View Full Version : The Laenos Lith: Dreamscapes
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 8th, 2001, 04:00:29 PM
[c]<font size=10>[b]The Laenos Lith</font>
<font size=2>The story of the Laenos Lith is a story that was written when time was born. The Lith, a small artifact claimed to be created by the Force itself, was used by many, eager to exploit its power in the name of their own agenda. Men siezed the Lith, and it bestowed upon them mythical talents, which enabled their names to become emblazoned upon the history books, in fame and infamy alike. For millennia thousands sought out and claimed its power for their own, if but for a fleeting moment. For the power of the Lith is Eternity, and no man shall live long enough to truly possess it.</font>
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 8th, 2001, 05:07:17 PM
<font size=4>Planet Byss</font>
:: Anbira could not sleep. For three days, he had the same dream...the same terrible dream he used to have all those years ago. He thought he had rid himself of it...but the terrifying images came back to him. It was so real...
Anbira paced through his sleeping chambers. Lady Vader was still fast asleep on her side of the bed, and Anbira hoped that his restlessness did not disturb her slumber. Slowly, he walked to an open window, staring out from his daccha onto the expansive green meadow surrounding it. The purple hue of midnight sky cast a shade of surrealism upon every blade of grass, so that even now, reality seemed dreamlike. Ironic that Anbira's dreams would seem more realistic. Closing his eyes, Anbira wished that he never had to dream again.
Moving from the window, he sat in a chair next to the fireplace. Anbira let the warm glow of the fire wash around him, as he looked into the orange embers. Slowly, without realizing...Anbira began to fall asleep. ::
Come outside, Anbi...the sun is out!
:: Anbira opened his eyes, to find himself in a humble house made of adobe. Around him were simple things, wooden chairs, small tables, hand-made pots. It was the home of a peasant. It was his home...thirty-five years ago. To say it was his "home" would be only half-true. His father, the Duke of Ascaina Rocchisu Hicchoru, lived high on the hill, in an ornate mansion. However, since he was a child of half-blood, the Duke denied him his birthright, and had him live with his mother, a humble Falleen slave. So, it was within the confines of the small earthen home that Anbira grew up. He played with the children of slaves, he lived the meager life of a serf. It was not unpleasant, in the beginning. Expansive orchards with beautiful trees and delicious fruit were a wonderful place for children to play. Further on, a small pond was often used for a playful swim on a hot summer day. Anbira looked at his surroundings with a feeling of deep melancholy sadness. It was all in the past now.
Turning slightly, Anbira looked in the mirror. He had not changed. In this dream, he was still the damnable old man that he was when he woke up. His hard eyes, his aged lines, and his scars. He hated the face that looked back at him.
Anbira turned. Yet she never seemed to notice, in any of the dreams...
...a small girl with dark hair and well-tanned skin ran to the door, her hand-made dress flowing in the slight breeze. Her face was stained with bits of dirt, and there was a playful smile on her face. ::
Anbi...the sun is out! I wanna go play!
:: Anbira looked at his sister, Laija. She was exactly as he remembered her. In his mind, she would always be six years old, running through the orchards with dirt on her face. She always found time to play, running wild and free through the fields, playing hide and seek with whomever she could find, and more often than not, some of the farm animals. Even as Anbira was beginning to take on responsibilities as a boy, she kept him clinging on to his youth, and his innocence. Anbira smiled, walking over to her, and taking her hand. ::
Okay, Laij...lets go to the orchard.
:: She smiled mischieviously, and pulled her hand from his grasp...running off and chirping happily as she ran away ::
Catch me if you can!
:: For a fleeting moment, Anbira forgot how this dream always ended, and let himself take over...running through the fields after his sister, laughing and enjoying the exhilliarating fun of being a child once more. He followed her through the fields, as the cool spring breeze blew gently past him, carrying with it the smells of the farm...the earthy but inviting smell of a humble and good existence. For a second, Anbira slowed and looked around...the overwhelming sense of his past returning to him. He wanted so badly to simply stop living, to live in this dream be the child he once was. It is ironic how children always aspire to be men, and how men always regret becoming so. There can never be a true balance, because the grass is always greener on the other side.
As the two continued running through the fields, Laija stopped by an apple tree. She turned, and smiled at Anbira.
The carefree smile and glitter in Anbira's eyes stopped as well, as he had seen this dream in his head too many times to know what was about to happen. The sky darkened around him, as Anbira tried once again to run to Laija. His feet moved, but he could not advance. He remained in the same place, as everything began to unfold. Resigning to the fate of the dream, Anbira weakly fell to his knees. ::
:: The trees in the orchard began to burn, the greedy flames consuming their foliage and fruit. The fire also began to lap at the fields and the homes. In the air, Anbira could see the vapor trails of fighters, flying overhead and delivering death to those on the ground. Laija now began to see what was happening, and called out to her big brother, reaching a frightened hand towards him. ::
:: Anbira wanted to shut his eyes...he wanted to make the dream stop. He hated this vision...this heart-cleaving hallucination that seemed to never let him go. As much as he wanted to shut his eyes, he could not. He kept hoping....maybe this time, it will be different. This time...I can do something...
Laija continued to reach out. Anbira reached as well, although he could not move any closer. An agonizing scream came forth as he tried to will himself against it, and somehow reach his sister. ::
:: Anbira saw the soldier approach, as he always did. He saw the blaster level...level inexorably at his innocent, young, free-hearted sister. Anbira screamed, but no sound came forth. He saw the bolt fire, and hit Laija in the back, knocking her forward as she came to rest just in front of Anbira.
He quickly rose to his feet, trying to call forth all his might do destroy the soldier. Never before in his existence had his hate been so sharply concentrated upon one thing. He poured his essence into his thoughts. If he could lash out and destroy the damnable murderer!!
Sighing, Anbira dropped to the ground. Alas, he was powerless yet again to get his vengeance...powerless again to save his sister. Anbira fell to the ground, not wanting to see what he always saw. He turned his sister over, a gentle hand moving down her face to forever close her eyes. As the fires raged around him, Anbira held her close to him, squeezing her tightly. He kissed her on the cheek, and began to cry. His entire body shook with his lamentation, and his uncontrolled sobbing seemed to extinguish the fires around him.
Anbira Hicchoru...the strongest man in the universe, master of the dark arts...sat and cried like a little boy, as he once again held his dead sister in his arms. ::
:: Anbira awoke...catching his breath quickly from his pained and belleaguered cries. He sat hunched forward in the chair, looking at the fire that had long-since died out. With a shaking hand...he brushed the tears from his face. The dream had returned yet again...and Anbira was just as powerless to stop it. ::
Lord Gue
Mar 8th, 2001, 06:14:40 PM
It was an ordinary day for the new Michael Gue, the free wheeling do gooder that he had become.Yeah right, quit kidding yourselfOk, so he still did the occasional thing that some would come think of as evil and wrong, at least in the end all of his actions turned out for the best....In whos eyes?[i]Ok, so they wernt always the best things to do, but it was his life, and if he had anysay in how he was going to live it he would.
