padding was heard at the doorway as a large, black feline head peeked around the corner... she couldn't help but smile... true, Iesis was her companion, but through the years, the large cat had become fond of Anbira*

the cat... and so many others.

*she stopped, not sure of what to say next... so, she just said the next best thing as though she were talking to a guest*

Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need anything?

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 7th, 2001, 11:00:58 PM
:: He looked at her...his brow furrowing. Suddenly, he backed away from her, and the others, his eyes shifting from person to person. Gritting his teeth, he winced as a wave of pain washed through his body, as he was still not fully healed from whatever had befallen him. Feeling at his neck again, his hand touched the small device. A scowl etched his face, as his lips parted. He rasped and choked, the scant vibrations in his throat being interpreted by the artificial voicebox, and translated into a manufactured voice. The man's choked breath and the voicebox's ominous timbre played in tandem, sounding somewhat chilling. ::

<font color=3300CC>What_have_you_done_to_me?</font>

Lady Vader
Jun 7th, 2001, 11:45:10 PM
*LV looked at him, slightly confused as he began to back away... she could see the pain etched on his face and coming forth from him... it hurt her, but she had to block it to asnwer his questions*

*she raised a hand, pleading*

Please. Stop moving. You are not completely healed yet. You need time to rest.

*she bit her lower lip*

And we have done nothing to you except bring you back from certain death.

Vice Hazzard
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:35:16 AM
Vice lost track of his Master's trail long ago. He could no longer detect his signature through the vast space before him. Desperate to find him, he remembered the power of the Dark Side.

He dug up his emotions, his hate. He thought of the vile pool of DNA he sprung from, how he would right the never ending wrong. His anger consumed him, making him shake without want. He tapped his fingers on the NavCom's input buttons, his eyes wielded shut by emotion. He gripped the warp drive's handle, his hands hurt from his own strength, it was alarming. He threw the lever down.... His anger dissipated and his eyes opened, star lines filled the screen. He looked to the readout monitor to see what co-ordinates the Dark Side willed him to input... He noticed it immediantly, Byss.

* * *

He had searched the city hours before with his eyes. Vice had also relised his stupidity hours ago. He was not adapt to dealing with people, any people other then his Master. Asking for directions was a task withen itself. He walked aimlessly, the anger in his rising once again. He had been walking for thirty minutes in an odd pattern, seemingly with no goal. He had to stop and rest along the way, the Force draining his strength. When he opened his eyes again, a door was in front of him. He had trusted the Force this far, he had to take the last step.

His Master wanted him to practice his skills as much as possible. So instead of knocking he decided a new approach. He layed his hand, palm and fingers spread, inches away from the door. As his hate resurfaced the door shuddered making the crude sound:


Vice smiled, and along with that the hate vanished, repeled by his happiness at his task done.

Miryan no Trunks
Jun 8th, 2001, 04:22:32 AM
*Having heard the crash from outside, MnT had hastily returned inside, and had just been passing through the main foyer when he heard the door come alive with loud banging... Turning towards the door, and before feeling out with the force, MnT concluded that whoever was knocking was indeed a force user.. There wasn't the sharpness of knuckles hitting in the sound.. He hurried over, and opened the door.. Seeing who stood there, MnT sighed a slight breath of relief.. He did not know the man personally, but knew enough to know that he was at least a fellow Sith..*

... If you're looking for Anbira, I'm heading there now..

*He then dashed off to the right at full speed, knowing that the other would be able to find Anbira via the force, of not able to keep up..*

*Finally having reached the room, MnT slowed down.... He could feel the prescence in the room, and knew that Master Anbira was awake.. to come tearing into the room could not possibly cause a good reaction... He walked in, perfectally silent, looking around as if hoping for an explanation, but knowing it wasn't really his place to ask for one.. especially given the circumstances..*

Edit: changed some stuff, and

OOC: ĦO_O at viscera's post

Darth Viscera
Jun 8th, 2001, 06:08:05 AM
Viscera sat awake, noting with a touch of contempt the spartanly decorated guest room. Not fitting for a ruler of the Empire, he thought. Not at all. They do not respect me. They will pay for that.

