View Full Version : Hidden Evil II: Darvin 5 (Viashino)

Jun 26th, 2001, 02:51:37 PM
:: It's dark yeah, I mean real dark, the kind even your gran's scared of, and she's seen everything!! Three Troop Drop ships detatch from the main Viashino Fleet, comprised of a Victory class destroyer, heavily flanked. The crew are tense, I mean it's not like they're new to conflicts like this, what with the taking of Vortos 1 and everything, but like all good soldiers, for thats just what they are, thay know things can go wrong and they have to prepare for the worst. The atmosphere tenses as the Intercom crackles to life;
"Ok people this is the Admiral, listen up, you all attended the briefing, you know whats expected of you, and you know how it's going to be done, yes?"

:: a resounding "Yes Sir!!" echo's around the hull of the ship ::

"Well then know this too, as the leaders of the Via, we have the ultimate faith in you to conduct this operation efficiently, you are the best! Good luck, and Godspeed people, here's Rey.....

::hands the headset over ::

Reysa Sashara
Jun 26th, 2001, 03:02:05 PM
:: Reysa took the head-set and nodded at Lash::

" Today crew we will be taking a more effient and slightly more defencable force,this planet is lucky enough in the same system as the other 2 planets (Close to home) the 3 trrop ships will land...infiltrate there communications center and destroy there radar and communications, making the whole place un-able to warn the next place or our precense, then..we will take out there hangers and weapons factors..one by one we will work through the military establishments and cut there resorces off"

:: Rey watched as the 3 Troops drop ships enterd orbit and saw the all to useral red shine of the bottome of the ships..::

" Admiral...use your specel skill.....ships"

Jun 26th, 2001, 03:09:42 PM
Ok then people, if there is nothing more to be said, I'll take you down, the landing area is safe, and it's a 1 1/2 miles to the first objective. You'll be in contact with myself the whole time, via a secure data link, so theres no worry of them interrupting signals etc. We've got a full compliment of TIE's on standby, controlled by Kyle, so if you run into trouble of any kind, just shout me and I'll we'll come running!!"

:: Turns to Rey ::

"I'll be there at the end this time bro, good luck."

:: Returns to the flight deck to begin entry into the atmosphere ::

Reysa Sashara
Jun 26th, 2001, 03:23:53 PM
OOC: i Realise mine and lash type the same but i can assure you guys were diffrent peeps :) just for the VONG who think were the same guy..

IC: The Troop drop ships landed in a small clearing in the middel of a hudge forest, the doors opens and 175 BWT (Border World Troops) sprung out from the ships and secured the area, the cold night air was surpriseing...the cold snow was another big surprice to the troops, the communications center was in the middile of a small clearing surrounded by the woods hidden from aggressos...pitty that the BWE took satalite scans from space now isent it::

:: The Team groupsed up and headed toward the Comm center quickly but silently, the woods were dark...but the team was equipt with Night-Vison , the team took around about 10-12 minutes to get the the wire fence of the comm center, one man brought out a wire cutter, but the other guy pointed to the sighn "High Voltage Keep Clear", while the rest hid in the forrest next to the base::

Jun 26th, 2001, 04:20:42 PM
:: The ships blasted off and made strait for the fleet, making good time without the weight of the troops, Admiral Lasheye was back on the bridge of the Destroyer wihtin thirty minutes.

A comm link was established with the comunications officer in the team and all the scanning equipment was utilised, not only to ensure the troops were ok, but to watch out for any sneeky attacks. No one was gonna get hurt this time.
The long-range scanning detected approx. 10 dry docks, all full, and no other major ship activity, this could be easier than expected ::

Garrett Felth
Jun 26th, 2001, 05:08:29 PM
In the main hanger of the flagship VSD, Garrett Felth was just exiting the main turbolift. As the doors swished shut behind him, a man shouted over to him, gesturing him over. Garrett made his way over to a large transport - a modified Imperial Landing Craft. The Landing Crafts had over three times the cargo space that Lambda shuttles have, and they are more heavily armed with stronger hulls and shielding, as well as a formidable weapons arrangement that allows them to engage enemy forces whilst delivering troops and equipment right into the heart of a battle. A sergeant stood to attention as Garrett neared. The two men saluted one another before Garrett walked on board. He sat in the co-pilot seat, acknowledged with the pilot and then activated the intercom system to speak with the men in the troop compartment.

Garrett Felth: "Alright, this is General Major Felth speaking. You're all familiar with the battle plan. I'm here to assure things run smoothly down there, as well as to provide assistance with management. Alert me if there isn't thirty men in there.........okay good. Now, our cargo is a pair of brand new Scorpion Artillery tanks, each with a range of about 500 metres, depending on wind speed and direction of course! The other shuttle has exactly the same cargo. You men will provide covering fire as the tanks leave the shuttles, and will then provide secorts for the tanks until further notice. Good luck...and may the force be with us!"

