View Full Version : Even Angels Fall: Angel Of Darkness Awakened at Last. (CMP)

Warren Azalin
Jul 12th, 2001, 05:02:41 PM
<font color=red>::<a href=http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=849.topic>....Nash and Nichos sailed out the bar room windows</a> as Warren slowly stepped out igniting his blood red saber. ::

"Now then, did you 2 want to talk to me?"

:: He didn't take his eye's off Jerred yet though, it seemed the Hunter had gotten himself into more trouble than he had thought. ::</font>

Nichos Marr
Jul 12th, 2001, 05:21:40 PM
Nichos pushed off the floor with his left palm. He had considerably scraped his right arm when he had landed on the ground outside the bar. The Jedi stood up straight and stared at the blood on his hand. It was the same color as Warren's lightsaber.

"Who are you?" The words spat out of Nichos' mouth.

He reached at his side, but there was no lightsaber there. Nichos bent down and reached into his boot. His lightsaber was nowhere to be found. He'd have to rely on the Force if Warren was going to fight him.

"What happened to Warren?"

Nichos tried to go into Warren's mind, but he couldn't. The Jedi Knight could feel the pain and anguish coming from inside Warren. He could also feel the anger and hatred. Nichos had never experienced such in a Jedi before. Even those who had turned Sith did not represent such evil. He looked around to see if Dlayer was nearby. The Bounty Hunter had been thrown off to the side.

"Tell me what has happened." Nichos calmly said.

Nash Stolar
Jul 12th, 2001, 05:34:44 PM
*nash sat up.. pices of glass falling off of him*


*slowly he stood up the rest of the glass fell to the ground with quiet noises.. he then put his hand to the side of his head.. then took it off and looked at it... he was bleading.., he looked around and stoped nichos by....... warren*


*Nash checked his side his saber was still there, he was about to unclip it but then memorys of the better warren stoped him...*

"Please warren... whats wrong?"

Jerred Rez
Jul 12th, 2001, 08:01:52 PM
Jerred reached into his coat with his free hand, pulling a blaster and gripping it tightly. He glanced at the thermal detonator, then jolted as he was thrown through the window. The Jedi didn't think he'd do it... big mistake.

"Sorry, but my life isn't up for bargain today. You asked me put your padawan out of commission and I delivered. Now I want my payment, plus 40%..."

He shot his blaster off at Warren, a blue beam erupting into a cascade right before it struck the man on the leg, effectively numbing and putting all of his nerve endings there on the fritz. Jerred hoped it would be enough to have the man lose his concentration and drop him... this didn't have to get bloody, but he was a man of business and would collect no matter what the end result may bring.

Nichos Marr
Jul 12th, 2001, 08:31:46 PM
The blaster was pried out of the Bounty Hunter's hand before he could do anything else with it. Nichos used his quick reflexes and took hold of the device. He examined it for a few moments, and then proceeded to crush it with his hand with a force enduced squeeze.

"Stop it!"

Nichos used the Force and pushed Jerred hard. The Bounty Hunter stumbled off-balance and eventually fell. Marr bent his head slowly and shook it.

"Here." The Jedi said while reaching into his robe. He pulled out three cred chips. "That's about three thousand credits. I'll pay you the rest, and that 40 % you wanted if you just get out of here!"

Warren Azalin
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:09:49 AM
<font color=red>:: Looking down at his leg Warren could feel a tingling sensation running through his muscles; Was this the sensation called pain? It seemed to be overrated. Resting a hand on his leg he watched as Nichos pried the blaster from the Hunter's grip, smiling to himself he pulled the thermal detonator towards him as Nichos and Jerred argued over money, ahhh money the root of all evil and soon to be the last thing these two idiots argue about. Raising it to his hand he looked at it with a small smile as he pressed down the the pressure sensitive switch, he could hear the bomb beginning to tick as he looked at the three in front of him. ::

"Hey guys did you forget something?"

:: Horror crossed the face of all three individuals as Warren threw the exploding device towards them.....::

"Oh by the way, names not Warren. It's Abaddon."</font>

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:30:01 AM
A shadowed figure approached all the gentlemen from the back. A dark mist of energy flowed around the man as he stood there. A heavy cloak shrouded the man as a hood was also over his head. His yellow eyes sparked from under the hood like an owl in the evening hours. Standing there, a cool breeze flowed by as it took the hood off Dyne's head, making his cloak flutter as well. He eyed all those were present and the explosive in the distance from him. A grin appeared over his face after seeing the broken glass as he knew what had happened. Dyne spoke to himself silently in the enveloping darkness of the night.

"Finally, he has awakened the true beast within himself."

Dyne took the cloak and tossed it to the side. Two shiny and metallic lightsabres were exposed upon his weapons belt. He was still fairly shadowed amongst the darkness, but was sure that his dark force signature would have been noticed by the other force users in front of him. His long hair flowed in the wind as the two Jedi's eyes widened at the site of the explosive. He stood back for now, wanting to see their reaction to the bomb before making himself fully noticeable. Dyne was going to use this opportunity wisely for sure.

Nichos Marr
Jul 13th, 2001, 10:35:12 AM

Nichos pushed both hands out, pointing his open palms at the thermal detonator that was reeling toward him. Everything after that went in slow motion. With all the Force he could muster, Nichos pushed outwards. The wave of Force energy was enough to push the detonator away, and send Warren to the floor.

The thermal detonator flew high up into the air, controlled by a very weak Nichos. Using his last amount of energy, he pushed it up farther. Just as the Jedi lost a handle, the bomb exploded above. Nichos fell to the ground and ducked for cover.

Nichos heard and felt the explosion. He felt the burning sensation on his back. The Jedi was exhausted and overwhlemed by the situation. He closed his eyes and prepared to meet death.

Everything went black.

Jul 13th, 2001, 01:33:27 PM
:: He darted behind a tree, keeping his eyes on the event taking place before him. He watched as the thermal detonator flew up into the sky. ::

<font size=5>BOOM!!!

<font size=2>:: The man in the white suit tipped his hat upward and stared into the sky. He shielded his eyes after a few moments. He hadn't seen such a brilliant flash in decades. Then the man focused his vision on the fallen Jedi boy. His eyes shifted over to the other Jedi with the dark wings. A grin spread across his clean-shaven face.

It's him. The man thought to himself. He did not want to be seen at this point. He completely disregarded the others that were present. The man had found what he was looking for. ::

"Abaddon. It must be him."

:: The man removed his white hat and fanned himself with it. This planet, whatever it was, happened to be very warm. Atop his head, he bore two small horns. The last person who told him that he resembled a Devaronian had never been seen again. This man had made sure to that.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a Holocam. The man used his pointy nails and typed in a keycode. ::

<font color=red><font size=1>*Bleep*

<font color=white><font size=2>:: Then he proceeded to point the Holocam at the man with the Dark wings. After a few moments of examination through the Holocam, he clicked it off. The man took his hat, which had been placed on a branch and fitted it back on, atop his head. He glanced back once more at the man, sure of what he had found. The man darted behind another tree and disappeared. ::

Nash Stolar
Jul 13th, 2001, 02:12:08 PM
*After nash recoverd form the explosion, he moved his arm from his eyes...and came with a cold glare at warren*

"Abaddon is it?.... I'll get you for what you did for warren!"

