View Full Version : Hidden Evil III: Nkllon (Viashino)

Reysa Sashara
Jul 1st, 2001, 09:43:54 PM
The planet of Nkllon was a perfect to proove the Viashino ment Buisnuiss, for the Viashino,the mission would take weeks to reaserch and weeks to prepare for eatch mission, this mission to take it will be hard but benifishal, effectively...the Via might look like aligators with long tailsand horns but they were highly intelgent..

Its time the Via made themselfs known to the Galaxy...

OOC: All Via..as ive found out theres only 3 planets in the system were currently live in...not 9..we will have to take Darvin then this planet witch is close to the Inner rim...a better positioned plnaet for us to base ourstuff at


Fire Karn
Jul 1st, 2001, 10:32:21 PM
A rather tall Viashino suddenly walked into the command room. Even though the Via were already tall the newcomer stood atleast two or three inches above everyone else. His name was Fire Karn. He had been in many, many battles, but he was just not a warrior he was also a researcher for assualt units. He walked over to the general and gave a sharp salute before giving his report.

" General Reysa Sashara, Sir. Fire Karn reporting Sir."

He waited for the general to give him at ease before continuing with his report.

"Sir, after analyzing the data of these planets in this system I have come to the conclusion that this would be a stratigically ideal place to have in our grasps. Unfourtantely I was unable to get anything about any rebels that might be in the area, so I suggest waiting for our scout vehicles. This way if there are rebels out there we would be able to find them and lose a minimal amount of soldiers."

Even though dying in battle was considered the greatest honor among the Viashinos, Karn found it a waste to lose so many lives before the war had actually begun. He had also learn to use the scouts after is fight with a Jedi. He touched the metal plate on his chest, remembering the pain that the Jedi's weapon had caused. After that he had learned not to underestimate the rebels cause they always had atleast one Jedi. Karn then stood there waiting on the General's response to his report.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:37:03 AM
"Agreed Skoth, but i wantto send a small task force to Rafa III ASAP from Deaths Leage you and Fireblood will take a team of 10 down to the surface of Rafa III and scout the place back and bring me back a detailed reportof the safest drop off point for our scout Units and later on ourattack force" he said this and groweld in pleasure...

Fire Karn
Jul 2nd, 2001, 01:03:27 AM
Karn gave a sharp salute.

"Yes sir."

He then turned around and made his way toards the door to go get Fireblood and relay the orders and prepare a small team to go down to the surface.

Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:24:33 PM
:: Catching Karn on his way out ::

"Welcome Karn, I'm Admiral Lasheye."

:: Lays a claw across his heavily (natural) armor plated chest, the Via's sign of greeting ::

"I've assessed the surface threats on the planet and found a soutable spot to land the research team, so just give e the word and we'll set off. The spot is about 4K from the nearest major military station, hidden by hills, but don't worry, theres a small valley you can pass through, you won't be going OTT!"

Fire Karn
Jul 2nd, 2001, 01:28:26 PM
Karn greeted the superior Via in the same manner that he had greeted him before responding.

"Yes sir. I am just going to assemble a small team to take with me to the surface and then we will be off."

Karn then saluted before turning and going out to find Fireblood and give him the new orders.

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 2nd, 2001, 05:52:36 PM
*** Hault Thread Till Later Date***

we have moreimportant Buisnuiss

Fire Karn
Jul 2nd, 2001, 07:06:07 PM
Karn got into a pod with a research team and headed for the planet of Nkllon. His new orders had told him to go here instead of Rafa I. He watched as the last of his crew got in before relaying to them the new orders. He had brought along ten people crew members with him.

"Warriors, we have been given new orders. Instead of going to the Rafa I planet we will instead be going to the Nkllon planet. When we get there we will break you up into two groups. One group will be led by Fireblood and they will study the landing areas and terrain. The other group will be led by me and we will study the enemy's bases and find out as much as we can. We have two days to complete this mission. It will take a minimun of two standard hours until we reach or destination. Until then you are all dismissed."