Garrett terminated the transmission with the troops, and then switched to the primary command frequency...

Garrett Felth: "Admiral, this is General Felth. All systems nominal to profile. Troops and tanks strapped in nice and tight. We're starting our approach to the planet. Felth out!"

And with that, the two shuttles simultaneously lifted off the glossy hanger bay floor, passed through the magnetic field and therefore exited the VSD hanger, and then blasted off towards the planet...

Jun 26th, 2001, 05:26:04 PM
Kyle walked down past the TIE's being prepared for combat in case they where needed. He walked past the pilot's as the saluted to him and than got back to work. He stopped in front of a crew officer and spoke.

"How many TIE's are on prepared for flight?"

Crew Officer: "Two hundred of them sir. We will have the last fifty ready within the next hour or so. Your Missle Boat is alreayd prepared as well sir."

"Excellent. I want those fifty TIE's though ready within the next half hour."

Crew Officer: "But sir..."

"No but's we aren't playing games here. If all the TIE's are needed do you thin we'll have to time to get those fifty ready if this ship is under fire by ground turbo lasers and such. We won't have time to come in get repaired and go out by than ninety percent of them will be dead...all right get the last of the bomber's prepped and than move to the Interceptor's."

Crew Officer: "Yes sir."

Kyle shoo his head as the man walked off. He than grabbed his helmet from one of the other men. He walked over to his fighter and than saw other's do the same. He grinned they only had ten Missle Boat's here and twenty Defender's than there was about fifty bomber's and than the rest was made of Interceptor's, TIE Advanced, Fighter's and a few other models he hadn't gotten the names of yet. He saw Sequela nd paused. He breathed slowly and saw as Sequel climbed into his Defender. He took a small look at him than turned away and climbed into his ship.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 26th, 2001, 05:57:23 PM
::The team was at the wire fence, one officer, put up a rubber handeld device and attached it to the fence, it simply fell apart and fell silently to the floor...the nearby gaurd tower was oblivios to the 10 troops that moved in and went round the left of the building, 1 went up the guard tower and slit the kneck of the man standing there::

The 10 troops went to the base of the large satalite dish and the bomberdier attacked a C-9 explosive to the base of it and then with the other 10 ran inside, killing the Intelegece moniters inside, the 10 soldiers then proceeded to shoot up the communications computers, smaching them up and destryoing them::

The team proceeded to the next room over from there witch was the cargo hold with many communications devices and equpitment, they killed the guards and set up 5 C-9 explosives...3 men form the 10 went over to the electics outside the building and set a further 3 C-9's...surpricingly not many gaurds...thats becuse the base was not ment to be seen attal..

Reysa: Ok guys have you se all the explosives?
Commander: Yes sir..
Reysa: Get outta there then...

The 10 men sprinted our of the base and towards the rest of the trea hideing...

Reysa was handed the button to the explosives and layed his thumb on the buttom...

Garrett Felth
Jun 26th, 2001, 06:19:06 PM
After only five minutes flight time, the Landing Craft emerged from the dark clouds of the planet and landed safely on the ground. They had landed in a small clearing in the middle of a forest, and it was a few hundred metres to the edge of the forest. The main doors opened and suddenly troops poured out of the transport, followed by the tanks, The troops took up covering positions around the tanks and transports, whilst Garrett sent another transmission to command on the orbiting VSD...

Garrett Felth: "Alright command, this is General Felth. "Black Hawk" task force has landed at the co-ordinates stated. Intel reports our target is in the northern hemisphere. Requesting three Chariot LAV's, over..."

Comm-officer: "Roger, General Felth. We're sending a dropship with the repulsorlift command vehicles now. Over and out!"

Garrett switched off the tranmitter, deciding to run on silent for now. It would take no more than fifteen minutes for the larger vehicle dropships to arrive. Once here, the troops could board them and they'd be on their way to the target in no time. He only hoped the infiltration team would be able to knock out all communications in time! Garrett stood at the entrance to the Landing Craft and addressed the troops...

Garrett Felth: "Alright men. Here's the situation. Due to the element of surprise being a neccessity in this assault, we've had to land quite a distance from the target - in fact its in the northern hemisphere! But don't worry - command is prepping a trio of Chariot LAV's as we speak so your legs won't get tired just yet! In the meantime, scout out the area and prepare for the relief team who will be guarding the drop-off point as we'll be returning here once our mission is complete until further orders are received."

Garrett smiled reassuringly to the troops, then made his way back inside to the command cabin of the transport, where he sat down and sipped his hot cup of tea which he had just recently poured out of the thermus flask his mother gave him all those years ago...

Jun 26th, 2001, 06:34:48 PM
Kyle smiled as he heard the all clear. He brought up the starfighter's command frequency and spoke.

"All right. Missle Boat's Deploy. TIE Defenders you wait until we need you."

