View Full Version : Stage two Operation: Chill Facter (RPG)

Chaos Alexander
Jun 22nd, 2001, 11:19:31 PM
::Chaos travels in a car ship of his uncles. He travels to another forgotten planet of Sith power. He neede to pick up a few items...::

"Time to wrap this thing up....."

Jun 23rd, 2001, 02:58:36 PM

Master Yurza
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:33:01 PM
::Yurza comes out of the cargo hold carrying a map and some rations::

"So exactly what are we looking for again?"

::Yurza sits down and starts to eat some of the ration and then he remembers Chaos and he offers him some::

Chaos Alexander
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:57:16 PM
::Chaos takes some.::

"Sith power crystals. We can make tailsmens out of them. Increase our power."

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 11:20:11 PM
:: Sieken landed his TIE interceptor, the smoke flew into the air as he landed the craft, the cockpit canopy lifted up and there was sieken, he crawled down the ladder and jumped to the tarmac..::

"alright Chaos mah bro" ::Sieken high 5's Chaos, the perseded to continue with taking of his flight suit...

" Whats the mission bro?"...


Chaos Alexander
Jun 23rd, 2001, 11:43:14 PM
::Chaos smiles at the help.::

"We need to get to Yavin 4. Check all the old Sith temples. I have droids that will record any written things. That way we can work the main items we are after. The Satues and power crystels of Exar Kun. There may not be more left. So we will have to look hard"

Master Yurza
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:13:29 AM
"Increase powers...ehhh.....I could use something like that," Yurza said as he thought about the possiblities he could have with something like that. He sat the dreaming about the power that he barely noticed Seiken come aboard.

"Hi. You want some rations?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:29:19 AM
:: Seiken looked a the food in the plastic containers, her looked at him and took on giveing a nodd::

"thanks" he said, it was rare he said thanks...

::he shoved it back in his back pack and walked over to Chaos...::

"Whats the plan...in detail"...


Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:07:33 AM
::Chaos gets out a map of the Yavin Region.::

"We must travel through Imperal space. We shall land and move fast. The temples are deep int he forests. He grab and run."

Master Yurza
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:17:17 AM
"We are gonna steal from temples?? I likes...we have got to do this more often," Yurza said as a grin came over his face. He then looked over Chaos's shoulder onto the map.

"Wait a minute this is the Yavin region. You do know that this is the heart of all the Jedi activities, right? This thing is crazy...when do we get there? Oh, and While we are there you wanna try and find our test subject for this plan of yours?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:54:28 AM
" You mean the Chimp right Yurza?" he smiled heaverly at Chaos

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:08:50 PM
::Chaos gave a hearty laugh::

"The monkey will have it's turn with the machine. As long as we get through Imperal space we should be fine. Sheiken, you have any captial ships that can help us?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:25:50 PM
" im sure the BWE will help but will turn back as soon as were on the planet" he said fidderling in his backpack

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:27:52 PM
"As long as we get there, They will be to confused to find us. We just will not take the same way back."

Master Yurza
Jun 24th, 2001, 12:56:25 PM
"Well....while we are there, does either of you have an explosives? I thought I might leave a little surprise for our freinds down there," Yurza said as he turned around and looked out the window looking for the system in which Eden was located.

"You know after this we should go pay your uncle a little visit Chaos. After all when was the last time he saw the old guy. Besides he could help us by telling where some more Dark Crystals are located."

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:08:29 PM
"He is a dark Jedi master. He could help us out too."

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:30:45 PM
" Ok guys all the survival equiptment is in the bags" he said stuffing a plastic chicken in Chaos's bag for a joke...

" Right well were al ready to go" he said...

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:35:50 PM
"Ok. I have a course set. It will take aorund 18 hours to get there from here."

::Chaos set the course. He engaged the Hyperdrive and say back.::

"Now we wait."

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:42:11 PM
"18 hours!!!" sek shouted...
" well if its that long, im off to take a nap..seeya in the morning guys"

he said this while walking down the ilse to a small bunk jumping on top, pulling his cap over his head and fell asleep dreaming about a certain someone he liked so dearly to his heart::

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:46:56 PM
"I will stay up incase something happens. You all rest."