*In a quick move nash uncliped his saber, ignited it then ran at Abaddon... once he reached his target he slashed to his left*

Warren Azalin
Jul 14th, 2001, 02:43:27 AM
<font color=red> <font size=4>"Nash!!!!!!!"</font size>

:: Unclipping his red saber in one swift motion He blocked the padawans feeble attempt at an attack as he threw him to the ground. ::

"What have I told you about fighting, have you learned nothing from me...well from Warren at least. You attack like a Madman and I will toss you aside like trash. Now if you want a fight against me then come, be the first to taste the blade of eternity."

:: Casting aside Warren's usual black attire Abaddon smiled as he extended his metallic wings letting the light shine upon their dark presence. Grinning slightly he turned back towards the bar with an attitude the size of a Hutt, this was partially the reason he was in this body, but that was a tale for another day. ::

"That goes for any of you...if you wish to face the power of a supreme being then come and get me. I'll be waiting."</font>

Nash Stolar
Jul 14th, 2001, 12:02:58 PM
"A supreme being? so I am fighting a god?"

*nash stood up then began to concentrate on the ground around him..the glass shards began to shake then lifted*

"Do you really want to fight your padawan warren or is it just Abaddon talking?"

Warren Azalin
Jul 14th, 2001, 04:33:32 PM
<Font color=red>"Warren is dead mortal, I exist now. So call me Abaddon or call me Master but do not call me Warren."

:: Abaddon swung his saber towards Nash letting the fiery wind around them stir as he grounded the small pieces of glass into fine dust. ::

"You know Nash, on second thought call me nothing."

:: Using small strands of the Force Warren pushed the grounded up shards of glass into the Jedi Padawans mouth. He knew that the glass would work it's way down his Esophagus making it hard for him to breath and even harder for him to talk. ::</font>

Nash Stolar
Jul 14th, 2001, 04:49:44 PM
*Nash gaged a bit.. but pushed the feeling down.. no more talking.. nash save your beath now is the time for action.. lifting his palm he hit Abaddon with a force blast.. it wasent strong enough to do much but enough to give nash some time... he ran at Abaddon with force speed and jumped up.. he then came down with suprising speed for a padawan.. and landed a kick to his face... with his free foot nash pushed off and landed not far from Abaddon.... but nash fell to one knee due to the lack of oxygen*

Warren Azalin
Jul 14th, 2001, 05:25:08 PM
<font color=red>:: Abaddon stood in shock as Nash connected with a boot to the face, how could he? He was not powerful enough to hurt him. Slowly he raised his hand to his lips feeling blood trickle down his chin, WHAT!!!!! WHY WAS HE BLEEDING. ::


:: Rage built up inside Abaddon as he raced over to Dragons kneeling body and delivered a swift kick to is mid-section, he could feel a sickening heave as all the air rushed out of Nash's chest making things even worse in his throat. He knew by now the glass had shredded the first layer of skin and would soon cause him to choke on his own blood and flesh. ::</font>

Nash Stolar
Jul 14th, 2001, 05:47:02 PM
*nash got on hands and knees... he had to think fast.. he started to use the force to push the glass from his body, he beagan to gag once again then, started to cough...he keeped coughing for a short while then coughed up the glass along with the ruined flesh... sure it hurt like hell but at least he could breathe again... then to help get him through the rest of the fight nash started to use around 25% of his force power remaining to help heal his neck*

"a...alright then.. nothing.." *his voice was low and raspy but it keeped a tone a serious padawan*

*Knowing Abaddon thought he won't make it, nash charged at him..and ramed his sholder into his gut with full force, the surprised Abaddon was sent back a few steps as nash stayed still focused on his target*

Warren Azalin
Jul 14th, 2001, 07:24:47 PM
<Font color=red>:: Shock could not describe how Abaddon felt as he went hurling backwards onto the cold hard ground before him, how could Nash a lowly padawan be doing this to him, it had to be luck, it had to. ::

"You DARE fight me, well then Nash let's fight."

:: Abaddon raised himself from the ground and tossed aside his saber as he got into a fighting stance ::</font>

Nash Stolar
Jul 14th, 2001, 07:36:49 PM
*nash cliped his saber to his belt and took a defence stance*


*with a force speed nash charged at Abaddon and threw a punch.. Abaddon blocked with ease ...nash tryed another move and kneed Abaddon in the stomach.. realising he scored a hit nash brought his other hand and jabed him across the face.. after compleating his attack nash moved back and took a battle stance*

edit: need to remember who I am

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 15th, 2001, 07:22:05 PM
As he was at a distance from the explosion, the Sith was not even scratched, but had ducked to take cover anyhow. Dyne stood there in the shadows after getting back to his feet again, watching as the new being which had awakened was now battling his own apprentice. His hand went over his lightsabres along the weapons belt as his eyes narrowed slightly. He kept his patience intact, not wanting to rush anything just yet. Dyne brought his hands back around to his side turning his hands into two fists while slowly crouching to the ground to watch the insuing fight. The sith was just awaiting the perfect moment to seize the opportunity which had virtually fallen into his lap. Dyne was still very cautious of what was going on, just incase he needed to quickly react. A slight breeze went by making his hair flutter around in the air.


Kaine Darklighter
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:52:42 PM
He felt the familiar presence through the force, yet the aura around him was so different. It was.. evil, dark. Kaine was surprised. Did Warren turn? He didn't know, and had to check it out for himself. It didn't take him too long to reach the battlefield, and then he felt another familiar presence.


The Fallen Jedi walked silently through the shadows, until he came up behind Dyne.

“Why aren't you in the battle yet? I thought having two Jedi battling each other would be a great way to kill them. Or are you waiting for the right moment?”

Kaine already knew the answer, and Dyne didn't even bother answering. The Fallen Jedi stood behind Dyne, watching the battle. Something was not right, though. Why would Warren be battling Nash; his own padawan? Maybe he HAS turned? Or maybe it was just a spar? No. It couldn't be. The aura around him showed that he had finally turned. Kaine smiled, and watched on.

Nichos Marr
Jul 17th, 2001, 02:16:51 PM
"I believe he's waiting for the right moment."

Behind both of the Sith, Nichos stood. He was weaponless, but not defenceless. The Jedi had gone into a deep healing trance, and most of his wounds and headaches were washed away by the Light Side. Here he stood, hunched in an attack position, with a smirk on his face.

"Before you harm those two, you'll have to get through me first."