Kyle watched as all ten Missle Boat's flew out of the hanger. He brought his tactical screens than spoke.

"All right engage SLAM's."

Kyle pressed the button on his right and suddenly the Missle Boat slowly picked up speed. He watched his sensor scan and saw the rest of the group doing the same. He felt his eyes pull back a bit and grinned. He pressed the button again and smiled as his engines slowed down. He was already through the atmosphere when lasers started to blast at them. He turned to his port and saw a Squad of out dated TIE Advanced heading towards them. Kyle grinned.

"Well it seems that this won't be so boring."

Reysa Sashara
Jun 26th, 2001, 06:58:12 PM
:: Rey sqeezed the button at the place exploded sending the dish to the floor calapsing on itself and smashing into the building below and crushing it beneth its own weight, crushing the mabey alive people inside::

:: Rey pointed to the woodlend to the right of them and gave a thumbs up, he instructed comm soldier to report in::

Comm Officer-: To all Border World Troops..the communications tower is down..repeat the communicatiosn tower is down..all border wolds strikes are now a go!

Reysa smiled as the small force ran off towards the next target...

Garrett Felth
Jun 27th, 2001, 09:30:40 AM
The confirmation transmission came through, relayed via the flagship in orbit. At the same time, the dropships arrived with the Chariot LAV's onboard. As the speeders exited the transports, the ramps opened and out poured yet more troops - the relief team.

Garrett Felth: "Okay Black Hawk's! Looks like we've got the green light! Lets get going then. Suit up and board the transports now!"

The troops responded instantly and grabbed their gear before ascending the rain-swept metal ramps, illuminated ever so slightly by the moon peeking through the twilight clouds above them. The relief team replaced Black Hawk force, securing the area ready for extraction once the mission had been accomplished. It only took Black Hawk Force two and a half minutes to be fully loaded and on the LAV's. Another minute went by and General Felth boarded the first command speeder.

Garrett Felth: "Alright then! We estimate that it will take approximately twenty to thirty minutes to reach Ground Zero. Once we're there, you boys will proceed under the cover of night towards the weapons factory and infiltrate the facility. Once done, secure the area and await further instructions."

Garrett said exactly the same to the other two teams in the other two LAV's. He then returned to the first one and signalled to the pilot. In synchronisation, the three speeder transports hummed slightly, before zooming off through the forest corridor. It took mere seconds to clear the forest and they were out in the open again, and on their way to the traget area...

Garrett Felth
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:28:37 PM
The relief team were set up in minutes. Tripod gun teams had been placed strategically, and periodically, throughout the forest - mainly just on the edge of the forest, secluded from view outside the forest. Another pair of LAV's had been brought down for command station and administration purposes. As well as this, two squads of three speeder bikes each had just arrived and were idle between the two LAV's. Inside the firast command vehicle, three officers stood around a hologramatic display. The device was a mapper - a very sophisticated mapper that was able to generate completely 3-D views of the battlefield, giving commanders excellently detailed information on the terrain and any strategic locations, or areas of tactical advantage. Accompanying the men were an additional five men - soldiers - serving as field-advisors. The second command speeder was full of various droids - mainlt protocol, but there were quite a few astromech's and medical droids too.

The trio of speeders had been travelling for the same five minutes, and had made relatively good progress with no incursions whatsoever - which was good seen as though stealth was an important part of the plan at hand! it would only be between twenty and twenty five minutes now, and then the fun would begin.

Garrett stood behind the pilot and co-pilot of the command speeder, seemingly studying something. He was actually looking at one of the overhead displays suspended above the windshield. On display were the various statistics of the LAV's, as well as a map of the target area...

Reysa Sashara
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:47:35 PM
::Reysa's team had come to a small supply depot..1st brigades next target, just up the rail road track was a bridge crossing a lake (Nimth)::

" Ok team, i want my 5 bombers and 5 infiltration units to stay here, the rest of you get back to the meeting point..ok"

::Noddes from the team was seen and the 170 mens slowly ran into the darkness leaveing the infiltration and bomer men, and rey or course::

" Bomber sqaud, i want you guys to get to that bridge, get over there and wait for my commands...go"

:: The crews quitely complyed and were seen jumping over bushes etc...::

"Infiltration team i want you to insert yoursels into that building there,that warehouse will keep from intelegance reports ground to air missiles and 3 for 4 missile boats..plus some cargo crates we dont know about, get in there and oberve what there up to"

Noddes came from the team that they jogged towards the small warehouse::

:: Reysa took aim with this sniper rifel and coverd them towards the small outpost waitng for a reply from the Bombers...::

Jun 27th, 2001, 05:31:17 PM
Kyle pulled hard to starboad and than pulled down. He watched as the nose of his craft heated up. Than he pulled up and twisted around. He hit the trigger and watched as a single shot came out and slammed into the back of the enemy craft. He fired a more rapid blast with most of them missing. He continued to fire as he saw the hanger start to scramble more fighters.