After giving the orders, Karn returned to the cockpit where Firblood had been piloting the ship. There he sat in the co-pilots seat and activated his space compsystem and transfered the files of his vehicle research on to the on-board computer sysyem to give him something to do while they waited to arrive to their destination. He brought up a hologram of one of the tanks to show Fireblood.

"So what do you think of that?"

Reysa Sashara
Jul 2nd, 2001, 07:20:55 PM
Section Bravo
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD Shadow Hunter
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Mortis
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Messier
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Bourton
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Silver Blade
Medical Task Force Cruiser: BWMV Red Blade
Total Warriors: 1500
Total Tie: 350

Reysa's Section came into orbit of Nkllon..thanks to the Diktat of the Imperal Empire, he was allowed to venture inside this space and attack with his force, after the launching of the scout party..Reysa grinned baring his reptilian teeth..the shield ships to planete would take them towards the NkLLon shadow then it would all begin..

" Time to show the others we are here to stay"..he said under his breath

The sheild ships that were blocking the sun from buring the 2nd section of the Via fleet to dust finaly made it to the shadow, coolness hit them as the sun dispeard behinde the planet...what a perfect place for lizards reysa comended the Skoth laughed also

" fly the ship skoth!" Reysa commanded
" yes sir" said the Skoth

Comm-Link from border patrol: Good evening...Viashino i beleve>>" Said the oldman with a long grey beard

Reysa: Yes we are viashino...
Man: How can we help you this day Via" he said

Reysa groweld under his breath..

Reysa: Launch 70 TIE fighter from 2 ships
Reysa: Cut the link" he said to the skoth...

the link went off as the TIE sqaudrons sped past the ships in intercept of the sheld ships

Reysa: NO!!!Leave the sheild ships we may be in need of them " he comanded

:: The Ties spilt up eatch team attacking one dreadnaught class cruiser that gauded the mineing station::

Reysa:Sqadron 3 attack the AT & T hangers blow them to smitheriens" he said with a grin...

:: One Dreadnaughclass cruiser unable to launch its fighters due to the surprise attack exploded in a brillent flash of light,the TIES that just destryed that dread naught went after the left over dreadnaught in a wasp formation, fireing mulitble cannon down on them,the dreadnuahgt hitback with its external lazers blowing up 4 TIE in a row instently::

Skoth: There trying to comm us sir..
Reysa: Denied....Mortis have your ship launch 5 Missile boats

:: The missle boats luanched out and fired at the dread naught, smaching into its main deck and killing the captian and its crew, it again explodedin a flash of light::

Skoth: Sir we have many transport ships namely assain correlens flanking us

Reysa: TIE fighters we have many transpoirt attacking us with small lazers take them out"

:: The TIES span around and headed toward the tranposrts::

Reysa Sashara
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:44:18 PM
:: Reysa,turned to see the tranports by pass them, reysa banged on the command table::

" I am SICKEND by even the damn sight of these lower race"Shouted Reysa

The TIES slammed there lazer fire into the transports blowing them up one by one, one transport span around narrowly missing the sections flagship, on fire the transport span out of control and smashed into the another tranport and exploding out the way

"AGHHH!" shouted a Skoth as he was blown out of his seat and slammed head first into the floor braking his kneck..

::Reysa Kicked the body og the man over and jumped into the pilots seat himself::

" Corse 1353mark 5" Said Reysa
"Messier launch 25 Vanguads NOW!" he continued

TIE Pilot: 12 transports gone, 5 to go

:: The red alert signal ecoed through the hull of the ship::

"Hull in meduim to good condition" said one Skoth
"Hanger in poor condition, there hitting our TIE sir" said another

"SHUT UP FOR A SEC!" shouted Reysa he looked down breathing hard thinking...*Click*
" YES!!!!" he said

:: The skothslooked at him::

" LT get to the iron cannon admitter.." he said this and the soth ran to the Iron admitter

" Fire at these co-ordinents" he said to the Skoth

"But her thats the shaild ships" said the skoth

" Do it skoth" said reysa..