Sage Hazzard
Mar 9th, 2001, 02:59:04 AM
::The cool breeze of the open door rushed through the household. The door swung open, and closed again. The cycle repeated itself until the Nanny Droid shut it::
Nanny Droid:Sage, how many times have I told you to keep this door shut?
::Sage, a young boy at the age of ten, looked up from his studies. The light shining through his light brown hair::
Sage:Fifty three times.... This month.
::Sage chuckled at his amazing memory. A gift he inherited from his father
His father was away on a trip. One of many he took as a Jedi Knight. The so called "peacekeepers" of the galaxy. Many a time he found himself cursing the Jedi Council for sending his father on long missions. He swore that he would never be in his father's line of buisness.
The door chimed and the nanny in turn answered it. A tall man entered through the door. His robes indicated he was a Jedi, like Sage's father. The man carried a bundle in his arms. Folded Jedi clothing with an old lightsabre placed ontop of the bundle.
The man first wispered to the droid. The droids mechanical facial parts formed a sorrowful frown. Next the man walked over to Sage. He bent down, placed the bundle in Sage's arms and leaned in. He wispered these words....::
"I'm sorry."
::Sage leaped out of bed. He could still feel his father's Jedi robe in his arms. He cried out a hopeless cry. It was a dream. A vision of a memory long suppressed. He continued to weep for his father's fate.....::
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 9th, 2001, 03:16:56 AM
OOC: Hmm....well, I didn't really expect people to post about their dreams and stuff. The reason I'm doing it is because it ties in very much with the story that's about to happen.
Sage Hazzard
Mar 9th, 2001, 03:19:57 AM
OOC:Well this is a recurring thign with Sage. So it applies to all RPs. And it is the reason why he became a Jedi. So it adds to his charactor for him to have backstory.
EDIT:Also, Sage isn't a perfect Jedi. So the appeal of something that could save his father and mother from being dead would appeal greatly to him. So he would have to fight the temptation for using this thing for himself.
Lady DeVille
Mar 9th, 2001, 04:46:09 AM
Sitting the the library holding a musty book, De'Ville wrinkled her nose to supress another sneeze. They were getting more frequent, and she was beginning to remember why she preferred datapads to flimsies, or paper copies. However, the information she was looking for was not contained on anything newer than this ancient book she had almost not found.
The library was spacious and well lit, but in this corner the lighting was dim; De'Ville had not bothered to check if it was because of the content of the manuscripts or just a burned out circuit. The dust on these tomes was impressive, to say the least, but it was the ink itself De'Ville was reacting to. The shelves extended to the ceiling, and the book she was inspecting now had been on the second shelf from the top, and nearly impossible to reach from the ladder without the use of the Force.
She had been researching lost Force abilities, and Sith talismans as well. The sneezing kept her occupied for a while; her inflamed olfactory glands were hard to control with the Force. De'Ville scanned the page she was reading, looking through it quickly so she wouldn't have to hold it longer than was needed.
Then, the jackpot. Talismans...The Lith and Other Fabled Artifacts. De'Ville smiled to herself, and tucked the heavy book under her arm. She would have to have that section scanned into a datapad - ! An explosive sneeze made her eyes water as she hurried out of the library. Datapads are easier to handle anyway...
Lady Vader
Mar 9th, 2001, 05:49:52 AM
*LV stirred and woke suddenly as she heard the sounds of someone sobbing... she sat up in bed, and looked to the side of the bed where Anbira would be sleeping, but he was not there... she opened herself to his presence and felt hers softly brush against his*
*she swung her legs over the bed and stood, pulled on her robe, and walked towards the seat facing the fireplace and looked into it... there she found him, looking quite worn out, pain etched on his face*
*she looked at him a moment and then knelt beside the chair.. she had seen him like this before, and each time she had wanted to ask what the matter was, and each time she had remained silent, letting him keep his privacy... instead, she gently placed a hand on his forearm which was resting on the arm of the chair, sliding it down and taking a hold of his hand... she said nothing, but merely sat there, looking at him... sometimes silence was the best communication at times like these*
Lord Gue
Mar 9th, 2001, 10:19:18 AM
OOC: I only did it cuase im gonna do something with it later on, youll see, hehe
Sage Hazzard
Mar 11th, 2001, 04:24:00 AM
::Sage looked up with his tear strucked eyes. Outside the window he could see a spectacular view. Stars littered the sky, planets turned on their axis, and the sun shined with a intensity unmatched. His tears turned to a smile as he looked out that night.
The door chimed. Sage ignored it. Without a second chime the door slid open. Some would say it was rude to enter without permission, but when worried one's manners can be withdrawn. As Chewnakka walked through the door. His relief showed as he saw Sage in fact did not sleep in the nude::
Chewnakka:I heard crying. Are you okay man?
::Sage continued to look out his window. He always enjoyed gazing at the stars. His Grandfather once told him that when someone died, their energy went to the Force. And he also told him everything was connected by the Force. Sometimes Sage as a boy thought the stars were a way of those lost souls to live again. To share their beauty with those living. He still believed this. Maybe that's why that's partly why his tears turned to delight. Perhaps his father still lived on, in the starlight::
Chewnakka:You had that dream again didn't you?
::Sage turned his head slightly towards Chewnakka::
::Chewnakka nodded and turned to walk away. As he approached the doorway, he swiveled his head::
Chewnakka:Sweet dreams.
::Sage turned his head fully towards Chewnakka::
Sage:You too.
::The door slid shut as Chewnakka walked out. The room once again was consumed by darkness. The only light was the starlight::
Live Wire
Mar 11th, 2001, 06:16:03 AM
*LW sat up in bed and turned the lights on. A quick scan of her quarters verrified she was alone except for Ariel sleeping in the next room. She wasnt sure what had awaken her but she sensed a lingering a hand on her shoulder. Frowning she shurgged if off and checked on Ariel.
LW put on her robe and went and stood on the balcony. The cool night air blew her long black hair around her face. The fresh air provided some relief from the forboding she felt but an uneasyness lingered with her.
LW went back inside and saw ariel lying awake. Picking the baby up she smiled at the small innocent brown eyes*
You didnt sense anything did you?
*The baby just looked back at her. LW cuddled the baby to her and headed into the palace halls. For some reason she felt the need to get out of her room and just wander.
She saw LD heading back to her room with....a book?*
Giving up datapads?
*she smiled as LD coughed again*
Lady DeVille
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:09:03 AM
De'Ville hurried down the hallways of TSO, book tucked under her arm. She could transfer the data in her room, and then study the datapads at her leisure. Another sneeze rocked her slight frame as she turned a corner.
Hearing a slight noise, she turned and saw Live Wire looking at her, expectantly, like she had just been asked a question. De'Ville asked, "I'm sorry -?"
Wire repeated her question. "Giving up datapads?"