"All right people. We got trouble. They now we're here. Two, three, five. I want you to fly cover as the rest of us take out that hanger."

Kyle flipped on his targeting computer for the torps. He watched as they grew nearer. He smiled and than pulled the trigger as he got a solid lock. He smiled as more torps flew through the air. Suddeny the hanger exploded in a birlliant flash of light.

Jun 27th, 2001, 06:41:37 PM
:: From the bridge of the acting flagship, Lash orders a comm link opened with both comm officers from each division ::

"Ok guys, Rey, Garret, I'm gonna need all the long-range turbo-laser sites etc taken offline so I can bring the fleet in close enough to act as a soutable platform for the fighter/bombers to work from. They're encountering slightly more resistance than first assumed, not too much, but I'd feel better being closer for them.
Oh and Rey, we got bombers on line now, so if you got anything big needs removing, don't forget to give Kyle a call!
Good luck guy's, Lash out......"

Garrett Felth
Jun 27th, 2001, 07:47:55 PM
Garrett Felth: "I read you Lash! Once we've disabled the weapons factory I'll see what the situation is and we'll handle 'em! I have more troops back at the extraction point so some of them can lend a hand if needed. Felth out!"

Garrett returned his attention to the maps displayed on the monitors. he then leaned over the co-pilots shoulder to speak directly to him...

Garrett Felth: "Lieutenant, head back into the ops room and compile a brief report for the Sergeant back at the extraction point. Inform him of the situation here and with the fleets request and update. Tell him to have between three and five squads ready to head out if needed."

Without responding, the lieutenant stood up and disappeared into the dark doorway just behind Felth. Garrett then took thenow free seat next to the pilot, placed the headset atop his brow and checked the repulsor systems whilst he waited, occasionally flicking his attention to the map above him...

Reysa Sashara
Jun 27th, 2001, 07:54:28 PM
:: Reysa had just completed a data pad massage to all of the active groups::

Communications Tower: Destroyed
TIE Hanger and Storage: Destroyed
Weapons Facility: Next Target
Suppy Depot:Infiltrated
Nimth Supply Bridge:Active
Hanger #2: Active
Orbital Shipyard: Active (On other side of planet to fleet)

OOC: This Data Pad will be updated, with more targets and Info

IC: sent by reysa sashara

Jun 27th, 2001, 09:13:58 PM
Kyle pulled around and wished that some other ships where here to help. He brought up the Grand Admiral's comm. freqeuncy and spoke.

"Sir if it is possible would we be able to deploy some more TIE's."

Kyle pulled around again and watched as another out dated TIE Advanced flew passed him.

Jashiva Darkstorm
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:40:42 AM
:: 2 Troop Drop Ships landed in the provided clearing by Garrets troops, the drop ships landed safetly and a further 4 Scorpion Artilary tanks rolled out from ramps of the ships to the soft snowy grass::

Jash:Scorpion tanks 1,2,3,4 before Kyle can get to a small airbase just north of the capatal city we will have to take out some anti-starfighter turrets, there are 13 in total there heaverly gaurded and well armoured, this is the planets main airbase where they are hideing many reaserch topics and many squadrons of Starfighters, this needs to be taken out before we attack anyother establishment in the area...is that ok troops?"

:: A small Yes sir was heard through the comm-links and the artilary drove off towards to west were the airbase was built::

Jun 28th, 2001, 12:09:17 PM
:: Flicking on the in-ship intecom ::

"Attention all personel, ship is preparing for the launch of twenty-five TIE's of various types from this ship, all crew report to respective operating stations."

:: Replying to Kyle ::

"Ok Kyle, you got twenty-five more TIE's heading your way, they got your comm. freq. so they'll call you when they're in range, how's it going down there?"

Reysa Sashara
Jun 28th, 2001, 02:46:07 PM
::Reysa looked up and saw the infiltration team enter the building::

Infiltration officer one: Sir they have many crates, 3-6 Missile boats and 3 cargo trucks there loading them quickly, i think they know of our attack..

Reysa: Ok, i want you to implant 5 C-9 bombs around there, ok?

Infil 1: Yes sir, looks like this place is a outpost rather than a supply depot, they have a short take of pad outside also

Reysa: ok..plant the bombs and get out...rey Out!

Rey looked down then he got a report from the bomber team

Bomber one: Team in place sir, were at the base of the bridge..

Rey: Good ok, stay there for further order...

Comm-link to ash: All units in position...its going fine down here bro...

Jun 28th, 2001, 05:04:56 PM
Kyle grinned slightly than let it drop.

"Not to pretty. These guys are pretty good but nothing we can't handle."

Kyle pulled around again. He switched his weaponry over to missiles. He aimed and heard a confirmation lock. He fired one missile flew through the air and slammed into the ships back. Flames poured out of it, the ship started to drop down and slammed into another ship and exploded.