::Chaos sits pilots seat.::

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:54:14 PM
A loud echo reverberated through a temple on Yavin, left long abandoned by both Sith and Jedi alike. Most of these archaic structures had been left to rot and waste away, useless in and of themselves... those who possessed the knowledge of Sith Sorcery which conjured up their power were long since left behind in the ashes of time.

"Well, this one looks promising..."

The Dark Jedi grinned as he glanced up with shadowed eyes, his boots moving steadily forward through the darkness, his keen vision catching details on the walls and floor. His large companion moved loudly besides him, the sound of armour clanging echoing in unison with the stomping of the winged man's boots...

"Now... all we have to do is find the right piece of the puzzle."

Master Yurza
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:54:44 PM
"Well it looks like we are in for a long ride Chaos wanna spar hand to hand?" Yurza said as he got up and went into the cargo hold where he would have enough room to move.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:58:57 PM
"I enjoy puzzles. They expand the train of thought."

The man clad in dark armor swayed across the floor, his long cloak flowing behind. Every so often, his cloak would violently twitch, as if it had a life of it's own.

The dark figure bent down to examine the weird hyrogliphics the Massassi eldars had forged into the stone years before. He and his winged companion had both studied this place for a long time. It had much Sith and Jedi history. The final resting place of Exar Kun was known as Yavin IV.

"I wonder if we are the only "grave robbers" on-planet." The dark figure muttered to his partner. "Come quickly, can you decipher these ancient pictures? I cannot, and they could provide valuable information."

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:10:59 PM
The cloaked figure bent down slightly to one knee and narrowed his eyes, finally pulling back his hood.

"They're familiar, but I can't make them out word for word. They speak of terrible beasts who've had the temple in their charge... horrible beasts. Massassis themselves, perhaps? Much of this has been washed away with time."

His pale fingers passed over the weathered etchings and cleared some grime from them, his smirk changing to a bit of a sneer. It'd be impossible to find what they came for at this rate...

"You have the maps we gathered back at the ship, correct? They may be quite useful in our case. These runes will reveal nothing to us."

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:12:47 PM
::Chaos lands the Ship next to a temple.::

"Guys someone is there! Another Dark Jedi. Not sith. I don't think It matters much though. They can control the powers there. No one can. That is why I have that computer program. With luck we can regulate it. Plus if push comes to shove I can read the writings there. And I know how to work the stuff. Another thing is that we can work together. Only time will tell. Prepare yourselfs!"

::Chaos gets out the ship LS raised.::

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:16:45 PM
:: Sieken, jumped out the ship E-11 raised, the shadows in the temple.::

"" Move, move " he said to the others

the came to the temples mouth Chaos on one side on the entrance, Siek on the other...

after 3 Chaos....1....2.....3..

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:20:26 PM
::Chaos ran in the temple with Sieken. They found Jeseth and another in there.::

"Ok, what are you doin' here?"

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:22:01 PM
"It looks like we have company, Azroth."

Seth already had his sword unsheathed. He did not know if the company would be friend or foe, but he would have to see.

"I suggest you have a weapon closeby. We may be forced into a fight."

The familiar purple hue encompassed the sword. Seth raised it into the air.

"Hello?" He shouted through the halls. He had managed to decipher the three were dark side followers. Seth put his sword down a little, but still waited to see what their intentions were.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:27:49 PM
Jeseth smirked. He'd have to drop the act, he couldn't mask his identy from these new visitors. That was fine though... now.

"Why don't you step forward into the shadows where we can see you."

He laughed softly beneath his breath, placing his hand over his saber and unclipping it. This find would be theres...

"A don't think we've been introduced formally, either."

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:28:10 PM
::Chaos called to Yurza on the ship via the Force::

Get ready comrade. We may need you

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:31:10 PM
"I do not believe I have ever seen these two before at my time with the Sith Empire. I am assuming they are from there since I have not seen them at the Order." Seth whispered.

His sword was still encompassed by the purple Dark Side power he had created with his angry thoughts and memories. Each time he did this it became easier. Now it was like flipping the switch on and off of a lightsaber.