:: The skoth fired at the sial of the shild ship, it bounced off the sail and into the path of the 5 left transports, destroying them instantly, the crew cheerd::

"Good work crew....now its up to Karn"

Fire Karn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:37:21 AM
Karn looks back at the ship resonsible for that save and he saluted them. He then got on the transmitter.

"Thanks for that save."

After transmitting the message he got back in his seat and put his computer aside and checked the reading of the ship to make sure no heavy damage was sustained. He then checked the coordinates to their destination and changed them a little so that it cut back the time. He then put the ship at a faster speed so that it wold cut back their arival time by thirty minutes.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 3rd, 2001, 03:31:08 AM
:: Reysa Beated his chest to the TDS a sighn of honer::

"Ok Skoth, lets get back to operating pertential"

:: As the skoth took the body away of the Via Lizard that broke his kneck, he beated his chest softly a bit upset, he looked out to the debry flaoting in space he sighed a sigh of releif and smerked::

" Those human still make me SICK" he said sitting back down in his captians seat...

" All Skoth Warriros please prepare to baord those sail Ships capture them and bring them infront of the ship to shield them from the sun that will be comming around soon"

OOC: i would just like to mention that these sail baots are actrally apart of the planets ships, and every ship that wishes to enter the orbit of this planet needs to be protected from the very near sun or there ship would litrally melt..i have reaserched in this planet before hand...so these ships have about 100feet by 100feet sails (Umbrella) that protect your ships from the superhot sun...

Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:22:26 AM
Kyle stood in the darness behind Reysa. He walked forward and spoke briskly.

"If humans make you sick Grand General why do you take there planets. this time don't say that it's just to remove an evil government either. This planet was at peace. Ninety percent of their pilot's can't actually fly good. those Dreadnaughts are also very old not even a challenge. Tell me why are we taking a peaceful planet now."

He smiled waiting for the Grand General's reply.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:12:10 PM
"Your dare to queston my actions marshal?"

:: He stops the skoth from bruterly killing him put raiseing a hand::

" We are Viashino, we take what we will, you help with Darvin 5?? yet you talk of taking peaceful planets?"

"Anyway you serve the Via, we have 2planets and not enough to base ourselfs from, plus to the fact this is a hot planet...we need one to surviv....these ppl can live around us peacefully if they so will but we NEED a inner rim planet to keep up with other races"

OOC: How in the gods given feather, did you get from Darvin to Nkllon that quick?

Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:21:13 PM
OOC: It's actually being sent through the force to you. I'm projecting my image sort you could say.

Kyle smiled.

"I do not question you General. I am merely stating that it should be taen peacefully show them the power of your force don't kill anyone until they shot first which you have not done you shot first. Tell them you wish to merely bring them into your Empire where they will be safe...that way you will be able to take all their equipment intact and you will have more fighters to serve under you."

Reysa Sashara
Jul 3rd, 2001, 02:02:31 PM
:: Reysa thought about the things kyle said,, Kyle beaing one of the only and top council members "Human" it might be worth listerning to him for this one::

" All space fighter and cap ship back of for a sec...Karn your still a go, and karn (he looked at Kyle) getto the goverment building and convinve them we will let them..live with us as there leaders....p..p..peacefully.."

Jul 3rd, 2001, 02:55:53 PM
Kyle turned bac to Reysa.

"I will explain why we should do this even more thoroughly now. If we do this peacefully and other worlds hear that we gave them a chance and they took it. they would relaize that once we showed up that they could be either killed or they could survive. They would know that we don't want them dead cause they can supply the troops with food and such...and they will do it willingly. This way we also keep our commandos and pilot's alive and we get more equipment out of it. It's a win win situation they live and we get supplies and more soldiers."

Reysa Sashara
Jul 3rd, 2001, 07:20:38 PM
"There trying to comm us again sir" said the comm-Skoth
"Approved" said Reysa

Man: Viashino we mean you no harm please lay off your attack on our planet......please!?!?

Reysa: you have 5 hoursto come up with the desision...ether be taken peacefully and quelty, or more of your plet dies...

