View Full Version : A Warrior in the Making

Teka Kenobi
Jul 8th, 2001, 03:45:30 PM
OOC: For Ladye Razielle..


The evening was cold, and the pond that Teka sat by glistened in the reflections of all the lights that surrounded it, and him. Currently alone, the Jedi stroked his hand through the water, created riples as he took it out. The ond was not really a pond, more of a small lake. The brisk air got to Teka's wet hand and made it feel even colder than it should be. With him was Vortex, one hald of a double bladed purple/black sabre, the other half being Vertex.

Teka stood being alerted of another force presence nearby. It was a Sith from TSE.

Hmm, a Diciple.

Teka ignighted the purple blade, the black centre would not be visible for much longer as only one sun was left to set. Teka stood his ground keeping Vortex still, as well as himself.

Lady Razielle
Jul 8th, 2001, 08:43:55 PM
Razielle stepped forward almost in slow motion. Her black hair blowing around her in soft waves. The night wind floated her voice to the Jedi with a smile playing at her lips.

"Cold..? I can feel the chill in you. "

The smile on her face did not reach her eyes. She locked her gaze on the Jedi. One of many who she detests. A flick of her thumb sent the violet blade of her own saber forth and she stopped just short of him.

"Lets see if I can't help warm you..."

She stomped, sending a splash of the ponds water ino the air distractingly as she swung her blade up at him from below.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 9th, 2001, 02:52:28 AM
Teka moved his sabre to the left, the blade facing towards the ground. He used his small amount of momentum to turn from the strike and put a hard elbow into the females head. She stumbled near the small lake, but not quite falling in. When she turned and looked at Teka he was in his ready position. From behind her came a large wave of water that simply rested for a moment. Smiling Teka nodded and the large wave crashed down onto her.

You'll have to warm youself up first.

Lady Razielle
Jul 9th, 2001, 03:15:56 AM
The wave did indeed wash over her head, sinking into the water darkend by the night sky she let its momentum carry her forward with a rush. She came upout of the water, a vision clad in wet leather and kicked low at Teka, easily knocking him off his feet.

With a chuckle she flung her wet hair over her shoulder and paced, saber in hand and ready. She glared down at the Jedi.

"Well come on... Don't just sit there.."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 9th, 2001, 11:25:01 AM
Teka glared up at Ladye, his ice blue eyes now hidden by the night's blackness. He stared at her for a moment and spoke..

Oh, I don't plan to..

He brought his leg across and kicked her in the legs, causing her to violently hit the ground, her head hitting also, upon impact. The kick possibly fracured her leg, and her head was now bleeding. Teka quickly got up and readied himself.

Lady Razielle
Jul 9th, 2001, 06:02:17 PM
The blow to her leg did indeed make her wince, but rising she started to laugh. An evil sound it was, it echoed through the night air and carried with it the coldness leashed within her. She turned to Teka and smiled as the gash across her forehead ran freely with the blood of others she had consumed and started to close on its own. The wound disappearing as quickly as it had been rendered.

She ran forward and flipped both legs upward, the first knocking his saber hilt upward and away from her, her next leg delivering a kick to the side of his head with enough force to knock him back to the ground, causing a gash of his own.

She landed on her hands and flipped up to an offensive stance with her saber directly over his abdomen, pointing downward, preparing to thrust through his stomach.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 10th, 2001, 01:11:12 PM
Teka loked around in his uncomfortable position and though fats. He looked up her her eye to eye, and nodded at her. Two bright lights glared into her eyes and she moved back holding them, giving Teka time to use another force move. He moved his hand up thrusting her back through the air, in a force push. She landed and scraped along the floor, leaving a trail in her course.

Teka, now up, waited for her to get up. He ran forward and struck on her right side. it was quickly defended and the two battled for a moment with offensive and defensive sabre and fighting stratagies.

Lady Razielle
Jul 11th, 2001, 12:34:26 AM
Brushing the sand and leaves of the pond's shore off of herself, Razielle rose and met the clash of Teka's saber. The night was illuminated with the brilliant dance of the lethal violet weapons. He forced her back with his blade but time and again she regained the offensive making him retrace his steps as well.

She ducked a particular swing towards her head, crouching low and rolling herself to the side. The evasive sidestepping causing her leg to buckle painfully. He would have brought his saber down on her again, but she blocked from her crouched position on the ground, forcing his blade up above her head with a snarl.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 11th, 2001, 02:55:40 PM
Teka did not hesitate to kick her square on in the face sending her back several feet. She quickly got up and was met by a number of random strikes from Teka, one sliced a layer of skin off her upper arm and was cause for blood to come from the wound.

Jumping back he closed his eyes for a split second and let the force enter his mind and his body. Opening them to see LR metres away from him he got into another ready posture and waited for LR to attack.

Lady Razielle
Jul 11th, 2001, 09:34:25 PM
With a growl she rolled backwards to a stand. She wiped the trail of blood from her mouth off her chin and then locked her cold gaze on the Jedi. She disengaged her saber and shoved it into her belt.

"How very talented... And here I thought this would be all too easy for me. "

The night wind blew her hair around her and she glanced at her badly burned arm, which would heal in time but for now caused her a great deal of pain. She focused on the pain, which fueled her wrath with the Jedi. The burn that seared her skin suddenly felt icey as the darkness of her nature crept through her veins.

Ignoring the pain she ran at Teka, stopping short of him and his blade with a skid, sending a wave of sand into his face and eyes, mometarily blinding him. She took the advantage and grabbed his weapon arm in a vice like grip and shoved it away from her body, with her other hand she dragged her clawed fingernails across his face ripping his skin badly from below his eye to his chin.

She shoved him away from her brutally and grabbed her saber off her hip, engaging it with a hiss ready to defend.

Teka Kenobi
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:48:21 PM
Teka held his right cheek in his hand the blood gushed from the wound. He stood up straight taking his hand away and using the force to stop the blood gush. Quickly he readied him self and ran at LR.

Jumping he swung his sabre hard, the only intention being to knock LR's out of the way, and kicked her in the nose, hearing a loud crack. As she stumbled back he landed and brought his back leg forward and used the force to aid his other leg, in a hard kick to her upper leg, which may have also just broken..

Lady Razielle
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:03:31 PM
She rolled away from him defensively and as the blood poured out of her broken nose she coughed. She raised her hands and the darkness aided her force throw sending him meters away from her and causing him to slam the back of his head into a tree with a crunch.

She limped to a stand, the pain in her leg severe. She would have to seek medical attention very soon. She gritted her teeth and looked at the Jedi who was currently slumped over not moving, a large amount of blood staining the back of the tree. She licked her lips and grinned at the thought of his life...

Teka Kenobi
Jul 15th, 2001, 03:52:38 AM
Teka layed still under the tree. He was still there, not in too much of a bad state in fact. He began to heal himelf in a still position waiting..

Soon LR's curiosity got the better of her. She was now looking over Teka, in a very precarious position, and he rasied a hand quickly as she flew back into the branches of the opposite tree. He was not sure how she would get down from the force push. But slowly made his way away from the scene. He took one last glance at the pond and carried on away.

Lady Razielle
Jul 15th, 2001, 07:16:37 PM
Her arms clung to the limbs behind her as she recovered. Her faced was badly scratched by the branches. She watched the Jedi as he glanced at the pond and walked away. She had to admit to a certain greatfulness that he was leaving.. Her leg was killing her.

She flipped backward out of the tree, landing with a wince on her bad leg and limped into the shadows from where she had earlier emerged. She made her way back to the TSE Head Quarters to heal, smiling back at the pond as she left.