He knew that his thinking was indeed not at all sound. When had he slept last? Many days, perhaps a week. Perhaps two. His thoughts drifted, began to dwell on the obscure Sith who had shouted at him earlier, had not even bothered to introduce himself first. What had that person done that allowed him to speak so defiantly to Viscera? What Empire had he reforged from countless planets of rubble? Angered thoughts now. Had he not been in the presence of Anbira, his wife, and the one-time traitor Dalethria, he might have tried to kill that Sith for his insolence. He would have enjoyed that. What sort of facial expression would he adopt as he was force-fed his small intestine? He wondered. The crack of his severed spine would have been a good sound to hear indeed.

Enough! These Sith are an odd group, some very similar to the Dark Jedi which they profess to despise. Elitist and arrogant, presumpsuous and insolent. The less experienced ones, similar to a rabid monk. Thirst.

He grabbed at a cup of water, drank. The taste was putrid, as if it were swill. The cup levitated up and away from its position near the glowrod-lamp, shattered into a thousand pieces as it was flung into the wall. Viscera stared at the point of impact, his gaze cold and unmoving, gruadually descending into an alpha state of awareness, until he could no longer identify the exact point on the wall which he was staring at. Anger, yet again.

He shouted at the top of his lungs. A glorious, maniacal odd sort of chortle which shook him. He turned his gaze to an object in the room, a table fastened to the floor but a meter in front of a small closet. He fixed his gaze, stared intently, the anger flowing through him once again.

You are my enemy! You are the cause of this needless torture, and for that, I shall kill you.

Prudence. He composed himself. He reached out, attempting to sense Anbira in the residence. Confusion. Damn it all!

Without knowing it, he closed his eyes, and drifted off to a light sleep.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 8th, 2001, 01:59:50 PM
:: He watched as another person entered the room. They began to stand around him...as if to cage him in. His breathing quickened as he looked back to the woman ::

<font color=0099CC>How_a-am_I_supposed_to_believe_you? For_all_I_know, _y-you_may_have_been_responsible_for_my_injuries! </font>

:: He backed away from everyone ::

<font color=0099CC>Stay_a-away_from_me.</font>

Vice Hazzard
Jun 9th, 2001, 02:20:24 AM
Vice was short of breath as he sprinted the way to Master Hicchoru. The one who greeted him was faster than him. He specialised in telekenisis and imagery of the Force currently, so he was not able to run as the other had done. Vice did it the old fashioned way, running his tail off. He also was not physiclly apt by any means.

As he entered he heard the words his Master spoke, bewilderment came over his face.... Then from his own twisted views came false clarity. He charged in front of the group, spun putting his back to Anbira, and yelled at the crowd.


He knew many of them could kill him with a thought, but he had surrendered his fear for power long ago. He was loyal only to those his Master told him to be loyal to, and at the moment he seemed to be against them, so Vice was as well.

"What have you done to my Master?!"

He said as he clutched at a dura steel, retractable staff, clipped onto his belt. After seeing they weren't answering him as quickly as he would like, he unclipped it as he pulled it away from his belt, anger in his eyes. With a press of a button the staff sprung to it's full size, about the lenght of a double bladed lightsabre, blades ignited. Except this was pure durasteel, and hard at that. He held the one end in a reverse grip, the rest of the staff running diagonal up his back. His right hand, not holding the staff, outstreched his hand. His index finger and middle finger were extended to the sky, the rest of his fingers angled towards his palm.

He had seen his Master jump of his own free will. He knew what he had witnessed. But at the moment his Master was indicating otherwise. Vice was always at his Master's aid, even if the man seemed unstable. Vice could detect a part of Anbira missing, or more like "hidden". But he didn't give it a second thought, all that mattered was his Master's wishes.