"We have about six left to take out than we can go after that second hanger."

Jun 28th, 2001, 05:45:43 PM
"Glad to hear it Rey."

:: Selecting Kyle's comm. freq."

"Bad news I'm afraid Kyle, it appears they have a TIE hanger about 24k's from your present position, and it's looking extreamly active, like about 60 TIE's there, and long range scanning is detecting movement, so I'm guessing they're coming your way, I'm gonna dispatch another thirty TIE's from here, they'll be with you in thirty minutes."

:: Flicking to the intercom ::

"All personal aboard the Cruiser "The Knight" prepare to launch forty TIE's, thirty to aid Kyle and ten to remove the dry-dock defences in the vacinity, i want those Capital ships, report to active stations immideatly."

Reysa Sashara
Jun 28th, 2001, 05:51:29 PM
OOC: Lash what out of the BWE fleet have we got at Darvin right now?

Jun 28th, 2001, 06:26:54 PM
Kyle brought his Missle Boat around. He than brought scanners to full.


He swore when he saw the fighters incoming.

"Okay guys we got sixty enemy TIE's incoming on...vector five. Go evasive and make sure you joc's bring those ships back in one piece."

Kyle heard a voice over the comm. he looked up and saw twelve defenders coming in and eight bombers. He grinned and laughed softly.

"Good to see you guys here. The second group will be coming in soon to help us out."

He turned again as laser fire roared by him. He turned and got a laser lock. He fired and watched as the ship that went by himstarted to smoke as his fuselauge(sp) was hit.

Sequel Horn
Jun 28th, 2001, 06:31:15 PM
Sequel watched as some TIE's exploded nowing completely that they where once friends and allies. He placed his finger on the trigger and hesitated than he fired. Three laser shots flew thrw the air and slammed into another TIE. It rocketed and than he fired a few more shots off and finally the ship exploded.

Jashiva Darkstorm
Jun 28th, 2001, 08:22:08 PM
:: Jashivas plattoon stoped just outside the airforce bace conceld in the woods...there mission, to take out the ani-starfighter turrets, the cerment wall 12 ft thick sqaured the base, with a gaurd tower every 20 ft around the base...and just inside the walls 13 anti starfighter turrets also sqaurd the base around...the 4 tanks would not be enough for such a experdition, but first of all the Eagel Plattoon had to make a sizable hold in the wall to let the troops through, with the 4 tanks that would take atleast 5 mins by then the opposition would have launched bombers::

" Jashiva Darkstorm to General Garrett we need some of your Black Hawk Troops to help us out over here you think you guys could attend?"

Reysa Sashara
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:28:46 PM
:: The reptiles eyes scoward the planes on the distant woods, the fight was going wekk besides a few problems Viashino reptils were intelegent stratigicly minded, then allied with a few human minds like kyle horn, The Viashino Empire were deadly, just as he thought this the reptile griped the grass of the ground and saw the Warroir infiltration team run our of the Outpost/supply base, there clawd feet giveing them exellent grip, they jumped over they last falled tree, and croushed down behind it, there Exoskeleton protecting them from the snow heaverly falling snow::

" Reysa to all Viashino forces supply base armed and ready to blow...Kyle we have heavy snow storms here, goodluck up there" he said in his best english...

Jun 29th, 2001, 04:41:21 PM
:: Opening a link with his brother ::

"OK Rey, I got
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWFS The Hood
supported by
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Knight
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Cold Fire
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Reading
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Bryant
Medical Task Force Cruiser: BWMV Hells Fire

And I've got
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Lexx
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Xev
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Dark Blade
and Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Recssier
En Route, ETA 2.5 hrs

All the TIE's are ok at the moment, and the ships en route all have full hangars, you got big support up here buddy, we're orbiting 12K from the surface, about as close as I'd like to bring such a large fleet in tight formation.
We also have the Capital ships which were in dry-dock up here. Minimal resistance was encountered, they are ours."

Reysa Sashara
Jun 29th, 2001, 05:36:50 PM
:: The Viashino Smiled as his brother said this his 2 inch canine teeth showed::

"Thank you brother..."

:: His eyes once again scoward the plans looking for any enemy then then switched his attention to the explosives button, ready to push it and feel the excitment of hearing the men inside burn, his gaze then switched to the Warriros around his.theyonly smiled with the hudge canine teeth..finaly he pushed the buttom send thing the outpost into massive explosion sending debery everywere from the missile boats and armuments::

" Burrrrrrrrnnn" Rey said with a glint in his Via Eye

Jun 30th, 2001, 11:47:01 AM
Kyle turned and saw the snow storm. They weren't to far away from it but the wind was still pushing against them. His ship shook and he had to pull bac on the throttle to keep from going down. He hit the compensator and the ship than compensated to the appropriate level. He tiwsted and fired. some of the shots went wide cause the ship had entered the snow.