Man: Look Via, we want no harm done to this planet..we want peace

Reysa: Is that your final decision?
Man: No...we fight for our planet and we will fight you back till the last man just to defend you sniverling canavors

Reysa: You Humans make me sick..(me turned to the comm officer) Cut him off

:: The comm shut off and reysa smiled....::

"Oh well kyle....i tried" he said grinning in pleasure..

:: The 3 Sqaurdon heading fot the mineing station were they held many AT&T, burst though the cload level and towards the AT&T Hanger, the 6 TIE Vanguards, flew over the hot raging sun filled sands, the mineing stations was about 6 minutes away and closeing, one Via snaled and hissed at the many villages looked up to see the TIEs shoot over the many towns, TIE one selected his Blasters and master armed them, 3 mins and closeing...this was going to be a ride::

Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:19:30 PM
Kyle shook his head. Why where the government officials always the stupid people.

"Don't let your men get over confident."

Suddenly his image disappeared into nothing.

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:00:50 AM
A very tall Viashino walks into the command ship's bridge, tail lashing, eyes flashing, and walked up to Grand Admiral Lasheye.
"Reporting for duty, sir!"
Snaps a clawed hand to his brow.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:53:15 AM
OOC: Dude,Lash is in the Darvin 5 Mission...not this one..check over there..

IC: The TIE fighter were 10 secs out in a wasp swarm formation, the lead fighter broke of and pulled up directly above the hanger, while the other 5 crashed there blaster fire into the hanger, blowing pieaces of hanger apart, one AT&T managed to set up and escape out of the hudge hanger doors, suddenly the lead fighter swooped down hitting the legs off the AT&T, the right front leg exploded making the AT&T slam to the floor starting a chain reaction head then middle then back exploded::

::the 6 TIES regrouped and swung out and took another run at the hanger smaching blaster fire into the hanger making it colaps on itself and smach to the floor, the ::

" This is Tie 5 to TIE 1 they have launched 24 AT&T walkers 23 miles away and we have to get there quick before the sun reacers us"

" Lead TIE to TIE 5, i i gotcha" The Via Snalled and pulled left toward the advancing Legion of AT&T's

Reysa Sashara
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:35:08 PM
:: The TIE fighter flew near the edge of the shadow, the sun was comming fast, TIE lead pulled slightly right to avoid confrentation with the hot sun,although the hot sun would power the TIE better than the soler cells but then again it would completely met it to liquid and the Via inside also,although the ships in reaserch at the Via Labs right now can substain high desitys of radiation and heat there hull is 7 feet thick, pitty there were not ready to build yet...were lizards what can i say?::

::Just as this happend the 5 Missile Boats swung around to hoin the rest of the fighters, 12 miles and closeing to the leagion, this was to be a hard task destroying 24 AT&T walkers with 4 TIE Vangaurds and 5 Missile Boats, oh the missles would help, but the legion would almost certainly claim lives, the legion could be seen from a good 5 miles away, the sun was rushing out fast and the shimmer was nearly looking like warter in the sand...::

"TIE Lead to all fighters (The Via groweld) i want all fighters to be ready for one hell of a ride, Missile boats you go for the body of the AT&T's and Vangurds go for the legs thats the only way i can see beating them down from here"

:: Acknowlegements came from the fighters that were flying alonside, and the fight had begun::

Captain Delen Hunt
Jul 4th, 2001, 06:35:31 PM
OCC: CAn i join this too, but please can you tell me little about this.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 4th, 2001, 06:43:43 PM
OOC: Hunt pick Darvin or Nkklon.....cant do both..lol

Fire Karn
Jul 4th, 2001, 08:14:46 PM
Karn was aware of everything that his comrades in arms were going through, but he had his on mission to complete so he turned the view screen off and turned back to the helm of the ship. He then got on the intercomm to address his crew.

"Attention, this is you Superior officer. We have reached our destination. We will circle the planet once on a dead silence trip just to avoid the radars and find a safe place to land.That is all for now."

He turned back to the controls and went in to make the circle. It took them another hour to complete thier trip after which Karn decided it would be better to land in the northern hemisphere of the planet. He then got back on the comm.

"Attention we are out of the silent round. We will be landing in the northern hemisphere where we will hike south to do our research. I want all warriors to reprt in the cargo hold when we land."