"Oh, no... I cannot bear books -" De'Ville turned her head and sneezed again. She gasped, "The ink! It does this to me. I'm sorry Wire, I must go."
And so De'Ville hurried past Wire and disappeared down the hall. She did not want to reveal the nature of the book, at least, not yet, not until she had something concrete. As it is, De'Ville mused as she locked her door, I have a long night of reading ahead of me.
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:34:57 PM
:: Suddenly ashamed of his outburst, Anbira stood from the chair, removing LV's hand from his own. Quickly wiping away the moisture from his eyes, Anbira put on a robe and exited the bedroom, wanting to roam the halls in the middle of the night. He had nothing to do, but he was far too weary to let himself fall asleep again. He couldn't endure seeing that again. That detestable dream...he thought he'd never have to see it again, and now it had returned. Why? Why now? Anbira was nearly on the point of madness...this subconcious whisper ever-ready to remind him of his tragic loss. There was not a day that went by that Anbira didn't think of his sister, and of everything he lost that day. It was far more than just his sister. He lost the one person who was truly his friend. He also lost his innocence...forever. Such a high price, at such a young age. It helped Anbira become who he was today...and that was the damnable shame of it.
Anbira sighed. He would do anything to change that...anything. ::
Lady DeVille
Mar 12th, 2001, 08:35:41 PM
Sequestered in her room, De'Ville quickly digitized the printed words into datapads. She placed the book on the sink in the 'fresher, closing the door firmly to give her sinuses a break.
De'Ville sat at her desk, datapads unrelated to her current intrest lay strewn across it in front of her. She picked up the one she needed, initiating a search.
Sith used these to focus their energy during long, intricate rites (those typically associated with harnessing vast amounts of Dark Side power). These devices have a major flaw. When at the completion of the task, the user of such a talisman succumbed to exhaustion. This prevented the use of these trinkets in battles. [see.ensnarement.talisman]
These devices are sinister, indeed! Working like a concentration talisman, they have the added ability to turn the wielder immediately to the Dark Side. This was added to many Sith artifacts to prevent Jedi from using them without paying a price. [see.healing.talisman]
De'Ville shifted her position, and initiated another search.
Using the Force sends ripple-waves throughout the galaxy, alerting anyone attuned to the Force (of course there is a question of proximity and how powerful the force-user is). The Sith learned techniques that could mask this natural occurrence, and created their Force Masks to cancel out the natural "waves" made when using the Force. [see.laenos.lith]
The Laenos Lith is an ancient talisman, the existence of which is disputed by Jedi scholars. It is rumored that the Lith, a small artifact claimed to be created by the Force itself, was used by many, eager to exploit its power in the name of their own agenda. Men siezed the Lith, and it bestowed upon them mythical talents, which enabled their names to become emblazoned upon the history books, in fame and infamy alike. For millennia thousands sought out and claimed its power for their own, if but for a fleeting moment. It is said that the power of the Lith is Eternity, and no man shall live long enough to truly possess it. [see.achaeological.dig.vortex/the/vors]
She smiled to herself. Jackpot. This was more satisfying than any sabaac game had ever been. De'Ville leaned back in her chair, turning off the light with a manipulation of the Force.
In the darkness she laughed. If such a talisman did exist, it could be found. And if it could be could be used.
Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2001, 10:09:23 AM
Soon it was morning of the next day, Heavenly was gone, off somewhere he guessed to have fun. What a confusing girl. Misery was still about though, so he knocked on the side of her door as he peered in. She was bent over the bed that moment reaching for something on the otherside, what he didnt know nor care. He knocked again to make sure she had heard him...."Yes, just one second"He waited as she lifted a magazine from behind her bed then threw it back, standing up and turning to face him"Yes? what can I do you for?""I think we should go somewhere...""Hmmm, Like where?""Hoth?""Too cold""Dagobah?""Too........swampish""Vortex?""Hum, never heard of it""Good then I'll show it to you, lets go...."
Live Wire
Mar 13th, 2001, 03:42:35 PM
*LW chuckled to herself as LD walked off sneezing. Curious to see what LD was reading she headed down to the library.
There was a small pile of books over in dimly lit corner and LW walked over to investigate.*
I wonder whats so interesting that she's doing research this late at night.
*LW recognized some of the books dealing with ancient sith sorcery. The old books Gav was always reading. LW frowned slightly at the memory and held Ariel close to her. She had read some of the books with Gav back when he had started to teach her the old ways. Saddly duties had always made her neglect her studies and she wished now she had taken advantage of his knowledge while he was still with her.
There was one book in particular, one she had seen Gav reading many times. It had something to do with talismans and ancient artifacts. She didnt see it in the pile or on the shelf.*
That must have been the one that LD took. Wonder what she wanted with it.
*LW used the force to put the books back on the shelf in order. She looked for a moment at the row of old books and briefly let the memories wash over her. She brushed the spine of one of the books on ancient sith seemed like a life time ago*
Dravis Hissel
Mar 13th, 2001, 09:09:23 PM
Dravis said by a pale blue flame, gazing up at the stars. He wasn't really sure where he was; he hadn't bothered to check. He just needed to get away for a while.
He'd spent years here, awaiting the fleets to come, and either take him home, or bring his home to him. But they had never shown up. So, he had spent the last twenty years of his life trying to fulfill his mission. He never seemed to get any farther, though. His partner and nephew, K'neel Raduu, had already given up, and was Dourosh knows where. But Dravis had sworn his life in service, and was willing to give it.
But then, maybe the fleets weren't going to come. Maybe they had decided that it wasn't worth it, or maybe he had failed in his mission. Maybe they had been destroyed...
No. He had seen the might of the fleets. Nothing could destroy them. He must have failed his mission. But he could never know.
Dravis looked back down to the planet where he was. He was sitting at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a ragged, wind torn expanse of dessert. He laid back, and opened himself to the Force. Just before he fell asleep, he felt something unexpected brush his consciousness...
Lady Vader
Mar 14th, 2001, 04:59:16 AM
*still kneeling beside the chair, LV watched Anbira leave the room... she remained there a moment longer, mulling over his leaving to roam the halls... she'd known he'd roamed the halls at night because of restlessness... but this time, it bothered her*
*she sighed audibly, placing her hand in her lap and watching a small ember in the firplace wink one last time and die... her sigh had made Iesis stir, and the large cat came over to where LV sat... she placed a hand on her head, stroking the ears*
*she hated to see Anbira like this... and what made it worse, is that he couldn't talk about it, not even to her... and it hurt*
*she stood and walked to the window... it was still dark out, but the moon was full... and the breeze was so refreshing*
*she looked back towards the doorway of the bedroom... she wanted to go for a walk, just to let herself calm down from the hurt... but she didn't want to leave Anbira alone... she looked out the window again... then she moved towards the closet and put on her catsuit... he would be fine without her, and if he needed her, he knew how to find her... but she seriously doubted he'd call*
*with Iesis close on her heels, LV exited the room through the open window, walking towards the forest behind the daacha*
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 14th, 2001, 12:20:29 PM
<font size=2>Two days later</font>
:: Once again, Anbira lay in bed, dreading to sleep, lest he dream the same dream again. LV had succumbed hours ago, and Anbira could only watch the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest as she was the only way he could keep from falling asleep. He would rather die than endure that recurring nightmare anymore. He felt tired and aged every morning he awoke, and he was convinced that every time he dreamed, he was slowly killing himself on the inside.
