View Full Version : *In the glow of the full moon..* (open challenge to a Jedi)

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:58:31 AM
*A soft breeze weaved it's course through the trees, the rustling leaves adding a pleasent balance to the whistling of the wind.. Sitting atop a large rock, MnT opened his eyes from his meditation, and looked up.. Through an opening in the forest's canopy, the night sky seemed no more than a lightly speckled black frame, for the full moon.. It seemed much brighter than normal, and much more clearer, as if his presence there had opened up the eye of the heavens, and it was there, and watching him..*

*A smile widened across his face.. He was glad he had found this spot, it would likely serve him well in future training, and meditation.. The natural beauty all around him radiated with life force, and an aura that provided a comforting glow, that he felt more than saw.. It calmed him, and helped keep his mind on track..*

*Unfortunately, as with most good things, it had to come to an end... As if seeing something in the corner of his eye, MnT felt the slightest sensation of something not right.. Concentrating on the feeling, he realized what he was picking up on... The force signature of a Jedi was within a range he could feel without thinking about it, and rapidly nearing.... Doing a mental check on his weaponry, MnT continued to sit there, doing a quick meditation before the delusioned one arrived, to prepare himself mentally for the inevitable battle...*

eidt~ You need to keep sig within 30k limits

Teka Kenobi
Jul 18th, 2001, 11:27:09 AM
OOC: Hope a Padawan will do..


Teka, now walking swiftly had known of the Sith presence for some time now. The spot it was located at was not too far from here, and he would reach it relatively soon. He had met this foce signature before. Possibly at a battle with one of it's apprentices, but that didn't matter now.

Coming past a large tree Teka could finally see the large rock the Sith was at. It was on a slightly sloped edge and sticking out of the ground. With his hand on Lux Teka approached the Sith. Ready for the battle that would commence shortly..

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 18th, 2001, 02:57:25 PM
*Opening his eyes, MnT watched the Jedi Teka Kenobi entering the semi-clearing.. Recognition was there, both from a fight Teka had had with his friend, Sapphire, but also from the battle he held against his apprentice, Yurza..*

... Greetings, Jedi.. Might I imagine you're here to eradicate my presence from the galaxy..?

*Even as he spoke the words, he stood up on the rock, dusted off his trenchcoat lightly, and jumped off. In mid-air, his body entered a both horizontal and vertical spin, which landed him soundlessly, facing Teka from a mere 3 feet away, as he finished his question..*

OOC: 30k sig.. Damn, gonna have to make a completely new one then.. >_<

Teka Kenobi
Jul 19th, 2001, 02:31:27 AM
Teka watched the Sith jump off the rock to face him. Teka's head turned a slight angle as he spoke his reply, filled with some sarcasm.

You could do..

Teka moved back taking out the metalic hilt of Lux, or one half of it at least. The white blade shot out loudly and Teka moved it in front of him before assuming his Hasso stance.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 19th, 2001, 05:39:04 AM
*Bowing down, in a custom he held, to honor his opponent, and the upcoming battle, MnT sttod up straight, and reached up with his right hand, drawing the 500lb broadsword Damnation's Touch from it's sheath, as he stepped backwards with his left foot.*

... Well then, have at me.. My honor prevents me from taking the first attack..

*As he spoke, MnT pivoted on his right foot, so his body was on a diagonal angle.. He hopped lightly back and forth from foot to foot, to allow himself quick movement when neccesary. His sword was held one-handed, in front of him, straight, but towards Teka on an angle, whilst his left hand rested by his side.. A simple defensive stance really, a martial-arts pose crossed with that of a dueler, but, despite his best efforts, Teka could not find a single weakness or opening in it... He would simply have to attack, and hope for the best..*

Teka Kenobi
Jul 19th, 2001, 04:17:57 PM
Teka backed away from the Sith and his broad sword, and moved to a position to MnT's right. Now they were at level grounds with each other. Teka listened to MnT's words and shook his head, with a light smirk on his face.

You kill good, innocent people. People who could rise to be leaders of agencies, worlds and sectors. You kill children, women, animals. All at a blink of an eye. Yet you are worried about who take the first move? Maybe you should re-think you 'honor'.

Teka quickly swung Lux around from his right, to intercept the outstreched broad sword. Lux cut through the air silently until it met the broad sword, owned by the opposing Sith.

OOC: Bah, swords. I didn't want to say what happned when I hit the sword as my sabre would have cut through it and then I'd of been accused of GM'ing :/ Anyhow I'll let you decide what happens as you own the sword. :)

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 19th, 2001, 08:23:17 PM
*MnT laughed, a strange sound considering the situation... Suddenly, his broadsword flashed out with a dark-purple blast of energy.. He was charging the blade of the sword with ki-energy, enough to counter-act the energy of the light-saber, and act as one itself.. He pressed off with his sword, and deflected the attack easily..*

... Humorous, I must say.. You know nothing of me, and assume that because I'm a Sith, I just go around killing people and animals without a thought... Kenobi, I suggest you learn of a person before making such accusations of their character..