I wonder why they are here. He thought to himself, blocking his thoughts from everyone.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:34:42 PM
"I am Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. Son of Verse Dawnstrider, Jedi Knight, Council Member, Combat Leader of the GJO. We just want a few items here. If we can avoid combat that would be better. We plan to leave when we get them."

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:41:49 PM
"See, that doesn't quite work for us... because those items you seek... well, they're ours."

He smiled and glanced the group of would-be archaelogists over.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:44:16 PM
Seth quietly cackled to himself. He watched as the shadows began to form around him. His cloak seemed to expand into them, creating a wall as dark as night.

"It would be a good idea for you to leave."

Under his mask, the Dark Jedi grinned. He felt the darkness of the shadows expand. Soon the whole room would be pitch black.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:53:51 PM
::Chaos smiles.::

"Isn't that a shame. It seems I know how to work a lot of the items here. And I would gladly destroy myself and use he power to get the items. That or I have explosives on my ships. I will blow this place to hell and back if need be."

::Chaos looked at the room getting darker. He smiled again. His cyborg eyes ajust to night vision. If they wanted party tricks. Then this is where Chaos was a master at. Chaos reached out and grabed the Darkness of the Force. He let it flow. Chaos prepared a call. He was ready to call the Jedi here. If he couldn't have the items. No one could.::

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:12:32 PM
"We know how to work a lot of the items here as well, Dawnstrider. If you think you'll get a chance to go back to your ship after that last statement, then you're sorely mistaken."

The entrance from which he had entered had now vanished, the light which had entered from outside the Temple leaving their eyes. Jeseth had it in hi genes: He didn't need light to pierce the darkness... there were enough electrons in darkness to appease the rods and cones in his eyes. He could see just fine... if anything, perhaps a bit more clearly.

"I think we need some light, my friend."

Jeseth nodded to Seth and activated Ascension, it's blue glow penetrating the darkness. immediately around it. There was no where for Dawnstrider to go now.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:20:40 PM
"The most potent weapon of the oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed."

Seth seemed to tug at the shadows with the Force, using them to cover himself and Jeseth. Their weapons gave off faint light in the shadows.


Suddenly, from all corners razor beetles, native to Yavin IV flew at Chaos and Sieken. With that, Jeseth and Seth disappeared, further into the temple, using their advanced skills to navigate through the darkness.

If the two Sith apprentices didn't act fast they would be shredded to pieces by the predators.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:38:49 PM
::Chaos grabs Sieken and Dives to the other side. He thinks fast. He expands his mind with the Force. He enters the beetles mind. A common trick with such low life forms. He makes them all think that one of the local rocks were food. The beetles turned and attacked the rocks. The whole swarm gathers around it. Chaos throws his ingited LS at a statue on the ceiling.He made it spin like a top. The LS span so fast it looked like a razor disk. The LS cut the huge statue from its base. The statue falls and Chaos pushes it on top the swarm with his mind. The large statue crushed the dence mass of bugs. A large swish is heard from the bugs. Chaos breaths hard from the act. He calls his LS back.::

"Sieken try to catch up. I'm goin' on."

::Chaos took off as his Cyborg eyes let him see int he dark.::

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:08:28 PM
Time was all the attack had bought them, but it was also all that they would need. He could hear the Sith taking off after them, but that was the whole idea. Jeseth stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes, his mind searching out the entropy within the ceiling of the temple. Chaos could here cracking, and then the sound of tiny pebbles and chips of rock hitting the floor around him. Jeseth took a deep breath and poured forth all of himself which he could not, and would never face. The rock cracked cleanly, collapsing first behind Chaos, and then cascading from in front of him. He could see the immense chunks of rocks, some of them 6 times larger and heavier then he could ever hope to be, and they all came crashing down now. In front of him an image began to obscure with dust and debris, Jeseth's body standing just outside of the wave of destruction - but then he was gone. The rocks had cut of all of his view towards the front.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:39:01 PM
"Holy @#%$!!!!!"