"All right boys and girls we're going inside."

Ripclaw Fireblood
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:30:40 PM
::Ripclaw's dropships let him off near the rear of the Rebel base. His 1,500 trops sit in the drop ships. Thier tails swing back and forth waiting for battle. With a signal the ships dop of fthe troops. The Death Leage makes it way to the base. The base has sent most of its troops to the other attack. Ripclaw knew this. It would be easy to comb the area and wipe out the fowl creatures. What were they called again? Humans. The very scent of them was nasty. They should all die. Ripclaw and teh Death Leage moved through the area with speed. The Rebels would not know what hit them.::

Garrett Felth
Jul 1st, 2001, 10:24:03 AM
Garrett Felth: "I read you, Jashiva. Transmit your co-ordinates and I'll be able to send you an additional 2 Scorpion Tanks and a further 100 troops. Thats about it as I need the rest for my assault on the weapons factory. Over..."

Only another 7 or so minutes and Garrett would arrive at Ground Zero - 600 metres from the perimeter area of the weapons factory...

Reysa Sashara
Jul 1st, 2001, 01:18:06 PM
:: Reysa's acute eyes picked up a soldier run toward them with a E-11 blaster, the soldier must have escaped from the explosion, reysa quickly stoopd up ramming his left arm Talon into the mans upper thigh making himdrop the blaster,Reys grabbed the humans coller and pulled him toward himself::

" you huuuummans make me SICK beyond beleif" as he said this the hum turned his head to the left fromthe smell of reysas breath

::Reysa twisted the talon, the scream from the human sounded arounf them, then lobbed the human to the other warriors..::

" Eat warrors...this might be the last dinner wecatch ion
this sickerning humanized planet

:: As this happens the sound of the human screaming his last breath sounded and could be hurd from even the rondevouse point::

" There mear small is sickerning..." He slaps the inbfiltrators face with a growl....

" Dontlet another escape...you get me" he said with a growl..

" Yes General" saidthe warror..


Jashiva Darkstorm
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:02:02 PM
:: Jash recved the comm, fromthe Major and, he smiledlooking atthe wall infront ofhim that he had to kncok down::

"Gunner load up the cannon and prepare to fire"

:: he fliped the comm the all four tanks::

"Eagel Plattoonhold fire, repeat hold fire till Black Hawk sqaud come..Jash out"

Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:36:43 AM
Kyle grinned as another ship in front of him exploded. He checked his sensors and smiled.

"Okay we only have about twenty of them left. Bombers you come with me. The rest of you finish off these TIE's."

Garrett Felth
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:41:07 PM
Finally, General Felth and the Black Hawks had arrived at Ground Zero. The two hariot LAV's and the pair of Scorpion Tanks silently came to a full stop on the perimeter of Ground Zero. Garrett activated the long range sensors. A hologramatic image of the weapons factory was displayed on the OPs terminal in the command room on board the LAV. He and a number of squad leaders gathered round...

Garrett Felth: "Alright men, here's the situation. We have a wire mesh fence surrounding the entire facility, with durasteel automatic gates on the south side, guarded by three automatic drone guns equiped with Medium Blaster Cannons and thermal grenade launchers. If the men approach from the eastern side, and we set up the Scorpion tanks just out of range of the drone guns, then the artillery can eliminate the drone guns, blast through the gates, and allow our men to enter safely. On the other hand, the gate will probably be guarded by a huge number of guards. Thermal image scanning had detected at least fourty troops, plus whatever our sensor sweeps didn't locate. Perhaps the artillery barrage on the main gates could act as a diversion, whilst at the same time eliminating a good number of guards, not to mention those drone guns. Meanwhile, our men could search the perimeter for another entrance and infiltrate the site undetected. Once inside, Black Hawk troops will need to set up their sensory location enhancers so that command has a better idea of what is actually inside. That will elp with tactics. Okay men, time is of the essence. An update will be given when everyone is in position. And remember, nobody moves until I say so! Lets move out!"

And with that, the squad leaders files out of the command room to join their troops...

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:24:23 PM
Reysa groweld at the men...

" Ok timeto go back to base camp and back up the other crews that need help" he said with a growel as the whole area was in rubble

" Lets go his hissed"

Jul 2nd, 2001, 06:26:59 PM
:: Selecting multi-channel on the radio ::

"Ok guys, Lash here, I'm seeing all going well from where I'm sat, is that so?? I've got air-to-air/air-to-ground support and transport/troop recovery ships all here waiting, so if anyone needs a hand getting from a-b, give me a call as the surface to air threats are all but extinct!! Ok then, can we get a progress report from each of you so I can get a clear picture of whats going on and transmitt it to each of you, cheers, Lash....."

Jul 2nd, 2001, 07:34:53 PM
Kyle smiled and spoke briskly.