Lady Vader
Jun 9th, 2001, 11:40:25 PM
*everything was happening too fast... everything... no one was understanding... everyone was jumping to conclusions... confusion, fear, anger... they all ripped through the air in the room and it suffocating her thoughts*

*she closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists so hard, small dropplets of blood began to seep through her fingers as her nails dug deeply through her leather gloves and into her palms... she grit her teeth behind her closed lips... she stayed like this for a moment, before opening her eyes... her palms she opened and place face to face to each other... a small light shimmered from in between them... when she seperated her palms, the cuts were gone*

*attempting with all her might not to lose her patience, she took two large steps to stand face to face with Vice, and placed a hand on his weapon's hilt... she looked him deep in the eye, penetrating his thoughts and spoke to him via the Force*

We have done nothing to him! He nearly killed himself after attempting a suicide jump off a cliff! We brought him here to OUR daccha to heal him and do what we could for him! His injuries were extensive! He remembers nothing... NOTHING! He doesn't know who I am, who you are, or anyone else!

*her eyes hardened slightly*

By rushing in here the way you did, you may have made a delicate situation even more fragle than it was before! Have you learned nothing while under Anbira's instruction? Assess the situation FULLY before rushing in with guns blazing... because when one rushes in without thinking, one dies!

*she sighed and softened her voice*

Now, put your weapon away and go stand with the others.

*at this point she opened her mind to the others in the room, excluding Anbira*

Please, all of you, don't crowd him. He's feeling very much like a caged animal, and this could prove to be bad. We need to give him room. Dalethria, you will stay with me. MnT and Vice, I request that you go to the Greater Jedi Order under peaceful conditions. I would like my son Jubei brought here to Byss. Request it from the Jedi. And remember: this is a "white flag" mission.

*all this communication transpired quickly, and only seemed like a few seconds of silence to Anbira*

*when Vice reluctantly moved out of her way, she gave Anbira her full attention*

I told you before, I have no reason to deceive you, or even injure you in such an inhumane way. I would rather die, than do that. As it is, if I could trade places with you at this very moment, I would do it in a heart beat.

*she was rapidly becoming frusterated and impatient, such was her personality... yet, she kept the sounds of both emotions from her voice*

But, you still do not believe me. I can see it in your eyes. Very well then. Do you require proof, something visual, to why you are in this condition? Is that what you want? Proof that I am not lying? That we did not inflict these injuries upon you?

*she raised an eyebrow, looking at him, waiting*

Vice Hazzard
Jun 10th, 2001, 01:45:43 AM
Vice clenched his teeth as he retracted his staff. He was acting a fool, he knew so, but he was young. His Master was all he had, he was the only father he had known. Seeing the emotion in this woman's heart.... Love? Was it love? Surely the Dark Side would banish such a feeble thought, love. He clipped his staff to his belt and sighed.

Had she said that Master Hicchoru would not who he was? Parish the thought, the woman must have gone mad. Seeing the passion she had for the man, and knowing the extent of his Master's abilities first hand, he did as told. He would go and retrieve the one called Jubei... The first mission he had ever been handed, and by a Master of the Force at that, he must be progressing in the world.

He knew that his Master had done what the lady said, he knew this in his heart. But it must be a.... TEST. Yes, that's what it must be. Vice tricked himself into believing his Master was testing him on his first mission. He had to go find the son of Lady Vader.

He bowed slightly to Anbira, but in a way not to intrude on the woman's and his conversation. He went to his partner on this mission and grabbed his arm, spinning him away from the commotion slightly, and rather rudely. Vice had never had lessons in personal relations.

"Let us leave, as we have been told. Our success is more important then our own trivial wants. Come."

He left, dragging the other slightly.

OOC - I'm going to start a thread in the GJO Bar and Grill MnT. That way we can RolePlay what happens. I suppose after we get Jubei we can return to this thread with him. Look for the thread, if you haven't already started one.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 10th, 2001, 03:28:29 PM
With Anbira's outburst, Dalethria had no idea how to react. Something that was deep ... buried, inside her had come back when she accepted the new life that her new Master was offering her. It was a feeling that she thought was destroyed the night she learned her grandfather was killed.