::Chaos looked around fast and used his Cyborg eyes to lock on to anything. He saw a small hole in the wall. Just be enough to fit into. He jumped into there. Chaos saw the rocks block him end. Looking up he sees he has found a small stone shaft. He climbs up it and finds it to be a venting system. The tunnels let the wind flow through them. Chaos climbed through them to see where the breaking starts pulls himself up witht he Force to the other room. From there he takes off after the Dark Jedi again.::

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 24th, 2001, 08:00:37 PM
Seth stopped pacing through the tunnels for a moment. He turned back and reached out with the Force.

"He has escaped from your trap and is moving fast." Seth growled.

The Dark Jedi felt the anger flow through his veins. He ran forward with his sword and jabbed it into the rock ceiling. Seth used his own power in the Force to deliver a devastating crush.

Using TK techniques, he parted the rocks and watched as the roof collided, blocking Seth and Chaos. The Dark Jedi knew this would hold him back for a few minutes.

"I'm afraid if any more damage is done to the roof, this whole temple may collapse soon." The two continued their descent.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 08:32:28 PM
::Chaos looks around again. What the hell was this? Chaos used the Force and picked up tons of small rocks. He held them in the crack. He then saw a fountain. He pushed the water intot he dirt to make some mud. Chaos pushed the mud intot he small rocks. He let them go and heated them with the Force. The mud and rocks hardened making a seal of some sort. That would hold till he got the stuff out of there. Chaos ran giving chace again.::

Edit: Called myself Verse one time. OOps.....

Master Yurza
Jun 24th, 2001, 08:40:25 PM
Yurza hears the comotion coming from the temple. He thought about going but he had heard Chaos's message to stay incase they needed back up. You guys better hurry up cause if I have to deal with what you guys are dealing with by myself there is gonna be hell to pay, Yurza thought as he went to the computer consol and tried to get an idea about what was going on. He could sense more than just Chaos and Seiken, but he could not tell anymore than that.

"Computers run a life-form check on the temple. Only take the readings of life-forms with mass that exceeds 1.9 pounds," Yurza told the machine just so he could get an idea about what was going on. From the reading he made out 3 fair signals and one very weak signal. Well that shouldn't be so bad, he thought to himself as he took his lightsaber and went to the cantine on the ship and made a few modifications.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 24th, 2001, 09:52:27 PM
Jeseth could still feel the man's presence in the Force, Seth was right. He had indeed survived the cave in... but again, it bought them more time, and time was of the essence. They had been running now for 5 minutes and the temple was almost so dark that not even Jeseth could clearly see. He turned to Seth and his eyes caught a glint as they scanned past.


He reached out and pulled the crystal into his hand, the Force guiding it's way. It had been logged into the wall, and now little bits of rock were littering the strange stone floor. The crystal it's self was smaller than a training remote, and Jeseth could even close his fist around it. He didn't see anything else in the room, but as he looked around he quickly noticed that there were no exits, and no entrances.

"We're trapped... But we found one piece of the puzzle... now where could the next one be..?"

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:03:01 PM
::Chaos ran toward the Dark Jedi. His eyes kept focusing. It was getting harder to see by the second. He wold always be able to see no matter how dark, but it would be really hard, and the Dark Jedi were getting further away. He had to slow them down somehow. Chaos let his anger toward the other two for trying to take his claim fill him and channel the Force. He let the Temple power him. It was made for the Sith to use. He couldn't use but a small amount, but some was better that none. As long as they didn't get all the crystals. There were hundreds of them around here. Even laying on the ground, but every one counts. He fills the others two's minds. He may not be as stronge phyically, but he was the child of two powerful Force users. He filled the Dark Jedi's minds with an image of Exar Kun.::

The image spoke to the Dark Jedi:

"How dare you touch my things? You idiots! I should destroy you know! The Jedi could not stop me! Do you think you can? Cower worms! Then I may let you live!"

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 25th, 2001, 01:53:38 AM
" Know i knew these little gagets of mine would come in handy" he said flipping done his Nightvision Goggels,

he pressed a button on the side of the goggels activating "Infer-red" picking up not only there body signatures but there heat from the lightsabers, even if they did use the force to hide there bodys from heat..the sabers would stil glow...

