View Full Version : The Viashino Creed

Reysa Sashara
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:08:33 AM
OOC: This is set 2 months before the SWfans.net Team came alive, basicly this is how me and my RL bro came to power, with first hand accounts from Via and Humans..etc..etc

:: The dusty sands of Ambria was what we called home for 122 years, the rollling sand dunes, the endless camp apon camp of (free Via) and the city Sasosa, was packed full of Viashino, Humans and many other creatures that are scatterd around the Galaxy::

::Reysa beaing the short stubby General of the Viashino Ground forces stepped into the "Control Deck" to the city wide fortress This was my home, this is what i strive to keep safe" thought the Viashino Skoth::

"I have some bad news for you Sashara" Said the Kinfdoms treasurer

"What is that Skoth Kindred" said Reysa
" Your father is dead my son"

::Reysa frooze in shock, his eyes seemed to sting.....no tears but.....stinging, a feeling of overweled power pushed reysa to his knees as Skoth-Servets rushed around heleping him back to his feet::

"Bu...but the empire"...
"The Empire is now yours and Lasheyes" said the same man with a slight grin

:: Drawing a viashino scyth from a nearby gaurd he thrusted itthough the man with the grin, ripping it up and then across his body making it slump to the ground in a bloody heap::

"This is a lesson to all of you hear and now....DEATH IS NOT A FUNNY MATTER DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!"

:: a murrmer of yes sires camefrom the small privileged crowed as Rysa proceeded into his fathers quarters to inspect the body, 2-3 hours later the Viashino Genenral emerdged from the bedside of his father to contact his brother, who was out on the ilse of Sacrater dealing with some very bothersome rebels..Reysa wonderd how he could run the Empirewith his brother....but from now on...there would be no empoerer that was for sure::

::Ambria had the same bussleness to it not knowing there kind was dead....Reysa walked though the Market of the City and made his way to the City walla gates were he would speak to the people of the City and let them know that they were to become one of the most powerfull races to ever make vengance on the rebelasbut surely killed his father.....it was time to make a name for the Via...timeto let themselfs be known....Reysas train of thought vanished as a young man held his shoulder to talk to him ::


Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:43:02 AM
Zirilan saw by the anguished look on the young Prince's face, and by his distimct face reading abilities, he could tell that the Emperor was dead.
He walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Sir...I am truly sorry for your loss....What shall we do? Have they appointed a replacement?"
He immediately noticed the change in the prince's face.
His jaw set and his eyes hardened.
"Skoth, I and my brother Lasheye are now in command."
Zirilan immediately also notcied his mistake, he tried a new tactic, "Sir...may I advise you go to your brother.
I can handle things here, I'm good at reading emotions and can hold things off."
Zirilan noticed Reysa's eyes soften and flet him slump slightly. He smiled inwardly, knowing he had made the right comment and he gently began to walk the commander home.
"Sir, I suggest you take a night to sleep on this, we can keep this from reaching the crowds until at least tomorrow, and I know you could use a good nights sleep.
I can see you're weary, I know what it's like....my mother died when I was very little and its very draining.
Here, this is your block. You go to your house and sleep, I can come and get you tomorrow morning."
Zirilan saw the commander nod slightly and stumble down the block to his home.
It was only 4:00 and yet he could tell and read by Reysa's face that he was as tired as if he had worked all night on something rigorous.
He shook his head slightly and headed to the command station to contain this from the populace, he knew it'd be a long night.

Khendon S
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:56:14 AM
“You, my friend, have the weight of several lives gone by upon your shoulder. Heed my warning, do not act rashly, your wisdom shall be your guide, your emotion your enemy, your heart your friend. Death’s cold shadow will follow you, but you must prevail, you must kill the demon, but leave the meat for the scavengers, you must understand, any you use are a stepping stone in the river, and you are the one who walks on water, you must lead, yet follow, control, yet understand.” Khendon quickly disappeared down an ally way.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:14:04 AM
:: After have his friend Zilrian walk him home proposing he would look after the empire while i contacted my brother, a voice was heard....a human...claoked in a black grim reaper sort of robe, the foot steps running down the cobbeld ally way....reysa quickly took chase weaving in and out of the city folk as was the hooded figure::