Thank the gods that Lady Vader took control of the situation and she remain quiet. She really wanted to rip Vice's throat out but it wasn't her place. This wasn't her home and Lady Vader held higher rank ... but she had to admit she was pleased to hear that he would be leaving. Not only to be rid of the impatient and impudent whelp, but her own Apprentice would do well to prove to her and Lady Vader of his worth.

She simply bowed when her name was mentioned and watched, waiting to see the reaction from Anbira to Lady Vader's questions.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 23rd, 2001, 05:07:36 PM
:: Using Vice and Miryan's departure as a distraction, he turned toward the far wall, outstretching a hand. Commanding the Force, he sent a shockwave that shattered the masonry outward, blowing a hole in the side of the room. It was his chance to escape. Using force-augmented speed, he raced out the aperture he created. As he fled those whom he did not know, he spoke ::

<font color=0099CC>Do_not_follow_me.</font>

:: The last he could be seen was running toward a landing pad located half a kilometer from the daccha ::

Lady Vader
Jun 26th, 2001, 02:59:52 AM
*LV watched in frusteration and growing anguish as she sensed Anbira calling the Force to him... she watched as he blew a hole in the daccha; ironically his own daccha, but he had no memory of that*

*she took a step forward as he dashed with Force speed toward one of the landing pads nearby, then stopped short at his command... she snarled, balling her fists, fighting the urge to race after him... but she knew if she persisted at this time, it would only make him want to run more from her*

*she stepped slowly to the large hole and watched as Anbira disapeared over a small hill... with an ear-shattering howl, a howl not of anger but of grief, she slammed her fist into the crumbling wall repeatedly... she was beginning to lose hope and had to tell herself this was only the beginning... not much could be expected at the start... and yet, she was hurting... never before had she been so attached to something and never before had she thought she would feel such pain... life all of a sudden seemed bleak... she realized at that point if she lost either Anbira or Jubei, she would go mad... she blinked... she hadn't realized she'd become so attached*

*she shook her head... it had been so easy to live before with no attachment to any other being... just living to fullfill her duties as a Sith... but now, there were attachments that had come during life's many unexpected turns... she had always thought she would lose Anbira through death... now, this was worse, having him alive and not remembering her... she began to wonder if she would be able to handle what life would bring next, if it turned out to be what for a long time had been her worst nightmare: losing the one she loved... yet, *

*gritting her teeth, she grabbed her comlink and called on it to the landing pad and then to Byss traffic control, still watching out through the hole... she ordered both not to hinder Anbira's flight... she would not have him stopped... he needed to find himself again, and in order to do that, he needed space... and goodness only knew there was plenty of it out there*

*next she called to the daccha's personal landing bay and ordered her ship, Cat's Claw preped for flight... she would not have him go without watching him*

*placing her comlink back at her belt, she took a deep breath and turned towards the doorway, addressing the doctor*

Doctor, have that hole in the wall repaired.

*then she turned to Dalethria as she walked*

Dale... I would appreciate your company. We are going to shadow Anbira's movements. But, first, had he taught you anything about masking your Force signature?

*she kept speaking as she walked out the door of the med bay, with Dalethria at her side, on their way to the daccha's landing bay*

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 26th, 2001, 11:00:30 PM
A piece of steel fell from the top most part of the hole that Anbira created. Such power and such confusion ...

With much resistance, Dalethria pulled herself away from what she saw and began to walk with Lady Vader, "I know of how to hide myself well Master Vader. Our time has been brief as Master and Apprentice but I believe it will be hard to pick us up in his current state."

She really had no idea if that was true or not. Anything could happen with Anbira not remembering who he was. Both of them had to be careful in following the great Sith Master ... it could cost them their lives ...

Lady Vader
Jun 28th, 2001, 02:28:07 AM
*LV nodded her head at Dalethria's answer*

Good. Masking our presence will be essential to tracking him without being noticed.