As Anbira thought about this, he unwittingly began to fade out. His eyes grew heavy, and while under great protest, closed shut. Within minutes, Anbira began to dream...
It was the same dream. Anbira was in the same house, surrounded by the same orchards, same was all the same. Even little Laija was unchanged, asking if Anbira could come and play. As much as Anbira wanted to run screaming away from this endless torture, he always initially felt happy to see his sister...even if he knew what would happen. If he could freeze a moment in time forever...
...moments later, Laija and Anbira were out frolicking in the fields again, playing the games that children play, when all began all over again. The trees in the orchard began to catch fire. The fighters came, strafing everything that was beautiful and turning it into rubble. Anbira wished he knew how to shut his eyes in a dream. He didn't want to watch, even as he cried out as the blaster bolt struck her in the back.! It was all happening again! NOOO! Anbira couldn't take it again! Once more, he held his dead sister in his hands. She was his life, his childhood, and the only link to his innocence. She would have kept him from becoming the monster he was. Anbira knew that. She was more to him than he could ever express, and she was taken from him before he knew the words to speak of her importance. Once again, Anbira wished he could manifest his hatred of her attackers. He wished he could lash out, strike down the bastards who shot her. He wished...
...the soldiers in the field were suddenly torn asunder by lightning bolts from the heavens.
Anbira's eyes widened as the thunderclap echoed in his ears. It was different! The dream had changed! He had been all-but powerless to do anything before! Cradling his sister's corpse, Anbira rose to his feet, still hearing the echoes of thunder rolling across the fertile plains. For moments, Anbira watched the soldiers, watched the tanks, watched the fighters. He watched the warriors, and the ones who commanded the warriors. He watched the butchery, he watched the killing. He watched as wives became widows, he watched as children became orphans. He watched young lives get cut short, and he watched old men as they watched the horror as well, unfortunate enough to live to remember the tragedy of it all. Anbira watched Death in all of its callous form. He watched it eat across the land like locusts, raping, pillaging, and destroying far more than simply the material. For what seemed an eternity, Anbira watched it all. This time, it was different. This time, the dream would not control him. He did not know why, but now, he had the power to change. Anbira had the power to...
...Chasms of violent thunderbolts rained down from the sky, skewering the murderous soldiers and their weapons they used. Men were cleaved, tanks were destroyed, and fighters were stung from the sky in a trail of smoke and schrapnel. Anbira screamed his lungs raw on the dry summer's wind...his vengeful voice carrying with the chilling report of the thunder, penetrating the hearts of all who witnessed it. The stinging spears of god-wrath rained from heaven upon earth, striking down all who had brought carnage to the land. At the eye of the hurricane, Anbira continued to scream...not in anger, not in pain, but screamed his will into the heart of the universe. He commanded....vengeance would be his!
As the rolling drone of thunder shook and died away, and the flashes of thunderbolts ceased to judge men, Anbira looked down, overwhelmed by his newfound ability. He looked at the calm and serene face of his recently-departed sister.
Her eyes opened, and Anbira dropped to his knees from the shock.
Anbira could feel himself slowly beginning to wake. For the first time since he had this dream, Anbira struggled to hang stay with it a little longer. His sister was alive, and he had changed everything. Why? How?
As the dream world faded around him, Anbira looked at Laija's calm and smiling face. She whispered but three small words...
...The Laenos Lith.
Anbira woke up in a cold sweat, breathing rapidly. ::
Sage Hazzard
Mar 14th, 2001, 01:12:00 PM
::Sage woke grogy. The cereal in front of him was soggy also, so he didn't feel alone. The door behind him opens an in walks his large Wookiee friend, Chewnakka. The enormous beast takes a seat across from Sage::
Chewnakka:Have the dream again?
Sage:Yep, everyday since.
::Chewnakka sighed a loud Wookian sigh::
Sage:It isn't ever going away. Never going away.
::His words echoed in his mind::
Sage:Are we still docked above Naboo?
Sage:Leave orbit.
::Sage stood up and turned to the door. He walked out without answering the many questions the Wookie had::
Darth Misery
Mar 14th, 2001, 04:13:41 PM
"Well..alright..can you give me a few minutes?"
*he nods and she smiles*
"Thanks..I'll be right back. I just wish to change into something more casual. I sometimes get tired of wearing the same attire all the time, you know?"
*Michael says nothing. He only smiles and shakes his head slightly*
"Right then, be right back"
*she runs to her dressing area to change. She returns several minutes later, wearing casual street clothing*
"Sorry, I'm ready now, shall we go?"
Lady Vader
Mar 16th, 2001, 06:00:36 AM
*LV woke slightly, shifting her position in the bed... she cracked her eye open just a bit and saw Anbira sitting up in bed... closing her eye, she sighed inwardly knowing he hadn't slept again... as she was beginning to drift off again into sleep, she felt his emotions change slightly, and then become more defined... she opened both her eyes this time and found him in a cold sweat and breathing rapidly... no doubt he had drifted off and had dreamt again about what he would not tell her... but the feelings running off of him were different somehow... before he would wake feeling saddened and helpless... now she felt... hope?... she frowned*
*she scootched herself up a bit and propped herself on her side... she placed a hand on his arm*
LV: Anbira? Are you alright?
Lord Gue
Mar 16th, 2001, 02:57:19 PM
"OK, lets go"He smiled at her as they walked to the shuttle landing bay, He noticed it was in need of a few repairs but he would get to it later, right now he had a little vacation to take with someone, he lowered the ramp and extended an arm inside"After you, M'lady"
Lady DeVille
Mar 20th, 2001, 08:33:54 PM
De'Ville hoisted her pack on her back as she prepared to enter her TIE Interceptor. The My Vengence was newly outfitted and ready for travel. She walked up the ramp and to her small cabin, throwing her bag on the bunk. Vortex. The Vors were a strange bunch, but the beauty of their architecture could not be denied. The Cathedral of the Winds was a marvel of design, and even though she had never been there in person, the holos were breathtaking.
De'Ville glanced at the datapad she held in her hand. Supposedly there was some sort of archeological site on Vortex that was connected to Sith artifacts. She hoped there would be some clue that could lead her to either confirmation of the existence of the Lith, or to another talisman of power. Sith talismans were no longer in circulation, but she was determined to find them again.
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 23rd, 2001, 02:03:36 AM
:: It took Anbira a few moments to catch his breath. He stared at the ceiling over the bed, mind racing at what he had dreamed only moments ago. The dream...the dream...what did it mean.