Nichos put up both of his fists. He felt no anger or hatred, only Jedi determination. The Jedi recognized Kaine in an instant, but the other had taken him a few moments to recognize. It was Dyne Darkforce, a one time member of the Sith Empire. Dyne looked...older.

The Jedi clasped both hands together and cracked his knuckles. He still had some distinctive cuts and his clothes were tattered and singed, but he was feeling well.

"Make a move." He held out his hand and motioned for Dyne and Kaine to 'bring it on'.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 18th, 2001, 10:35:35 AM
“Ah, Nichos. What a pleasant surprise to see you.”

Kaine grinned mockingly, as he slowly turned around.

“How is being a Jedi Knight? You know, The thing that I was before I found out how weak I was?”

The Fallen Jedi let out a small chuckle, and he began to walk in a circle around Nichos. The Jedi Knight had grown a bit, and seemed to be a bit more muscular since the last time Kaine had saw him- but that doesn't mean anything. Nichos was, afterall, growing in age, also. Kaine grinned again, and stopped, being about five metres away.

Kaine grinned, and decided to test Nichos' reflexes. Suddenly, a rock from behind, the right, and left side of Nichos flashed up through the air, all aiming for his head.

“So? Answer me.”

The Sith Disciple smiled as the rocks traveled through the air at a fast pace, wanting to bash a hole through their target.

Warren Azalin
Jul 18th, 2001, 12:49:39 PM
<Font color=red>:: Abaddon grew tired pf the meaninless fight going on between him and the one called Nash; they had been fighting for what seemed like hours, but he knew it had just been a few minutes. He didn't know how it was that this Padawan was hurting him but he would not stand for it. Moving quicker than Nash could follow, even moving quicker than Nichos could even follow Abaddon got to his feet and slammed his palm into the Jedi's ribcage. He had been sure not to break anything only stun him long enough to pass out for awhile; it had worked well it seemed as he saw Nash fall lifeless to the ground. He let out an evil grin as he turned to the others, there were more now than when he had started. Something was different about the other two though, he could sence and Aura of Darkness unlike the light coming off these two, ahh these two muct be those Sith he had heard so much about. Rushing over to them he stood between Nichos and the newcomers, now that he was close he rocognized one, well not him persay but Warren noticed him. It was Kaine, a Jedi Knight gone Sith. Abaddon know Warren had always wondered bout that turn but now he could actually do something; Smiling slightly Abaddon went over to Kaine and placed a hand on his shoulder..::

"Kaine my son, it matters not what Path you chose. Light, Dark, it is all the same in the end, and right now all that is in your future is that wall over there."

:: Gripping onto the young Sith's shoulder Abaddon lifted him up and tossed him through the air and into the Wall.... it was fun. ::</font>

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 18th, 2001, 07:00:49 PM
Dyne's eyes went to a crimson red color before turning to face the Jedi Knight known as Nichos. He had heard about him before, but this time it was face to face. After hearing Kaine's words, a small sadistic laugh came from the Sith. Lifting his right hand up, Dyne gripped it into a fist as a blue ancient symbol formed on the top of his hand. The symbol stood for death on swift wings. He lifted his head up to look at Nichos as the rocks came at him from the side. Releasing the fist, he stood there as Kaine decided to test his "reflexes". A grin was over his face a dark blue aura began to float around Dyne, surrounding him as he looked on.

"It seems our Jedi friend here has a death wish of somesort, no Kaine?"

At first it seemed as if Nichos was stalling to create some precious time for Nash, to do something about Warren. No, it was not Warren, it was Abaddon now. Dyne was still not going to let this chance slip through his hand Kaine's hand. They would have to quickly return their attention to Warren after dealing with the Jedi. Although not armed, Nichos was still not to be underestimated, as no one is in battle. Underestimating your foe was a stupid flaw in yourself and Dyne was certainly not going underestimating Nichos even if he had no weapon. His grin turned into a sly smirk while looking on.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:31:56 PM
Kaine let out a small chuckle, and the rocks continued there path.

“Indeed he does.”

Then, suddenly, another figure appeared between the two Sith and the Jedi. Abaddon. Kaine lost his concentration, now focusing on War.. Abaddon. The Fallen Jedi grinned slightly at the so called Angel of Darkness. But before he even knew it, he was traveling through the air, heading for a wall. Placing both feet out infront of him, they landed on the wall, without crashing through it, yet his body continued on its path. Pushing out his arms, he placed them on the wall, and stopped himself, then pushed off with feet and arms, landing several metres away from the wall.

“Do you have to interupt my fun!? Geez. Some people.”

Kaine rolled his eyes slightly, then let out a small chuckle.

“You think you're this almighty god who can't be hurt by "us lesser beings", Don't you? Well, I have news for you. We CAN hurt you! As you saw back there, With that weak little s@#% called Nash. And now, I'll show you more. I'll show you how much pain can actually be dealt to you.”

A grin came across the Fallen Jedi's face, as he ignited his saber. The silver blade flashed to it's full height, setting an eerie glow over his face. He began to skillfully spin his saber around, before setting it in position in his right hand. Using the force to enhance his speed, he dashed at Abaddon, with his saber held out infront of him. Once he got close enough, Kaine let out a fast, and strong flurry of strikes. Ones that surprised Abaddon. Silver and red sparks flew off the sabers each time the collided, before Kaine jumped back slightly.

Quickly running at Abaddon again, Kaine had a different idea. Just as he was going to strike, he suddenly dived for the ground, and into Abaddon's feet. This sent Abaddon tumbling forward, and Kaine went off into a roll, which soon he stood up from. The Fallen Jedi grinned, and quickly spun around. Suddenly, multiple rocks from around Abaddon began to rise up, and all flew at the so called Angel of Darkness, at a speed that would surely pierce his skin.

Warren Azalin
Jul 19th, 2001, 04:31:39 AM
<Font color=red>:: Feeling the full force of the Attack Abaddon stood up with a small grin on his face ::

"Is that all you have Mortal? The young padawan over there did better than you. Maybe it's time you see why Light can fight Darkness but the Dark can do no good against the Dark."

:: There was a loud tearing sound as Warren's Jedi robes split and his wings unfolded. They were Angel Wings, but not of feathers. They were wings of the night, wings that were shapes cut through the matter of creation into the Darkness underneath, in which a few distant lights glimmered, lights that may have been stars or may have been something else entirely. It didn't matter what they were though, in the End Kaine would suffer the same fate no matter what. ::

"You know not the true power I hold human, I could crush you as if you were an ant were I at my full power, but the awakening has weakened me, so for now do what you can but in the end I shall feast upon your flesh."

:: It was as if the lid had been pulled off something dark and writhing: a place of derangement and fury and utter viciousness; and, in time of scary things, it was the most frightening thing of all. The Angel's serene beauty cracked; it's eyes flashed; and it screamed at them, crazy-scary and uncontrolled, utterly certain in it's righteousness. ::

"All of Humanity will die boy, they deserve it."