*she sighed... she'd never thought she'd be hiding from Anbira, and here she was doing just that... she frowned... life just seemed to be getting peachier and peachier by the second*

*as the two women rounded the corner to the daccha's landing bay, one of the nurses from the med bay came running up behind them... LV turned to face the petite woman*


Nurse: Forgive my intrusion, Lady Vader, but I thought you might like this.

*she handed LV the recording of the failed suicide... she continued*

Nurse: And this was found where Master Hicchoru fell.

*the nurse handed her a small ring, nothing significant, yet strangely beautiful... LV looked at it and then back at the nurse*

Who found it?

Nurse: I believe it was Darth Viscera. He was the one that also brought the recording of the actual fall.

*LV closed her eyes a moment remembering the recording... it sent a shiver through her... she reopened her eyes to catch the nurse looking worriedly at her... she frowned*

Thank you. I believe you are finished.

*the nurse bowed nervously and walked briskly back to the med bay*

*LV turned her attention back to the ring and turned it over in between her fingers a few times... it should be returned to Anbira... perhaps it would remind him of something, though she began to even doubt that... not wanting to lose it, she slid off the leather glove to her right hand and slipped the ring onto the ring finger... it fit perfectly with just the right amount of snuggness to keep it from falling off... she slipped the glove back on*

*with that done, she resumed her walk to her ship... she continued to talk to Dalethria*

I was having thoughts that Vice and Miryan should be contacted. They should not bring Jubei here. As it is, we're leaving to follow Anbira. All the ships on Byss have tracking systems, and all the systems are hidden onboard the ships. Once we pinpoint the ship he's taken, we can track him.

*she fell silent for a moment, then continued*

Contact Vice and Miryan. Have them continue looking for Jubei, but not to leave the planet they are on. Just to remain there.

*her voice became quiet*

I have a feeling we will eventually find ourselves on the same planet.

*with that, both women entered the Cat's Claw and waited to see which ship air traffic control would pinpoint as the one Anbira had fled in*

Miryan no Trunks
Jun 30th, 2001, 06:23:03 PM
*As the two awaited information on the ship Anbira had left in, Dalethria's comm-link chimed.. She knew it would be one of her apprentices, MnT, if by nothing more than instinct alone, and keyed it on, to hear what he had to say..*

".. Master, We've found Sir SaDherat, but I'm currently unsure about what we should do.. Are we to stay here? If so, what should we do with him..? It seems rather pointless to have come here and found him, and to then stay here.. What am I to tell him..?"

Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2001, 04:37:41 AM
*both Sith women were already in the Cat's Claw, tracking the ship that Anbira had taken... she looked over to Dalethria's comm and patched it through to the ships comm so that she could speak*

Miryan... this is Lady Vader. Both Dalethria and I are now tracking Anbira's movements. Just have Jubei stay on-planet. When time allows, I will ask you to rendevous with my ship. Until I know exactly where Anbira will alight next, I just want you to stay put.

*she fell silent for awhile before continuing*

I have a feeling we'll end up on your side of the galaxy soon enough.


*shortly after cutting off communication with MnT, LV got a call from Byss traffic... she keyed it and listened to the man on the other end speak while Dalethria sat in the co-pilots seat*

Byss Traffic Controller: Mistress Vader. We have pinpointed the ship Master Hicchoru has taken and triangulated a course from the point of his entrance to hyperspace.

*well, so he hadn't exactly forgotten how to fly... or perhaps instinct was driving him... or even the Force*

Byss Traffic Controller: Based on the information we aquired and the tracking module aboard the ship he commandeered, we have come to believe he is heading towards the Yavin system.

*her lips tightened and her eyes narrowed*

Thank you, Controller. Vader out.

*she turned to Dalethria*

Buckle in, Dalethria. Looks like we're gonna be paying the Yavin system a visit. And we'll be seeing your apprentice and my son soon enough.

*with that, she vectored the <Cat's Claw> skyward and out to space... entering the appropriate coordinants, they entered hyperspace, on their way to the Yavin system ('http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=696.topic')*