*As if to punctuate the end of his sentance, MnT brought Damnation's Touch behind his head and around, swinging it hard in from his right. The attack was easily read, and as such, easily defended.. However, it left the Jedi open to a swift stomp kick to the gut, that MnT gracefully applied, with a durasteel-rimmed boot..*

*As the jedi stumbled backwards, MnT hopped back a few steps himself, bringing himself back into his defensive position..*

Edit~ siggy too big

Edit: Didn't know I'd even put it in o_O Lol, oh well, my bad I guess..

OOC: Well, the sword would have deflected it whether it was charged or not, being crafted by a Deity and all ^_- MnT just prefers to have it charged, so as to not damage it at all (little burn marks, you know, anything that could scuff it up)

Teka Kenobi
Jul 20th, 2001, 02:54:50 AM
Teka Stood and took his arm away from his waist. He looked at the Sith's posture, and thought to himself.

Maybe, his is not a 'normal' Sith. Aren't they supposed to be in the offensive, all the time? How does he know my name?

Teka shook off the irrealivant thoughts and concentrated on MnT's sword. Teka swung his sabre at a very flat, horizontal angle, and it was met by the now, upright sword. Teka used MnT's defensive position to his advantage, and as MnT held his sword up, to the left, Teka ran forward and used MnT's outstreched knee as leverage, and jumped over him. As he landed, he quickly released his right foot, hard into MnT's back, making him stumble forward.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 20th, 2001, 03:23:09 AM
*MnT grinned, as an old phrase popped into his mind.. "Played for and got" By holding his sword straight up, instead of out on the angle he usually did, he had left enough opening, for Teka to do exactly what he had.. Predictability was a good thing to practice, even if you do end up somewhat hurt because of it.. *

*The kick came, about as hard as he could have expected it, considering the opposite momentum Teka's jump had left him with. As he stumbled forwards, MnT suddenly toppled over head-first.. To Teka, it seemed as though the Sith had tripped, and a laugh almost escaped his mouth, when he realized the truth.*

*Thrusting his hands down towards the ground, MnT caught the momentum of the push, and his fall, using his arms like springs.. Suddenly, he thrust up and back with his legs, whilst pushing off with his hands. The attack crashed into Teka's chest, knocking him back, with MnT's flight still arcing. When the two landed, the Sith made a point of not absorbing the impact in his legs, and instead let the ribcage of the Jedi do that for him. Not wanting to be tripped up, MnT then pushed off with his legs, further aggravating the damage to Teka's chest, and into a backflip, that carried him almost 10 feet away.. From there, he returned to his defensive position, his broadsword back out on an angle, as to limit how close the opponent could get to him..*

edit: ttt :)

Teka Kenobi
Jul 22nd, 2001, 07:18:31 AM
Teka rolled onto his side, holding his chest in pain. He looked up to make sure MnT was not about to boot him in the face, and he took in a deep breath. He could breath still, so his lungs had not collapsed. Teka stood feeling the pain, and used the force to blunt the sharp pain.

Teka moved backwards before juming forward quickly. With both hand on Lux's hilt he managed to force the borad sword upwards. Teka managed to get close enough to MnT to kick him in the gut, and quickly defend his stray sword as he doubled over.

Using the moment instead of standing and watching, Teka quickly jumped forward, stamping on MnT's (doubled over) head, as if it were a step. He raised higher into the air, before turning in the air, to land bending his knees for support.

OOC: Sorry for the delay :p

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 22nd, 2001, 08:27:24 PM
*Recovering quickly from the blow, MnT let the charge of his sword dissapate, and swung around as Teka was falling. Using the flat side of Damnation's Touch like a bat, MnT swept the Jedi's feet out from under him in mid-fall, causing him to twist, and land hard on his right shoulder.. While he waited for the Jedi to get back up again, he rolled his head hard back on his neck, cracking it, and relieving the stiffness that be used as a stair had brought.*

... You impress me, Teka, with your quickness.. Your master, Hart if I'm not mistaken, has been training you well.. You fight well, and you have not yet shown any signs of being dishonorable.. Both of these are characteristics I'd as of yet not often found in Jedi.. But nonetheless..

*Teka was on his feet now, and listening to the Sith's words.. His concentration was on his opponent, but it still came as complete shock, when he blinked, and upon opening his eyes, found himself staring at MnT's fist, a mere inch from his face..*

... Do not let yourself grow cocky, or overconfident..