:: Sieken ran as fast as he could following Chaos, rolling and ducking past certain fallen rocks and stone,sieken took aim, and fired narrowly missing Jeseth, Sieken took chace::

" Fight for the right to have those stones you losers, dont run like chickens"


Jeseth Cloak
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:53:02 AM
Jeseth squinted at the presence in his mind. Did this man take him for a fool? Exar Kun was far... far more powerful than this apparition. Jeseth had been studying his teachings for a great deal of time now, and this was obviously an illusion. The real Exar Kun could never be bothered over mere stones... No, he understood Exar Kun well.

A shot rang out past his ear and broke him free of the trance he had been in, his thoughts flooding back into the real world. He elbowed Seth in the shoulder and knocked him aside, waking him up from the trance as well. This fool had dared to attack them.

"In a few more seconds, you're going to wish you'd never said that."

From the darkness something ripped across the room, Sieken's goggles being pulled into a burning paralyzing grip. They helped to further spread the damaging effects of the Force Lightening which Jeseth had imposed upon the Sith, spreading through his head and intensifying the electric display to blinding levels. Any mere human being would have already been left blinded. The circuits finally burned out after reaching their maximum display capability. Even with his eyes closed, the effects must have detrimental to the man... but that would keep him occupied long enough.

The stream of electric energy ceased as smoke trailed up from Sieken's head, the Dark Jedi now beginging to grit his teeth in frustration.

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 25th, 2001, 03:40:05 AM
:: Siekens eyes burnd, but sieken loved pain, something he had to live with nearly all his life....his eyes showed little light dots all over the place, but he risisted that, fireing off many shots out of random, and lucky enough hitting a loose rock and making a few tons of stone spill out infron of Jeseth and Serpant::

"Damn Chaos are you ok?" he said
" Yea man im ok" Said chaos with a smile


Seth Darkserpent
Jun 25th, 2001, 06:36:54 PM
"Is that all you got?"

Seth stopped the hailstorm of small rocks using his telekinetic power. He had heard Sieken refer to him and Jeseth as chickens. That remark only fueled his anger. He hurled the rocks at Sieken. The apprentice managed to dodge a few, but some hit him, leaving small welts on various parts of his body.

"Now young Sith Apprentice...You...Will...<font size=5>DIE!<font size=2>"

Darkserpent ran at Sieken with his sword and slashed outwards. Sieken dodged the the slash, but only to meet a faster one that severed his gun in two.

"You want a fight, well now you got one! Both of you!"

Seth pushed Sieken back with the Force, causing him to trip. He kept the Force open in case Chaos decided to join the fray.

Sten the Chimp
Jun 25th, 2001, 07:23:31 PM
OOC: Sorry bout that. It was too much power for me to use. I'll fix it.


Sten came to. His thoughts were slow and swimming and cluttering up his senses. It happened like this every time he woke up. Pulling himself off of the cold surface, he stretched and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked around to see that Chaos, Sieken, and Yurza weren't there. And it felt like the motion of the ship was no longer existent, either. Sten saw a bit of sunlight on the floor. He followed that ray of light to see that the ship was at a stop. "Damn," Sten thought to himself, "how could they just leave me here?! I was havin' a damn good dream, too. All those bananas..." Stretching out his limbs, Sten warmed himself up by stretching his limbs, knowing that he would have to run soon. He listened intently, for any sign of the crew unloading their cargo. They were only a room away! Making a quick decision, Sten peeked out of the doorway to check for guards. None being there, he lept out and ran into the jungle.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 25th, 2001, 07:39:00 PM
OOC: Dude, that was plain God moding. How does a Sith apprentice create such a move in a temple. There's barely any air! How could you create a storm.

Plus the temple is pitch black. I doubt without vision goggles you could find us.

How do you know Jeseth was holding the crystal in his hand? He just used Force Lightning, that would destroy the crystal. I believe he'd put it in a pouch or something.

And lastly, what am I? A ragdoll? You think I'd just stand around and watch you do that? Think again! My sword would be impaled in your spine before you got to Jeseth. Please edit realistically, and acknowledge me in your post.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 25th, 2001, 10:36:37 PM
OOC: Ignore the Chimp. That posted never happened in my eyes. DO y'all agree?

IC ::Chaos was not dumb. This was a battle he could not win with brute force. They had more skill than that. He had to win (if he could) with tricks. He looked around in the dark. He called Seiken through the Force::

Dude turn around and close your eyes!