:: There was a moment of silence. And then the angel lowered it's head, and sighed, and raised it's head and said very quietly and with deep regret. ::

"It's just one of those things."

:: All went black after that, the last thing everyone saw was large bolts of energy flowing off the being once known as Warren and Slamming into all those around him. Trees exploded and rocks turned to dust as the waves decimated everything in sight... this was the awakening. This was the end. ::</font>

Xanatos Etanial
Jul 19th, 2001, 08:49:34 AM
Xanatos remained silent for the time being and simply watched. He had sensed the arrival of this powerful new force, this "Abbadon", interesting. These foolish Sith had turned their attention from the Jedi and at least one of them was now... attacking. Abbadon struck back and then suddenly... a flash of energy unlike anything he had ever seen before. Violent and powerful it obliterated everything it touched. At this moment Etanial was quite grateful to be far enough away to just barely make out the fight, at this distance he should be... NO! Xanatos was thrown back violently as the energy reached his position.

"Ughh..... Such... power..."

X stumbled up to his feet, the blast was greatly less powerful when it had hit him than it had at Ground Zero... he wondered if any of those in the fray had even survived. Xanatos shook off the pain from the energy and looked at the desolate area around, no sign of life, no sign of anything. The dust and debris had been kicked up into the air... he would have to wait for it to settle before he could assertain the situation more fully...

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 19th, 2001, 07:34:01 PM
As him and Nichos were facing each other, they both quickly turned their attention to Abaddon. They both obviously knew something was coming from behind. Dyne widened his eyes as a few bolts came in his and Nichos's direction, he tried to quickly react to it. The speed of the Force was strong but still not a match for the speed of light. The bolt him square in the chest as he flew back and hit a wall behind him. He was lifted immediately off the ground from the bolt impact and directly went flying backwards. A gasp was heard as the tremendous amount of energy slammed into his body. He could faintly hear all the others get hit by the energy bolts as well. The specialized vest on Dyne absorbed some of the energy but it still knocked him clear across quite a few feet. His impact into the wall left an indentation before he went down to the ground. Dyne just laid there for awhile, not even noticeably flinching. He did manage to regain the air in his lungs, which had been knocked swiftly out from the bolt slamming into him.


Dyne stirred a bit a little bit after sliding down to the ground, his eyes suddenly sparking a bright yellow color. He moved his head and looked up as everyone was scattered around the area, some trying to get up and others still out. Turning his head back down, Dyne moved up and managed to get to his knee slowly. Staying on his knee for the time being, the Sith glanced over at Abaddon, who was also out on the ground in the middle of the rest of the people present. All he seemed to remember was a loud cry then light being sent in every which direction possible. Dyne looked down at his chest and shook his head as some smoked was still coming off the wounded area. Reaching down with his first two fingers, he felt some of his flesh burnt, but the pain was the last thing on his mind right now. Some blood dripped down onto his clothing but it was beginning to clot quickly as the Dark Side continued to serge within his veins. The pain eventually just fueled him more, along with the flowing adrenaline now. Dyne gritted his teeth and turned his right hand into a fist, still awaiting for Nichos and the rest to get up. The Sith seemed to almost want to break out in a sadistic laughter, seeing how much energy was being released from Abaddon. Even with all that, it still wasnt under control. Dyne and Kaine just needed to be more careful now, dealing with him and the insolent Jedi.


Kaine Darklighter
Jul 19th, 2001, 11:14:34 PM
A few bolts had come close to hitting him, but once they had missed, Kaine thought he was safe. But that surely wasn't true. A huge wave of energy extended out in all directions from Abaddon, decimating everything in it's path. Trees and rocks were turned to nothing, and the grass was simply vaporised. The Fallen Jedi's body lifted up, and off the ground, then went directly flying backwards. He went back atleast ten metres, and then hit the ground with a loud thud, his body landing in a mess.

Kaine had taken the hardest hit out of everyone, seeing as though he was right infront of Abaddon. His clothes were ripped and his body was bloodied, though he managed to stand up. The pain was rushing through him, wanting to take over, and make Kaine just shut down. But Kaine kept upright, not letting anything take over him. He stared over at Abaddon for a moment, watching the so called Angel of Darkness. Suddenly, his body seemed to heavy for his legs, and he collapsed down to his knees.

He began breathing in slowly, then letting it out, trying to free the pain. A Sith was meant to be fueled by the pain, but there was a limit at which the Sith couldn't take anymore. And Kaine had passed his limit by far. The Fallen Jedi started concentrating on the pain, using it to power him enough to once again stand up. He stumbled back slightly, before straightening himself up, and stayed staring at the Angel of Darkness.

It took quite some time for the pain to finally settle, but once the pain had came down enough, Kaine had begun to feed off it. The Dark Side was now swirling around him, aswell as flowing through his veins. He could feel it. It was as if a warm blanket had been put over him on a cold night. A grin formed on the edge of his lips, then he turned to see Dyne standing aswell. Dyne had taken the hit pretty hard aswell, but not as hard as Kaine.

“Dyne? Are you alright over there?”

As Kaine could see, Dyne had some sort of specialized vest on, which had protected him even more. Kaine only had his normal fighting cloths, which consisted of white trousers, and a blue shirt. That vest had absorbed a lot of the energy for Dyne, weakening the blast for him. Kaine waited for an answer, but kept his eyes on Abaddon.

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:37:47 AM
Dyne turned his head to locate where the familiar voice came from. He spotted Kaine a short distance away from him then nodded slowly to answer his question. Grabbing the vest on his body, he took it over his head and threw it to the side. The smoking vest hit a broken tree then fell down against the rubble. He looked around at the small fires started from the energy released from Abaddon. Trees were scattered all over the area they were in. He could here small cries of animals which were wounded as well, many of them had obviously died from this sort of power. Looking down again, he could still feel severe stinging pain in his chest area, but the blood had seemed to stop coming out for now. The tissue and skin was still burned, but it wasnt nothing Dyne couldnt handle for the Dark Side was ever so present within him. He was pretty sure that Kaine would be alright as well in due time.

A strong gust of wind flew by, pushing some broken trees and rocks around. The Sith held up his hand slowly to block the dirt to get into his eye. He looked to the right of him to see that Nichos was still unconscious. The wounds him and Kaine had would be treated later. Looking back in front of him, it seemed him and Kaine were the only two up to their feet again. He knew that Nash and Nichos would be up soon and they would have to deal with them. The Sith was still cautious of them, even though they were out for the time being. Dyne was still feeling major after effects of the hit, as he got to his feet. It was no ordinary occurence, as it did manage to wipe out everything around except the four men around Abaddon. His legs were feeling heavy as well, but he was strong and remained on his feet.