*Suddenly, MnT "twitched" his arm, a sharp movement that pulled it back an inch or two, and instantly shot it forward again, using the backwards momentum like a slingshot. The attack caught Teka right in between the eyes, knuckles smashed into his eyebrows, while the fingers crushed the bridge of his nose..*

*Hopping back a few steps as Teka stumbled back himself, MnT regained his defensive position, and remained silent, awaiting the next move of the Jedi..*

OOC: Lol, s'no problem :) like I'd be one to complain about someone else's post being delayed ^_-

Teka Kenobi
Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:19:34 AM
Teka had never encountered a Sith like this before. Sure, he was 'evil', but for the first time he wasn't cocky. This supprised Teka, as he held the bridge of his nose.

Teka stood up straight, and with the spin of his body, and and overhead swing, crashed his lightsabre into MnT's sword, at his lower leg. As soon as MnT's blade hit, Teka was already in a half spin into another swing to MnT's head. Again MnT managed to bring his sword up, and again as it hit Teka spun into yet another position. This time however Teka faked a right swing to MnT's right leg and booted him, hard in the chin. The hard kick sent him back a couple of feet but it was not enough to ground him. Teka took this moment to speak.

My Master is Nichos Marr, Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order.

As Teka said the words he fely obliged to run at MnT using the force for speed. He did so and as he did, he swung his sabre from the left, causing MnT either to attack Teka and loose his legs, or defend. The sword was put to the right quickly and Teka lifted his knee into MnT's stomach.

MnT doubled over and Teka summoned the force to guide him. Teka ved to an angle to the right of MnT and lifted his leg up high, before bringing it down fast to the back of MnT's head in a devastating kick. MnT's face instantly hit the floor with a thud and was shortly followed by the rest of his body.

Teka jumped back. He knew MnT was still going to fight. The Sith would not give up that easily. Teka readied the half of Lux in his hand and got into a defensive stance, awaiting MnT's response.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:08:03 AM
*MnT stayed down for a moment, just long enough to make Teka feel uneasy, than began to rise..*

... Forgive me then, I've apparantly heard wrong..

*Standing straight up again, MnT wiped a hand across his upper lip, pulling it away glistening with blood.. He rubbed his thumb across the wetness, as if he were seeing if it were dry, from an ealier cut. Of course, it wasn't, and MnT grinned..*

... Well then, Teka..

*He rolled his head back again, the loud audible crack resounding throughout the forest*

... I trust you're warmed up enough now..?

*Before the jedi had chance to fully comprehend the words, MnT dashed forwards.. Swinging Damnation's Touch in a circle over his head, he brought it down towards Teka's own saber, with enough un-aided strength to nearly knock the weapon from the Jedi's hands.. He continued with the turning momentum, his left leg curving up into a roundhouse kick that connected with a harsh crack against Teka's jaw.. The attack knocked the Jedi spinning backwards, but it was not over yet.*

*In an amazing display of grace, MnT pushed off with the still grounded foot, bringing it up over the body of the stumbling Teka, but not connecting.. As his other foot touched down, MnT twisted his upper torso around, getting a look at where Teka's legs would be, and quickly used all the momentum in bringing his other leg down and around.. The kick smashed into both of Teka's shins as he started to fall, with enough strength, that the Jedi's entire body flipped, and he crashed face first into the ground, shattering his already injured nose..*

*Getting back up again, MnT's face remained calm and cool, he stepped back a few meters, into his defensive position, and spoke, as Teka began to collect himself..*

... Do not mistake that for cockiness though, I've merely been judging your abilities.. I ask you if you're warmed up, for if you are, then I can start to fight at a more proper level for a Knight of the Sith Empire..

Teka Kenobi
Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:25:53 PM
Teka spat blood out at the floor as he raised his head up, with a hand either side. He straightend (sp?) his arms up into the press-up position and would have winced with the pain of his shattered nose, if it wouldn't of made it hurt more. He stood, and leant forward as his weight finally was supported by his shins, that ached longingly. He looked up at Mnt and forced a smile followed by a small chuckle that barely escaped Teka's mouth.

Sith Knight. It is just a title..Yes, you had to earn it..but it does not make you any better than an excellent Disciple. Please continue to fight at your 'proper' level, but please excuse me if I begin to fight at mine.

Teka lanched himself forward as if he felt no pain in his body. He would face the music - or the pain, after the attack, but he had to do a lot of damage to his oponent to keep him in this fight. He swung Lux to the right and it was easily defended. Teka rasied his boot hard and kicked the hand holding Damnation's Touch, before jumping off his other foot, to kick MnT under the chin.

As MnT was momentarily kncked back Teka took the chance to force pull the Sith over to him, extremely fast, and Teka leant back into a backwards roll stciking his leg out, to carry MnT over him, to slide across the ground.