::Chaos grabed a small flsh genade from his boot. He throws it at Seth and Jeseth. Seth, witht he Force, sees it coming. Chaos turns and closes his eyes as Seth slices the denade with his LS. A flash blows in the Dark Jedi's faces. Chaos waits to make his move if Jeseth drops the cyrstle.::

Master Yurza
Jun 25th, 2001, 10:53:17 PM
Yurza looks up from his working area and notices a small flash coming from the entrance of the temple. At first he thought it was someone using explosives but then he realized that it was just a flash grenade. He finishes putting his modifications on his lightsaber and then he walks out of the ship and stands at the entrance. He carries with him a small bag containing a few explosives and some flares and his lightsaber. He steps intot the temple carrying his bag and walks until he can't see anymore. He then lights a flare and holds it up against a wall.

"Oh my goodness," Yurza said as he looked on the walls and found different jewels and some writing. From what he could make out it was the anceint language of the Sith. "This stuff might come in handy later." Yurza started taking some pictures of the writing while lifting a few of the jewels and putting them in his bag. After getting enough pics, Yurza journied deeper into the temples trying to find Chaos and Seiken. After an hout of looking Yurza decides to go back to the ship and wait on them and look at his precious findings.

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 26th, 2001, 05:18:07 AM
::Sieken used the force to stand and guid himself toward Seth, his gun lay broke on the floor, sieken, grabbed his "Knife-Edged" boomerang from this Sethe, and flipped it in the way his felt Seth...it hit Seth in the chest digging in a few inches, the scream from seth was picked from Siek, sieken ran in the direction of the yelp kicking out, hitting his knee making a un-earthly crack, Seth striked out with his saber, but sieken ducked, but Seth counterd with a kick to Sieks head making him stumbel, siek then juped and kicked of the temple wall fliping over Seths next strike with the Saber...


Jeseth Cloak
Jun 26th, 2001, 08:48:57 AM
The rocks were swept aside in a wave before they managed to hit Jeseth, his eyes now focused into the darkness and at the new arrival. Suddenly, something moved towards him, and a flash burst into his field of vision. His eyes adjusted to the light, but it was too late, it was gone. He couldn't see clearly through the darkness, but the crystal in his hand was still clutched tightly - even more so now that he wasn't sure of what was going on around him.

The Force shall be my sight...

Jeseth reached out, feeling the essence of the walls, people, and objects within the room. He had a faint vision of what was going on... enough to guide himself by. He placed the gem into his coat pocket and extended both hands outward towards the figure who he was sure had thrown the bomb at him. All of the rocks on the floor swept up together in a wave and launched themselves towards the man, some of them going to quickly that Jeseth could no longer register them through his Force sense.

Sten the Chimp
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:41:09 PM
OOC: Sorry bout all of the confusion. Yep, it was god moding. I wasn't thinking. So, I apologise.


After only a few minutes of running, he found the temple, and it looked like someone had done a damn good job of messing it up. If he were to even touch it wrong, it would collapse. Reaching out with the Force, he scanned the area for the others. He found Sieken, Chaos, and Yurza, but there were two others. One, he knew that aura anywhere. It was Jeseth, but who was with him? No matter, they were here for the stone, and that was it. But if they had the stone, that would make things slightly difficult. But who said this wasn't going to be difficult? Sten walked into the entrance of the temple. And almost immediately, he felt another presence, and this one made everyone combined look like a baby! And this being was nearby. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to face him too. Sten knew that these other two were causing him trouble, so Sten thought how would he be able to help. And it struck him. The Tongue. He sensed around for an animal of some sort, and he found one. Not just one, but millions. Bats. Whispering in their mind, he asked them for help. To guide him. They responded yes. They flew around him, whispering guidance in his ear. They sped up, and so did Sten. And it wasn't but two minutes later that he asked them to stop for a second. There was another fauna to help. And this one was hungry. And it was billions of them. The pirana beetles. Sten, staying a safe distance from them, asked for help, in exchange for a possible meal. Not him, or his friends, but the other two. They agreed quickly, and as Sten walked, the bats guided him to his friends, and to the other two. As the bats quickened the pace, so did Sten and his army of pirana beetles. And after two minutes of running, Sten came upon the area where his friends were. And one of the two was there. Who it was, Sten knew not. But he pointed at Seth and whispered one word to the beetles, "Food." And they all advanced forward at him, raging with hunger. Meanwhile, the vampire bats also struck, hoping to get some blood. Meanwhile, Sten, turning to the side, asked Sieken for a pair of nightvision googles. Taking them out of Sieken's hand, he put them on. He watched with "happiness" as the beetles and bats began to feed on the unfortunate Seth.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 27th, 2001, 06:24:41 PM
::Chaos was hit by most of the rocks. He eyes and the Force kept him from takin' most of the blows. Chaos ran behind Jeseth. Pushing Jesesth with the Force, Chaos ran through a hole in the wall.::

