View Full Version : Stolz Vom Reich

Khendon S
Jul 16th, 2001, 09:40:11 PM
This takes place after the Operation: Barbarossa thread)


Rear Admiral Birch stood on the deck of the Death Advocate, the most veteran combat craft in the Guild fleet. He looked out upon the fields of stars, a slight smile crept across his face. The system he looked upon was unimportant; it lacked resources, strategic value, or any other reason for being conquered. But Birch had studied politics; he knew that a planet so close to the major core worlds would be great for publicity and such.

Information popped up on the screen in front of Rear Admiral Birch:

Target: Stolz Vom Reich
Important Information:
Recon photography shows that two major defense installations are located on the planet. Each is armed with anti-air batteries and two-three planetary defense Turbolasers.

Spies that have infiltrated the planet give the following information: no shields are on the planet, but within the week a shipment is scheduled to arrive. The planet is currently in anarchy after our assassination of their entire house of representatives. We have destroyed several military basses, an estimated five hundred TIE class fighters, and have raised a local resistance force trying to take the planet under the wing of the Guild.

Listings show the planet as mainly a high-tech computer producer, they provide systems to a large percentage of war fleets. The planet’s name was changed after the old empire took control of it, using it as one of the main suppliers of computer parts. After the empire crumbled the name stuck and the planet lost favor; the populace has been in economic chaos ever since.

Terrain on the planet is mainly mountainous with a few valleys. A large percentage is covered by water; the planet has two oceans, ten seas, and several smaller bodies of water.

Rear Admiral Birch’s smile broadened, Star Destroyer Group Four contained the following ships:

DSD Death Advocate
BC Quelled Masses
BC Quelled Masses II
IEC Death Angel
VAS Wolf 13
VAS Wolf 14
INT Cruiser Blackmail

and was more than enough to deal with any hostilities presented by the "enemy", which would soon be their friends.

Meteo Vaxe
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:03:15 AM
*On board the berillum corvette Quelled Masses Meteo Vaxe sat in his command chair. He was watching the view screen very carefully. He nodded as he read the reports about the planet. as he finished, he switched off the screen. Meteo opened a channel to Quelled Masses 2 the sister ship of this corvette whish was also assigned to his command. An officer appeared on the screen. He was standing at attention upon seeing Meteo's face.

"Your ship it to follow Quelled Masses 1 in at about 5 kilometers behind, and is to land in the center of Grid Beta. unload your troops and rally at point Gamma. Have them wait there for further orders. Relay that to your commanding officer Lieutenant."

*The officer nodded, and Meteo switched off the comm. link. Meteo sat forward and put his hand on his chin. He looked at the planet in the view screen.*

"Ensign, take us into grid alpha. Not too fast now, we don’t want any unwanted attention."

"Aye sir."

*The corvette began to descend into the planet's atmosphere.*

Edit: Fixed a grammar error.

Khendon S
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:57:15 PM
“Sir, Commander Meteo and his group have broken away as requested and are preparing to attack defensive position beta,” said the sensors officer.

“Order the Blackmail to bring up gravity wells, command wolf thirteen and fourteen to intercept all traffic, disable them, and tow them to the Blackmail for capture. Have the Death Angel launch her squadrons of TIE Executioners to do strafing runs on unprotected areas.”

There was no recognition of Birch’s orders being heard other than several people going to work quickly, flicking switches, pressing buttons, talking through mics. The requested craft began their long journeys towards the planet or out into deeper space, weapons systems charging to full capacity, shields going up, and sensors lashing out into space, searching for hostiles.

Rear Admiral Birch stood up and paced about. “Sir! Sensors report a wing of uglies coming straight for us!”

Birch looked up, somewhat shocked that such an inferior fighter was still in use. “Launch Black Thorn Squadron, have them deal with it,” he said in a slightly enraged voice.

“Launching Black Thorn Squadron, as requested,” said the fighter control officer.

Small, black, demons leapt from the Death Advocate; blue engines activating, sending them hurling towards the oncoming, inferior, enemy.

Xavier Flarenight
Jul 20th, 2001, 06:48:46 PM
"Command, this Xavier Flarenight reporting, proceeding to engage the hostile threat."

(Activating his afterburners, the blue engine flames blazed out and the Black Thorns headed in for a spacefighter battle. His weapons were switched to laser gatlings. Xavier activated a comm-link to his wingmen as the static faded away.)

"Ok men, you were briefed. Simple sweep of the Uglies, shouldnt take too long. Trash them with everything you got."

(They headed away from the Death Advocated, straight towards the Uglies squadron of ships. Xavier narrowed his eyes, awaiting a lock on his weapons system. Looking down, he made sure his shield was at full hull coverage. He grinned under his mask while looking out the cockpit, itching to use his torpedos soon.)

Khendon S
Jul 25th, 2001, 09:27:36 AM
Birch smiled, “Take the Death Advocate into stationary orbit around the planet, prepare to launch invasion force.”

“As you command,” said an officer who quickly relayed the orders needed to movie the great craft to the destination.

As Birch looked at the command console, he noticed several blips had appeared near the Wolfs.


Commander Orona sat onboard the Interdictory Cruiser [i]Blackmail, looking at monitors that surrounded him. “Wolf Thirteen, intercept incoming craft! Fire all of your ion cannons, don’t let him get through the blockade.”

“Will do, Commander Orona. We’re having some trouble catching up to the faster craft, but other than that, we’re fine. Request fighter squadron support.”

“A squadron of TIE Executioners is on its way to aid you, hold on.”

Twelve dots shot out of the Blackmail and headed for Wolf Thirteen, whom was chasing a group of YT-5700s that had randomly entered the area, firing blasts of ionization at them, slowly disabling them. Wolf Fourteen was several clicks away, waiting for any stray targets that might head planet side. All in all it was a very effective operation.