Quickly Teka got up to see what had in fact happen with his eyes. MnT had slided into a rock, across the ground. Teka could tel this not only by the obvious position MnT lay in, with his head against the rck, but by the blood that leaked from the Sith's head, and covered the rock.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:05:56 PM
*Getting back up, MnT rubbed his hand against the back of his head.. Looking down at the rock, he grimaced at the long sharp edge that had cut him..*

... Damn, that hurt...

*He shook his head slightly to clear out the headache that seemed on the edge of dropping into his mind, and began speaking once more..*

... Perhaps not normally, but once again you are assuming things, instead of learning and knowing them.. I have only ever been defeated by two men, Sith Masters Jedah Lynch, and Lord Dagger.. And Lord Dagger only beat me with his last desperation attack.. Yes, I Did have to earn the title, but I've earned it well...

*Suddenly, he thrust his left hand out towards the Jedi, who began lifting slowly off the ground.. MnT then brought his arm straight up, the Jedi being lifted right along with it, his distance from the Sith staying just as far as it was when he was on the ground.. When MnT brought his arm down hard towards the rock he had been sitting on earlier, Teka started to freak out.. He was being brought down with more than enough strength and velocity to crush every bone in his body against the stone, but when he stopped, and looked down towards the ground, he realized he was being held a mere inch or two away from the stone..*

... Now defend..

*MnT twisted his hand, so Teka fell to the right side of the rock, landing on his feet, but then dashed forwards towards the Jedi.. As he neared, MnT watched Teka prepare himself in defense against the attack, but just as he got into range, MnT jumped off to the right slightly, curling his legs up against his chest. As the Jedi turned to watch what he was doing, MnT released both of his legs hard against Teka's chest, crashing him with force-aided strength against the boulder.. The crack of the rock behind him was almost louder than the crack of Teka's ribs..*

*As MnT fell into a somersault rolling back onto his feet, he turned, and saw Teka sliding down the side of the rock, large blood streaks being left behind, from where the sudden jagged ends caused from the cracking, must have sliced his back open*


*Remaining silent, He clenched his right hand into a tight fist, cracking the multiple joints simultaneously, before taking a grip again on his sword, and getting back into his defensive position..*

OOC: Do try to keep in mind that a Sith Knight is the same rank and skill level as a Jedi Knight /=)

Teka Kenobi
Jul 24th, 2001, 05:11:56 AM
Teka tensed up his legs and stopped sliding. He didn’t have to see if any blood was on his back, he could feel it. The rock had cut into Teka’s back twice, creating much more of a dramatically stained shirt than needed. He got to his feet, pushing off the rock with his free hand. His shins were relatively good now and he could stand without too much trouble. Other wounds though, continued to pierce his nerve endings in sharp pain, or pound them, in blunt agony. Gritting his teeth Teka managed a nod, which was supposed to say ‘good move’, but Teka could think of plenty more words that could have taken their place.

Letting the force run through him he got into an attacking mode. This next move had to do some serious damage to keep him in the fight. He ran forward, one move in mind. As Teka reached MnT, he displayed a number of swipes and strikes and defensive moves, all of which were part of his ‘plan’. Teka saw it through the force, just before it happened. Even if MnT saw Teka’s move he couldn’t stop his own – now. Teka faked to intercept MnT’s full on strike, and in fact dis-ignighted his own sabre, letting Demon’s Touch pass right under the hilt. Quickly the sabre was ignighted again, and Teka made one quick strike to MnT’s middle, which cut about four centimetres into his gut. MnT’s blood was quick to react and ran out of him without looking back. A stare came, eye to eye from both force users, before Teka hastily defended another strike. Teka went low, to duck a third swing before jumping high and booting MnT in the face, to create a bloodied and broken nose. MnT stepped back in pain, while Teka did the same, minus the pain part.

OOC: Ok, you may be a knight, but I'm not exacly a brand new Padawan. I can fight Knights, I may not always win, but I will not be a dummy post for them to just lay into. :/ Sorry.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 25th, 2001, 04:05:44 AM
OOC: Lol, didn't expect you would be, just want ya to keep in mind that I wouldn't be so easily fooled by feints, and even if my sword hand is busy blocking something, I have two legs and another arm that are perfctally capable of defending :)


*MnT held his left hand to his stomach, the pain a sharp hook digging at his insides.. Fortunately, the saber had only cut into muscle, but the damage was still there... Taking the point of his broadsword, he thrust it into the wound, wincing as the flesh "welded" together, closing off the wound, and disallowing more blood loss..*

*He looked forwards towards the Jedi, whose breathing was obviously labored from the broken ribs he'd suffered, being smashed against the rock, and spoke..*

... Too much wasted movement.. You lose energy in barrages like that, that should be saved for proper attacks..

