View Full Version : Belkadan, lonely

Jul 12th, 2001, 11:05:27 AM
"Our ships are nearly there, Lord Praetorite. We've contacted them, and relayed a warning to accept us and then activate the defensive grids."

"Excellent. What are our forces already stationed there?"

"None, my lord. We hold the entire contents of the First Fleet."

"That shall work well enough. Any updates on these Viashino?"

"Yes, my lord. A full profile. Tsaak Vootuh relayed it verbally."

"What an honor. Bring me the file, and be ready to move near Belkadon as soon as we exit hyperspace."

"Yes, Lord Praetorite."

Jul 13th, 2001, 08:16:19 PM
Finally, Yomin was back. Belkadan. To think that it had once... Supported life.

To think, things were different now.

Yomin pointed to the breeding grounds, orbiting high above, suspended in space. Their lives, suspended in time.

"Back to Yun Lah. I need them packed and jumping the gap in three days."

"Understood, sir. We'll do our best."

"The best of a Yuuzhan Vong is always enough. I'm putting a lot of faith in you, Warrior. Please me, and the Gods will bless you."