Anbira's thoughts were interrupted by LV's concern. Was he okay? It almost made Anbira smile.
He was far from okay...but that was the usual case. He didn't know how to tell LV right now, but in time, perhaps.
Anbira turned to look at her, with a wistful and curious look in his eye. ::
Ask me in the morning. Maybe I'll know then.
:: Anbira returned his gaze at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to return to him. Perhaps he would know more when his eyes closed.
Slowly and gradually, Anbira began to drift back into slumber. ::
Mar 23rd, 2001, 02:56:36 AM
Akrabbim slumbers in his room, deep in dream. He contemplates an upcoming mission, his mind going through the motions of the operation. As he dreams, the situation turns ugly... his cover is blown, his alias compromised, the entire Imperial garrison after him. They have a visual on him, so he can't simply use an illusion and change form. Even invisibility won't work... they have thermal sensors. He could take on four or five Storm Troopers with no trouble, but four or five hundred was another matter entirely. When he is backed into a corner, he draws his sword and readies himself for his final attack. He prepares to strike the nearest Storm Trooper when all of them suddenly fall back, mouths agape. Akrabbim looks in the window next to him, seeing a faint reflection of his face. On the middle of his forehead is a glowing green gem, sending out small tendrils of energy. He hears a voice telling him, *Strike them! You can destroy them all!* Akrabbim grins wickedly, and prepares a massive Force attack... and then suddenly stops.
NO! This is wrong. I am a Jedi. I do not destroy. Even at the cost of my own life, I will not do this. BEGONE!
Akrabbim hears several voices, some calling him a fool for rejecting the power, some tempting him with strength, some simply begging him to reconsider... but he will not be swayed. With a cry of agony, the stone releases its connection and falls from his head. He catches it in his hand and flings it away, then quickly draws two shuriken. He throws them both, and using the Force, causes them to intersect with the stone mid-flight. The stone explodes in a blinding flash of light. He hears a scream... no, thousands of screams, all railing at him, enraged and terrified at the same time. Akrabbim's eyes snap open as he suddenly wakes, sweating and out of breath.
What... what was that... thing? I resisted its call, barely... but will others? I cannot imagine what an evil heart could do with that kind of power. Emperor Palpatine would pale in comparison...
Akrabbim immediately gets out of bed and begins getting dressed. He does not have a moment to spare.
Lady DeVille
Mar 23rd, 2001, 03:09:24 AM
Hyperspace was lonely. There was no getting around it. De'Ville pored over the datapads as the ETA timer ticked. She had not been able to find anything more about the Lith, but was not discouraged. The answer, no, an answer would await her at Vortex.
De'Ville tapped her long fingers on the edge of the datapad. She had left a message in Live Wire's computer, to be recieved when she had left. It had been simple and too the point.
Live Wire:
Left for Vortex, not sure when I will be back. Doing research of a sensitive nature, do not contact over regular channels.
Vortex would hold an answer, of that she was sure.
Lady Vader
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:56:36 PM
*LV blinked as she watched Anbira settle back into the bed... she kept replaying the feeling he'd had in the moment after his dream... tasting it... he had felt something that had alleviated him of... something*
*she sighed softly... it was always something... and with Anbira, it was always something she could not answer by herself unless aided by him*
*she settled herself back in bed, moving closer to him, resting her head next to his and placing a hand on his shoulder... she would take him up on the offer and ask him in the morning*
*slowly, she drifted off into sleep again*
Live Wire
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:18:05 PM
*LW recieved DeVille's transmission and frowned. Apparently it was something to sensitive for LD to talk to he about it before she took off.
If it became an emergency then she would contact her through secure means. Vortex.....LW knew this had something to do with all of the research that LD had been doing but she wasnt sure just what she was looking for. LW wasnt one to question the comings and goings of another TSO member but she knew how trouble seemed to follow them and hoped that if LD got in any trouble she would call for help.*
Lady DeVille
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:56:26 PM
The TIE was powering down, and she walked down the ramp amidst blasts of coolant. There were no Vors here to welcome or attack her. De'Ville had landed under their sensor range in the middle of a huge grassland. The tall grass like plants cut at her legs, but she parted them with the Force. The Vors might have caught something on their sensors, but it would be a long time before they figured out what it was.
She was wearing a spacer's jacket, tight reptillian skin pants and spacer boots. De'Ville looked at the datapad in her hand, the other hand brushing her blaster subconsciously. The site was around here. The data was old, but the topography couldn't have changed that much. She walked north.
Mar 29th, 2001, 04:13:21 AM
[i]Once Akrabbim is finished gathering his supplies, he immediately heads towards his ship. He sends his Master a message, telling her that he will return as soon as possible. He mentions his dream to her, but says that there is no time to explain more. He says that she should contact him through the Force should the need arise. Once he reaches his ship, he gains clearance and launches his ship. He has nothing to guide him but the Force. He opens himself to the Force, searching for darkness... and is nearly knocked unconscious from the backlash. There are small traces of darkness here and there, which was to be expected. He had not, however, expected to sense the mass of darkness which must be the stone. His powers are not the strongest in the universe... it should not have been this easy to locate... unless the stone was THAT powerful. He shuddered at the thought. He MUST get to the source before anyone else. This artifact must be destoyed... or the entire galaxy will be in extreme danger. Gritting his teeth, Akrabbim increases his engines to full and speeds toward the source.
Kneel Raduu
Apr 2nd, 2001, 09:29:04 PM
K'neel streaked through the sky in his TIE Defender. It had taken him awhile, but he had finally found his uncle, Dravis. He still wasn't sure why he was looking for him in the first place. He was virtually alone in this galaxy; no friends, no family, no allies, not even any enemies. He had been involved in a few sides of the battle raging across the galaxy, the Interstellar Empire being the more notable of them. And, like all his other involvements in this war, it had been short lived. No matter how hard he tried to fit into this galaxy, he just couldn't. He couldn't find any friends, any sides he believed; he couldn't even bring himself to care. He just wanted to forget about home, about the friends and family he had left behind there. And his uncle was the only link he had left.
It wasn't like he expected his uncle to have a way home. There was only one way to travel back to their galaxy, and it would only come with the fleets. Even if they had developed the technology to put the neccessary device into their small ships, they wouldn't have, just to ensure that they wouldn't return prematurely. But still, his uncle may have a way home. And if they could finish their mission, there may be a way home. There was almost no way they could accomplish their mission, though. The commanders of those fleets must never have had any idea how difficult it could be to crumble the governments of an entire galaxy. Even more so with only two people.
K'neel was coming back around to where he had seen the smoke rising, and began his decent. He landed near where his uncle had set up camp, far enough so as not to wake up his sleeping uncle. He made his way to the fire, and sat down, waiting for his uncle to awaken. . .
Lady DeVille
Apr 5th, 2001, 04:43:17 PM
She winced as a razor sharp blade of grass scored her calf muscle, slicing her pant leg with a diagonal red line. Almost there... De'Ville hefted her pack and ignored the slight stain of blood on her leg.
