View Full Version : Somewhere, Out there (RP)

Lord Gue
Jul 11th, 2001, 06:09:01 PM
[i]Deep in The Corporate Sector, a lone Imperial Class star destroyer glides across the reaches of space silently and undetected for long periods of time. The Hope hadnt seen active combat duty since the empire of Lord Gue had crumbled long ago, for that matter just getting by these days was turning into more and more of a hardship. Short of supply's, energy surplus's were running low, and crew morale was at an all time low. Alas these were Michael's elite, and they would press on for however long it took as long as their commander's gave the order. This day a new order came down the chain of command, an order that might make ordinary life a little more livable, and hospitable. The engines of the mighty ship came to life as its enormous sublight engines glowed bright blue. The ship lurched slightly as it changed course and its hyperdrive engines charged for activity. It had been awhile since it had been in active duty, but sometimes time just had to catch up with you....

Lord Gue
Jul 11th, 2001, 06:39:05 PM
Bonadan, it was an ugly world, striped with an ugly rust colored hue. The Hope turned its nose in the direction of the planet as its engines burst with the power that sent it into hyperspace.On the bridge:
Gue: "Captain, report on our operating status"
Bragg: "Well; power is down to 54%, weapons are at 67% combat efficency, morale is low, and food stuffs are down to our hydroponics bay supplys alone, sir"
Gue: "Hmmm, it seems that if we do not accomplish this mission we wont survive for very much longer anyway. Alert the crew, tell them to get as much rest as they can, I want a fully alert crew for this mission, do you get me?"
Bragg: "Aye sir"
[i]Captain Bragg then swiftly spun on his heel as he moved away from the Emporer, moving towards the internal comm to make his announcement leaving Michael to look out the viewport, staring towards the stars.

Lord Gue
Jul 11th, 2001, 09:11:10 PM
Kalla, also a planet in Corprate Sector, was a lovely planet. Green and pleasant, where children could live in peace, could. On the loneships path, this beautiful world lay, and as it passed by the ship exited from hyperspace just long enough to launch a TIE fighter and then re-enter. Back on the bridge:Gue: "I hope he accomplishes his mission, else he'll scare them all to death with his appearance alone."Bragg: "Aye sir, hes a scary individual"

Heir Raktus
Jul 11th, 2001, 09:21:42 PM
His TIE was small and uncomfortable, just how he liked it. He turned the nose of the vehicle towards the University's head building and up the thrust to maximum. Just as he took his cold hand from the control a voice poped up over the com."UNIDENTIFIED VESSEL, THIS IS CORPORATE SECTOR AUTHORITY, HALT WHERE YOU ARE AND PREPARE TO BE CAPTURED. ANY ATTEMPTS AT RESISTANCE WILL BE TAKEN AS A HOSTILE ACTION AND YOU WILL BE DESTROYED, YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS TO COMPLY"[i]Running a quick scan of the surrounding area Raktus detected no ships present in the area, and the planet, he knew, had no shields as it was demeed bad for morale to have such a public planet need defense when the authority was supposed to be all that was needed. Undaunted Raktus continued on his way, descending into the atmosphere....

Lord Gue
Jul 11th, 2001, 09:45:05 PM
As Raktus began the first leg of the campaign, it was time to start on the other.Gue: "This is Emporer Gue, men, it's been a long time since weve held any command over the galaxy at large. Why, at once we were its most powerfull individuals, but now....*sigh*....these are the days where we will be made great once again my commrades! You will all see that your hard work has NOT been in vain, you will all see your families soon and be able to stick out your chests with pride as you return victourous! These days, we retake our seat as the the one true Empire!"[i]Michael turned off the com and strode over to his chair at the head of the bridge, he hoped he had inspired the crew some, it had been along time after all, and these were the most crucial days. Ah well, no one can see the future, what will hapen will happen....