:: Suddenly the hooded figer turned knowing he was trapped he quickly opend a door into a tavern as Reysa follwed::

Khendon S
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:22:38 AM
Khendon quickly mingled with the crowed, passing by several people who were dressed oppositely, he gave the nearest one one hundred credits and swapped clothing, going behind the bar and paying the bartender an equivalent fee to allow him to stay in the location. As he washed shot glasses, he noticed the alien creature enter through the doorway, “The prophet mustn’t be captured,” thought Khendon to himself as he quickly diverted his eyes.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:30:08 AM
::The Via rushed in the bar....the prince in a city bar??..lucky his hood was up making the local city folk not crowed around for proposals, the Shadow oftern visited Reysa, the hooded figure must have appeard a good 5 times in the past, offering a quiet voice, everytime he tryed to reach the man is would disapear...::

"Vesloth vecnitch" curssed the Via General

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:36:41 AM
Zirilan called out, for what seemed the thousandth time this night, "No Comment!"
"Are the rumours that the Emperor is dead true?"
"No comment!"
"Surely you cant keep up this charade much longer, Skoth?"
"There is no charade." He saw that the reporters were nervous, he nodded almost imperceptibly at the guards and they circled in.
"No More questions. This interview is ove.r"
The guards dragged them from the room as Zirilan stretched and yawned.
Finally, a break from the relentless pounding questions.
He walked down the halls to the office cot he had, when he bumped into a Sktoh.
He looked up at the Skoth and squinted through his sleep fogged brain.
He recognized him as the guard that was in the room with the Prince, as he saw the Skoth come out with the Prince.
"Yah...Yes?" Zirilan asked clumsily.
"Sir," the Skoth bowed slightly, "we request you go to bed, it is late and you need your sleep."
Zirilan nodded dumbly and stumbled into the office, falling onto his cot, asleep before he hit.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 27th, 2001, 02:04:00 AM
3 months later

::3 months past from the emperor of the Viashino Empire had died, but things were looking better than ever before, the Viashino Empire for once had a properly traind Warrior Army, weaponry such as tanks and artilary guns, we had for once a proper defencive are, the traditonal fortresses and such were getting out of date and one day..just one day some stupid foolish person would try to overun the empire....not on Reysas shift oh no, the fleet had become mighty big, and defences were at a all time high::

::Reysa woke from his hot sweaty cot::

"Sir appraently forces beleve that the GMA attack the Ambria system, they have completely blockaded our forces within the system"

::Half asleep Reysa pulled himself around to place his feet on the cold sandy floor, shufferling his feet he found his hidden knecklace, more like a lucky pendant given to him by his mother before she was exicuted, he kept it there everynight so it wouldent be found::

::After getting into his predetor armour he walked into tactical command within the Fortress of Ohere accompied by Zilian, and Angelink11::

"So Skoth what infomation can you tell me on these foolish humans?" he said grinning under his helmet...

Reysa Sashara
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:48:35 PM
::The 3 High ranking men stood there waiting for the tactical offer to tell them::

" Sir we have by sensors around 300 ships, nearly all VSD's, we have detected many probes in Ambria atmoshpere but have not fired apon them bu...."

" LT-Skoth....just tell me were are out-numberd ok?" said Reysa

"Yes sir we are out numberd"

"Kyle, Zirilan please come with me to the command briefing, LT_Skoth contact Mr.Lash tell him tojoin us in breifing"

"Yes Supreme Commander"

Jul 27th, 2001, 12:55:07 PM
Kyle nodded. He didn't know much about the Viashino but he had only heard rumors about how Reysa and Lasheye had come into power. He didn't care though. He followed Reysa to the command briefing.

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 27th, 2001, 02:04:09 PM
Zirilan saluted smartly and whriled on his heel, following Reysa.
They went through a labyrinth of tunnels leading rto the command center, Zirilan looking at a map of Ambria in his heads upo display in his suit, catalouging the information in his mind for later use.
They entered the room, entering at the /\ point and walking to the center.