View Full Version : The Rageon Empire: Chakose II takeover.

Khendon S
Jul 1st, 2001, 06:51:31 PM
Khendon walked along the bridge of the newly commissioned BC Leviathan. He smiled as his brother, Samsonn Sevon, walked up besides him. “It’s a great ship, brother.” Said Samsonn. Khendon smiled in reply. The two had separated after Khendon’s father had died and had taken the Guira Empire down with them, Khendon for a time only taking the cooperation that backed the empire, Tarot Labs, but eventually taking his half of the empire, as well, the Guild. His brother had let the Guira Empire, or what remained of it; go without leader ship, all of its planet’s but Chakose being taken. After them begging for his return, he did just that, and renamed the empire to that of its current name, the Rageon Empire.

Khendon smiled to his brother, who smiled in return. Khendon would be providing the Rageon Empire with this ship to begin the rearming of its fleet, but this ship alone. Further more, he would be instructing his brother in the way of combat, by giving him his once proud teacher Beeri Nomie, the Guira’s strongest commander. Khendon would then train him slightly in the ways of the dark side of the force, allowing his brother to choose to join a Sith brother hood on his own once he had seen the beginning.

“The ship is all yours,” said Khendon as he moved towards the exit, his personal ship waiting for him. “Have fun showing these pitiful pirates why the Guira Empire was so strong, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.” Khendon smiled and ran down the hall, turned the corner, and disappeared from Samsonn’s sight. Today, would be a fine day.

Beeri Nomie
Jul 1st, 2001, 07:09:53 PM
Beeri stood behind Samsonn, eyeing him ever so slightly. “You’re first lesson, will be to launch fighters… do you have any idea of how to do this as of yet, young one?”

-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Samsonn: “No, Beeri… I do not, will you please show me.”

“That, I will.” Beeri shook his head slightly.
“Fighter Control, launch one squadron of Shadow Droids.”

-&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Fighter Control: “Yes, High Guira Beeri.”

Beeri smiled at the High Guira part and looked over at Samsonn.
“Your turn.” He said, controlling a snicker.

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:10:59 PM
Admiral Desaria looked over the schematics on the terminal in front of him. In deed it was an impressive ship. Weapons emplacements, at least a full wing of fighters and battle droids, and thirty thousand crewmen.

" I cannot wait until my ships are finsihed. Imagine if I can help my trainer's brother! I would rise through the ranks of the Galactic Military Alliance and smash the Empire's enemies once and for all! Thrawn would be proud as I promised he once would be."

Baron Gertallya simply steared the cloaked Lambda-class shuttle along its exit vector back towards the Sith shipyards to await the completion of the Admiral's warships. He knew Desaria, like Darth Viscera, sometimes had deliusions. Only his were of not the Emperor, but of Thrawn.

" Get us back there, cousin. I want to see them launch. I don't want to miss it. It is in twelve or so hours and it's a three hour journey back. As soon as they clear their bays and my men are aboard, we'll come back here and I'll ask the Moff if he'll accept my offer of assistance..."