It was windy, and her chin length hair kept blowing into her eyes as she hiked across the plains of Vortex. None of the strange winged aliens had come across her, and she doubted any would. As she came near the end of her walk, De'Ville reviewed her reasons for being here.
For one, she was hoping to find a Sith talisman to assist her with ridding herself of the annoying memories of Michael Cline. Since her battle with him on the rooftops of Coruscant she had not been able to shake the memories, or the sound of the little boy's voice echoing in her head. It was enough to drive her insane, but she had told no one. Not even Tondry.
Perhaps he would have understood her, but there was nothing he could do about it, so De'Ville had chosen not to bother him with it. But there was no explaining it. Something had happened at the end of their encounter, an exchange of psychic energies, or something similar. Her skills in the area of mind control were so slight as to be almost non-existent, but they did assert themselves from time to time, and in unexpected ways. Regardless of everything, their memories had switched.
The familiar nightmares that terrified her night after night were replaced with new ones, and De'Ville was ready to get rid of Cline and his memories forever.
A soft beep brought her attention back to her holomap, and she climbed up the last rolling hill.
In front of her lay the ancient ruins of an excavation of a site even more ancient. She had been sensing it for some time now, but as she topped the hill and overlooked it she was hit with the darkness of the place.
Cline's voice wimpered in her head. Leave this is evil. I want to go home, you should go home! De'Ville shook her hear violently.
"Be quiet!" She shouted at the voice, and Cline disappeared into the recesses of her mind. De'Ville started down the hill towards the achaelogical dig.
edit: TTT
Lady Vader
Apr 16th, 2001, 01:23:16 AM
*LV woke early the next morning... she stood, stretching mightly and looked down at a still slumbering Anbira... she looked at him for a moment... such a powerful man with so much on his mind, and yet, he looked at peace... well, it had been quite a while since he'd gotten a good night's sleep... she wouldn't disturb him*
*she dressed quietly and went to stand out on the balcony, holding a warm cup of coffiene in her hands... she'd gotten up early enough where the sun hadn't risen on Byss quite yet*
*quietly, she sat there, watching as the sun peeked over the hillside... the soft orange-yellow light bathing the landscape with gold... the dawn of a new day*
*LV remembered the events of last night and began to ponder them... she felt it was the dawn to something else, but to what that something else might be, only Anbira held the key*
*she continued to look at the gold spilling on the hills, letting the sun warm her face as it rose*
Lady DeVille
Apr 16th, 2001, 01:48:21 PM
The ruined achaelogical site was nearly overgrown with the sharp-bladed grass. De'Ville made her way into what had been the main building, probably a combination mess-hall/office for the workers. There were three rooms: the kitchen, the dining hall, and the office. The group excavating the area had been there for a long time, and had gotten quite comfortable.
Lack of funds, lack of public interest, and mysterious circumstances had closed it down after a few years. The feel of age permeated the prairie.
Inside the office, there was a bug-eaten wooden desk. The chair was fallen on the ground, and she righted it and pulled it up to the desk. Testing it, she found it sturdy enough to sit on.
If there had been anything of worth in the desk, insects would have chewed them up long ago. Datapads and flimsys alike had fallen to the irritating bugs, none of which were anywhere to be seen.
Feeling around in a drawer, she sensed a space behind the back of it. A hidden compartment... sealed up in a smallish durasteel container. De'Ville ripped out the rotting wood drawer, and pried out the box.
Lady Vader
Apr 18th, 2001, 02:34:02 AM
*the sun rose, higher and higher, glinting off of the city on Byss... LV blinked against the brightness... brighter and brighter and...*
There was sudden brightness and then all could be seen plainly. LV was standing at a distance, watching two figures on what appeared to be a grassy field. She looked upon the two figures. Her eyes widened. One of them was her, and the other a... she looked, but it was as if she couldn't see. All she could sense was a Jedi?... but there was no face. She watched as both figures clashed, fighting fiercly.
Suddenly she was thrown into the body of herself and found herself fighting the faceless being. She was in pain, but couldn't pinpoint the cause. She fought... the world spun... what was happening? She found herself falling... falling... it seemed like at eternity.
Without warning, she came into contact with an unyielding surface. Then blackness. Nothing But blackness.
Then she was out of herself and looking upon herself again like it had started. She saw herself lying there, and saw herself open her eyes. But the eyes were... blank. There was nothing in those eyes. It was all gone. All gone.
All gone.
Then, blackness.
*LV started with a jolt, her eyes still open, finding herself lying on the floor, with Iesis nudging her worridly... LV patted the large cat on the head, and slowly sat up... she was still on the balcony... what had just happened? had she passed out? no, she didn't recall passing out... she tried recalling what she had just witnessed, but it was rapidly fading, to the point of not having existed... she frowned... had that been a vision of the future of some kind?*
*shaking her head and rubbing her temples, she slowly rose and looked out onto the glinting cityscape, and leaned on the railing... what had she just witnessed?*
Lady DeVille
Apr 19th, 2001, 02:13:01 PM
Blood and ashes! De'Ville thrust her vibroblade into a seam of the box, forcing it open. The end of the container broke suddenly, and the contents spilled on the ground.
She reached down and pulled a thin silver chain from under a piece of flimsy, pulling it out so she could see it.
Pierce Tondry
Apr 22nd, 2001, 11:12:33 AM
Pierce Tondry woke up with a violent start.
He looked around, reassuring himself that his room was exactly as it had been before he'd slept. After a moment, he stood and left his bed, heading towards the kitchen. Hunger was gnawing at his stomach, and it wanted to be satisfied.
Once he was in the kitchen, he looked around to make certain that the room he was in was also unchanged.
It wasn't.
` The hell,` Pierce thought to himself. ` Why am I being so damn paranoid tonight? What is wrong with me?`
Pierce sat and drank down a cup of caf. Energy flooded into him and he was instantly awake with the cognition to realize that he would be tired in a few minutes if he didn't also eat something. Rummaging through the dry storage cabinet for food, Pierce pulled out two slices of bread and began working on a sandwich for himself.
After he'd finished his creation, Pierce sat and began to munch on it. To give his mind something to do, he began sifting through some reports he'd received yesterday.
But somewhere, tickling the back of his neck or just inside his skull, something whispered at danger and wouldn't go away.
Lady DeVille
Apr 23rd, 2001, 06:03:58 PM
Sitting at the old desk, De'Ville laid the silver chain against her palm, dangling a bluish pendant off the side of her hand. The stone was set in silver, or some sort of silver substance. The setting reminded De'Ville of clutching fingers, as if the chain was gripping onto the stone with spider webs. It was fasinatingly beautiful to the eyes.
Holding it in her hands, she probed it cautiously with the Force. Her suspiscions and hopes were confirmed. It was of Sith origin. And it held a mystical power no one had seen in years. But it was not the Lith.
