View Full Version : A new face...

Super Ryujin
Jul 10th, 2001, 10:01:36 PM
The young man casually strolled into the bar head helled high, he nodded to the barkeep.

Bartender: "You're new around here, stranger."

Ryu Warusa: "The name is Ryu Warusa, but you can call me Ryujin. I was drifting around for a while with low supplies. Do you know where I may find some cheap fuel for my ship?"

Ryujin: How many travellers have come by in this very situation, but somehow this young man was different, thought the bartender.

Bartender: "You might want to try the shipyards out to the east of here, so anything to eat or drink?

Ryu Warusa: "Corellian Teriyaki, and Rodian Tequilla, please...and leave the bottle."

Bartender: "Coming right up, Ryujin"

The bartender brought the bottle and a shot glass and left him with it.

Ryu Warusa: I could not protect her...

EDIT: Sig is too large. There is a limit of 30 KB when personal pic and sig are added together.

Cena Jacobson
Jul 10th, 2001, 10:10:00 PM
;; Cena walked into another bar, ;; *another bar, another day* ;; she thought as she sat down next to the guy who had just ordered the teriyaki and tequila. ;; *an odd combination, if you ask me.* "One scotch." ;; she said to the barkeep. ;; "Thanks" ;; she murmured as she caught the glass he slid her. hmm... she'd have to get the name of this brand of scotch, it wasn't half bad. ;;

Super Ryujin
Jul 10th, 2001, 10:36:39 PM
Ryu Warusa: I've lost her... What good am I? Who killed her? Why did they kill her?

All these questions were running through his mind while he ate, and drank himself silly.

Ryu Warusa: Who is this woman near me? When did she come in?

Ryu nods to this mysterious girl sitting next to him and continues eating while in the meantime staring at her blaster with a glint in his eye.

Ryu Warusa: This place looks friendly but you can never tell... besides, might as well be prepared, I'm low on cash...

Ryu checks his blaster and his 20" quantum metal Emi Peircers

EDIT: Sig is too large. There is a limit of 30 KB when personal pic and sig are added together.

Jerred Rez
Jul 11th, 2001, 07:40:44 PM
Jerred stepped into the bar and adjusted his hat slightly, the shadows which overlapped his face not hiding the glowing goggles which were so vital to his vision.

"Rodian Ale is fine."

The barkeep had just opened his mouth to ask the man if he needed any assistance, but Jerred knew how it went in most bars on most planets.

"Aight." The bar tender looked down as he prepared a drink, turning his eyes away from Jerred. The bounty hunter just continued to move forward until he found an empty seat by Ryujin, then sat down. The bartender slammed the mug down in front of him.

"Thanx." Jerred tossed him a credit chip, no tip included. Business had been rough.

Super Ryujin
Jul 11th, 2001, 10:53:02 PM
hmm, another potential supplier...
"Hey there stranger.."

Jerred looked at at the young man and nodded, then refocused on his drink.

"Rodian drinks are pretty popular. I ordered the Rodian Tequila. Its not half bad."

Jerred looks at Ryu with a bewildered face and finally introduces himself.

"I am Ryu Warusa, but call me Ryujin. I am looking for someone who can find information."
Ryu looks at Jerred's Weapons and decides which one is more expensive by the way it looks
hmm...not a bad selection on this guy...

EDIT: Sig is too large. There is a limit of 30 KB when personal pic and sig are added together.

Super Ryujin
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:12:09 PM

Heh heh I guess its a bad time to introduce a new character with the war going on... ah well we'll see how long people can keep ignoring me heh heh heh...

EDIT: Sig is too large. There is a limit of 30 KB when personal pic and sig are added together.

Jerred Rez
Jul 12th, 2001, 08:08:15 PM
"Information you say..?"

Jerred scratched his chin for a moment, then glanced at the man.

"I might. It depends how much you've got."

Super Ryujin
Jul 12th, 2001, 08:24:36 PM
"Well...I only have a couple thousand NR creds, but I plan on getting a lot more soon."

Jerred sees a blur as Ryu's hand all of a sudden comes by the young woman's coat next to Ryujin and then as his hand comes back toward his particular area.

EDIT: Sig is too large. There is a limit of 30 KB when personal pic and sig are added together.

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 13th, 2001, 02:07:01 AM
When it came right down to it, this part of the universe wasn't any different than she assumed it might be when she entered the jumpgate. It had only been a couple of weeks since she and Tomiko first came here, but it was obvious enough to assess.