*Letting the pain in his body strengthen and speed him, MnT then dashed forwards towards the jedi, holding his sword out horizontally in front of and across him.. As he neared, he reared his arm back to slash, giving Teka good chance to avoid. Naturally, the Jedi waited until the last moment, but it didn't matter.*

*As MnT slashed, Damnation's Touch slid into the rock like a hot knife through butter, and gave the sith a good point of leverage and stability. He leapt off with both feet, swinging them up and out towards Teka fast, and hard. *

*The attack smashed into the Jedi's face, knocking him straight down onto the back of his head, where his upper half twisted over his head and neck painfully, before dropping to the ground. Whilst this was happening, MnT was landing with his feet, and using the momentum of his actions to swing the sword out of the rock, and up over his head..*

*As he brought it down, MnT stopped it at the back of Teka's neck.. He held it there for a moment as Teka tried to catch his breath, unaided by his ribs, which had been further aggravated by his body twisting over as it had, and then jumped up.*

*Turning his entire body forwards some, MnT then kicked backwards, using the rock to jump forwards.. He went 10 or so feet, holding himself forwards in a dive. He landed into a somersault, which carried him another 5 feet, and up onto his feet, where he went back into his defensive position, letting the Jedi gather himself, and get ready to continue the battle..*

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 04:54:08 AM
Teka lay still for a moment. He knew MnT was gone and would use these next few seconds to gain his breath back. He winced as he stood, his ribs bringing more pain, as they become worse with every movement the Jedi made. Finally Teka made it to his feet. Blood poured down his face, from the top of his nose, his eyebrows and his cheeks. His neck was in blunt pain as it twisted before. Teka looked up at MnT and spoke to him.

You are not like any Sith I have encountered before. I respect that in you. However you are still a Sith, and I shall fight you, and the pain you bring until the end.

Teka ran forward, through the 15 feet gaining speed until he met MnT, and made a downwards strike from his shoulder to his hip. The strike was defended and Teka attempted a roundhouse kick, that was aborted half way through as a result of the screaming pain that ran through his ribs. This time he went for a simple punch and again it was defended.

Teka jumped back a few feet and whispered some words to himself with his eyes shut. Quickly he opened them and jumped at a confused MnT. His right foot used MnT’s left knee as a quick support before hastily leaving and his left foot followed after it. Then both feet stomped on MnT’s chest, (who at this point was completely oblivious to the fact that if he moved his sword up to strike Teka down, it would in fact be cut off due to the fact that Teka’s sabre was there) which raised him even higher. He raised again into the air and then he twisted his body sideways and unleashed an astonishing kick to MnT’s head which instantly snapped it to the left. This made MnT half-flip in the air before again hitting his head on the floor, tearing it the opposite way from his head.

Now both force users were badly hurt, Teka perhaps the worse of the two, but MnT was not stirring. Teka knew he was there and would fight at any moment, but he kept still, metres away from him, in a petite defensive position.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:24:24 AM
*MnT lay there a moment, choking for breath, as his windpipe had closed from the horrid angle his neck had been twisted at.. Finally, after a few moments, he shook his head, as if trying to shake loose the horrid headache that had suddenly welled up inside his brain...*

... Ugh...

*Slowly, He began to push himself up with his hands, his head hanging down as his neck was still fairly hurt from the attack... He did his best to gather ki into his neck and head, to help dull the pain, and promote quicker healing... It worked.. Almost instantly, the mind-numbing headache was down to a painful throbbing, and the sharp pain in his neck was concentrated down to just the small area that had been most injured.. It was still as sharp though...*

*As he stood, MnT took in a deep breath, and rolled his head around on his neck, an crack that left him momentarily in extreme pain, echoing through the forest.. Fortunately though, the action helped to further dull the headache, albeit just slightly.. Also fortunately, the pain of the actual crack went away quickly, and left MnT able hold his head up straight again without much problem..*

... I commend you Teka.. That was an extremely powerful attack, and it's shown that I need to train more at keeping my concentration completely focused.. I should have brought my hand up to help block the attack.. Obviously, though, I did not realize that soon enough, and paid well for it.. Congrats..