"Sieken let me be your eyes!"

::Chaos lets Sieken see through his eyes.::

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 28th, 2001, 04:59:50 AM
Jeseth rolled forward on the floor as he hit, rising to his feet and looking up to see the horde of bats and beetles.

"Parlor tricks."

His hands came up to meet them, streams of lightening coursing through and effectively killing or paralyzing the larger amount of creatures that were coming his way. He could see that Seth needed no help, having crushed most of the animals with the brute power of the Force. On the ground laid many an injured beast, the Dark Jedi having suffered a few deep gashes and wounds at best. Jeseth felt up to his neck and felt the deep cut that one of the bats had inflicted upon him, then turned his attention to Sten. It was hard to see through the dazzling display of colors before him, and the smoke that now rose from the crunchy critters on the floor, but through the Force he saw him. The others were fleeing, but this one had note.

Seth lunged forward and knocked the man against the temple wall with a crack, an armored gauntlet striking to Sten's jaw. Jeseth reached put with the Force and ripped the IR-Goggles off his head. The smacked into the palm of the Dark Jedi's hand as his grip closed around them, cracking most of the glass and other parts and cutting into his own flesh. Blood dripped down Jeseth's hand in a small trickle and then the goggles dropped the floor, and finally met their final demise beneath the force of his boot.

<font size=5>'CRACK</font>

Jeseth began his approach toward's Sten's aura, Seth already bringing his saber up the man's throat.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 28th, 2001, 08:18:22 AM
:: Jeseth met with a hilt of a blade hitting his eye making his fall back to the floor, siek gave him a few kicks to the head before rolling through the hole that chaos did and vanished into the darkness...::

EDIT~~ Posted as wrong name
im Sieken

Chaos Alexander
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:34:29 AM
::Chaos ran down the new hallway. Sieken and Sten could handle the Dark Jedi. He and Yurza could do the rest. Chaos ran down the temple. His robotic eyes letting him see. Down the hallways till he come to a vast room. Chaos smiles.::

"I have found it! The statues! And lots of te crystals.!"

::Choas looked at a hole in the cieling. It was rather large. He could fit a pallet to get the statues on. Chaos smiled and called Yurza withthe Force tellin' him to bring the ship.::

Master Yurza
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:37:52 AM
As Yurza walked back onto the ship, he recieved a call from Chaos telling him to come over to the western part of the temple. He dropped his bag on the table in the cantine and ran to the helm of the ship and fired up the engines, and he headed over to where he could feel Chaos. He fly around for a bit until he found the hole that Chaos was talking about. He then dropped the pallet with 4 crates on it as his freind had requested. As Chaos was busy filling the crates on the pallet, Yurza put the ship on autopilot and went to the cargo area and watched Chaos's back.

Chaos Alexander
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:39:25 PM
::Chaos grabed the statues and loaded them onto the crates. He desides to grabs as many crystels as he can. Chaos gives Yurza the signal to help him out.::

Chaos- "Come dude, help me out. We got to get this @#%$ out of here fast."

Master Yurza
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:09:17 AM
Yurza took one last look around the Room before throwing a ladder down to Chaos and then climbing it down.

"Boy this stuff is gonna make us rich."

He then started to grab all the jewels he could and threw them into the cargo crates like a mad man.