She mumbled to herself as she studied the amulet. " guard against the Jedi using this talisman." It was not the Lith, but what was it?
De'Ville swatted a bug that landed on her arm.
edit: ttt
Lady Vader
May 19th, 2001, 04:53:31 AM
OOC: *laughs* ya know, LD, sometimes I wonder if we're the only one's that give a damn about continuing RPs until their natural end...
Lady DeVille
May 19th, 2001, 11:41:37 PM
ooc: You know, I agree. I'm continuing this one, if only to obtain MY objective. Which is getting back with the talisman I have found. ;) /ic
De'Ville had tucked the talisman into the hidden inside pocket of her shirt, and was stepping outside of the ruined building. There would be more to find around here, of that she was certain, what exactly, remained to be seen.
For now she would be satisfied with a place to camp for the night. Walking back across the plain to her TIE was not her idea of fun. Or of smart, for that matter.
May 31st, 2001, 07:46:01 PM
Akrabbim arrives on the planet's surface, landing near what appears to be a campsite. He exits his ship and immediately senses a Dark presence... and something else. Power, concentrated in one... place... NO! It can't have been found already! He has to hurry. He runs as fast as he can to the campsite, seeing a woman near a building.
What is that you have found? You must get rid of it!
Lady DeVille
May 31st, 2001, 11:25:44 PM
ooc: Akrabbim, I haven't found the Lith, but I'm hot on its trail /ic:
Bloody Jedi tourists. De'Ville felt the amulet in her inside pocket, and leaned back against the ruin she called a wall. "What in the Core are you talking about?" Her right hand rested on her blaster, her lightsaber was within the reach of her other hand.
"You'd better leave before you get yourself hurt."
Jun 1st, 2001, 05:56:52 PM
OOC: *I'm* aware of that, but my character is not. Thus the reaction.
IC: Akrabbim holds his hands up in a sign of non agression.
I have no wish to fight you. But if that object is what I think it is, you MUST get rid of it! It is too dangerous!
Lady DeVille
Jun 2nd, 2001, 03:32:22 PM
De'Ville rolled her eyes. "What object would that be?" She held her hands in front of her, palms up and empty. "If I do have something you fear, perhaps its this." She touched the hilt of her saber.
"I have no quarrel with you, Jedi, but you're not exactly making me happy. Whatever you have your underwear in a bunch about is either not here, or its mine." De'Ville straightened up, moving to the side, away from the wall. "Either way, you'll not be getting it."
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:27:12 PM
Your saber pales in comparison to what I fear. I'm more worried about that object in your right pocket. I'd rather not fight you, but I will if necessary.
Lady DeVille
Jun 4th, 2001, 01:19:44 AM
He was right, there was an object in her right pocket. A simple amulet, but he could obviously sense its power. De'Ville comtemplated giving it to him, knowing that the spells of ensnarement wrapped around it would either deter him from using it, or else turn him to the Dark Side once he did. It was tempting..but she needed it for another purpose.
The Jedi in her mind grumbled at her, and she waved her hand, like she was shooing a fly. The child Cline quieted. The Jedi did not. He stepped forward, hand outstretched. One movement, and his hand is gone... She itched for her saber, but quelled her desire.
"The 'object' in my pocket is not yours to be concerned about. What do you think it is, anyway?" De'Ville placed her hand on her hilt, warningly.
Jun 4th, 2001, 06:29:43 PM
I fear it is the Lith. You know what it is, otherwise you would not be here. Even if it is not, I can sense its evil. It must be destroyed! Get rid of it. I would rather not fight you, but I will if I must.
Lord Gue
Jun 4th, 2001, 07:39:34 PM
[i]In the darkness of a shadow, a figure stood, not too tall of a stance though, for he did not relish having to defend himself against these two. He wasnt certain how they might react if they knew of his prescence, or in fact his motives, but he could be sure they would not be freindly and furthermore hostile. He was using a trick he had learned somewhere off in the uncharted regions to hide his life-force and his force powers from these two, he was sure they would detect him sooner or later but for now he had to find out what information he could, and if that involved waiting it out in the bushes and easedropping, than thats what it would take. So for now he stood there, in the darkness, listening, and waiting.....
Lady DeVille
Jun 6th, 2001, 02:49:36 AM
"Bah." She spat on the ground in contempt. "The Lith is not here. If it were, you would no longer be here." De'Ville walked forward. "Now get out of my way, gnat."
Jun 6th, 2001, 05:35:02 PM
Akrabbim puts his hand out towards her as she leaves.
That may not be the Lith, but it is also too dangerous to be left alone. I cannot let you leave with it without trying to stop you.
Lady DeVille
Jun 7th, 2001, 12:53:03 AM
De'Ville walked around him, and as he turned to face her again, she initiated a Force pressure wave, knocking him flat to the ground. "Don't try and stop me."
She walked on, keeping an eye on him behind her through the Force.
Jun 7th, 2001, 01:33:18 AM
Akrabbim dusts himself off and stands up. He blasts the woman with Force Confusion, as strong as he can muster, for that split second of disorientation, Akrabbim runs at the woman, tackling her from behind.
OOC: What are you powers concentrated in?
Lord Gue
Jun 7th, 2001, 07:55:26 PM
'Ah' He thought to himself, 'Whatever it is these two are dealing with must be a powerfull item indeed, least why would two of such powers fight over it.....' [i]Crouching down into a tiger pounce stance Michael readied himself for action, for if he could prepare the right moment to strike, he could take whatever this item was without the muss and fuss of a prolonged engagement
Lady DeVille
Jun 8th, 2001, 02:24:44 AM
ooc: telekinetic attacks, mainly. Very poor skills in psychic attacks /ic:
De'Ville, disoriented momentarily, fell underneath him. She planted her hands firmly on the ground, and kicked up with her feet, shoving the Jedi off, and vaulting to her feet. "This isn't worth your trouble, Jedi..."
He got to his feet, and reached for his saber, but she kicked his wrist. "The lightsaber is an elegant weapon. This isn't going to be pretty." She kicked him again, in the side, and grabbed his head, bringing his face smashing into her knee.
Jun 8th, 2001, 06:12:05 PM
Akrabbim staggers back, dazed. He turns and pretends to fall, back to her. As he is facing away, he draws a shuriken and flings it wide, covering it with an illusion. He lets it land several yards away, and continues turning. When he is facing her again, he draws his katana. He wipes the blood off his lip and addresses her.
Fights with Sith are never pretty. But that's no reason not to use an elegant weapon.
He drops into a guard position and prepares for an attack.
Lady DeVille
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:15:15 PM
De'Ville snatched her lightsaber off her belt, and ignited it in a smooth motion. Always they defend... pitiful, really. She had noticed the motion of his arm, but had seen nothing leave his hand...
Leaping towards him, De'Ville smacked his blade towards the earth with her saber, and punched him in the nose with her free hand, rocking his head back as blood spurted through her fingers. She hooked her leg around his ankle and pulled his leg out from under him, slashing towards his stomach with her saber.