*He nodded his head to show the respect he held for the attack.. It was definately one he'd learn from.. and then went back into his defensive position.. Although that was more force of habit than anything.. it was his "turn" to be on the offensive..*

*Watching the movement's of Teka's stance, studying it, MnT watched for weakness.. It was indeed a well-balanced stance, and the fighting prowess of the jedi who held it only added to the overall strength of it, but there would still be some break in it..*

*Suddenly, it came, and MnT thrust his hand out.. That point of movement in Teka's stance left him in a position of little balance, and the force push caused him to stumble backwards, nearly falling half a dozen times, before finally regaining his footing.. But at that point, MnT was upon him.*

*The dashing sith suddenly dove for the ground, curling his arms and legs up to catch the momentum like the coils of a spring. As his lower torso quickly sailed over his upper, in the handspring, MnT's feet touched against Teka's wounded chest. The movement came so fast, and as such a surprise, that Teka had not had chance to recall the saber he had been swinging out towards where the Sith's chest would have been.*

*MnT sat there for just the briefest of moments, looking up directly at Teka's eyes, as the Jedi stood there looking down at him in complete surprise, the pain in chest not even a thought in the back of his mind.. Suddenly though, MnT pressed off, all the strength in his arms and legs, combined with force strengthening, and the held momentum of the dash and leap, in a tremendously powerful kick that pushed Teka off and away, sailing through the air.

*As MnT landed on his hands and feet, crouching, the sound of Teka's body crashing hard into, and through the body of a particularly thick tree resounded throughout the area. The upper half of the tree came crashing to the ground, on side closest to MnT, whilst Teka fell on the opposite side..*

Teka Kenobi
Jul 25th, 2001, 04:10:53 PM
Teka lay on the ground looking up at the black sky. He was extreme pain, but did not show it through his facial expression. He simply smiled. The pain in his back was almost unbearable, but with the force Teka managed to push his feeling to one side, slowly letting the pain drift away. Teka looked to the side. The tree that had fallen had been home to two birds, and a small nest containing their offspring. The two birds were in a crazed state and were attempting to fly up and around viciously. Teka opened his mind to the force and took a slight control of part of the birds’ minds. He filled their minds with secure safe thought and watched as they calmed.

At this point Teka was already attempting to get up. Paine shot through his back as he arched it, and through his ribs and he stood. Teka may have not been able to do much more physical damage, but he had his surroundings. Teka swung his sabre in front of him for a second before holding it vertically. Teka could sense MnT’s impatience, but he would have to put up with it for the next 20 seconds. The two birds managed to make their way out of the tree guided by Teka’s mind. The birds flew in front of MnT and darted around, being guided still by Teka. They avoided the strikes that were aimed at them and peck at MnT’s face whenever he wasn’t trying to hit them. Teka limped forward while all this was happening, and force pushed back MnT’s head hard, twisting his neck backwards and making him flip backwards. Teka waved his hands and the birds were free of him, and instantly went back to their tree, to look after their young.

Teka watched as MnT lay on the ground. His neck was severely injured now and Teka did not attack him while he was down, as that was not something he believed in, or the Jedi. Teka calmed his nerves. The pain was still burrowing through every atom of his body, like a miner with a shovel, but Teka ignored it, as if it wasn’t even there. He knew he couldn’t keep it up much longer but he had to try. It could have been the decider between life and death..Teka’s or MnT’s.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:40:02 PM
*Groaning aloud, MnT's face took on an expression of deep anger... The fight had been going so well, and Teka had been showing such good potential, until just then... He'd used mind control to cause creatures of normal good nature, to become viscious, and fight for him... That was not only disrespectful to the animals, but also an act of complete dishonor, both to the battle, and to him...*

*Slowly moving his arms over towards Teka, MnT stopped and let them lay like that for a moment.. He could tell his neck was in no condition to be moved around much now, but the pain seering through him only helped to strengthen him... The dark side began to envelop him, coursing through his body with it's dark energy..Never before had he been so badly hurt in a battle versus a Jedi, and that would have been fine with him, if it weren't for the anger welling up inside him too...*

*As Teka watched, trying in vain to catch his breath, he noticed the darkness surrounding MnT, as if he were being swallowed by a living shadow.. Perhaps that would have been the best way to describe the situation, as the Dark side continued to fill his body, growing stronger and stronger with every passing moment......*

*Slowly, MnT turned his head to face the Jedi, coughed twice from the pain the movement sent through him, and spoke..*

... Big..... mistake....

*As Teka realized what MnT had said, his eyes began to widen, and he turned back and forth, hoping to find a quick escape.. However, when he tried to move, he ended up falling to the ground, blood escaping his wounded lungs, to be coughed out, staining the ground red..*

*MnT closed his eyes, and the force erupted.. *

*A huge beam of pure dark force energy was sent towards the fallen Jedi, covering the distance in less than a second.. As the wave hit him, Teka's body responded with the sound of ribs shattering.. A moment later, and the Jedi was pushed into and through a tree, then another, and finally, another... each toppling to the ground, or being decimated by the beam of energy..*

*Finally, Teka's body came to a stop, but only because he slammed into the side of a wall of rock, the underside of the cliff that was above him... However, the energy did Not stop, and continued to crush his body up against the stone, neither the beam nor the rock giving way in their struggle to touch one another..*