Sten the Chimp
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:49:17 PM
As Sten laid on the floor, with Seth's blade held to his throat, he began to lose conciousness. But he could not pass out due to all of the pain. So, he stopped all of the thoughts that clouded his mind. Focusing on the pain, he first used it as a fuel for more rage, and then simply ignored it. And then he pictured the painful past, and the rage grew. Like a fire, it consumed him completely. And he figured it out. Focusing on a fist-sized rock, he flung it at Seth's lightsaber, knocking it out of his hand. As it fell to the floor, Sten focused on the hilt of the sword, making it hot enough to burn. As Seth grabbed for it, it burned his hand. His yell echoed, bouncing against the walls of the cave. As Seth was occupied by the pain, Sten used this decoy to think of something that he could possibly do. If he used wind, it would cause the temple to collapse upon itself. He would have to fight. He drew and ignited his saber. As he dashed forward, he faked a swing to the right, and instead, grabbed him with his prehensile feet and flung Seth. Using a bit of the Force, he pushed while Seth was in mid-air, causing Seth to fly even further. Far away enough that he wouldn't cause too much trouble. he was now worried about Jeseth. How could he fight someone that powerful? There were no options. But just then, something caught his attention. His friends Chaos and Yurza. They had found lots of crystals and statues. Sten quickly shielded his mind, preventing Jeseth to figure out what he was up to.

"Fine. I submit. You're way to good for me to fight. And Seth doesn't make it any easier. Here, take the crystal."

Sten hands over the crystal to Jeseth.

OOC: If for some odd reason I messed this up, its because I'm on vacation. I won't be on too often. And I'm not exactly fresh on the story. So, if I messed this up, somebody correct me.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:18:39 PM
Jeseth Force pulled the Crystals into his hand, Seth keeping a watchful eye out.

"Then go."

He pocketed the gems and looked up at the cieling of the place, then turned and began to walk away. He could feel the Force around him, and every breath and move that Sten made was with him.

Chaos Alexander
Jul 5th, 2001, 08:22:46 PM
:: Chaos grabs the crystals off the ground. He places three crate fulls ont he pallet. He nails the top down with 5 statues as well. He turns to Yurza.::

"Haul it up!"

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 5th, 2001, 08:36:05 PM
:: Sieken rolled out the other side of the tunnel and stood up slowly::

" Ohhhh dear jesus christ" he said eyes gazing at the statues

:: Sieken turned and started chizzerling at the tunnel trying to block it up so they can be follwed, he then quickly glanced atopen doomed roof..then was a hole in the top the could climb out of, he looked back down and started the chizzle away::

Master Yurza
Jul 5th, 2001, 10:49:02 PM
Yurza looked at his partner and nodded.

"Ok. This stuff will be up there in no time."

He then started climbing up the latter he had thrown down earlier and when he got on the top he hauled the stuff there waiting to see what Chaos wanted to do next.

Chaos Alexander
Jul 7th, 2001, 12:07:53 AM
::Chaos grabs a rope and pulls himself intot he cargo hold.::

"Yurza, I'll call Sieken and Sten. When they get here lets get the hell out of here. We have what we need. we have thousands of cystals and 5 statues. We can easily work with that."

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 13th, 2001, 06:43:32 PM
::Sieken set a C-9 explosive on the wall leaving a time of about 3 minutes then ran putting one foot on the wall then jumping off that and catching the rope, beaing pulled up with the ship and crawling up the rope into the ship, the hatch closed, just as it did the explosive exploded making the roofing of the dome crush in-itself smaching into the ground apon that the corridors after corridos imploded on itself crushing the tempel to a pile of rubble and dust::

:: Sieken turned round a punches choas in the chest::

" Dont ever try to leave without me again damn you" he quickly smiled...

Chaos Alexander
Jul 13th, 2001, 07:23:12 PM
::Chaos laughed and saw sten on the ground. Sten jumped and grabed Chaos's hand. He pulled him on board and shut the door.::

"Yurza, get us the hell out of here!"

Master Yurza
Jul 13th, 2001, 07:28:16 PM
Yurza chuckled as he turned to Seiken.

"Well maybe we won't next time if you come the first time instead of playing with your little explosives."

He laughed as he turned back to the controls and piloted off of the planet.