Looking at Abaddon on the ground, Dyne started to wonder what he would be up to once he was back to his feet again. He was certainly not under control of the powers he possessed. If he got up and started to release all that energy again then it wouldnt be pretty. Something had to be done to keep him contained, because he was not only attacking the Jedi but Dyne and Kaine as well. The question which remained was what should be done about him and the two other Jedi? It was a rather perplexed situation indeed, and it had to be carefully handled. Any screw-ups would be costly without a doubt. He decided to see to how Kaine was doing now, as those two had to do something about this. Narrowing his eyes, Dyne looked around before facing Kaine who was on his feet again and approaching Dyne slowly.

"Seems like you are ok, what to do now is the question which remains."

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:59:50 AM
“I'm not sure. But if Abaddon gets up and releases another one of those huge waves, I'm sure all four of us will die. I mean, Look at us. Nichos and Nash are still out cold. A few well placed hits, and me and you would be out aswell. There's not much that we can do.”

Kaine let out a small sigh, then stopped beside Dyne. He tilted his head to the side, looking over to Nash. Then something caught his attention. Out of the corner of his eye, Kaine saw something moving. Turning around slightly, all that was there was Nichos.

“So he finally wakes up.”

Both Dyne and Kaine moved over to Nichos, one standing infront of him, and one behind, but both looming over the Jedi.

“Did you have a nice rest, Nichos?” Kaine said, as he glared down at the Jedi.

Nash Stolar
Jul 20th, 2001, 06:07:28 PM
*Nash began to come around...with a moan he opend his eyes and tryed to sit up but was sent back down as a wave of pain washed over him*

"W..what happend?"

*he said to himself as he layed on the ground.. he moved his head and looked down the battle field to see everything living had been destroyed.... he moved his head to his other side to see two people standing over another person... nash was in tomuch pain to even think straight... after laying for a little while longer nash managed to collect his thoughs or some of them... he found that his left sholder was where most of the pain was coming from...but his whole body still hurt...with his good arm nash put his weight on it and pushed himself up..once he stood up he started to slouch with his head hung.. his legs felt as if they would give out... but he keeped standing.. he quietly looked at his sholder to see a large wound... it had ripped through his light armor and burnt the flesh badly... it also looked as if the blood dryed on contact.. due to the energy of the blast*

"Just what happend?"

*he spoke to himself once more..he then used more of his remaining force power to help counter the pain for a while or untill the fight ends..he then moved his gaze to the people he saw when he was on the ground.. he instantly recognized two of them.. one was kaine darklighter one of the other padawans that warren had been training when he was teaching the force to him.. and nichos marr.. the one who was brought into teh start of this fight but the third person nash dident know.. he knew he was a sith due to teh dark energy coming off him.... once again looking another way he noticed warren at the center of all the death... or Abaddon as he liked to be called..suddenly nash saw the attack in his mind as if he was awake when it happened..*

"My god.."

*he quickly looked to the sith*

"Are you just going to kill the jedi as Abaddon starts to charge for another attack that will kill the both of you?"

Warren Azalin
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:13:22 PM
<font color=red>:: Death filled the air as Abaddon surveyed the surrounding area, all around him had been reduced to ash and rubble as the energy flowed off of him. It took some time for the Angel to stop smiling as he felt more and more power flowing into him, he had waited thousands of years for the time of awakening and at last it had happened. Soon all would know the name of Abaddon, be it as the name of their Master or of their Destroyer. He looked on as all began to rise and see the Carnage, soon the fun would begin... soon but not now... ::</font>

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 20th, 2001, 09:03:50 PM
Kaine spun around, ignoring Nash, and focusing on Abaddon.

“Dyne..” He whispered. “Seems like our friend is up.”

Dyne turned around also, to see Abaddon once again standing. What could they do? If they tried to attack him, Abaddon would probably just let out another beam, which would easily kill the two of them. Oh, and the Jedi would die to. But he didn't care for them.

“What should we do?”

Jerred Rez
Jul 20th, 2001, 09:18:23 PM
Jerred glanced up, his vision blurred but slowly returning through him with the aid of his goggles. The blast had sent him several fleet across the area and into a group of bushes, and not far from him lay several credits chips...

Just what I needed to make me feel all better...

Reaching for the credit chips, Jerred slowly got up to his feet, then began a hasty retreat back to his ship...He got what he came for, and he wasn't going to hang around and get killed trying to find more money.

Nichos Marr
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:22:42 PM
"You should always keep your eye on the hostage!" Nichos shouted answering Kaine's question.

The Jedi gave a hard kick to Kaine's shin, knocking him to the floor. Quickly he spun around and did the same to Dyne, before either could figure out what had just happened. When Kaine and Dyne had turned their backs, Nichos had managed to use the Force to block his actions.

With a newfound sense of hope, only a Jedi could obtain, Nichos flipped upward. He hopped back, keeping a three meter distance from the two Sith.

"A disciple and an ex-knight. I lucked out, didn't I?"

Nichos gave them one of his famous grins. Suddenly, both began to twitch madly. Ants provoked by Nichos using his special ability to communicate with animals began to crawl into both Sith's pant legs and entered any opening. Tons of ants began to crawl from their subterranean homes and headed for Kaine and Dyne.

"You guys have fun."

Nichos turned back to Nash and ran over to him.

"Are you ok?"

Nash Stolar
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:57:30 PM
*nash nodded slighty*

"well after having my sholder almost torn off by an energy bolt, being knocked out... and having a headache I would say I'm doing quite well..."

*nash looked at the sith who had ants crawling on them.. then at warren..then his expression became very serious*

"If warren is given anough time.. He will kill us with another attack like that... not even the sith would survive it.."

*he eyed the sith once again*

"And how are you doing, nichos?

Nichos Marr
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:04:27 AM
"Peachy. Actually, I've been much better." Nichos wiped the sweat off of his face and turned around to keep an eye on the Sith.

"What do you suggest we do?" He asked Nash.

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 21st, 2001, 01:30:47 AM
As he laid there, Dyne wasnt out cold but felt the ants come up his leg and the length of his body. He had his eyes closed and called forth the Force, using the Dark Side, a pyro shield formed around his body slowly. It was very faint, but had fire elements to it which burned the ants off till they fell off dead around him. As Nichos turned around to see Dyne, he quickly sprinted up, using the Force Pull. He could see Nichos's eyes widen as the Sith called him forth. Dyne got him a couple meters close then went forward with his knee. As Nichos came close enough, he took his lifted knee and slammed it into his gut. Doubling Nichos over, he pushed the Jedi down to the ground.

Quickly turning to Nash, he grinned at him as a rock was sent and slammed into his back by Dyne. Nash turned his head quickly to see, leaving the Sith enough time to hop up and bring his foot around, slamming it upside Nash's head. The Jedi fell head first straight towards the ground, landing with a thud. He landed on his feet, as the two groaning Jedi were laid out on the ground. Quickly grabbing a sabre off his belt the Sith activated it with a snap-hiss. The silver light radiated slowly, humming into his ears. Dyne pointed the tip of his sabre down and at the two Jedi, gripping the hilt tightly in the palm of his hand. Backing up quite a distance, he kept his eyes on Nash and Nichos, awaiting for Kaine to get up away from the ants.

