View Full Version : Preparations and Meetings

Tsaak Vootuh
Jul 11th, 2001, 05:02:11 PM
Tsaak's fingers clicked on the abominable table he sat before. He was in a bar on a planet that even he had forgotten the name of. The smell was bad and the place swarmed with infidels. Of course Tsaak was in disguise, wearing his Ooglith Masquer. To any other being, Tsaak looked like a normal human, minding his own business.

He stared down at the drink placed before him, totally disgusted by it. Never had he seen such filth. Tsaak frowned at the figure standing across the table from him.

His name was James McKell, leader of the "Peace Brigade" that had formed a few short months ago. The Peace Brigade was full of pirates and bounty hunters, looking for money. The Yuuzhan Vong had obtained lots of credits in their conquests, but had nothing to do with them. Paying infidels to do their dirty work helped their campaign.

"The Viashino Empire..." Tsaak said, allowing the tizy-worm to translate. "I want you to meet with their leader or whatever they have and negotiate a treaty of sorts." He said to McKell. "With their help, we can crush the artificial Empire and please the Gods."

Tsaak cleared his throat.

"I trust you will put your effort into helping the Yuuzhan Vong, Mr. McKell. Failure is not an option." Tsaak grinned.

James McKell
Jul 11th, 2001, 05:14:22 PM
James stared at the "human" trying to figure out just how the Yuuzhan Vong cloaked themselves as humans.

"Ofcourse not Mr. Gonv." his cocky attitude had been replaced by a formal business attitude. "I will attend to this immediately."

James tossed a credit chip onto the table and regained his care-free attitude. He nodded to the business partner and left for the spaceport. He eyed his beautiful ship, a YT-2400.

He pressed a button to release the gangplank and it came down with a cool hiss. He stepped into his stockfreighter and walked to the control room. He set a course for Ambria and popped into hyperspace after clearing the planet's gravity zone.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 11th, 2001, 05:27:10 PM
:: The Blockade of ships were lined up one by one, small transports ships flying from one ship to another and fighters patroling the area of the fleet (section B of the fleet) but the un-mistakible scanning of a human ship slipped into the screens::

" Open the bay" Reysa groweld not taking his eyes of off the viwer ahead of him

" It is the human sir" A skoth grinned showing his teeth

" Thank you Skoth" the Via said walking down out if his position motioning two Skoth-Guards to acomponie him it took a good few minutes to get to the already docked ship

:: The Viashino General nodded to the Human and put one claw to his chest (respect)::

" you have come from the Vong i see, well you are lucky my friend these gaurds are very hungry right about now" he grinned at the badly dressed man with his 3 ince long teeth licking his lips

" no need to worry" he continued..."please come withmy and my Guards"..he walked on


James McKell
Jul 11th, 2001, 05:37:12 PM
"It's Yuuzhan Vong always, never Vong." McKell muttered under his breath.

"I am from the Peace Brigade. We have ties to the Yuuzhan Vong." James said with his business attitude. They reached a small room on the ship and entered it. There was a table, a stack of datapads and some chairs. James took one of the seats at the Via's bidding

"So, where do we begin?" James opened up discussions.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 11th, 2001, 05:42:14 PM
The Via took a seat::

" Im sorry but you came to us correct?" he groweld loadly bearing hid fangs

" it dose not matter, what matters is that the Via and Vong servive and that we both prevail out of this........(he thought for a sec waving his hand at the food beaing brought around) stupid misunderstanding" he continued

:: The Via saw that the man looked slightly un-easy of his surroundings, the Via waved his hands at the 2 gaurds and they stepped back slighty::

" What is is the Vong perpose my human friend" he sneerd

Tsaak Vootuh
Jul 11th, 2001, 06:37:20 PM
Setting - Belkadan

<font color=red>"Your Eminence, the flotillas have been summoned to this system and they await your orders."<font color=white> The tactician said in his usual raspy voice.

The smaller Vong bowed before Tsaak's living throne. They were in a large structure that had been made by the Shapers upon claiming this jungle planet. Tsaak raised his scarred face and stared at the living ceiling for a while. This structure was actually a living creature, like all Vong devices, weapons and buildings.

"Tell I'xar to immediately bring the second flotilla to Muunilist. The Warriors and Chazrach are already stationed there, I take it?" Tsaak asked.

<font color=red>"Yes Warmaster."

<font color=white>"I want the third flotilla to move toward Toprawa and defend it, as it had done before. Send the ships I selected earlier to Bimmiel. That will be all for now."

<font color=red>"It shall be done."

Jul 11th, 2001, 07:32:17 PM
Ixar broke a wicked grin, the infidels finally were making a counter-attack, and he would help break their lines, and bring down their infrastructure. Ixar looked over to his left, looking out towards space, he was in his own galaxy, a beautiful galaxy. As he watched, the craft and fleet behind it lurched into hyperspace, traveling to a far away place, the infidel’s galaxy, a place needing much cleansing. At Ixar’s command was the second fleet, destination: Muunilist.

James McKell
Jul 11th, 2001, 07:55:05 PM
"It's Yuuzhan Vong, not Vong. Always." James growled. The guards took a step away from James, he noticed.

"We, the Peace Brigade, offer you our extended protection and assistance."

Reysa Sashara
Jul 11th, 2001, 07:57:16 PM
"Protection from death itself?"

James McKell
Jul 11th, 2001, 08:00:17 PM
"To the best of the Peace Brigade's ability. And, we would expect the same likewise."

Reysa Sashara
Jul 11th, 2001, 08:41:45 PM
"Enough meetings...just get to work my friend...."