View Full Version : Fallen Embers... [Completed]

Zorin Hexes
Jun 16th, 2001, 11:28:33 PM
Zorin stood at the command deck of the Super Star Destroyer III, Impervious. It was now his flagship... His promotions had come in rapid succession, and now he found himself here, a Vice-Admiral in command of one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy. It was even stranger that he didn't care much for the power bestowed upon him... He merely longed for the challenge of war - the challenge of war... and something else... Glancing at the red headed Captain, Yaran, he knew what that something was.

She had served as an ensign underneath his command aboard the <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3747.topic>Vengeance,</a> and he had had his eye on her ever since. He'd never brought anything up with her about his feelings, or even hers... but something told him she felt the same way. Perhaps it was the way she had always lent him her silent support. Surely she knew that his requesting her presence aboard his flagship meant something... she could have just as easily been aboard any other ship in the fleet.

Stop thinking so much he told himself, his eyes finally coming back to what he was supposed to focsing on: Quitooine. Darth Poreon's defection had resulted in The Empire losing the planet... but that was fine. In time Poreon's defection and disloaylty would serve as an exampl to the rest of the galaxy.

Darth Viscera
Jun 17th, 2001, 05:10:42 AM
OOC: Please view the <a href=http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/SW%20Crawls/embersmed.rm>Fallen Embers crawl</a> as it really sets the scene and it's just generally cool :)

The sector fleet hung in orbit, the ships taking on supplies and preparing for the journey ahead. Darth Viscera sat in the command chair of his observation deck, watching the cargo tugs and other government supply vessels as they finished their work. Poreon will pay for this, he thought. He will slowly burn. He shall be roasted alive, and I shall be there to spit on his charred skin. And what is left of his lips will try to curl as he detects the strong odor of death....his own. And he shall stare up at me, knowing that only I can put a halt to his unending pain, that only I can forgive him his treason. He will thank me for my mercy as I end him, and only then will he truly know the extent of my power....

"Sir?" came a voice. The comm-link. Viscera snarled.

"What is it?" he replied, not bothering to hide the animosity from his voice.

"My lord, we are ready to depart. Stardock has cleared our departure vector, and the supply tugs have returned to their stations. Sector fleet reports condition green."

"Very well. Signal the fleet to clear all moorings and form up in the hyperlane, I-type formation. Lock course and prepare to engage hyperdrive at two point one past lightspeed. How do the target planets look?" Viscera replied.

"Sir, Keyhole station reports no rebel fleet activity near target sectors. Only the incomplete Golan stations, sir. However, they could be hiding behind the planets to avoid our scans."

"Very well," the Diktat replied, and the comm-link cut off. He looked to the holoprojector now, punched in the necessary codes for Admiral Hexes' command. The life-sized image of the man shimmered into existence, the darkness of the throne room's walls showing through the translucent holo-image.

"I trust you are ready, Admiral? How is your command?"

Zorin Hexes
Jun 17th, 2001, 05:40:22 AM
"All ships are ready to depart on your command, my lord. My group will be making a detour, as we discussed. Our trip through the asteroid field should only put us a parsec behind your group, and assure a quick and painless victory at Coursca Prime."

The form of Viscera flickered upon Zorin's command deck as the Vice Admiral glanced outside the main view port, watching the Illusion as it took it's place within the fleets ranks. Everything was going just as he envisioned... the "commercial ships" were well on their way ahead of the fleet, one dragging just slightly behind the other as they made their way toward's Quintooine and Lorah'l. Zorin shifted in his new uniform, the feel of it itching him slightly.

Darth Viscera
Jun 17th, 2001, 05:56:10 AM
"Excellent, Admiral," Viscera replied.

"Keep this holochannel open so that we can coordinate this attack. Order the fleet to engage hyperdrives."

Zorin Hexes
Jun 17th, 2001, 06:22:35 AM
"All ships," Zorin's voice sounded out through the deck of every ship, into the ears of every officer and crew member, "jump on my mark. 3..2..1.. Engage Hyper Drives." There was a second of silence, a humm, and then came a field of pure white light streaking before them. The fleet was on it's way.