"Star fighters we've lost only two so far. Which is still in good area. The pilot's have ejected and need pick up. Enemy crafts are down to..."

Kyle looked at his scanner.

"About fifteen fighters left and still going down. I'll report in with more news...oh yes and ten bombers and me are getting ready as we speak to hit that second hanger. So it would be nice if that team got rid of any unfriendly anti-aircraft weaponry immediately."

Ripclaw Fireblood
Jul 2nd, 2001, 09:40:24 PM
::Ripclaw wanted with his troops to move with stealth. They did as told. his Viashino warriors movers like snakes on water. The white paint on there bodies hide them in the snow. Being cold0blooded made the temps low enough to stay out of heat sensors. They moved with speed toward the Rebel base. With the other attack going on the Death Leage kept a low profile till then. They finlly got to a patch of trees and waited till the right momrnt to attack.::

Jul 3rd, 2001, 05:34:58 PM
:: Opening a comm-link to all units ::

"Ok then people, Rey's pulled the special forces out. They cleared all the major defensive structures, so it's up to us now. Kyle I want the bombers concentrating on the rest of the defences so the two ground units can clear up and take all the buildings/technology etc, we're looking for a full take-over here. I also want regular reports, tell me what your doing, how it's going, and most importantly, when you've done it. Ripclaw, I want a comprehensive list of all the objectives left standing so I can dispatch you all to remove them, Lash out....

Captain Delen Hunt
Jul 4th, 2001, 06:33:08 PM
Dylan open a comm chaneel
"Dont' ask me how i got the frequency, but don't worry no one can hear us exept from our team, requesting to join the mission I awit your answer Capt. Dylan Hunt out"

Jul 5th, 2001, 02:35:44 PM
In all honesty Dylan theres not a lot left to do, I'm just waiting for a list of the remaining targets from Ripclaw so we can clear up here and move on over to Nkllon, you may as well report strait to Rey there

Ripclaw Fireblood
Jul 5th, 2001, 09:22:37 PM
::Ripclaw and his troops rips apart the other Rebels in the fields. They wer no match for his might. Ripclaw got here after most of the action. His troops killed anyone still on the ground. Not many were left though. he opened his comlink to Lasheye.::

"I'm done here. I need to get my troops tot he base. I'm needed else where. Darvin is ours."

Reysa Sashara
Jul 5th, 2001, 09:29:01 PM
:: Reysa got a commlink from darvin to Nkllon, then perseeded to tell the Nkllon task force and the whole place went into a up-roar for once Reysa could smile....once day...thise galaxy shall fear us::

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 5th, 2001, 11:20:50 PM
Zirilan smiled slightly and and walked to the back of the command ship.

Jul 6th, 2001, 06:12:52 PM
"All right Bombers I want you to take down those defensive structures now. I don't want anything that can hit the commandos or us left."

Kyle looked back and saw a couple of Defenders heading their way. He looked around and than saw the second hanger not to far away.

"Okay let's wait to for those turrets to get taken down than the Defenders by us can help blast that second hanger."

Kyle than turned the comm. channell to the one Lash was using.

"Admiral I need those turrets taken down by the commandos immediately so we can go for the second hanger. I jhave the Bombers moving into postition to take out any structures that can do harm to them or us. But the turrets will be harder for them to hit."

Jul 7th, 2001, 05:22:27 PM
"News is good Kyle, you'll find the turrets un-manned, all the people inside have been killed or taken hostage, the only reason they are still standing is because we decided they could come in handy, not only as defence here but we can copy the design and use them else-where. It's all yours, take out the hangars, and then I'll get you transported to Nkllon and I'll finish of here, good luck."

:: Turning back to the cockpit displays infront of him, he spoke to the First officer of the bridge ::

"Ok Skoth," He said, "I'm leaving the fleet in your hands and taking a party to the surface. All you need to do is keep the formation and keep us orbiting the same co-ordinates, if anything inexplicable happends whilst I'm away, I'll personally tear you limb from limb, understand?"

::Not even waiting for an answer ::

"Of course you do. U'll be in constant contact with me the whole time, so don't be afraid to comm me."

:: with that he got up and left the bridge to assemble the team ::

Jul 7th, 2001, 07:58:55 PM
:: He walked into the briefing suite where all the officers, technitions and scientists were assembled as requested. Motioning them to remain seated, he strolled strait to the podium ::

"Ok people, you all know why we are here. Once the hangar defences are destroyed all the resources and technology will ba avaliable for us to exploit. I want you all in position so this can be acheived as quickly as possible; the mission will go as follows:
0645 We depart in troop drop ships for a landing site close to the hangars.
0700 The TIE bombers will just be coming off target, and we'll be landing.
by 0730 the Structural Engineers will have the area safe and the rest of the team can move in. Scientists will survey and analyse any new technology discovered in the hangars, whilst the engineers will re-structure the main command centre and begin work to get it operationa, I want it as the main centre of operations from then on. At 0800 two more drop ships will arrive with troops on board to act as security, and I'll depart. From then on untill all is complete, there will be regular ferry flights of equipment and materials, I want the whole place cleared up and building work to begin as soon as possible.
Any questions??"

