View Full Version : The Hand of Doom (2vs.2 LeFae and Gemborys to one more)
Jul 7th, 2001, 06:13:19 PM
Gaven walked Quitly onto the Darkening beach, waiting for Fae and Aislin. The waves pounded into the Rock Breakers; it would have been butiful, had he not had to Face what he was doing. He Looked up and removed his Lightsaber from his Belt. Gaven Looked around. He felt the two comming..If only His Partner were here...There, she was. He walked oer to meet her "What took you so long?"
Aislin Gemborys
Jul 7th, 2001, 11:28:21 PM
::walks uncertainly::
uh oh...this cannot be Babe? Hunny? Sweetie? Darling? Love-o-my life??? This cannot be good. AHHHHHHH he's gonna beat me AHHHHHHH that's not good wait, I am not a chicken! No nonononononno! I am almighty and strong and...I AM THE QUEEN OF EVERYTHING!
::continues pep-talk while waiting for Fae::
Yoda Chef
Jul 7th, 2001, 11:59:04 PM
"Hmmm, time to play foolish boy games have you do not... hunting a frog you should be."
Fae DuFrene
Jul 8th, 2001, 12:20:29 PM
and taps her on the shoulder. :: "You might need this" :: she said as she handed Kafiti Fae's Personal blaster. :: "What about you?" :: K asked questioningly. :: "I'll be fine" :: Fae said reassuringly as she uncliped her lightsaber from her belt. ::
Aislin Gemborys
Jul 8th, 2001, 12:28:30 PM
::checks out blaster::
sweet...heheh...a trigger...I'm good with these things ::grinz::
Jul 8th, 2001, 05:54:38 PM
Gaven's Laughter was heard all over the beach as he ignited his saber and turned to the two young fighters"Blasters are no Match for the Mighty Lightsaber!"
Gaven Swung his Lightsaber up Towards Alisil, deflecting a Blaster Blot from her. He Turned and Swung again to Perry Fae's Lightsaber as it came close to his Arm. He Jumped Side-long and Slashed trying to cut Fae down at the Knees. Another shot from Ailsin sounded behind Gaven, so he rolled and Came up with His Blaster in one hand and his lightsaber in the other. He poured Fire at Alisin, who ducked into a near-by Cave. then he turned and shot three times and fae, who deflected the shots easily. Gaven and walked up to Fae and began attacking Harshly. He slashed and Perryed, and did everything he could think of, then He and Fae stood Dead-Locked. Alisin Shot and them, but the Shots went wideand hit Gaven in the Shoulder. He Spun and Slashed at Alisin and then returned his attion to Fae.
OOC: ARUG! this ezboard deleted Half My Post twice!
Aislin Gemborys
Jul 8th, 2001, 06:34:16 PM
you underestimate my aim. FAE!
::signals to Fae for a distraction::
::while Gaven is occupied, she shoots off five rapid shots in a second ((hey, paintballing pays off at times)). Two low, two in the middle, and one to his head. He can only block three...::
::meanwhile, ponders to herself exactly why she is pulled into this fight...she may have a big mouth, but it's never gotten her into this much trouble before...::
Fae DuFrene
Jul 8th, 2001, 07:15:17 PM
"Asl, leave us, this is a personal battle between Gaven and I, one that should of taken place long ago." :: Fae said as she faced Gaven and deignited her lightsaber. ::
Aislin Gemborys
Jul 8th, 2001, 07:50:54 PM
nuh uh, I am not leaving. I will gladly back out, but I am not leaving you.
::holdsters gun and resigns herself to watching, but keeps hand on the grip of the blaster::
Jul 9th, 2001, 01:11:14 PM
"You Shall Leave." Gaven Raises one hand, and Alisin Flys backword into the Same cave she had ducked in before. She was Knocked out, so Gaven Used the Force to Deepen her sleep. He Turned to Fae and Grinned. his eyes rolled back, and massive amounts of Water started to Pour over Fae. He Switched Off His saber and walked over to her. He Towered over Her "Fae, You Should have Backed out when you had the Chance." Gaven Raised His Saber High, in Seconds, He Would bring it crashing down....
Yoda Chef
Jul 9th, 2001, 06:22:30 PM
Yoda is unammused and unimpressed. Despite Jedi Codes and Rules of combat concerning honor and duels, he reaches over with the force and yanks away Gaven's saber.
"Bored I am...done playing your game you should be boy. Hungry for frog legs I am."
Once again Yoda Chef pulls out a picture of his love.
"Ah, soon we will be together my dear."
Jul 10th, 2001, 03:21:51 PM
Anger Flashes in Gaven's eyes as he grabs his Saber from Yoda and Bashes him over the head with the Hilt. He Turns to Fae as she stands. He Pulls his Blaster and stuns Yoda as he jumps up and runs for him. He Turns again to Fae. He Shlshes sideways again, Just missing Fae. He Does it again, choping Part of her wing off. He Slashes again, this time bringing a thin line of Blood across her Chest
Cena Jacobson
Jul 10th, 2001, 07:09:10 PM
:: Joins the battle. :: "Hey! Girl!" :: She called to Alison. ::
Yoda Chef
Jul 10th, 2001, 10:01:08 PM
Yoda Chef quickly regains his composure...he reaches up and touches his head where Gaven clobbered him.
"Ow, a bump that will leave."
The little green guy chuckles to himself.
"Hee hee, just the person I need to help me catch that slippery slimey frog."
He turns to Gaven with a funny little cockeyed smirk.
"Now done playing are you?...away put your weapon and onward let's go."
Jul 25th, 2001, 07:26:30 PM
Gaven Lashes out with his foot and plants a Hard kick to Yoda's Head. Alisin and Cena started to walk slowly towards him. He grinned. He wasnt Afraid of these two. He Took out his blaster again and shot Alison again in the chest, knocking her out. This time, she was down for the count. He felt a nudge at his arm. Cena was trying to throw him down. He Closed his eyes. A Powerful blow sent Cena reeling about 400 feet away from him "I don't want to have to house about all day. Get the hell on with it."
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