Jun 20th, 2001, 12:35:05 PM
Poreon knew that the Empire would strike back at his rebellion. His abilitiy to defend on three fronts was severely limited. He just hoped his commanders at Lhoral and Quintooine were sufficient enough to hold back an Empire attack force.

"Status." Aboard the recently changed Heartless, Poreon sat in the command chair.

"Sir, the Golans are complete around each planet. The ten ISDs have been equally split between Lhoral and Quintooine Defense. Sith Glaze is at Lhoral and The Rock is at Quintooine. Baby is at Lhoral and Hope is at Quintooine. One Dread is at each planet too. 50 YT-5700s are in place around each planet. The Cargo Fleet (bulk freighters and YT-2400s) has been sent to a neutral planet outside Empire Space. All of the fighter Wings have been stationed at Quintooine and Lhoral. The Devils on Ground are ready for flight and defense of Coursca Prime."

"And what of the KDYs on Coursca Prime?" Poreon asked casually.

"They are operational Sir." The Tactical Officer responeded.

Poreon rose from his command chair with his smile. The Empire was in for a treat. Coursca Prime would survive. Poreon though, was unsure as to Quintooine and Lhoral's fate.

"Send Shark Bait, Final Test, Fortitude, Stupefy, Zeta, Zeta's Pride, Zeta's Salvation, Runner I, Runner II, Dreadnaught III, Dreadnaught IV, two Lancers, and the Customs Frigate to defend Quintooine and Lhoral also."

"Yessir." the Tactical Officer left to belay the orders.

Poreon returned to his command chair on the Heartless. He thought about his rebellion. Just two days ago he had declared Quintooine, Lhoral, and Coursca Prime had become part of the Courscan Empire. He had overridden the Emperor's Slave Controls, by refitting the whole computer drives. The Heartless along with Ten Imperial Star Destroyers had undergone these changes. And they had worked. The Emperor hadn't been able to take back control of the ships, atleast by the slave controls.

Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2001, 02:20:03 PM
The command ship eased its way out of hyperspace, and immediately went to full battle alert, the engineering decks lit by crimson floodlights.

Darth Viscera flicked the comm switch on. "Report," he ordered.

"Lord Viscera, sensors indicate the presence of five Imperial-class Star Destroyers, a single Victory-class Star Destroyer, two Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, an Imperial Strike Cruiser, two Golan Battle stations, and various escorts."

He is a fool to have spread himself so thin. For that he will pay. The loss of Lorah'l shall be his price.

"Very well," the Diktat replied. "Signal TIE Command to launch half of all available TIE Devils. Form the fleet here, all stop. I am coming to the bridge. Prepare for my arrival."

His Praetorians followed him down, and the Diktat thought of the present tactical situation, formulating a plan. They are still quite some distance away. They are outnumbered three to one. However, the planet's defenses could cause us a bit of trouble. We should steer clear from them as we engage the Rebel fleet. We will bombard them from here, draw them into the open. The turbolift doors opened, and Viscera stepped out to find himself on the bridge, facing nearly a hundred crewers and officers standing in line and at attention.

"As you were," he commanded, then pointed to a middle-aged, regal-looking man. "Captain, come with me."

He walked to the tactical station, the Captain and his Praetorians trailing close behind, and analyzed the tactical screen.

"We came out of hyperspace above and to their port flank," he observed. We are close, as well. A bit more than six hundred clicks. Poreon, you fool, you should have drawn us out with an Interdictor and hit us while we were getting our bearings. Have you any suggestions, Captain?"

The Captain nodded, rotated a knob on the tactical console. The screen zoomed in on the planet of Lorah'l, and a translucent blue sphere seemed to envelope the planet, which was in turn enveloped by a translucent red sphere.

"The red is indicative of the planet's defense range. We should keep our distance from the red-line until the rebel fleet has been recaptured."

