View Full Version : Hidden Evil VI: Attahox (Outer-Rim) (Via)
Jashiva Darkstorm
Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:41:12 PM
The A Section to the Via Empire:
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWFS The Hood
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Knight
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Cold Fire
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Reading
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Bryant
Medical Task Force Cruiser: BWMV Hells Fire
Viashino Light Transport: Matrix
Viashino Light Transport: Vampire
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Vios
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Lecker
Dreadnought Class Cruiser: Inferno
Dreadnought Class Cruiser: The One
Dreadnought Class Crusier: Oracle
YT-2400: Vecity Prime
YT-2400: Negative Fury
YT-2400: Perfect Flaim
Assassin Corvette: Shadow Runner
Assassin Corvette: Viashino Ninja
Viashino Corvette:Chetah
Viashino Corvette:Flaim
Imperal Scout Ship: Dark Skys
Imperal Scout Ship: Disect
:: Appeard from the black space from hyperdrive, Rath beaing the next planet over from Damaria (There Home Planet) this would be a easy and fruitfull attack and take over, the planet was mostly desert a Huge sphere with 5 grey vertical rings around the planet::
Freelance Via: 55%
Human: 30%
other: 15%
Military Oposistion:
Sparce weaponry
a few mobile units/ Tanks ETC
about 600 TIES batterd and old
and trained Via warrios (Expected to join us)
Expected: Few Cruisers (Freelance)
:: Jashiva read the report and shooed the LT-Skoth away....what a asset this planet will be mining colonies and muliti cultrial trade....exellent for restablishing weapons works...and right next to our hom Damaria to...::
Jashiva Darkstorm
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:55:32 PM
:: The Viashino Corrvetts, fighter carriers and transports switched off claoking devices and got into position, the watery substance draind from the metalicly looking shalds and the Viashino ship turned into a normal looking ship::
" Sir stsatus reports heavey movement on the ground in the city of Achrabad seems liken there is a riot down there, its only about 400-500 humaniods...shall we make this our advantage sir"
" Yes LT a formiddable plan, send a sqaudron of TIE Advanced down there take out any riot trucks and try to kill as many apposing humans as possinle..leave the freelance Via alive....go!"
:: The LT-Skoth thunped his chest in salute and promply walked out from the Command deck of the VSD The Hood::
:: The View moments later of a Sqaudren of TIE advanced was incredible in a diamond formation there broke the Planets atosphere and headed for the under sedge city...::
Jashiva Darkstorm
Jul 24th, 2001, 09:50:59 AM
The Sqaudrod of TIE swooped out from the cloads down toward the barron desert land, speeding down between the great cannions and down toward Achrabad, the light sqreeching of the TIEs shooting past the temperary camps::
Achrabad 0843 (Sectronian Region)
::A brick slammed into a Achrabad police officers head cracking open his skull and ripping apart his brain, the situtation was harsh Via fighting for there lives against the Insectiods that try to take over the planet of Rath, suddenly out of nowere a squadron of TIE flew over them fireing there quad lazers at the Insect invaiders smalling the lazers into there baodys ripping apart there skin like it was butter, it was a quick attack as the res of the insectiods took cover inside a small warhouse as the freelance Via re-grouped and diapead into the sand and out offsight::
::The Flight Commander Via groweld::
"Flight-Skoth to Flag ship Insectiods seem to be batterling the free Via down there, the Insectiods have taken cover into a small warehouse further orders Grand Skoth?"
" Circule the establishment untill they come outthey can live in there forever" said reysa snarrling and letting some steam rise from the helment he had on...
:: The TIES circuled for a good 5-10 minutes, suddenly the Humaniods burts out of the ware house on speeder bikes, there much have been a good 20- speeder bikes there, the TIEs quickly followed engageing the Speeders from behinde, fireing many lazer managed to slash into the speeder bikes back making it flip up rider still alive a good 60 ft and then fall to the sand rider first slattering his entrails everywere::
:: The other speeders crossed over eatchother so the TIE's could not lock on propoly::
"Flight Skoth to all other Via fire at will" the Skoth grinned though his Predetor helmet
::The Squadron lit up the now darkining skys fireing multible lazer fire hitting many speeder bikes making the insectoids burn in flaims crashing to the the warm sand, there was two more, the magority of the bikes had been by luck destroyed but these two were going to be more difficult, as the Via were blood thirsty creatures they wanted to kill not just let them go::
" Let them go skoth" the Via flight leader snalled and hissed
" DAMN INBRED CREATURES!!!!!" shouted another
:: The TIE swired around and headed back to where the Via camp was and tryto talk them into joining the Via that could domintate the O::utter-Rim...
Jashiva Darkstorm
Jul 25th, 2001, 01:01:04 PM
Achrabad 23:43 (Sectorian Region)
:: The TIE-Via had discussed the allence with the Free via to join in there fight for the outter-rim, the free via there must have been a good 4000 traind residents in the Via fortress, the TIE-Via were given food and water and a bed for the night::
"Yes im sure our allence will be a grand one" said the free Via priest
" The Grand General will be pleased to hear we have found more via" said the Via-Commander
:: After a well deserved meal the Free-Via showed the V-Empire a stash of weapons and tanks, possibly over 300 Federation Tanks, but the sand had slowly seized the machinary up, the TIE crew soon set to work with the free Via and started to work on un-clogging the sand and get these tanks to work again...if they could, the insectiods would be beaten for the civil war and the planet would be the Via-Empires....just a matter of time::
"This is Admiral jashiva Darkstorm to all Away TIE stsatus report"
::The Radio crakeld then came ona Via Pilot::
"Report sir that all free-via have decided the join the Viashino Empire and have shown us to a undergroaund warehouse which is comprised of 300 Federation tanks, some i have never seen before" the Skoth purred slightly
"Good Skoth, keep in contact with the free-skoth help them anyway you see fit, a ground assult team will be on the scene in about 5-7 hours to back you up with your proceedings, i will also send some Skoth-Enineers see what toy can do with them...long likw the Empire Skoth"
"Yes Admiral..long Live the Empire" the Viashinos growled to eathother as a sighn of stengh and the link went dead as the skoth switched the comm off.....time to get to work....this is our planet...::
Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:00:10 PM
OOC: Damaria? LOL
It's Dominaria
Reysa Sashara
Jul 25th, 2001, 08:57:35 PM
:: Apon receving a subspace message from Combat-Skoth Darkstorm, a slight smile invaided Reysa's face under the helmet, the war for the outter-rim had begun soon both the Vong and The Viashino Empire would control the outter-rim while the petty infidels controlled the center, but that to would soon fly under the Vong and Viashino Flags::
::Reysa sent back a subspace message to Darkstorm empressing his up-most goodluck in his comapaign and to congratulate him on taking his forst step to one day rueling the empire with the Via-Empire...what a glorios time this has become::
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