Heir Raktus
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:45:41 AM
As his TIE lands on the pad near a small CSA transport, a small group of CSA security Troops emerge from the nearest building, weapons out. The hatch of the TIE pops open as the nearest security trooper calls out:
"Slowly step out of the craft and lay face down on the ground!"Raktus slowly stands, placing a foot over the edge of the TIE and emerges from it, stepping onto the ground. He looks back and forth to each of the guards. Suddenly he whips both his arms straight out and metal spikes fly from inside his sleeves, using the force he makes them gain incredable speed as they impale themselves in the neck of each guard. As the guards slump to the ground Raktus calmly walks by their sprawling frames and enters the nearby administration building. Approaching the counter, he looks over the recieptionist with a hard gaze, her trying not to shake with the fear he seems to personafy. Raktus speaks:"Where is Minister Lavitz daughter located?"Receptionist: "Thats secure information, Im afraid I cant...."Raktus reaches over over the desk, placing his hand under the womans chin"There are many worlds of pain I could show you now, or would you rather tell me what id like to hear?"While he digs his sharp claws into her flesh; the receptionist, scared for her life, she whines:"Building A-1"He then twists his wrist quickly, digging his nails under her flesh while moving the palm of his hand over her mouth as to muffle her screams, he then snaps her neck quickly to the side. He walks out of the building as her dead body collapses to the floor. Raktus walks to the building labled 'A-1', attempting to hurry in case more security were to arrive. As he enters the building he looks about it. The building is appearently one large room with few features except for a few vid boards on the walls across the room. Raktus calls out:"Selphie, Come here!"No movement. Raktus repeats louder: "SELPHIE, COME HERE!"[i]Slowly; a short teenage girl stands in the center of the room. Her hair falls over her small shoulders as she gracefully walks towards the former imperial inquisitor. He quickly grabs her and lifts her over his shoulder as he emerges from the building. Alarms start to sound as he makes his way back to his TIE. He punches a few buttons on the door of the CSA transport and as they open he throws the small girl in and promptly closes them. He then turns and crawls up to the controls of his TIE fighter. He activates the command consoul and sends a supspace message to The Hope, he then preprograms a course into the computer and jumps out. The TIE immediatly lifts off as he walks swiftly over to the CSA transport and enters its cockpit. As he lifts off into the atmosphere his sensors pick up the explosion of his TIE ramming into the main comm dish of that quadrant of the planet. He takes up a short orbital status around the mplanet and waits....

Lord Gue
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:54:56 PM
Meanwhile, The Hope hops out of hyperspace over the planet Orron III, CSA's major agricultural planet as well as a strategic position in this sector of space. The Hope quickly luanches a few probots which use their electronic counter measures to fool the planetary sensor net into believing that an entire battlefleet was now orbiting the planet instead of just one. As the probot start approaching the planet at slow speeds, they fire their weak laser cannons towards the planets sensor nets. As the sensors detect weapons fire in the proximity of the planet, they send out an automatic alert to the closest ships in the sector. The Hope, not up to full combat readiness anymore, moves off from the probots and heads into the automated shiping lanes. On the bridge, Michael turns to his tactical officer and says: "Only take out their engines, we'll need those ships later in the game"Tactical officer: "Aye sir"[i]The ion cannons of the hope shoot out and strike the rear of each passing frigate, disabling their engines one by one and leaving them to drift aimlessly. Just then sensors on The Hope detect the first defenders of Orron III as emerging from hyperspace. Two Maruder class vessels are detected on the opposite side of the planet, as The Hope Launches its TIE's to deal with the new threat it moves off from their sensor range. The TIE's fly out and join up with the probot force to make the sensor gohst that much more believable. The fake fleet moves across the horizon of the planet, looking to break past the newly arrived ships and lead them to the edge of the system. Suddenly another Maruder class vessel, as well as a Victory class star destroyer emerge from hyperspace in front of the fake fleet. As weapons fire decimate the TIE's and probots, a subspace transmission is intercepted by The Hope and it immediatly leaps into hyperspace. Back at the planet, the disorriented CSA forces launch an investigation in an attempt to see what happened, as well as start repairs on the frigates.

Heir Raktus
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:39:13 PM
Back in orbit, Raktus's hijacked CSA transports sensors detects the emergance of The Hope from hyperspace. Immediatly a tractor beam lances out and hauls the transport into [b]The Hope's hangar bay.

Lord Gue
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:46:28 PM
On the bridge of The Hope:Gue: "Captain, how are the energy reserves holding out?"Bragg: "Sir, were at 34%"Gue: "Hmmm, not good. This had better work, its been in the works for 30 years now. Set course for CSA command world, and connect me with CSA minister of Security"Bragg: "Yes my emporer"[i]Slowly again The Hope lurches at a 45% vector and leaps into hyperspace.

Lord Gue
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:04:54 PM
Back on the bridge:
Bragg: "Sir, Ive got Minister Lavitz on the line"Gue: "Good, patch him through"Bragg: "Aye sir"On the screen, a large sweaty, middle-aged man appeared on the screen.Lavitz: "I assume your the one that kidnaped my duaghter"Gue: "That is correct, and what a fine outstanding girl she is too. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to her"Lavitz: "YOU BASTARD, if you hurt her...."Gue: "Now, now, calm down. Your prescious little girls fate is entirly up to you. As long as you do what I say no harm will come to her and you and her will be sitting back, laughing about this later"Lavitz: "What do you want?"Gue: "Lets talk...."A few hours laterGue: "Then were agreed"Lavitz: "Yes, but still, dont you think this is a little extreme? With all the political unrest around here it would be easier to just try and cuase a rebellion"Gue: "Whatever, just stick to the plan and you'll get your duaghter back and we'll all be happy"