Viscera nodded, "Agreed."

He called to an aide now. "Major Venables, how many heavy turbolasers is our division capable of deploying immediately?"

The young man paused for a short moment, pondering the numbers.

"Eleven Imperial Star Destroyers, one Command ship. That would make it sixteen hundred, my Lord."

"Very well," the Diktat responded, "And what of the force immediately opposing us?"

"That would be five hundred."

"Bombardment," the Captain and the Diktat said at once.

"Very well, see to it Major."

"Aye-aye, sir. Full bombardment on rebel fleet. Relaying message to division. Fire commencing," the Operations officer announced.

The sound of the guns seemed to reverberate throughout the hull as five hundred heavy turbolasers aboard the Command ship belched giant blaster bolts towards the distant rebel fleet. The other ships in the division did the same, and soon the void was filled salvo after salvo.

Zorin Hexes
Jun 20th, 2001, 07:31:17 PM
Quintooine. Zorin's eyes narrowed as his ship, the Super Star Destroyer III Impervious, dropped out of hyperspace, the planet almost clearly within view. The fleet was now in full formation, all crewers hurrying along to complete the necessary preparations for a war.

Captain Yaran straightened her back and fingered a few controls, then glanced at Vice-Admiral Hexes briefly. "Sir, sensors have shown that at current there are five Imperial-Class Star Destroyers stationed in proximity to Quintooine, as well as a Victory-Class Star Destroyer, two Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers, an Imperial Strike Cruiser, two Golan Battle Stations, and a number of smaller craft. We have now gone into full battle readiness. The Command is yours."

The Vice-Admiral smiled a bit, looking out the view port. It was just like old times... He hadn't even needed to ask for a report. "What word have we of the deployment at Coursca Prime?"

"None yet, sir." An ensign responded, shaking his head as he looked down at a display.

The Illusion Dropped out of Hyperspace a considerable distance from Coursca Prime. Three hundred more ships followed it's deployment, the unidentifiable Super Star Destroyer which came in last taking it's place in the front lines of the formation. It was an uncharacteristic, yet very strategic, move. Captain Lethys sat in his command seat aboard the Illusion, sweating profusely. "Repory."

A junior officer and shook his head. "Heavy defenses, we're unsure of the correct number of ships in the area. There's too much interferance."

"Release all Yie-Devils aboard and have yhem keep a loose formation, yhey're yoo awaiy furyher orders and be on alery. Begin yransmiyying to the others ships."

Communications channels were opened, beamed at the other ships in the deployment. Thousands upon thousands of fighters now kept a very loose swarm-like formation around the attack group.

"We have our orders. Hold formayion and prepare for incoming ayyacks."

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:05:23 PM
Poreon frowned. A Few Hundred Warships had emerged from hyperspace over Coursca Prime. Coursca Prime, though heavily defended, was still insignificant compared to the Empire Attack Fleet assembled. Luckily for Poreon, the fleet was still outside maximum firing range.

"Sir, reports have indicated that the attack fleets have arrived at Quintooine and Lhoral." The Tactical Officer reported.

"We are greatly outnumbered... on all three fronts... Hopefully the Ground Defenses of Coursca are enough to withstand a full scale assault." Poreon talked more to himself than anyone else.

He regained tactical train of thought. "Hold all ships on Alert Status Gold."

OOC: Er... I'm going to Michigan from Thursday through Sunday, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to respond to this thread during that time...

Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:37:48 AM
"Report," commanded the Diktat. The bombardment had lasted for twenty-three minutes, and during that time the two opposing forces had dueled with long-range bombardments in a pont au feu, the enemy's fire having been aimed at this very command ship. Another profound tactical flaw, he thought. The Command ship possessed shields nearly fourteen times that of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and so the massed bombardment of the five enemy battlewagons had been merely deflected, thrown aside with ease. The enemy, however, had not been so lucky. Salvo after salvo had connected with the Star Destroyers' shields, weakening them significantly.