*MnT choked breath after breath into and out of his lungs, his throat being of no help, as he looked down the path where all the energy had gone... He could not see Teka, or anything really, as the shadow of energy was still there, working it's damage on the Jedi... Finally, as it started to dissapate back into the force, MnT could see the shape of the Jedi's body, , surrounded by a shadowy outline... It looked as though he had been actually pressed into the rock... A moment passed, the shadow lifted, and the Jedi's body slumped out of the hole, onto the ground...*

*Grounding himself as best as he could, MnT let the energy of the planet course into him, giving the strength he needed, to get to his feet.... Slowly, he managed, and although his head still hung down, He was able to bring himself into a kneeling position, with one foot on the ground, the other leg supported by his knee..*

*As he waited, he looked down at his Broadsword.. He was not strong enough to pick up it's massive weight right now, so instead pulled out his black saber "Death".. Teka was not moving, so it seemed unlikely that the Jedi would be able to further attack, but it was always better to err on the side of safety...*

Teka Kenobi
Jul 27th, 2001, 04:26:41 AM
Teka slowly slumped to the ground. Attacking physically now was out of the question. The only thing he could do was defending with the force, and possibly attacking. MnT was a strong Knight, and he had lots of tricks. However Teka could not see the logic behind some of his beliefs. Teka managed to lift himself off the ground using both the force and his hands and feet. He could see MnT had a sabre now, which brought a huge disadvantage to Teka. If MnT could easily wield his sabre, as he would be able to, then Teka would not last much longer.

Teka limped forward. It looked as though his right and had broken from the last attack, and possibly been crushed on the rocks. He waved his sabre in front of him as best he could. Waiting the next attack of MnT. MnT advanced forward towards Teka, finding no other option Teka limped back, getting ready. MnT gained fast on Teka and was now only a few feet away.

All I need is a foothold thought Teka in his mind.

Then he found it, on the rocks he had previously been crushed at. His right leg bent and he pushed of the wall with his ‘broken’ ankle. In fact the ankle was not broken, but it was a technique Teka had learnt as a child. Teka blasted through the air and his shoulder met MnT in the ribs. Death scorched a burn mark up Teka’s left arm, and he only realised it after the sickening crack that came from MnT. Now, both men down, Teka rolled to the side, in agony from previous attacks. His ribs screamed at him, his arm pounded in pain and his neck called out for rest. The rest of his body slowly was relieving itself of the pain, but it was not enough. Teka closed his eyes, the force flowing through his body like a river, he blunted all of his pain, and could see clearly now.

Some pain admittedly was still there but he didn’t show it. Teka had gone from immobile to immobile and hurting the opponent, and then to mobile. He stood and looked at his arm stroking of any dirt that may have been on the wound. He gritted his teeth letting bits of pain slowly come back and burn off, as all of his pain was still there, and he waited for MnT’s response.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 27th, 2001, 04:54:29 AM
*Even through the pain of his broken ribs, MnT could not help but grin... Teka may have been dishonorable in the bird attack, but his determination was indeed helping him win it back..*

*He stood now, left forearm over his chest, while his right held Death out at the same angle he had earlier been weilding his broadsword at.. The two warriors, both broken and battered, stood there for a moment, each awaiting the other's movement.. The trees shook with the force of an incoming breeze, moments before it's cool touch ran over their wounded bodies, soothing pain, and drying blood..*

*As the breeze passed, MnT dashed forwards as best he could... Aside from his neck and ribs, he was not all that injured, but the energy drain from the attacks was still enough that he was seriously limited in what he could do.. As he reached striking distance, He thrust his saber forwards, the attack blocked, by Teka pushing it to the left.. MnT used that, to spin his entire body to the left, his saber still holding Teka's at bay.. As he spun, MnT brought his left arm over and across as far as he could to his right.. He timed the attack, and thrust his elbow towards the jedi's head, as he spun around to meet him again.. *

*Unfortunately, the Jedi stumbled backwards, and the attack missed.. However, MnT did not stop there.. Continuing the momentum of the turn, he whipped his right arm back around with a powerful force-aided roundhouse punch to the side of Teka's head.. The Jedi started to topple to the left, his own right, near doubling over sideways..*

*At this point, MnT backed away somewhat, while Teka regained his footing, and stood back up, his mouth dripping with crimson blood..*

*MnT stumbled forwards, slashing Death towards the Jedi's head.. He knew it would not connect, as Teka would block.. It worked, and the Jedi struggled against MnT, who was still trying to push the saber towards his head.. Suddenly though, MnT brought his right leg out sideways, and, with a grunt of effort, whip-kicked it towards Teka's feet, which gave out underneath him with little struggle..*

*As the Jedi lay there on the ground, panting for breath that was not coming very easily, MnT stood over him, catching his Own breath as best he could... The shoulder had smashed two of his upper ribs, which was not good at all... He could feel the damaged bone poking at his lungs, with every breath, and it was not a pleasent feeling in the least..*

*Finally, MnT brought Death around, and held it to the Jedi's throat... With his left hand, he gathered force energy, that could instantly be used in a defense if Teka tried to attack, physical Or force.. He stood there, closely watching Teka's damaged body, for any signs of further hostility.. *

Teka Kenobi
Jul 27th, 2001, 05:20:28 AM
Teka, through his own pain, managed a grin. He looked the Sith in the eye as he spoke, building up all of his own energy and using the force to aid him.