"Guess you spoke to soon Nichos. Fun time is over."

His eyes sparked over yellow very briefly, looking down at Nichos and Nash. Dyne swiftly turned his attention over at Abaddon as Kaine quickly got to his feet after ridding the ants off his body. He had used a similar method in ridding the ants. They stood there as a breeze blew by, fluttering Dyne's hair slightly. His breathing was still heavy, after the energy shock from Abaddon. Dyne could still the pain in his chest, but kept the concentration on the Jedi letting the Dark Side take care of his body. The Sith's veins were bulged, filled with adrenaline. He looked at Kaine from the corner of his eye and smirked slightly. It seemed like Kaine was alright now, the ants were literally the last thing on his mind as well as Kaine's. They had to take control of this situation quickly, before something else happened yet again. Although, this time the Jedi wouldnt have the chance to get an upper hand upon the situation.

"What now Kaine? One thing is for sure, if he is given more time to gather energy like that we are in for a bad situation."

Warren Azalin
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:50:39 AM
<Font color=red>"Correction Mortal, you are in a bad situation."

:: All turned towards the booming voice of Abaddon as he stood there with a grin etched upon his almost emotionless face. He could not help but grin though, for all four knew the trouble they were in, but they fought each other to the very end; never assuming that they had already given him the time he needed. Now he would show them, now he would show them the true power of an Angel. ::

"You are all in serious trouble, but you have one fleeting hope: I am not yet at my full power. I cannot reach my full power until I reach a certain objective, but for now feel the power of a True Angel. Feel my power over the powers of Darkness and over the elements themselves."

:: Using the energy he had gathered earlier Abaddon lifted a finger as he pointed at the four nuisances. With a flick of his wrist he pointed at Kaine. ::

"You shall have the honor of feeling my lightning."

:: With that said he tossed an uncontrolled bolt of lightning towards Kaine, but then again things were always worse when you knew not what you were doing. What would have been a single bolt of pure energy for an experienced Sith was but a wave of lesser energy for Abaddon. It didn't matter, either way it would do the same and hopefully destroy him. ::

:: Turning around slowly on his heels he looked on at Nash ::

"You, Nash, shall suffer the infernal flames of Hell."

:: Pointing a judgmental finger at the padawan he watched as Flaming Hellfire burst forth from the the ground below the padawan and all around him. Soon he would feast on the roasted flesh of the Jedi, but he would have to do so after getting rid of the other two. ::

:: With one final turn he gazed upon Nichos and Dyne. ::

"You two, you shall face my most powerful of creations. You shall taste the power that made me known as the Angel of Destruction."

:: Raising his arms up he called on the power of the wind as he lifted all the shattered pieces of stone around himself and around the others. They would think he was simply throwing the small rocks at them... but if he was what kind of power would that be? That question was answered all to soon as the ground began to tremble below Nichos and Dyne. As Sith and Jedi alike began to shake under the force of his awesome power Abaddon let lose a wave sending the rocks around them all and the ground flying towards the final two. He would leave the last element for last, for if they survived they would regret it. ::</font>

Xanatos Etanial
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:18:52 PM
Xanatos continued to watch in disbelief, this being seemed to be gaining power by the second. Xanatos was smarter then these four fools who were tasting the business end of this power. He would wait slightly longer to see if any of them survived before making his move.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:22:25 PM
The lightning bolt flashed across the empty space between Abaddon and Kaine, striking Kaine in the chest. Something like that would have killed a normal human; but he wasn't normal. He was a Sith. Kaine's body lifted from the ground, the power of the hit sending him back several metres. Before Kaine even hit the ground, his body tilted backwards, which sent him into a backflip. He landed unfirmly, and almost tripped, but kept his balance. Blood poured out from the hole in his chest. Around the hole was a black lining, and then smoke was sapping off that.

Kaine lifted his head slightly, and stared at Abaddon. The Angel of Darkness was too occupied watching Nichos and Dyne, that he didn't see that Kaine was even up and standing. Lowering his head once more, Kaine moved his hand over the burnt mark, and touched it softly. Kaine's body shook slightly as the pain rushed through him. Once again, he raised his head, staring at Abaddon. Something inside of him snapped, and he suddenly had the urge to let out all of his anger; his pain; everything he had upon Abaddon.

“I'm sick of you, Abaddon!!!!”

The Fallen Jedi suddenly straightened up his whole body, and let out a blood freezing scream. A large gush of wind flew past his body, his hair fluttering through it. Then suddenly some of the ground around him exploded to flames, while other parts raised up off the ground, then exploded anyway. Once most of the flames had settled, Kaine was still standing there, staring at Abaddon. The Angel of Darkness could see the fire burning in Kaine's eyes, but then something happened.

Suddenly, in a burst of force enhanced speed, Kaine rushed at the so called Angel of Darkness. He made it there quite fast, and once he had got close to Abaddon, went on the offensive. Kaine put in a few well placed punchs on the Angel; right ribs, left cheek, left arm; yet the Angel still didn't react. Kaine grinned, then in one quick motion, ignited his saber, and sent it rushing towards Abaddon's stomach.

Xanatos Etanial
Jul 21st, 2001, 12:29:21 PM
X eyeballed Kaine and grinned, the fool had just given him the perfect opening. Raising his hand Xanatos concentrated intently on the former Jedi. As Kaine's Lightsaber neared Abaddon it stopped inches from it's mark. Xanatos gripping it tightly with the Force. He screamed out so that his presence was revealed.

"FOOL! Do you dare to attack the great being that is Abaddon!? I will not allow it! His cause must be fulfilled, his glory recognized! And your death achieved!"

Xanatos released the Force from his place watching over and threw Kaine back several meters pulling his lightsaber away and holding it tightly in place against the ground with the Force.

"Now my Lord! Destroy the weak fool!"

Nichos Marr
Jul 21st, 2001, 01:34:48 PM
"Who the hell are you?" Nichos asked, trying to stand up straight. His question was directed at Xanatos. Nichos had never seen this man before in his entire lifespan.

The Jedi was covered with multiple cuts and bruises. His hair was tossled and his face was dirty. Nichos had been better, but this Abaddon just would not let up. Maintaining his calm, Nichos reached out with the Force. This man before him was definately a Force user. Perhaps a Sith?

Stretching out both hands, Nichos pushed outward with the Force and knocked the Dark Force user off of his feet. The mysterious Sith clumsily fell to the floor.

"Abaddon, you can never destroy me." Nichos grinned at what was once his master. "But I guess you can still try." He shouted.

Nichos kept his senses open to everyone around him. He began to collect all the Force energy he could muster for his next attack. Jedi used the Force for defense, but sometimes the best defense was offence.