The bartender had no idea what Azules Feints were, which was odd because he had everything needed to make one. She downed the clear, bright blue liquid and watched the interactions between the others in this establishment.

EDIT: Sig is too large. There is a limit of 30 KB when personal pic and sig are added together.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 13th, 2001, 03:09:34 PM
Ryu stares as the young woman as she enters the bar.
Very nice... a good face with a pair of legs that seem to have no end.
"Hi, the name is Ryu Warusa, some call me Ryujin, it is a pleasure to meet such a stunning young woman."
Ryu gets up, gets on one knee and kisses her hand.
He looks for any weapons that she may have, he may be an arrogant womanizer but he isn't dumb.

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 14th, 2001, 07:20:29 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Just how old are you?"

He didn't seem to understand why she would ask that.

"Humor me. How old are you?"

Ryu Warusa
Jul 14th, 2001, 08:56:45 PM
OOC-wise? OOC I'm 17.

Such a strange question....
"Why do you ask that, my dear? If you must know...25 human years." He looked her over once more. Not bad at all, her weapons aren't worth taking though..

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:07:20 PM
" My dear?" She laughed. "Twenty-five. Then you mustn't be so flirtatious. I'm old enough to be your mother, boy. :lol: I was taking out enemy soldiers with my unit before you could even figure out not to poop on the floor. :lol: "

Ryu Warusa
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:36:58 PM
Ryu almost falls down from the shock of her age.
That old! Looks her over once more. For being that old she still looks good. Aahhh, what the hell, I'll go for it.
"You certainly do not look it, my lady." Gets closer to her and whispers to her. "I like the older ladies, I find you more attractive than all the other girls in the bar..." Looks around the bar and realizes there is only one other woman in the bar.
"Very sexy..."

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:00:35 AM
Her eyes dart over at him leaning near her and whispering at her. She grinned and grabbed him by the nose, pushing him back. "You like the older ladies? Well perhaps we'll just wait for an old crone to come in dragging her breasts on the floor and see how much you like them then, huh?"

She took a drink. "So what's your story, kid?"

Ryu Warusa
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:42:14 AM
She's Feisty...I like that...
"Ouch, not so hard.... You might give me the wrong impression...." Stares into her eyes... This chick is not the type to be played around with, she seems harmless, but... "Anway, I'm looking for some people. I've reather not talk about it." She might be one of the conspirators, I shouldn't tell her anymore than that.

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 15th, 2001, 03:04:03 AM
"Seems like everyone's looking for someone. I'm looking for some people, too.... 'Cept I'm not so secretive about it." She reached towards a small device on her belt. Alice clicked it on and shoved the screen into his face. "Know anything about these two, boy?"

<table bordercolor=silver border=2><tr><td>
<table bgcolor=#0000ff height=100 width=200><tr><td>

<img SRC=http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg height=50 width=50>ID: "JESETH"<font color=#ff0000>UNKNOWN</font>


<img SRC=http://nurikosha.clanpages.com/nurikothumb.jpg>ID: HESSEN,NURIKO Z.


Ryu Warusa
Jul 15th, 2001, 04:41:03 AM
Ryu Looks at the 2 images on the screen, he slides back in his chair. Jeseth?!? That murderer is still alive?!? This woman may be useful...
"What is your buisness with the Dark Jedi Jeseth?"
Ryu remembers his food and continues eating.
Jeseth... that killer, he may have killed my wife, I thought he was killed 4 years ago. Alice.... I may avenge your death yet...

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 15th, 2001, 02:52:23 PM
She raised an eyebrow. "'Dark Jedi'?" Dammit, more stupid force users. They're all around here like locusts.... well I know now 'Jeseth' is very likey his name.

"So you know of him then?" Alice could tell he was somewhat shaken up. "My 'business' with him is really next to none. It's the woman I want."

The bartender set a small plate of food in front of her. She poked at it with a fork, stabbing off a piece of meat. "But I need to at least speak with him so I did what I always do when I need to talk to someone and don't have their attention: I put a price on his head." She took a bite. "Think I've gotten it yet?"

Ryu Warusa
Jul 15th, 2001, 04:13:06 PM
This woman has a death wish, or she is crazy... "I only know of him. He is very dangerous. As for the other, she is a Sith. Thats all I know." I came in here for information, it seems I underestimated this woman. I better change the subject, before one of Jeseth's cronies hear. "Anyway, enough of this un-romantic talk...."