"Sir, the enemy Star Destroyers' shield charge is as follows: twenty-two percent on SDR001, twenty-nine percent on SDR002, eighteen percent on SDR003, thirty-one percent on SDR004 and twenty-five percent on SDR005."

The Diktat nodded. "Very well, Major. Signal the division to launch a general assault; my orders to all commanders: attack. Prepare all Ion batteries for fire, boarding parties to their stations. Standing orders are to disable and capture where practicable."

The division lurched forward, firing as they went, and prepared to recapture this force of the rebel fleet.

Jun 24th, 2001, 08:35:43 PM
The Bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer over Lhoral shook violently as yet another energy salvo penetrated the ever weakening shields. The Captain of the ship knew defeat when it faced him. Defeat at this battle was inemenent. But the Captain would not surrunder.

"Let's make them pay for their victory. I want all Planet Side Batteries to fire at the ground. All Fleet side batteries and the Golans are to remain firing at the attacking fleet. Launch the Starfighters to take attack runs at the enemy fleet." The Captain said. Millions of innocent lives were about to be sacrificed in an uprising. Poor lives.

The Imperial Star Destroyers and support craft opened turbolaser fire at the Lhoral Surface.

From the Farside of Lhoral, a Defender Wing and an Ugly Starfighter Wing came up to the Courscan Empire Fleet and prepared to launch an assault on the Empire Ships.

Jun 24th, 2001, 10:21:47 PM
At the far reaches of Quintooine's gravitational pull, a Star Destroyer Division bearing Galactic Empire Markings emerged from hyperspace. A sensory outpost at this far reach picked up the data and streamed it to the Courscan Empire Fleets.

Captain Shiek, a burly man of thirty years of age, watched the holostream. "So, it seems the Empire has decided to retaliate at the Grand Moff's defection. Communications Officer, patch me into the secure fleet frequency.

"Courscan Empire ships, Defense Position Primer-Diamond-5-3-Wings. Wait until the Galactic Ships reach firing range and then open up fire. Get the Golans into close orbit, I want the shields providing us an overlap of protection and their weapons to assist us in firing. Starfighter wings, you know your role."

Darth Viscera
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:45:42 PM
"Governor Xyris, it would appear that you are in a bit of a predicament," Darth Viscera began. As he spoke, the planet's own defenses were slaughtering its people, making it only that much easier for the Imperial Diktat to bring the planet back to the flock. The planet of Lorah'l would soon be but a giant sphere of rubble, if he did not show mercy.

The governor's holoimage flickered, a bit of comm distortion.

"My lord, I would that you were to....assist us in our time of need," the Governor replied.

"Repay your insolence and betrayal with assistance? And why should I do that, Governor Xyris?" The Diktat replied.

"My lord, I can assure you that production and conscription rates shall be increased by....thirty percent as punishment. In addition, we shall transport to you all rebel prisoners and fully endorse whatever punishment you choose to bestow upon them."

"A fourty-five percent increase...interesting, Governor Xyris. Diktat out," he replied, making certain to emphasize the non-negotiable additional output.

The planet would be liberated, the trouble of the fleets compensated for through additional stress on Lorah'l's planetary economy. The output would be decreased gradually, yet the population of the planet would never forget their punishment, the rebel prisoners burned in the city squares. Perhaps.

"Have six wings of TIE Devils break off and intercept the newly arrived rebel starfighters," he commanded Major Venable. "The rebels should not stand a chance."

His order was acknowledged, and the tactical display showed the starfighters breaking off. Everything was going according to design.

"Signal the division: Load torpedo tubes with the Dioxycin charges, readjust target scanners to fire primary armament at the location of their life support generators when their shields are down."

Jun 25th, 2001, 11:39:42 PM
As the shields of the Lhoral ships began to flucuate more and more frequently, a new set of torpedoes littered the sky, coming from the Galactic Empire ships.

"What are those?" A Flight Officer aboard one of the ImpStars asked outloud.