After searching for a landing spot, Karn took the ship down and landed and then went to the cargo hold to breif his troops.

"Alright you skoth. We will be splitting into two groups but because Fireblood was called back to base before we got to far out in space I have chosen another to take his place."

He paced up and down the line of skoth before stopping in front of one.

Karn-"You. You will be the leader of the second group. You will be put in charge of researching the terrain and surrounding lands for landing places. You will have a team of four instead of the initial five. Do you accept your responsiblitiy?"

Skoth-"Yes sir."

Karn-"Very well. Now as for my team I only need three volunteers. We will be researching the ememy bases. It will be dangerous and there is a good chance that we might be discovered. That is way I want only the best. i want to reduce that chance as much as I can, but I promise you this...if you are reckless and I we almost get caught because of your mistakes then rest assured I will kill you myself. Now any volunteers?"

Karn watch as two volunteers steped forward and then he noticed one step foward after hesitation. Good atleast there is one wise, yet bold person on this ship besides myself, Karn thought with a smile. He knew all of his crew and he knew that the two that stepped foward first were capable of doing the task but they were only going for the action. The third was the best he had but he had thought about the outcomes but still chose the mission.

"Alright we rest for now but at dawn we move out. Dismissed."

Reysa Sashara
Jul 5th, 2001, 06:58:02 PM
::A missile slamed into the side of one AT&T and a 2nd smashed into the head of the same AT&T sending it flying for a good 10-15 feet into the hot sun..it started to melt as the men inside get out, but it was to late, the sun hit them and burnt them to a crisp::

" All fighters keep moveing with the city" Tie lead commanded

:: The TIES just kept inside the shadowline hitting the legion from the rear of the pact, one missile totaly smached into the back of a AT&T knokcing down ontop of its own head crushing it to a pulp one TIE fired at the legs of a AT&T luckerly hitting a pipe and making it explode and flipping the AT&T right around landing on its back and again..cruhsed the men inside::

:<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT=":o"> ne TIE Vangaurd was hit by a bolt from a AT&T, the TIE pilot roard but turned it toward a AT&T smaching it into the side of it and knocking it over making it explode, the other TIES and MB's hunted these AT's like lions attacking gazells, the AT's fired of few blasters but not much, they had to preserve it to protect the city.::

:: the sun now about 10-20 feet from the legion the Ties move more right to take more around, one missile was fired hitting the head of it and out he other side exloding just after exiting the head making the AT&T fall the opposite way the MB pilot antisipated, he pulled down and flew under the falling AT&T, the MB groweld in excitment, only a few to go now::

Reysa Sashara
Jul 5th, 2001, 10:01:54 PM
::o ne missile Boat swung round to view the Legion from lower down but a lazer blast smached through his cockpit and hit the pilot complely turning the guy the dust and making a hole right through the cockpit and out the other side of the ship,..the legion was slowly making short work of the Via but the Via was not going to have that...there were goingto use there galaxy feard formation..the Via were the only guys that could do it without crashing.....the Wasp Swarm formation this was one of the feard formations..they would bunch up and fire all at the same time::

:: They did this in a matter of secondes and they fired at eatch indervusual AT&T walker hitting it hard blowing the back of them into pieaces not completely wrecking the back of them and destroying the turrets on the top after that the missle boats would fire and finishing them off::

:: The Legion had been completely destroyed...and it wa s amission complete, the Ties were now instrusted to land where the Drop-ship to Yurza had landed and await further instruction::

Reysa Sashara
Jul 7th, 2001, 06:41:37 PM
:: Reysa patroled his bridge of the Victory class destroyer Shadow Hunter waiting for a report from Karn, and the crew from the Darvin attack to arrive at Nkllon::

" Fleet report ready?" he groweld

Skoth: 17 TIES destroyed, 1 crew member killed from all ships, and minor damage to all ships

Reysa: Good...now lets wait for the others..

