View Full Version : Delete please (fights ruined)

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 20th, 2001, 03:10:30 AM
:: The tree representing the meeting place of Sieken and Tekas last meeting with the X mark calved in had been completely coverd in snow, with siekens back up against the ridged bark at the foot of the tree, he looked on to the only clear operning to the clearing in the woods at the bottom of the rolling hillside, suddenly a distant figure appeard from the cold misty morning::

" teka...i knew you would come" Sieken mutterd to himself


Teka Kenobi
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:30:48 AM
Teka made his way up the snow filled hill to the top. The snow crunched beneath his feet as he stopped to face Seiken. He glanced over at the tree and the 'x' that was carved into it was completely white washed. Teka sighed. Did he really have to fight Seiken? Oh well.

What is it that you want? Seiken..

Teka motioned around from Seiken and looked down the drop. Yes. It was all still here. Without any wind or breeze Teka waited for Seiken's reply.

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:41:11 AM
:: Sieken sat there feeling the ever so cold mist hit his face::

" So you finaly took it apon yourself to come here then Jedi" he said looking up at teka

:: Sieken quickly rolled foward then kicked his leg out fully kicking teka over the cliff and making the jedi disapear behinde the stone::

" hmm, how nice of himto walk all the way up here and have to go all the way back down...such a pityy.." siken said smerking

Teka Kenobi
Jul 21st, 2001, 06:00:37 AM
Teka, had in fact not fallen off the cliff. He was holding onto a large rock, and his feet were being supported by a large branch. Teka waited for Seiken to come to the edge to look over and Teka raised up his legs to wrap them around Seiken's neck. Teka pulled his legs forward fast and watched as Seiken hit the oposite rock, before falling down into the deep gap. Teka quickly jumped back up onto the snow before leaving the scene. He mumbled to himself as he walked off.

Somehow I didn't think diplomacy would work..

Eve Siren
Jul 21st, 2001, 10:12:08 AM
-- Teka looked up as he heard hands clapping, and spotted Eve. She tilted her head to the side, with her helmet under her arm and smiled slightly. --

"Very good, Sir Kenobi, surprising attack."

edit~ sig needs to be in 30k limit

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:15:04 PM
Eve felt something flick past her ear, and then the voice came immediatly after.

“Now now Eve, let them finish the fight before you compliment them.”

It didn't take a genious to figure out who's voice it was. Eve turned around to face him, yet he simply grinned at her, then looked past her, and watched the oncoming fight.

Eve Siren
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:14:02 PM
"Ah, Kaine ..."

-- Eve tilted her head to the side, turning her gaze back on Teka, she grinned slightly. --

"You're right."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:11:54 PM
Teka walked over to the two Sith and glared at them coldly. He wasn't sure why they were here or what they wanted.

Again you proceed to outnumber your opponent. What..is it something about me?

Teka shook his head and turned around, waiting for Seiken to get back. Teka thought he had fallen to the bottom of the pit. He certainly fell beyond Teka, but the two Sith seemed to think he was ok. Teka chuckled to himself slightly and wispered creating a puff of warm air.

Takes one to know one.

OOC: I think he went away :/

Eve Siren
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:27:00 PM
"What are you talking about, dear ? Do you really think we're here to kill you ? Please, we have all the time in the world to do it."

-- Eve didn't seem to care about Teka's cold gaze. She was thinking about Kaine. Why was he doing here ? And most importantly, what was he planning to do ? --

OOC:Bleh, I don't really care anyways.

Nash Stolar
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:27:50 PM
*with the quiet crushing of the snow under his feet a jedi in a black cape walked twords the sith and the one jedi*

"Really now... three sith and one jedi?"

*he stoped next to teka on his right side*

"But Three sith and two jedi seems to be more even.."

*The jedi's eyes were clam like the snow on the ground as he talked*

"That is... if you plan to attack my friend.."

Teka Kenobi
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:37:23 PM
Teka made a half smile and turned once more to face the two Sith. He spoke and again the puff of air appeared with his words.

They could try..

Watching the Sith Teka kept a close track of Seiken through the force. He could not find him as of yet, but when he did re-appear he would be ready for him. Teka looked at Eve, who seemed to be wondering to herself.

So what are you doing here?

Eve Siren
Jul 21st, 2001, 06:03:43 PM
"To watch, friend."

-- Eve glanced at Nash, but turned her gaze away pretty fast. She had no business with him and he did not interest her. Kaine and her were not here to attack. Besides ... She couldn't care less about Sieken.--

"Why exactly has Sieken challenged you ?"

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 12:56:10 AM
“I'm not here to fight, just to watch. Heh, If I was here to fight, both of you would be dead already.”

Kaine grinned slightly, then placed his hand on Eve's shoulder, and made her walk back a couple of steps, to be out of the way of Teka and Sieken's fight.

“Oh, and Nash, even think of jumping in the fight, and I'll rip your throat out from your back side.”

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 04:44:36 AM
Bah, the last time Seiken and I had a fight he ran away, from this very spot. Apparently he wasn't allowed to fight me.

Teka turned his gaze over to Kaine and smiled. Looking at the Sith garments Teka began to speak.

Kaine, I hope your fighting lives up to your attitude..Now where the hell is Seiken?

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:17:21 AM
:: A voice came from behinde::

" hmmm no...there is a thing called respect for your master...he told me not to..i dont fight..you get me you jedi scum?, obously you have no respect..."

:: Teka turned round to a hilt of "Darkblade" into the side of his skull, then Sieken looked at eve just to meet a blow from teka::

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:23:51 AM
OOC: How did you get back up here?

Teka quickly brought his sabre across slashing into Seiken's chest. The blood instantly came from his shirt and stained the snow, as Seiken grabbed his chest in pain.

And why do I have no respect?

Teka said rubbing his head. The hilt strike was not a hard blow, and Teka could handle it without force aid. He looed at Eve in a way only she could understand and force pushed Seiken into the tree. As he hit it all of the snow cam down on top of him, and Seiken became a literal snowman.

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:28:53 AM
:: Sieken clamberd out of the snow slumping to the floor quickly and kneeling on one leg griping his saber and slowly pushing into the wound closeing it with the heat, a un-earthly screach came from the man and then he let his rage fly::

"GAHHHH!!!" the sound was rang through tekas ears

:: Force pushing Teka a good 20ft back into a try legs first sending the Jedi spinning a good 3 times and then hitting the floor *

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:46:18 AM
Teka spun three times in the air before landing on the tree with his feet. He quickly landed in an upright position before gravity had time to go to work on him.

Ya know, you should go to bed earlier..

Teka ran forward at Seiken, force aiding his speed, and swiped at his sabre, knocking it away and leaving his mid section open. Teka dived forward and tackled Seiken back into the tree. Teka heard several cracks as Seiken's ribs broke.

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 22nd, 2001, 10:07:59 AM
:: Sieken looked at Eve as a trickel of blood slid down his chin::

"And i to couldent care less about you" he grinned

:: Siekes will alone seem to make him stand up alone, to proove people wrong? to show everyone he wasent week?, who knows, just then sieken kciked out apinfully making Teka double over,as sieken rolled over Tekas back thendived right gripping his saber in mid role and then ended up croushing, he concentrated on the force repairing with all his might his ribs::

::Just then Teka charged Sieken, but sieken was to quick to re-act useing the force to kick at tekas knee as a loaud crack ecoed through the hill, his knee was now bent back in a un-human angle making teka slump to the floor in agony::

"Nah, i wake late and go to bed late my dear Jedi"

:: he said that and moved back a few paceslowerd into a defencive position and awaitited the Jedis....quite slow next move::