:: The expressions on the faces infront of him remained un-changed ::

"Good, now go rest, you have two hours."

Jul 8th, 2001, 05:34:10 AM
:: The Troops piled out of the drop-ships and Formed up on the little patch of grass infront of the landing area.
Lash walked over and greeted Ripclaw. Laying his right claw across his chest (Respect) he said ::

"My utmost congratulations Ripclaw. You have prooven yourself and conducted and extreamly valuable piece of work, thank you. Furthermore as this is your first mission for us you did so with little knowledge of how we fight, and still performed a faultless operation, well gone!"

::Turning to all Firebloods troops ::

"My thanks to you, you have performed well in difficult circumstances. You will now have three days to rest back on Ambria before you will join Rey a Nkllon.
Now then my command, we await the all clear signal from Kyle before we can move in, go no further than the edge of this clearing, i.e. remain within earshot, dismissed."

Jul 8th, 2001, 11:05:20 AM
Kyle nodded.

"All right. Bombers leave the turrets alone they are unmanned and are going to be used for the planet's defence and to copy them. Concentrate all fire power on the hanger."

Kyle brought the Missle Boat around and brought his Torps. up. He placed the targeting brakets onto the target and heard the ticking. He counted slowly than heard the lock. He fired and watched as other Torps. and missiles flew and smashed into the hanger. He watched as the hanger walls began to fall apart and than it exploded.

"All right Admiral, it's all clear."

Jul 8th, 2001, 12:43:21 PM
:: Talking into his headset ::

"Thanx Kyle, and well done, go take a well earned rest."

:: Turning to the troops settled on the grass around him ::

"OK people, form up, we march in two minutes."

:: Two minutes passed and they were on the move.
They approached the hangars and halted. The Structural engineers departed the main squad and went to assess the stability of the hangars. An hour passed and fianlly the chief engineer returned to Lash and reported.

"Sir, the hangars are structurally sound and stable enough to permitt access to the scientists and engineers."

Lash"Good work officer, carry on as planned. Scientists, begin your work, I'll call the troop drop ships to bring in the first troops and supplies. Engineers, I want all those X-Wings out of there and in-dock on the Darvanian Capital ships by 1 hour, no questions."

:: Turning away and walking to a tree to sit next to it. Speaking in to the microphone attached to the headset, he said ::

"Skoth, this is Amiral Lasheye, how copy?"
Skoth"Read you good sir, go ahead."
"Dispatch the next load to the surface and have a holo-projector sent aswell please."
Skoth"Very good sir, anything else?"
"Thats all, Lash out."

:: Lash sat back and chilled, waiting for the arrival ::

Jul 8th, 2001, 04:56:17 PM
:: The rumbling approach of the drop ships brought Lash out of his daze. The ships set down, and 40 heavily armed Via diembarked. The formed up and marched strait off to secure the hangars, saluting Lash as they passed. Next the equipment was unloaded and carried over to the hangars, and finally a small podium, equipt with a portable holo-projector was unloaded and set-up in the clearing. Lash ordered all the troops, scientists and officers to assemble infront of it, before the projector was activated, and the imagr broadcast to Rey, Horn and Fireblood. Lash said;

"Today people, marks a monumentous occasion. Today, we have taken our third planet, and this makes us the strongest, and the largest Viashino clan known."

:: the crowd erupted in cheers ::

"Thanks to the valliant efforts of not only Rey, but also Kyle Horn and Ripclaw Fireblood, we have acheived this goal with minimal loss of Viashinoi life and limb, for which I thank them both, my only greivence being neither of them could be here with us as they are aiding the great cause of the Via further still, by assisting Rey in capturing Nkllon.
Once the work here is complete, we will be moving many important Via services here, such as another shipworks and wepons works. But in the mean time, there is much work to be done. I am going to leave you now, you all know what needs to be done, good luck and godspeed people, and Rey, thankyou......."

:: The atmosphere of the crowd accelerated and reached a whole new level and Via and human came together to congratulate eachother on a job well done.
Lash headed for the transport, taking one last look around at the planet which was finally theirs. ::

Jul 10th, 2001, 01:20:05 AM
Kyle smiled as he flew over having all the fighters moved out in a formal position showing respect. He smiled and than pulled up and entered space heading for the first ship that was heading for Nkllon.

Jul 11th, 2001, 03:54:30 PM
Just before he boarded the transport, a technition came to him and told him some good news. The Capital ships, along with the X-Wings on board, we're being flown back to Ambria by some Darvanian officers who had defected. they had promised to join the Via, and help with the training of Via in piloting the modified X-Wings