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:27:00 AM
She groaned. :rolleyes: "Don't start hitting on me again. I'm eating this food with the intention of keeping it down..." She continued on with her meal.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:55:06 PM
"Ouch, ice cold...that's ok, I could think of ways to thaw you out. Amazing she's resisting my charms... I never thought I'd see the day a woman would be able to resist. I guess its just an off day. Ryu gets prepared for anything.

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 16th, 2001, 03:58:57 PM
Ryu looks, down, a glint of something catching his eye. Alice's hand is on her hip, positioning the point of her sword dangerously near. "And I can think of ways to make fathering any future children quite impossible for you..."

Jerred Rez
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:39:56 PM
Jerred looked down at the blade and shook his head. "Tsk' Tsk' now... we wouldn't the authorities to show up. Have a bit more discretion about these things kid." The woman looked up at him, the green goggles shining upon her face. "Excuse my friend here. He's a bit drunk... after all, Rodian drinks have been known to have that affect on most humans."

The man in the long dark trench coat placed his hand on Ryu's shoulder and then made his way around so he could seat himself to the other side of Nerysm.

This fools lucky I want to avoid being thrown into a detention center... any other day I'd have let her cut him apart.

"Now, Ryu, I think you were saying something about information? I might not have exactly what you're looking for, but I know quite a few people who might..."

And maybe he'll have something to offer me that'll have made risking my neck worth more than good Samaritanism.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 16th, 2001, 05:25:02 PM
" Fine. I just wanted to ask for her help. Speaking of help. I have something planned, I just came in here to recruit, find info, and get something to satiate my hunger. Anyway, the mission...well I can't say so right now, its not safe here. I would like your help as well." He looks towards the girl. I need both of them...

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 17th, 2001, 05:05:00 AM
"Drunkness doesn't excuse not being more respectful towards your elders," she said with a smirk. She eased her hand off her sword and looked at Ryu. "And I hope this 'help' you speak of isn't some kind of unwelcomed proposition...."

Ryu Warusa
Jul 17th, 2001, 03:23:56 PM
"Depends on what you call unwelcomed, and I'm not drunk!" Ryu turns to Jerred. "Let us go speak somewhere else." Then turns to Nerysm. "Let us go to less public place, if it makes you feel better I won't hit on you." For now...

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 17th, 2001, 11:13:40 PM
She finished her meal, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Fine. You've bought a few more minutes of my time."

Jerred Rez
Jul 18th, 2001, 02:20:39 AM
Jerred yawned and stretched back, then followed Ryu cautiously. "Alright, playboy... start talking."

Ryu Warusa
Jul 18th, 2001, 02:15:37 PM
Ryu paid for his food and drink and left the bar with the group. "Lets meet on my ship, its just a little bit away."

"Fine, but you better not try anything Ryu!" Said Nerysm, pointing at her sword.

"Woo scary..." Ryu holds back from laughing. "Anyway its right around the corner and.... tada! My <a href=http://frankg.dgne.com/swsv/cec/yt2400.jpg>Corellian Freighter</a>, The Luna Shiryou."

"This is it? ...Are you sure you're allowed to land here?" Said Jerred, looking at the Old Corellian Freighter.

"No matter, I just landed here temporarily. I'm not going to stay long on this dump." They all entered to find the ship surprisingly up-to-date.

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 19th, 2001, 04:43:57 PM
OOC: "Fine, but you better not try anything Ryu!"? :lol: I really don't see my character yelling at yours for any reason. Not to mention that she doesn't call you by your name and has no reason to start. ;)

Ryu Warusa
Jul 19th, 2001, 04:46:17 PM
OOC: trust me, her reason is that I may pay her, and its hard to tell people apart in one post. like you may have been speaking to Jerred if you didn't say that. I always figured you were annoyed with my character for flirting anyway.

Nerysm Seraphim
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:39:21 AM
OOC: Ugh... a raped thread. :rolleyes: My interest in this is now lost. Maybe some other time, Ryu.

IC: Alice gets up from her seat, as if suddenly alerted to something. "I have to go now; someone's expecting me. Thanks for the info."

As she left the bar, the barkeep looked frantic. "Hey! Stop her! She didn't pay her bill!!"

Ryu Warusa
Jul 20th, 2001, 03:40:27 PM
OOC: Delete this thread, its raped.