View Full Version : A walk down memory lane....Open

Jul 21st, 2001, 11:28:07 PM
Goten walked on the forests of Endor and thought about all the things in his life. His previous training as a Sith and his leaving the Sith Empire , his being hunted by bounty hunters during that time, and finally his return to TSE. As he kept thinking he didn't watch where he was walking and before he knew it he was standing on the edge of a cliff. He looked offf and thought about the past and all he had achieved and lost. Suddenly he turned around because he thought he heard someone or something in the bushes behind him. He walked over to check it out but he found nothing. He then walked over towards the cliff and sat down on it sorting out his thoughts. As he sat and thought that same sound kept coming from behind him and he tried to ignore it. After about an hour of the noise his head snapped up as he felt the presence of another Force trained person. He jumped up and yell out thinking the noise was caused by them.

"What do you want from me? If it is a fight then come and get it!"

Goten unattached his lightsaber from his belt and ignited it waited for whatever was back there to show itself. or the annoyance it caused him, it would surely suffer this day.

"Come out. I won't kill you. Just make you suffer and suffer until you are begging me to kill you."

Goten watched the brushes until a figure appeared from them. He waited silently to see what their presence would mean.

sig and personal pic are way too big for swfans. Must be 30k tops

Jul 22nd, 2001, 06:52:51 PM
OOC: sorry about that but how do you downsize it. i am kinda new to these kinda sigs.

EDIT~ Had to remove personal pic because it is too big as well

you can ask anyone in OOC if you like or ask Ogre (http://pub76.ezboard.com/fogrescavefrm4)too :)