Lord Gue
Jul 12th, 2001, 11:44:38 PM
As The Hope emerges from hyperspace over the CSA command world it meets up with a portion of the CSA battlefleet, stationed over the planet as a constant defense. A small CSA transport emerges from The Hope and heads towards the presidental manor. Over the comm a frantic operator attempts to recieve the command codes need for clearance to land in that particular sector of the planet. Thanks to the kind selfless actions, no matter how forced, of Minister Lavitz not only were the space fleet ordered to ignore The Hope, he also gave them the access codes to the planet as well as keeping all security away from the presidents manor as well. As the transport lands on the landing platform, its doors open wide and troopers immediatly form a protective circle around the entrance of the transport. Lord Gue steps down from inside and looks skyward, he then glances down at the building the president is supposed to be, according to Lavitz's information. Sorrunded by his troops, Michael marches foreward towards the entrance when suddenly armed guards burst from buildings across the feild. They immediatly sorround the invading force and order that they drop their weapons. Sensing the double cross Gue orders them to lower their weapons. As they do, the president and vice-president step out of their manor and walk towards the group.P: "Lavitz informed me of your plans, you fool. Did you really expect to succed?"Michael merly smiled at glanced at the vp. Just then VP Morgan raised his hand from his side, exposing an imperial issue blaster and aiming it at the head of the president.VP: "He has, SIR"Morgan opens fire, splashing bits of brain tissue and skin over one of the security troops.Morgan: "Lower your weapons, NOW!"As the security team puts down its rifles, Michael walks forewards towards the VP as he smiles.Gue: "It's been awhile Jimmy, what 25 years?"Morgan: "Yes, this was a difficult mission, and that bastard was hard sonof----- to get close to, but all in all i was a fairly good plant"Gue: "ah, yes you were, and you will be just rewarded as soon as this is all through, but for now i believe you have an anouncement to make."[i]Morgan noded and walked off with the security forces trailing behind him, Michael fell in step, leaving his invasion troops behind to defend the transport. Soon, it would be his moment to shine......

Lord Gue
Jul 13th, 2001, 06:04:28 PM
Over the next few hours holovid's were set up across the corporate sector's major population centers by Corporate Sector Authority officials on their concerned planets. Michael and Morgan had been preparing for this during that time and had set up shop in the largest vid center on CSA Command. As messages of readiness poured in from across corporate space, Michael got in his full military regallia. First, Morgan stepped on the holopad and addressed the nation:
"My fellow Authority members, it is my greatest sorrow to have to announce to you the most dreadfull of news. President Osbourne is dead, he suffered a fatal heart attack today at his manor and was later discovered by his personal guard. His cremation has already taken place and his ashes will be stored on planet Cyvus VII for public viewing. Now I believe we should all observe a moment of silence for our fallen leader...........................Now; as the chain of command falls to me, id like to thank all of you who have supported me in all my years of service. Id like to point out that I now need my own VP of this great government and I would like to welcome you all to my choice of Michael Gue, he has been working in the government system for the past 20 years and has almost as much experience as I do in political matters. Now, please welcome your new VP, Michael Gue."Lies, all lies, almost no word of what he said was ture, but eh. In a few moments history would be changed yet again and none of that would matter."Again this is a time for reflection, let us not forget our honourable leader for what he was. Good day to you all, long live CSA"Morgan turned and looked back at Michael, a large smile on his face and arms wide as he approached. Michael walked toward his old friend, bringing his hand up from his pocket as he slams a needle into Morgans heart through his chest. The syringe was filled with a unique poisin that would cuase a cascading heart failure, but would also disapate into the blood stream, leaving no trace of itself. As morgans eyes opened wide with shock Michael grabbed him by the back and hugged him close, pumping the poisin into his body as his body crushed against the syringe top. Pulling back from him, he pulled the needle from his friends chest and reinserted it in his pocket. As Morgan collapsed to the floor Michael played an arry of shocked looks over his face before shouting"My god! Somebody help him!"As gaurds start to rush over to the presidents body, they look up at Gue and ask what happened."He just collapsed in my arms"[i]As the guards haul Morgans body away Michael says a silent prayer for his old friend, it was too bad it had to be this way......

Lord Gue
Jul 13th, 2001, 06:09:20 PM
Over the sector news program, a new bulitin is made showing over all regularly scheduled programs."President Morgan died yesterday as a result of a heart cascade failure, it is unknown why this occured but investigators are running an autopsy as of now and we will be breaking more information to you as it comes. Contacts within the CSA governing body haverefused to make any comments but it is reported that new president Michael Gue has been observed as taking a period of mourning over the great loss. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program"[i]and another day passed in the Corporate Sector.