You will have to kill me before I give up to the darkside, and even then my path is set for the light.

Teka raised his left foot to kick away MnT's sabre but it was blocked with his left hand. Quickly his right leg did the same and again it was blocked. This time, in an attempt to get out of the tricky situation Teka lifted both legs up quickly knocking both sabre and defensive hand away. Teka landed out of the backwards roll in pain, as his ribs were pressurised again, but the attack did not stop there. Using his backwards momentum he forced a back flip that gave him some distance from MnT. He called his sabre to him, which had been lost in previous attacks and waited.

MnT, came in for an attack but it was blocked by Teka who then swung his own strike at the Sith. It was blocked high in the air, and Teka made a boot to MnT's gut, foolowed by a boot to his face, that brought him back upright again.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 27th, 2001, 05:32:36 AM
*MnT cried out with the pain of the attack, but was not about to give up.. Reversing the backwards momentum the kick to the face had given him, MnT slashed his saber straight down in front of him at Teka.. The Jedi raised his saber up to block, but the action did little but make MnT more determined to push the attack all the way through..*

*As Teka struggled to push MnT's saber up, Death continued a constant downwards motion, digging into the flesh of Teka's chest, and burning a long gash from there, down to his navel... Finally, MnT relieved the pressure he was pushing down with by moving Death quickly to the right, and Teka's saber arm flew upwards with the strength he'd been trying to counter with.. This left his entire torso open to the second slash, that cut a horizontal line across his stomach..*

*As the Jedi cried out in his own pain, blood rushing from both long wounds, MnT let the force again envelop him, in a bone-crushing snap-kick that he applied to Teka's face...*

*MnT crouched down onto one knee, his face clenched up from all the pain that was attacking his senses.. A moment later, he looked up, to see the Jedi hit the ground, 15 feet away, with a loud crack..*

Teka Kenobi
Jul 27th, 2001, 05:40:47 AM
Teka landed face down on the ground. He let the force take over his body. The bottom parts of his eyes started t flicker as he look up. The pain from his two chest wounds drove ever near his insanity point, and he stuggled to keep himself from loosing control.

Why do I do this to myself? He asked himself in a mumble as the ground absorbed his voice.

He stood. He ran. He ran fast. The pain was left behind. It would no doubt catch up with him, but at that moment he had none. Using force speed he managed to swipe away MnT's sabre and deliver a kick so hard to MnT's chest, it managed to snap his breast bone. MnT flew back across the ground skimming it almost tumbling over and over. Teka watched as he stopped, and collapsed to the ground. The pain had caught up with him.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 27th, 2001, 05:53:36 AM
*MnT lay there staring up at the canopy of the trees.. It was indeed such a peaceful night... He would indeed have to come back here for meditation, and training...*

*Closing his eyes, MnT let the pain well up inside him once more.. If nothing else, he was determined to win this fight... Physically, he could do nothing right now.. He was too weak, and in too much pain.. Mentally, however, he had trained himself enough, that there was very little that could take his control away from him... *

*Slowly, MnT's body began to glow with a dark purplish aura, that would have been seen, had either of the two knights had their eyes open.. He kept his mind focused, concentrating on gathering the force as well as he could... It would take a lot to pull this last attack off...*

*As the two lay motionless, both struggling for breath, a large round shadow overtook the light shone(?) by the moon... The rock that MnT had been sitting on, or at least, part of it, was levitating over towards where the Jedi lay...*

*The Sith Knight nearly blacked out twice, when the pain threatened to overcome even his mental block, and as such, the rock nearly dropped both times, before reaching it's target...*

*Unfortunately, the third time was the charm, and MnT lost his concentration just long enough for the stone to drop just short of the Jedi's chest.. However, it was not short of his arm..*

*As MnT listened to the silence, he managed to open his eyes again.. He could obviously not stay out here like this.... He felt out around him with the force, to open his mind to the rift he would need to create, and noticed that the Jedi's saber had been thrust from his hand, when the rock landed... Sighing aloud, MnT called the bloodied weapon to his own hand, and faded from the field..*