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:00:08 PM
Dyne used a Force Aura shield to give him a defense against the attack by Abaddon. The shield pulsated slowly around him, still faint, but enough to protect him well. Having a good defense was a smart thing to do in this situation, anything less would result in more damage. Dyne's sabre pulsated very lightly as well, he also had cuts and bruises over his body. The wounds inflicted on Dyne did not even call forth his attention to them, as it was in the heat of a battle. Keeping his concentration as he narrowed his eyes, it managed to protect him. Abaddon's attention was broken from Nichos and Dyne as he turned his body to see Kaine. Dyne watched as Xanatos interfered after Kaine let out his anger. Having a stern face, Dyne fixed his attention upon Xanatos quickly. He switched the sabre into his left hand and continued to look at him.


Swiftly rushing at him with Force speed, the Sith slid to the ground near Xanatos. Quickly coming up, Dyne turned his right hand into a tight fist. He lunged his arm foward and straight into chin. Not being wary, Dyne connected the uppercut directly onto Xanatos's chin, putting all his Force power gathered into the fist at once. His head snaps back as Xanatos goes a few feet into the air, his saliva flying back from the hit out his mouth. Dyne smirks and slowly gets to his feet as the incompetent fool lands on his back with a rather sickening thud. The air was obviously knocked out his lungs. A dirt cloud lifted up into after Xanatos landed several feet away, covering his body.

"Dont be so stupid Xanatos, he will easily destroy you as well.

He backed up a few steps besides Kaine, looking at Abaddon, Nichos, and Nash. Dyne kept his concentration fixated upon the other four men present around him and Kaine. He brought the sabre around in his hand, planting his feet into the ground. Maintaining the Force shield, Dyne bent at the knees slightly in a defensive posture. The Sith gripped his lightsabre tightly, surveying the area around him cautiously. They were now quite a few meters away from Abaddon and the two Jedi. There was no pain now, just anger and the Dark Side within the two Sith. It continualy fueled the two to push on and stay firm in their locations. It was time to contain Abaddon before he detroyed everything and everyone around here.

Nash Stolar
Jul 21st, 2001, 05:49:23 PM
*Nash had to act quick or he would be burned... he lifted his arm and streached his palm at the fire... he then concentrated and force blasted a small hole in the surrounding fire, long enough so that he could leave with out taking serious damage.. nash ran out of the fire.. then looked back to see the flames rise sky high*


*he turned to abaddon and spoke*

"It won't be that easy! warren tought me too well for that to kill me!"

Warren Azalin
Jul 21st, 2001, 07:09:55 PM
<Font color=red>:: Watching as Jedi and Sith turned on the newcomer, Abaddon could not help but smile at their stupidity. Here he was an Angel trying to kill them all and all they did was fight back against one man, a man who had no less helped him from Kaine's weak attack. He had finally had enough, he would end these pathetic mortals lives here and now.... he would spare the one they called Xanatos though. The others would die though for defying his absolute will and as such would die absolutely. The Sky turned to Dark as all eyes fell upon Abaddon once again. ::

"I warned you all once not to mess with a higher being, but you all had to play hero and try to contain me. Well I got news for you, all of you except the one known as Xanatos shall DIE."

:: With a snap of Abaddon's fingers Xanatos suddenly appeared next to the winged angel. ::

"You shall be safe here mortal, you may watch as all the others around you die though."

:: Lightning and thunder filled the dark skies above as Abaddon looked on at the four humans. As if responding to the sky the ground below them all began to shake and tremble. No one knew what was going on, all they could see was Abaddon looking darker than he ever looked. They could see a change in him aright, Warren's once blue eyes had now turned to visions of death and fire as he stared them down. With a booming voice that sounded more like a roar Abaddon screamed out. ::

"Death to all, Destruction to those who oppose us and Darkness to those who do not see the light of following me."

:: Lightning, earth, and fire leapt forth as Abaddon finished speaking the words, all around him things began to explode as Energy waves began bursting our of his body. Then with one fluid motion he brought his hands together as he summoned a large beam of pure flame and energy to his hands. As if possessed (well more than he already was) the Jedi threw the beam forwards sending it crashing into the four. All went black after that as the Lightning, Fire, Earth, and energy slammed into the four. Abaddon and Xanatos stood among the wreckage as they waited for any response from the mortals.... ::</font>

Nichos Marr
Jul 21st, 2001, 10:48:59 PM
Nichos Marr was dead. Well...not really but he could no longer muster any energy to do much of anything. His legs were trapped under a boulder of considerable size, and his left arm had snapped and twisted the other way. Nichos couldn't even control the amount of pain that surged through his body. He tried to go into a healing trance, but he couldn't properly concentrate with all the pain he felt.

The Jedi laid his bloody hair on the soil and closed his eyes. It even hurted to do that much. He opened them slowly and stared at the figure of Abaddon a few feet away. The maniac who was once his master stood beside the one known as Xanatos. They were probably waiting for him to say something. Nichos opened his mouth, hearing several small cracks in his jaw.

"Warren...what have you done? Warren, how could you do this to Nash and I?"

The Jedi's eyes rolled upward. His head sank back to the ground. Nichos's last thought was of his fight with Khendon Sevon. This experience proved to be worse then that. The Jedi fell into a coma from the nauseating pain and exhaustion that controlled his body and mind.

Xanatos Etanial
Jul 21st, 2001, 11:43:32 PM
Xanatos hadn't anticipated the weak fools to still have any energy to attack him with. He should have been more prepared. But the deed was done, and Abaddon now stood beside him as an aly, or more of a master perhaps... master for now at least.

"When will you understand Jedi? The Warren you called Warren is dead. Now there is Abaddon, and you stand in the angel of Darkness's grand scheme. That's why this has happened to you."

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:30:24 AM
Kaine saw the dark look in Abaddon's eyes, and chuckled just before the beams hit him. His body rose from the ground, and flew back through the air, almost doing a 180 spin while at it. He hit the ground with a sickening crunch, and he felt some of his ribs crack. Then something else came. Fire. It exploded all around him, and all he could feel was the heat burning into his body; scorching his skin; peeling it away.

More? Another thing came, hitting Kaine right in the chest. His body spasmed for a moment, then settled, as the lightning rushed up and through his body. The pain that was going through Kaine right now was unbelievable. Any normal human would have died from the first beam. After the lightning, another thing came. How could this be happening? More things bashed into Kaine's body, as the last thing came crashing down over him.

Pieces of the earth.

Large clumps of the ground were being pulled out by Abaddon's energy, and being sent at the four. One of the smaller ones landed on his right foot, pinning it down. Another one landed on his left arm, pinning that down too. Then, another piece, a large one, came crashing down onto Kaine's chest. He felt more of his ribs break, as the clump crushed down on him. The one thing he couldn't believe was that he was still alive.

