View Full Version : Friendly Fire.....(Koh)

Jun 26th, 2001, 12:02:45 AM
The blip they had been tracking was steadily decreasing in speed.
It was obviously lame and Hera had her droid working frantically to jamb any distress transmissions since the "Paylode" had intercepted the initial one.

"It looks like a commercial transport of some sort" the droid reported. "It is bound to have some sort of defenders about."

Hera nodded but didnt look up from the data screen. "It looks like the "Corlisa." Commissioned out of Naboo. Not sure what she is carrying, but its bound to be profitable for us." Hera suddenly felt very energetic and found it hard to sit still in her seat.

Buckling herself to her chair, Hera initialized her weapons systems and raised the crafts sheilds.

Grinning she said sarcastically, "Lets go lend a hand, shall we?"

The "Paylode" accellerated and Hera stretched her fingers in and out - an unconscious habit she had developed whenever she prepared to fire her ships weapons - and set her hand comfortable to grip the lever of her controls.


Dropping down in a vertical sweep over the Corlisa the Paylode had lowered forward sheilds and shot a volley into the first of two contracted defender craft located on either side of the transport. A fireball exploded and Hera expelled a satisfied "yes.."

Coming around to zero in on the next target, another fireball exploded and Hera rounded on the droid "what the.....?" The second defender had been dispatched before Hera even had it in her sights.

"It seems we have company" the droid observed matter-of-factly.

Hera snarled angrily through her teeth as she saw that another craft had arrived to seize on the beleguered Corlisa. The two attacking craft looked like great metallic vultures circling a fresh carcass.

"Find out who that is!" she hissed at the droid. And brought her ship to position behind the offending craft and maneuvered to get it in firing range.

Koh Striker
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:25:59 AM
"Whooooo hoooooo!!"

-Koh blasted through the ship with rapid laser fire and barrel rolled through the flames around to the side of the transport ship. His orange and reddish laser fire sped on from the explosion into the depths of space. The concussion missle he launched was right on target, and the other defender starfighter didnt have enough time to evade the missle and thus, lost its shields. The flames reflected in the cockpit window for his ship and creating a blaze in his eyes. Circling around, he redirected his shielding to full hull coverage. It seemed the cargo on this ship would come in handy for the Dragoons. After running his finger across some buttons on his ships shielding system, Koh moved his hand over to the yoke again. Activating his ion cannons on the ship, Koh fired at the cargo transport. The blue beams streaked across and slammed into the side of the ship, disabling it from entering hyperspace. Making another sharp left turn around the now debris of the left over defender ships, he noticed from his targeting computer that the other ship was Hera's. Koh switched back to regular laser fire again. A grin came over his face while activating a link frequency to Hera's ship. Some static was recieved by Koh before he could speak.-

"Had to let the lady go first in destroying the defender escort ships. Now it seems your pretty self and I have stumbled upon this cargo ship. What now, eh chere?"

-Koh still kept his distance from Hera's ship while talking to her. The two circled around the ship as it was disabled between the two. A smirk was on his face from under the piloting mask as he awaited patiently for Hera to respond back. He was at full throttle while going around the ship. They seemed like two vultures over the prey, ready to fly in and take their claim for it.-

Jun 26th, 2001, 12:38:44 AM
Hera's reply was less than cheerful. Koh was now her new ally but hell if he was gonna waltz in and help himself to her latest prize....

"Greetings Koh. Nice peice of shooting there."

She could hear he was pleased with himself even through the static of the transmission. "Oh, that was nothing Hera. I wasnt even trying."
Hera pulled a face at the droid and rolled her eyes.

"Well, still was nice work, Koh. So, anyway, thanks for the help. I got it from here. My new acquisition wont be any trouble from here on. Dont let me keep you from where you were headed. Bye, over and out and all that."

She just heard the transmitter crackle before there was a reply.

Koh Striker
Jun 27th, 2001, 06:08:03 PM
-Koh arched an eyebrow and spoke back to Hera over the frequency. There still was some slight static on the link.-

"Your cargo? I was here first chere, that cargo ship should be mine Hera."

-His eyes narrowed slightly, they had recently just allied, but he still wanted that cargo. Koh didnt want anything harsh to happen though. The two continued to circle the disabled cargo transport.-

Jun 28th, 2001, 02:57:42 AM
Shaking his chromed head at the communication consol, the droid had such a look of affront as to render him quite comical - "I do beleive this Koh fellow intends to claim the transport for himself!"

A sly smile crept over the Siths face. She had met Koh on a couple of occassions and she knew him enough to feel that this was exactly what he intended to do.

Well, now. She was not above a little friendly competition - in fact, it might even be fun to show this pirate upstart a thing or two.

Hera placed a sleek wrap-around visor over her eyes. This was an apparatus that enabled her to see her large viewscreen ahead, together with a computerised radar, to help locate and lock on any given target. She flipped on her targeting sights, but did not re-arm any of her three medium ion cannons. And right now....her sights were set on locking onto Kohs ship directly ahead of her.

Hera leaned slightly closer to the transmitter.."funny, but with all this static,Koh, it sounded like you just said your cargo.."

Just as she finished speaking, the shrill beep beep beep of Kohs' defence warning system sounded in his cockpit as his craft became locked into the Paylode's sight cross-hairs.

"Koh smiled as he could hear the challenge in Hera's voice as she taunted him, "...I dont like to share."

OOC: The Paylode is a Gat-12h Skipray Blastboat. I can give you the specs to it if you want, Koh.

Koh Striker
Jul 1st, 2001, 04:21:32 PM
-He smirks as her target locking system zeros in on his ship. Koh, having set his shields on full recharge rate, continues to fly around Hera's ship. He wasnt going to do anything just yet and had an idea on his mind. Bringing his ship around to the other side of the cargo transport, he was right in front of Hera. Going over the frequency, a grin appeared on Koh's face before speaking. As the static died down somewhat, the Dragoon began to speak back.-

"How about this Hera, lets have a little game shall we? The first one to get the others ship's shields down to nil gets the cargo. Are you game?"

-Koh began activating his weapons system and made sure the shields were set on covering his whole hull. He looked back out his mask and the cockpit, breathing slowly. His hand gently was over the yoke while moving a finger across various buttons on the system datapad panel. His eyes narrowed slightly onto Hera's ship in the distance. Koh awaited patienly for Hera's reply to his idea.-

OOC: Thats fine, you can give the specs later. I have a modified TIE Defender.

Jul 4th, 2001, 11:37:29 PM
Hera raised her eyebrows as she heard Kohs suggestion.
Last time she bet a ship, she wound up needing a ride home...

"Lets hope I handle my ship better than my liquor" she murmered to herself.

Pulling back hard, she shot the Paylode up into a vertical climb - shooting straight up into the stars. She initialized her weapons system and then began banking over in a wide loop. Swooping beneath the cargo ship and skimming up toward the far side of Kohs ship. As she sped up and past she rolled the Paylode slightly and blasted off a volley of laser fire that sprayed all about him.

"you got yourself a bet there fella"

The Droid pointedly strapped himself in.

Koh Striker
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:32:31 PM
"Good then, may the best pirate win."

(Koh grinned as a few laser blasts hit the side of his hull as the shields absorbed the hits. He hit the afterburners and sped ahead from Hera as the shields began to recharge. The Dragoon looked down at his shield percentage as it was at 94 percent. Having reached max speed, Koh looped around immediately and headed back to Hera's direction. His laser crosshairs zoomed in on her as he moved his finger over the trigger. Koh unloaded an array of laser blasts, rapidly firing from his ship at Hera. They sped at her direction as he barrel rolled to the right and went ahead for another round.)