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:34:13 PM
Akrabbim extends his left leg forward, slamming into her left ankle, nearly breaking it. He raises his sword at the same time, blocking the now disrupted strike. He rolls sideways to get out of range of a second strike. As he rolls, he extends his sword, making a moderately deep slash in her other shin.
Lady DeVille
Jun 9th, 2001, 04:24:07 PM
De'Ville saw the sword slashing towards her shin, and threw herself backwards, recieving a shallow cut that dripped blood down her leg. As she regained her balance, the Jedi got to his feet and again resumed a defensive stance.
The Sith jumped forwards and the sword and saber smacked together, the lightsaber filling the air with the smell of ozone. De'Ville, favoring her injured ankle a little as she blocked the pain, poured the Force into her muscles and pressed the attack, her saber moving in a blur. The Jedi blocked all of her blows, but she slipped her saber in under his guard and knocked his sword arm up with her arm as she slashed in at his armpit.
Jun 9th, 2001, 07:11:35 PM
Akrabbim sees the saber's blade coming towards his armpit. He yanks himself sideways, barely moving out of the way. His gi is singed from the proximity of the blade. As he twists, he latches his hand onto the woman's face, holding tightly to it. He hits her with Force Confusion, flooding her mind with too many images to handle. He begins reaching for her pocket, trying to find the object she is holding.
Lady DeVille
Jun 10th, 2001, 01:00:01 AM
The Jedi's hand clutched at her head, and images began flashing in her mind. Disoriented, De'Ville stumbled backwards, then felt something plucking at her blouse. No... groping her?! Confused, De'Ville grabbed the offending hand with her free one, and snapped it backwards, twisting it in the process. She heard a satisfying pop.
Jun 10th, 2001, 01:45:06 PM
Akrabbim yells as his wrist pops out of joint. He releases her head, but continues to assault her with Force Confusion. He uses the hand that was holding her head and delivers a hard strike to her neck. He shapes his hand like a knife to increase the force of the blow. As she collapses to the ground, he pops his wrist back into joint. His connection to the Force allows him to stay concious, but the pain makes him break his Force Confusion attack. As Lady DeVille regains her feet, he speaks.
That thing you're carrying must be worthless, or you'd have used it by now. I think you're afraid to even try to use it. What, are you afraid your great Dark Side artifact is a hoax? Where is your boasting now?
Lady DeVille
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:23:28 AM
She did not seem out of breath, but stood easily, but beneath her apparent laziness she was ready for anything. Like a panther, waiting to strike. Blood and sweat dripped from her brow, and De'Ville rubbed her sore neck.
"Dark side artifact? What the frell are you talking about?! If I even tried to explain anything to you, Jedi, I'd just be wasting my breath. You don't even have proof that I am carrying anything at all.
"And if it is an artifact, what makes you think that it could be used against you in battle? And if it could be, I wouldn't use it, because I prefer to use my hands." She stepped up and slapped him hard across the face.
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:40:27 PM
Akrabbim reels sideways from the blow. On his way back up, he slams the pointed hilt of his sword into her armpit, the hooked point stabbing into her nerve centers. He yanks the weapon back out, allowing the blood to flow freely. He jumps back to regain a defensive posture.
If I were you, I would use a weapon.
Lady DeVille
Jun 12th, 2001, 03:58:28 AM
If I were you, I'd leave me alone. De'Ville's saber was ignited and in her hand before the Jedi could blink, and he barely blocked the blow that was about to take his head off. De'Ville released her two hand grip, and her vibroblade flew into her free right hand. She sliced at his throat, trying to sever the jugular.
Jun 12th, 2001, 01:33:21 PM
Akrabbim makes an illusion of himself standing, while dropping downward at the same time. DeVille slashes straight through his apparent throat as Akrabbim makes his attack. He stabs her in the right leg, piercing the muscle through, missing the bone barely. He rolls away quickly and regains his feet.
Lady DeVille
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:17:07 AM
De'Ville stumbled back. She didn't have time for this, and the pain shot through her leg from the wound. Toppling backwards, she landed on her rump, hands breaking her fall. As the Jedi brought his saber around for another blow, she threw her hand towards his face, casting all the dirt she had held into his eyes.
He spluttered and broke off his attack, wiping at his face to clear his vision. Suddenly he was surrounded by a strong wind, blowing the dirt and dust up from around him. Intermingled with the dirt were blades from the razor grass, deadly sharp edges whirling around.
De'Ville made a run across the prairie, heading for her TIE. The katana had not cauterized the leg wound, so she was losing blood, but she blocked the pain with the Force as she maintained the semi-cyclone she had created.
Jun 13th, 2001, 06:39:40 PM
OOC: It's not a lightsaber. It's a quantum metal katana. So you would be bleeding.
IC: Akrabbim, barely able to see, dives out of the cyclone's field. There are numerous cuts all over his body from the razor grass, all very painful, weakening him considerably.
He can sense Lady DeVille running away. No matter what happens to him, he cannot allow her to escape with the artifact. He reaches out with the Force, calling to the shuriken he had thrown to the side early in the fight. He flings it into the back of her uninjured leg, then yanking it back as he calls his weapon home. He begins slowly trying to follow her, limping along.
Lady DeVille
Jun 14th, 2001, 01:56:03 AM
De'Ville felt the pain in her leg as the shruiken penetrated her calf muscle. Her momentum kept her going, but she pitched forward into the grasses, cutting her forearms. Scrambling to her feet, she continued on her way. Her TIE was just over the next rolling hill... a few hundred yards away.
If she was lucky she'd make it before the Jedi caught up to her.
Jun 30th, 2001, 07:03:04 PM
OOC: Sorry for the huge delay. I was on a mission trip in Mexico, then I had computer problems when I got back. We should finally be able to get back to this. Thanks for waiting on me.
Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:08:33 PM
:: As DeVille rounded a hill in her flight from Akrabbim, she caught a glimpse of a figure off in the distance.
An approaching figure. ::
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:12:32 PM
Akrabbim suddenly halts in his tracks. He senses something that makes Lady DeVille's artifact seem a trinket. He wheels towards the figure...
Anbira... no...
Lady DeVille
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:20:07 AM
De'Ville stumbled through the razor grass, fumbling at her belt for a bacta tablet to assist her body in healing. Once back on her ship she had some vials of bacta she could put into the wounds themselves. It was just over the hill...
She crested the hill, and looked around momentarily, before plunging down the other side. In the distance she could see and sense a familiar figure, but he would not stop her from reaching the saftey of her TIE.
The Jedi had stopped pursuing, but De'Ville did not stop her flight. She had what she wanted, and no upstart Jedi padawan would stop her from leaving with it.
Jul 7th, 2001, 01:00:48 PM
Akrabbim moves closer to the... being... that Anbira has become.
Anbira! No! This is not right! You cannot allow yourself to be taken in by that stone! Destroy it now, before it is too late!
EDIT: TTT again.
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