It took a couple of minutes for Kaine's eyes to open again, and even then he didn't want to move. He let out a small moan, as he tried to move his body. The pain was rushing through him, wanting to take over and just shut Kaine down. But he didn't let it. He had to get back up. He just had to. Kaine tried to move his right leg, yet the rock wouldn't budge. He tried moving his left on, the rock there wouldn't move either.

Kaine tried to breath in, but he hurt even doing that. He was dieing, he could feel it. A small sigh escaped Kaine's throat, and he let his head sink into the ground, as his eyes closed slowly. Then everything went black, his head fell to the side; Kaine fell unconcious.

Dyne Darkforce
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:12:45 AM
Dyne had flipped into the air with Force speed, avoiding the energy released by Abaddon. The beams went all over, trashing everything in his sight. He had barely managed to use his reflexes to sense the attack ahead of time. The Sith used the Dark Side to float there temporarily. Oblivious to Abaddon's senses, Dyne saw the other three men wiped out clearly, into the rubble. He looked around quickly and spotted Kaine under some rocks and shrubery. It looked to be a grave situation for the Fallen Jedi indeed. Dyne came down his feet and rushed over at his direction, Force pushing the rocks all off of him. Before Abaddon can react to him, Dyne got Kaine onto his back and sprinted as fast as he could into the darkness, concealing him away from Abaddon. He quickly went through the remaining trees, trying to get to his ship, the "Lionheart".

"We are going to get to the TSE med-bay, just hold on man."

As Dyne got through a few more tree lines, he dashed over some fallen branches. He spotted his ship in a clearing just where he left it. Dyne could feel a faint breath on his back as Kaine was still barely alive. The Dark Side was helping him deal with the pain and his wounds. Blood was certainly oozing, but he would make it back to TSE before anything else happened. The ships cockpit opened to Dyne's body readings. He got up and put Kaine in the back seat as the Sith hopped into the main seat. Closing the cockpit, he activated the engines, and set coordinates for TSE. The engines fire, as he quickly took off into the air. The trees were blown away nearby from the power the ship gave out.

"Come on damn it, come on!"

The ship reached the atmosphere in no time, the Lionheart shook while going through the outer atmosphere of the planet. Dyne's ship reached the black and cold space above the planet. Heading to the hyperspace jump-point at max speeds, he looked behind him to see Kaine's eyes closed shut, he was out cold. Dyne had the afterburnes going, pushing the speed limits of the ship as far as it could reach. He nodded to his friend even though he couldnt see and looked back out the cockpit. The Lionheart hit the jump-point and soon after entered hyperspace, heading for TSE HQ. He just hoped he would make it in time at the med-bay....

Nash Stolar
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:14:37 PM
*Nash looked at abaddon and cought a glimpse at his now dark eyes...It then hit him,Abaddon is going to attack..useing what force power he had nash brought up a force shield just as the attack started.. he was concentrating to hard, keeping the shield up to notice or look up at the attack going on out side... suddenly a huge energy bolt hit the shield right in the center... and the force shield started to fade fast...but nash knew if the shield droped the bolt would kill him... so he made a critical decision.. he took all the force he had in his body and put it into the shield... his ment he would be working with out force healing and could feel every bit of pain in his body.. but nash keeped his thoughts on the shield somehow....Then after a few moments all went black as the shield gave out*


*nash coughed a few times, it felt as if he had been to hell and back after being thrown into the fire and ran oven...he clinched downon his teeth and sat up..he looked around to see the sith were gone...abaddon was standing looking down at him... with that other man next to him..but nash cared less who he was, he looked around more and spoted nichos..*

"Uh no.."

*nash had few words for what he saw.. he got up and walked to nichos..and growled slighty.. he then turned to abaddon and yelled*

"You fool, warren! how can you let that person take you over? I know you will never attack your own padawans!"

*nash tryed to lifts teh earth off of nichos but found it heavy.. so he tryed the force but found it diden't help much.. he rememberd how he used all of it to keep the shield for the extended time... and with rembering that he was hit with a wave of what felt like the fire of hell with a hundred swords put into in... he almost fell but knew that he had to help his fellow jedi nichos... so he pushed down the pain with will power alone and managed to take off some of the earth on nichos, enough so he could pull him out.... after nichos was free nash put his limp body over his good sholder, but almost fell to another wave of pain..but he still managed to keep standing.. he started to walk to the med-center of gjo.. it was not far after all they were throwen out of the window of the bar...nash stoped for a little bit and moved his head slighty to get a final look at abaddon*

"You trained me too well.......master....."

*with that nash began his walk twords the med-center once more*

Warren Azalin
Jul 22nd, 2001, 11:08:19 PM
<font color=red>:: Grinning at the carnage that he had caused Abaddon felt proud of himself: it had taken only minutes to almost kill four humans that were strong in this "force", he couldn't help but wonder how long it would take to kill them all. Slowly he turned to Xanatos and whispered something to him as he began to walk away. ::

"I would like you to gather my troops, tell them their Master is back and soon the Gates of Hell shall open on this worthless mortal plane. Find the one called Melkibor, he shall help you."

:: Abaddon watched as Xanatos nodded to him and walked away; soon the forces of hell would unite again and this existence would end, but for now he had a Jedi's mind to play with. ::

:: Moving with the speed of the Force Abaddon leapt before Nash and back-handed him knocking him to the floor. With a grin he waved his hand in front of the padawan and smiled. ::

"You know nothing of this, you know not what happened here and were not involved."

:: He knew that after this battle the Jedi would not have the mental power to push back his mind tricks, so when Nash repeated all Abaddon said to him he could only smile. Now it would be time for the real fun to begin. Slowly he began to creep back into the Jedi's mind losing his grip on the physical world, he would go back and plan while Warren dealt with the chaos he had begun...... ::</font>

:: Opening his eyes slowly Warren looked around seeing only destruction and chaos around him; he couldn't even tell where he was. Last he had remembered he had been standing next to Jerred at the bar, now it was different; now he was standing before the bodies of Nichos and Nash.. ::

"Oh crap, what happened here?"

:: The Jedi couldn't help muttering under his breath as he tried picking up the bodies of his padawan and former padawan. They were both badly wounded but Warren did all he could to heal their wounds. Thankfully Nash was less injured than Nichos was and soon regained consciousness. Without being able to hold it in any longer Warren turned to Nash frantically. ::

"Nash, who did this? What happened here?"

:: Nash could only nod in ignorance since he truly did not know what had happened. Sighing to himself Warren could only put a hand on Nash's shoulder as he spoke. ::

"Well since you don't know what happened here, at least help me get Nichos to the Med Bay."

:: Without needing to be told twice Nash helped Warren as Padawan and Master picked up the Fallen Knight. They would get him to medical attention and soon he would recover, but for now all they could do was walk with their friend through the carnage that had come before them..... ::

<Font Size=6 Font Color=red>The End</Font>