"They look like Proton Torpedoes." A deck officer answered.

The captain took charge. "Shoot them down... I said shoot them down!!"

"Captain, Weapons Block 20-40 have been destroyed. There's nothing left in range of those torps that can fire." A Weapons Officer spoke the bad news.

"For Coursca Prime..." The Captain shouted. He opened a communications channel to the Galactic Empire Super Star Destroyer.

"Let's negotiate." The captain said with a touch of sadness in his voice.

Darth Viscera
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:00:55 AM
The words came over him like a flood of relief, yet he kept his composure.

"My terms are unconditional surrender. Evacuate your force's crew to escape pods and eject into space to await recovery and debriefing," he replied. "Any tricks and we shall resume fire."

Zorin Hexes
Jun 26th, 2001, 11:13:08 AM
"Our priority right now is capture the Heartless, understood?"

"Yes, sir." Captain Yaran looked back from the front of the command deck and glared at a few of the ensigns. They quickly responded:

"Captain, our reading indicate that they are holding their positions."

"Excellent. Admiral, shall we continued as planed?"

"Yes, bring us just outside of the Gholan Stations' firing range and begin bombardment of their fleet."

The Impervious continued forward within it's well formed protective shell. The Star Destroyers in the attack group maintained a perfect arch-like formation around it, their weapons beginning to take careful aim of the enemy ships and stations.

"Admiral, we're within firing range... predicted accuracy, 98.8 percent." A young man pressed a few more buttons, double checking his report.

"Excellent. All ships, Target the Sharkbait's most vital systems." Zorin glanced out of the view port, gazing at the enemy ships. Surely, they would begin some sort of attack now...

"But sir, the enemy Star Destroyers! They'll -"

"Star Destroyers do not concern me, Ensign! The Sharkbait is our first priority."

"Yes, sir."

Captain Yaran grinned. She couldn't help but to like Zorin's attitude, and it was an attitude which she had always done her best to form in her own sense of command and strategy. It wasn't a wonder why he had made it through the ranks as quickly as he had... but if he was promoted again, was there a possibility of a relocation? The dull cry of cannons and salvos screaming through space penetrated her thoughts, bringing her back into the heat of the moment. It was as beautiful as it was destructive...

"Release a few fighter divisions. Have them attempt to pierce the Planet's defenses. I want all regional government buildings destroyed. They're to remain in evasive formations. We want their planetary defense grid to do more harm than good."

"Yes, sir."

He knew that it was likely the few hundred fighters would never see an end to their mission, and they might not even all breach the planet's atmosphere, but it was simply a little diversion to add a spot of confusion to the situation.


He thought back to the fleet at Coursca Prime... They were keeping the "Courscan Empire's" fleet at bay, no doubt. Such a large display of power would have them bottled up like flies, and now it would only be a mater of time before Vice-Admiral Zorin and the Diktat himself came before Coursca to rain fire down upon their skies. Their people's treachery would be repaid with by the merciful hand of death.

Jun 26th, 2001, 11:36:14 PM
"Uncoditional Surrender, Viscera? That's not an option. I want something If I am to surrender this planet to you." The Captain replied to the Empire Leader.

Darth Viscera
Jun 26th, 2001, 11:43:03 PM
"That is Lord Viscera to you, rebel, and you may retain your lives once this planet and its military forces are surrendered."

Jun 26th, 2001, 11:46:30 PM
"The military forces are not yours to keep. You may have the planet and Quintooine in return for the Courscan Empire Fleet and the planet of Coursca Prime.

Darth Viscera
Jun 27th, 2001, 12:24:39 AM
"I will have Quintooine and Lorah'l, along with all forces present in said systems. Any ships or other forces in said systems which refuse to surrender will be destroyed, their crews slaughtered."

Jun 27th, 2001, 02:49:46 PM
"You may have the Imperial Star Destroyers and Super Star Destroyers present at Quintooine and Lhoral. Everything smaller, I ask be allowed to return to Coursca Prime. Call off your forces attacking Coursca Prime, please."

