View Full Version : unleashing the beast (open challenge)

Jun 30th, 2001, 07:09:21 PM
::he moves out into the clearing, knowing that today would be teh day that he relieve his anger and frustrations. lately so much had been happening in life.... it was all building up. today would be the day it vented. lost in his thoughts, tempist had not noticed the noise behind him at first. when he did, he turned and saw nothing::

"show yourself before you aggravate me farther"

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:14:43 AM
A small figure peeks out from behind a tree and grins. Words form in Tempist's mind. ~ You're an angry one... aren't you?~

The figure then cackles and ducks back behind the tree, working with the Force to muddle his exact location.

Jul 1st, 2001, 01:20:48 PM
::tempist hears the voice and recodnizes it from rama's back at TSE::
"oh, its you. i thougt it might be someone worth fighting. my mistake, weakling"

Jul 1st, 2001, 02:05:39 PM
"walks over to where ther seemed to be some action an looks to a little man an tempist"looks interesting might as well stay an watch"she found a spot well away from the fighters an sits to whatch the show"

Jul 1st, 2001, 06:58:46 PM
::now both agitated by hobgoblin's antics and wanting to show off to demonnight, tempist unsheaths his sword and takes a huge swing at the neghiboring trees, hacking down several at once. hobgoblin is still unseen. he then takes another slash and unvails the dworf. he still doesnt realize tempist is there::
"stand worm"

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 1st, 2001, 09:00:45 PM
~ It did take ye a while, didn't it?~ The figure of the dwarf does not move. ~ Go ahead- swing at Hob. If you're certain ye've found him, and not one of Hob's illusions.~

Jul 1st, 2001, 10:36:43 PM
::calms himself down enough to hear the breathing, the raspy in hale and exhale of the dworf. he knows this is not hobgoblin, but senses where its coming from. he walks away from the ilusion, waiting for the little coward to show himself::
"i can wait here all day, if you are not man enough to fight me then just say it and i shall wait for an opponent worthy of my time"

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 1st, 2001, 10:42:54 PM
The dwarf turns around to face Tempist and lifts a hand, clenching it into a fist. Tempist's body lifts off the ground, as though he had a hanging vice around his neck. ~ You are weak, and your senses easily confused. It is all to easy to make you doubt yourself with mere words. Now, hang on while Hob decides your fate.~

Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:28:24 AM
::tempist stares down at the little man, knowing that he was strong in the force. but not even the force could protect him from the beast... while in air he removed a small dagger from his belt, and threw it at the dark jedi with lightning speed. it hit his hand, leaving a large gash, and forcing him to lose concentration. tempist fell, then landed on his feet. he stood there and waited for the mild confusion to clear, as hobgoblin was still suprized about having been interupted::


Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:35:28 AM
Hob does not appear to move so much as shift away from the path the thrown knife takes through the air. It flies harmlessly past and clatters to the ground.

The vice grip on Tempist's neck increases, continuing to impede his breathing.

~ Always, always, always people throw things at Hob when he lifts them with his power. Hob learned to dodge such a weak physical attack long ago.~

Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:09:43 PM
::tempist closes his eyes for a moment, letting the anger well up in him... he feels energy surge throughout his body as the pain in his throut is growing.... his body started to glow from the amount of it...he held out his arm while in the air, and clenched his fist, as one of hobgoblins legs snaped while he stood. tempist's eyes began to glow the familiar shade of green that they did when he started to fight... tempistunclenched his fist, as he knew the dark jedi could not hold his heavy mass in the air for much longer. he felt his breathing start to become easier again, as he looked upon hob, trying to keep him up longer::

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 3rd, 2001, 08:39:45 AM
(ooc) So, if I want, I can automatically break your limbs? Sounds good.


Hob went down on one knee with his broken leg, but refused to give up. He used his pain and turned it into bone crushing agony, first attacking Tempist's outstretched arm. Inside his limbs, every major bone in Tempist's cracked and snapped under the enormous pressure Hob placed on it and those limbs became useless. After Hob was finished, he smashed Tempist's face into the dirt and released his hold upon him, working to reduce the injury he'd sustained.

Jul 3rd, 2001, 04:23:34 PM
ooc: if i cant throw @#%$ at you i might as well try somthin, didnt mean to god mod, im still new at this. what you did was definatley god moding tho

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 5th, 2001, 07:47:54 PM
(ooc) I know you're new, and normally, I wouldn't try to break a character's limbs with telekinesis, but I'm trying to make a point to you.

The first time you performed an attack, you pre-wrote its' success; in other words, you wrote that your attack had succeeded without giving me any opportunity to reply. In addition, you stated that you also a.) sneaked up on Hob without him noticing, b.) could detect whether or not he was creating an illusion, c.) somehow knew that Hob could not keep you lifted in the air for long when you have never fought him before, and d.) exhibited absolutely zero effect from being lifted into the air and choked. I read your RP against Nash Stolar, I think it was, and noticed that you tended not to give him and his attacks on you much credit as far as how effective he and they were, several times stating that you used them to fuel your power without suffering much debilitation.

If I have to dig up posts, I will, but I hope you'll accept my word that I've been on SWFans since last August, and have been using Hobgoblin as a character since February. You've been here around two weeks, yet when I did what you did a on a few more body parts, you called me a God Moder. As someone who has been working hard on his character and has the threads to prove it, I'd like some credit as both a fellow Role Player and a veteran.

Now that I have made my point, I will edit my post to make use of a different attack if you would like.

P.S. Please keep in mind that I'm not calling you a God Moder- in fact, I think that attack on Hob's leg was a good idea and would have reacted differently under other circumstances. I'm simply trying to show you that you need to give your opponent's some credit, and that you shouldn't always write out the success of various attacks unless you're reasonably certain the person in question doesn't have the ability to prevent them.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 6th, 2001, 09:48:22 AM
OOC- I don't mean to interfere here, but I've noticed these things going around recently here and there. Most people chose to just shrug it aside and continue the RP, hitting fire with fire. But it's been agitating me.

I highly understand that it's not just you, Temp. I also understand it's comign from those that are new. But as that, creating a character that is just starting out shouldn't be as powerful as you are claming. I've rarely met Hobs, save a character of mine encountering him to enter TBH (Aghlyn, BTW. ;) ), but I do know that his character would not be considered "weak". You have to keep in mind where the character stands and how long they've been around.You'll find that people take you a lot more seriously if you have a character that actually works to become strong, than if you come in with an already powerful character.

Jul 10th, 2001, 11:02:50 PM
ooc: ok, thanks. ill keep that in mind. sorry i said you god-moded, wanna start the fight over? now im in a little better mood and i can probably do this a little better, and without makin my character stronger than it is. btw, sorry i took so long to post, my comp crashed and then i went away so i couldnt fix it.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 11th, 2001, 11:41:06 PM
(ooc) Not a problem, just start a thread whenever you feel like and I'll post to it. Sound good?

Jul 12th, 2001, 08:58:27 AM
ooc: ok