Jul 9th, 2001, 12:09:22 PM
:: A holo-transmission interrupted the intense atmosphere on the bridge. It showed Lash stood on a podium in a grassy clearing, a scene Rey recognised as being from Darvin. It said;

"Today people, marks a monumentous occasion. Today, we have taken our third planet, and this makes us the strongest, and the largest Viashino clan known."

:: the crowd erupted in cheers ::

"Thanks to the valliant efforts of not only Rey, but also Kyle Horn and Ripclaw Fireblood, we have acheived this goal with minimal loss of Viashino life and limb, for which I thank them both, my only greivence being neither of them could be here with us as they are aiding the great cause of the Via further still, by assisting Rey in capturing Nkllon.
Once the work here is complete, we will be moving many important Via services here, such as another shipworks and wepons works. But in the mean time, there is much work to be done. I am going to leave you now, you all know what needs to be done, good luck and godspeed people, and Rey, thankyou......."

:: The atmosphere of the crowd accelerated and reached a whole new level and Via and human came together to congratulate eachother on a job well done.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 9th, 2001, 01:06:17 PM
:: The crews smiles were electrified the Via were finaly prooveing thereselfs to be a worthy to the rest of the Galaxy, Reys grin shone like moonlight hitting it, suddenly aloud shout came from the Skoth below him::


**Come on Lash where are you**he thought

"Turn us around" he commanded

OOC: By the way lash your holo message has proboly got a 4 hour deley between us so it was 4 hours since you sent that message for you...

Jul 9th, 2001, 05:05:35 PM
:: Just as the Dreadnaught's began launching their squadrons of fighters, the radios crackled to life, and a message was broadcast on all channels ::

"To all Nkllonian vessles, this is admiral Lasheye of the Viashino empire. You are surrounded by over two thirds of the Viashino fleet, and thus heavily outnumbered. I hearby offer you an altimatum; Either you concied and we can work out a peaceful solution, maybe join our already extramly powerful force, or you face swift elimination and everything you own will become ours, and I garantee you there will be no survivors. What do you say? Will you side with the winning team?"

Fire Karn
Jul 10th, 2001, 12:49:23 AM
As the sun rose over the planet, Karn stood outside of his ship while waiting on his crew to awaken. During the night he had recieved a call that a group of TIEs were coiming to re-enforce him. He was expecting them to get here before sunrise, but they had not shown up yet. He stood there waiting, he wanted to hear their excuse for being late. As he was thinking about the matter the group of TIEs came around and landed. There were fifteen in total. He stood there watching them as they climbed out of their cockpits. The leader of the group walked over to him and he saluted Karn.

Karn- "Give me a full report."

Squardron Leader- "Sir we were attacked as we were trying to locate your position. We have lost two fighters during this attack, but the rest of us stand waiting for your orders."

Karn looked at the rest of the pilots and at their fighters. A few of them had been severely damaged.

Karn- "The pilots of those fighters that are damaged are to stay here and gaurd the ship while making what repairs are to be needed. You will accompany me and three other skoths to spy on the enemy. The rest of your men will go with the other part of my team and help the research landing points and survey the land."

Squadron Pilot- "Yes Sir."

As the two finished their conversation the rest of Karn's me came out of the ship ready to complete their mission. He stood before them to give his final orders to all of them for the next few days.

"Alright listen up. You that are accompaning me go get a blaster rifle, your armor, and enough rations to last for two-three days. The rest listen to me. You men will be surveying the land and trying to find the best landing locations within a 20 mile radius of this place. You will carry enough ration for two-three days also. You will not return to the ship unless it is needed. Each of you know your own personal responsiblity. There is no room for any mistakes in this. We need all the information the we can get. That is all for now. Go to designated places and start your research."

He then looked over his men one more time before turning to accept a blaster rifle from one of the skoth that was coming with him. He then jumped on his land speeder and they traveled until they werer ten miles away from the enemy base. They then got off of their speeders and hid them in the snow. They then marched until they were on top of a hill that was about two miles away from the base.

"Alright men we will camp here. We will take five hour shifts watching the enemy. So not overlook anything. I want to know their feeding times and lights out, everything. I will take the first shift."

He then turned to face the base and watched very intently.