Darth Viscera
Jun 27th, 2001, 02:56:32 PM
"I will have Quintooine and Lorah'l, along with all forces present in said systems. Any ships or other forces in said systems which refuse to surrender will be destroyed, their crews slaughtered. Forces attacking Coursca Prime will be called off once Quintooine and Lorah'l forces are surrendered."

Jun 27th, 2001, 09:41:35 PM
The Captain muttered: For Coursca Prime.

"Viscera, we accept your terms. The Forces at Quintooine and Lhoral will cease their fire. Please have your ships leave the Courscan Empire space zone of Coursca Prime."

Darth Viscera
Jun 27th, 2001, 10:13:01 PM
Viscera tapped a comm panel, and sent a hyperradio message to Admiral Hexes.

"Admiral, signal our forces near Coursca Prime to disengage and withdraw."

He reconnected to the surrendering ship.

"Done. Evacuate into your escape pods. Your crew will be debriefed and court-martialed."

Zorin Hexes
Jun 28th, 2001, 06:20:25 AM
The Vice-Admiral grinned as he looked to Yaran, the holographic image of Viscera vanishing before him. "Looks like the demonstration at Coursca Prime was good for something after all..." His fingers ran along a switch on the command chair. "Order the 'fleet' at Coursca to disengage, and call off the squadron attack. Have them keep patrol of the civilian sectors on Quintooine...."

"Yes, sir." She smirked to herself, relaying the necessary commands. The bombardment had stopped... for now.

Jun 30th, 2001, 11:06:23 PM
Hundreds of escape pods detached from the Quintooine and Lhoral ships. They were leaving their prized ships for their unending loyalty to Poreon and Coursca Prime.

"The ships are yours, Viscera. We are in our escape pods so that we can provide no hostilities to your crew."

The escape pods floated harmlessly around while the Starfighters stopped their movements and headed towards the planets where they would get off of their fighters on planet.


Poreon saw the fleet ammassed at Coursca Prime slowly pull away, and then they receded into hyperspace.

"Thank you." Poreon muttered to his loyal men at Lhoral and Quintooine.

Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:59:34 PM
"Transport some engineers to those derelicts to have them recrewed at Delteon," Viscera instructed. "And contact a transport carrier squadron, have them report here to pick up those prisoners. Send some troops down to the planet to re-establish control, and then recrew the Sector fleet and await further orders. Relay this to Admiral Hexes."

Zorin Hexes
Jul 4th, 2001, 07:33:56 AM
Several hours after Viscera's order had come in, Admiral Hexes had everything underway. Troops had been transported to the surface with a large escort of TIE Fighters to keep the peace. Most men who openly opposed the occupation were shot on site, or sometimes on sound. All in all though, most citizens of Quintooine welcomed the invasion. They were back where they truly belonged. The Empire had always been their home, and now they were returning to it.

The newly captured ships were undergoing a field refitting that would last for several months, but there wasn't much a choice. Zorin hadn't slept in nights and felt his body giving in, knowing that he had to keep alert to safe guard The Empire's stability. The Poreon drives were taking longer then projected to remove, mostly because the traitor had taken all plans to their schematics with him upon his departure, and been careful enough to wipe traces of them throughout the Imperial Network. Most of the crewers were new recruits, an occasional veterans Imperial Officer somehow slipping in among them and maintaining a professional sense of order that Zorin admired in those who served under him.

The Diktat would have his crew arriving on time, but Zorin was starting to question if the rookie mechanics could refit the ships within the limits of their time constraints. Most of the division which the Vice Admiral commanded had been sent back to their usual patrol areas, and now Zorin depended on fear to keep the rest of the territories in line...

Though in truth, he knew he had more than enough military might present to crush Quintooine on a whim. It was not only the threats, but the very real force behind the threat, which kept these former insurrectionists in line. Those few that still held loyalty to the "Courscan Empire" would be silent, or be silenced.